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At unease with Musil’s positivist background and techno-scientific optimism, critics have often considered Musil’s epistemological stance to be theoretically productive but, as thematized in and performed by his prose writings, to be... more
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    • Robert Musil
Contributions on: Atte Jongstra, Alexander Kluge, Thomas Brussig, alternate history, diary novel, German literature, Dutch literature
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    • Alexander Kluge
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    • Elfriede Jelinek
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      StylisticsCognitive NarratologyDorrit CohnRhetorical Narratology
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    • Roland Barthes
The study of literary modernism continues to be faced with a recurring methodological deadlock: Whereas literary scholars tend to explore the aesthetic and epistemological potential of the models of language and identity advanced and... more
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    • Rhetorik
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    • Authorial Narration
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Alexander Kluge
Rimini Protokoll
Kathrin Röggla
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      Heiner MüllerAlexander KlugeRimini Protokoll
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Contrary to wide-spread assumptions, metaphor in narrative is not a pre-established, extra-textual form appearing in different instances of discourse, but rather an event resulting from a strategic distribution of information in the... more
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    • Rhetorical Narratology
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      LinguisticsLiterary studiesEnglish language and literature
Much of the current research on memoria convincingly demonstrates the vital and quasi-anthropological contribution of literature to the development of collective symbolism and its wavering between warning testimony and forgetting.... more
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      Elfriede JelinekLiterary studies
Die moderne Narratologie hat ihr terminologisches Instrumentarium vorwiegend an Texten mit so genannten engeren Fokalisationen und Perspektivierungen (Virginia Woolf usw.) entwickelt. Das führt zu einer gewissen Verlegenheit, wenn man... more
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      Roland BarthesLiterary studies
Narratologists are increasingly faced with the situation that the concept of narrative varies widely across borders. This is a happy circumstance for the relevance and vitality of narratological concepts. At the same time, however, this... more
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      SemioticsDigital HumanitiesNarrativeStylistics
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      German LiteratureFilm StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Alexander Kluge
With 158 speakers, 28 doctoral course participants and an estimated total number of 250 participants, ENN4 looks to be this year's biggest event in the field of narrative studies. ENN4 follows up on previous ENN conferences in Hamburg,... more
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      RhetoricDigital HumanitiesFilm StudiesLiterature
Volume 15 (2013) Issue 3 Article 4 Lit Lite er ra atur ture e, D , Di ig git ital H al Hum uma anit nities, a ies, and the A nd the Age of the E ge of the Enc ncy yclop clopedi edia a G Gun unthe ther M r Ma ar rt te ens ns
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesComparative Literature
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      HistoryIdeologyAlexander KlugeGerman