Papers by Armando Tasistro
Bioresource Technology, 2008
We studied the effect of five bedding materials (wood shavings, sawdust, peanut hulls, wheat stra... more We studied the effect of five bedding materials (wood shavings, sawdust, peanut hulls, wheat straw and shredded paper) and PLT[trade mark sign] (a commercial formulation of Na bisulfate) in factorial combinations, on NH₃ emissions from broiler manure. Treatments were incubated for 11 days at 25°C and 98% relative humidity. Ammonia was trapped in 0.1N H₂SO₄ and measured colorimetrically as [formula removed], and CO₂ was monitored with an infrared analyzer. Ammonia and CO₂ emissions were suppressed by PLT[trade mark sign] throughout the study. Wheat straw, wood shavings, and sawdust, with C(total)/N(total)>50 or C(biodegradable)/N>20, had low NH₃ emissions. Total NH₃ emissions from peanut hulls and shredded paper were the highest, probably due to peanut hulls' low C/N ratio and shredded paper's alkaline pH. No significant interactions on NH₃ emissions were detected between PLT[trade mark sign] and bedding materials.
… , July 10-16, …, 1994
Les systemes de travail du sol a faibles moyens de production d'origine exterieure sont etudi... more Les systemes de travail du sol a faibles moyens de production d'origine exterieure sont etudies dans diverses situations en vue d'une agriculture durable. Il s'agit d'utiliser au mieux les ressources locales disponibles : sol, eau, vegetation, plantes de culture, animaux d'elevage, connaissances et savoir-faire. Les objectifs principaux sont : conserver l'eau du sol et limiter sinon eviter l'erosion (le role de la matiere organique est souligne). Un exemple est cite avec les rendements observes sur culture experimentale de mais
The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 2011
The poultry industry is an important component of agricultural production in the Southern Piedmon... more The poultry industry is an important component of agricultural production in the Southern Piedmont of Georgia. Associated manures are typically surface-applied to pastures as a fertilizer for forages. However, this surface application of manures allows phosphorus (P) to accumulate at the soil surface and runoff to become contaminated with P and to transport it to surface waters. As such, a study was conducted to examine the conservation potential of mechanical aeration of grasslands. Mechanical aeration has potential to reduce P transport by partially incorporating applied manures, allowing for more P adsorption by the soil, increasing infiltration by breaking the soil surface, and by slowing runoff flow by increasing the roughness of the landscape. We examined the effects of four aeration treatments (aeration with cores, “no-till” disk aeration perpendicular to the slope, aeration with spikes, and no aeration treatment) on the export of dissolved reactive P (DRP) in surface runoff ...
Agronomía Mesoamericana
Introduction. Maize (Zea mays L.) production in La Frailesca region, Mexico, is limited by sandy ... more Introduction. Maize (Zea mays L.) production in La Frailesca region, Mexico, is limited by sandy soils, low in potassium (K), and with acidic arable layers and subsoils. There is information on the management of lime but not on amendments that could be used for subsoil acidity — such as gypsum — nor on the interactions between amendments for soil acidity and K fertilization. Objective. To evaluate the effects of K and gypsum on maize and on previously limed soils. Materials and methods. The evaluations were conducted in farmers’ fields in La Frailesca region, Chiapas (Mexico) in 2016 and 2017. Four gypsum rates (0, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 t ha-1) and four K rates (0, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-1 as K2O) were factorially combined in a randomized block design, with three replicates. In both years, before the beginning of the experiments, dolomitic lime was applied to the experimental area following standard practices. Responses of crop yield, soil exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, and Al, and soil pH were o...
Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2021
Introduction. Maize (Zea mays L.) production in La Frailesca region, Mexico, is limited by sandy ... more Introduction. Maize (Zea mays L.) production in La Frailesca region, Mexico, is limited by sandy soils, low in potassium (K), and with acidic arable layers and subsoils. There is information on the management of lime but not on amendments that could be used for subsoil acidity-such as gypsum-nor on the interactions between amendments for soil acidity and K fertilization. Objective. To evaluate the effects of K and gypsum on maize and on previously limed soils. Materials and methods. The evaluations were conducted in farmers' fields in La Frailesca region, Chiapas (Mexico) in 2016 and 2017. Four gypsum rates (0, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 t ha-1) and four K rates (0, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-1 as K 2 O) were factorially combined in a randomized block design, with three replicates. In both years, before the beginning of the experiments, dolomitic lime was applied to the experimental area following standard practices. Responses of crop yield, soil exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, and Al, and soil pH were obtained. Results. Maize yields increased with gypsum (stabilizing at 1.25-3.0 t ha-1), and K (stabilizing at 70-120 kg ha-1 of K 2 O) applications. In soils, K application increased exchangeable K content, while gypsum increased exchangeable Ca content and pH, and decreased exchangeable Al content. Liming increased pH Ca and exchangeable Ca and Mg contents, and lowered the exchangeable Al content in the top 7.5 cm of soil. Conclusion. Soils with exchangeable K (≤0.3 cmol c kg-1) were responsive to K fertilization. The positive effects on yields from gypsum were probably linked to a greater Ca supply in the top 7.5 cm. These results are encouraging about the benefits of the combined application of dolomitic lime, gypsum, and K, but longer evaluations are needed to properly determine the effects of gypsum on subsoil acidity.
British poultry science, 2007
1. In a pen study, NH(3) flux estimates were performed when clean wheat straw or wood shavings we... more 1. In a pen study, NH(3) flux estimates were performed when clean wheat straw or wood shavings were used as bedding materials in combination with two NH(3) control amendments: sodium bisulphate and a commercial premix of phosphoric + hydrochloric + citric acids. 2. Ammonia emissions from wood shavings were 19% greater than from wheat straw around waterers, but statistically similar around feeders. These results could be due to the greater caking observed when wheat straw was used. 3. Sodium bisulphate reduced NH(3) emissions significantly only in the first half of the rearing period; the loss of efficacy in the second half resulted in total NH(3) volatilisation not statistically different from the untreated control. The treatment containing phosphoric + hydrochloric + citric acids did not have a significant effect in decreasing NH(3) emissions. 4. Bird mortality was not affected by the treatments, but broiler weight gain when wheat straw was used was significantly lower than with wo...
British Poultry Science, 2007
1. In a pen study, NH(3) flux estimates were performed when clean wheat straw or wood shavings we... more 1. In a pen study, NH(3) flux estimates were performed when clean wheat straw or wood shavings were used as bedding materials in combination with two NH(3) control amendments: sodium bisulphate and a commercial premix of phosphoric + hydrochloric + citric acids. 2. Ammonia emissions from wood shavings were 19% greater than from wheat straw around waterers, but statistically similar around feeders. These results could be due to the greater caking observed when wheat straw was used. 3. Sodium bisulphate reduced NH(3) emissions significantly only in the first half of the rearing period; the loss of efficacy in the second half resulted in total NH(3) volatilisation not statistically different from the untreated control. The treatment containing phosphoric + hydrochloric + citric acids did not have a significant effect in decreasing NH(3) emissions. 4. Bird mortality was not affected by the treatments, but broiler weight gain when wheat straw was used was significantly lower than with wood shavings, which could have been caused by the greater caking observed with wheat straw.
La acidez de los suelos arenosos, pobres en MO y bases de La Frailesca (Chiapas) presenta desafío... more La acidez de los suelos arenosos, pobres en MO y bases de La Frailesca (Chiapas) presenta desafíos debido a su posible ocurrencia en la capa arable como en el subsuelo.Se presentan resultados preliminares de dos experimentos en maíz de temporal realizados en predios comerciales. En un experimento se evaluaron combinaciones de dosis de cal dolomítica (0 t/ha y dosis máximas que variaron entre 0.4 y 2.0 t/ha) y de K (0, 90 y 180 kg K 2 O/ha) en dos localidades con acidez, principalmente en la capa arable. En el segundo experimento se evaluaron combinaciones de dosis de cal dolomítica (0 t/ha y dosis máximas que variaron entre 1.2 y 3.6 t/ha), yeso (0 y 5 t/ha), y K (0 y 120 kg K 2 O/ha), en cuatro localidades con acidez en la capa arable y subsuelo.Con excepción de una localidad afectada por sequía, en las demás se observaron elevaciones significativas en rendimiento de grano en comparación con el testigo sin aplicación, que oscilaron entre 46 y 169% para las enmiendas, y 18 y 50% para el K. Los resultados de los análisis de suelos sugieren que parte de estos efectos se pueden deber principalmente a mayores valores de pH y concentraciones de Ca, y menores de Al int. Los niveles de Ca en las hojas frecuentemente subieron con cal o yeso, en tanto que los de S lo hicieron con yeso. Las concentraciones de Mn en las hojas bajaron en algunas localidades con la aplicación de cal. Introducción Los suelos ácidos pueden afectar el crecimiento de las plantas principalmente por tres razones que pueden actuar aislada o simultáneamente: 1. Contenidos bajos de cationes básicos (especialmente Ca), 2. Contenidos altos de Mn, y 3. Contenidos altos de Al intercambiable (Sumner and Yamada, 2002). Estas características pueden ser observadas en distintas posiciones en el perfil del suelo, siendo así que los subsuelos pueden ser tan o más ácidos que las capas arables. Los suelos dominantes en La Frailesca tienen texturas arenosas, con muy bajos contenidos de MO y bases, y su acidez ha sido identificada como factor limitante para la producción agrícola sostenible desde hace tiempo ((Hibon et al., 1992)). La corrección de la acidez se ha centrado en encalar a razón de 1 a 2 t/ha incorporando la cal en los centímetros superiores del suelo. Resultados de muestreos hechos desde 2012 han mostrado que los subsuelos ácidos están extendidos en La Frailesca (Tasistro et al, resultados no publicados) y su manejo con cal está limitado por la baja solubilidad en agua de ésta, por lo que se debería usar una fuente de
La compactación del suelo es un problema identificado recientemente como una de las principales l... more La compactación del suelo es un problema identificado recientemente como una de las principales limitantes en la superficie maicera del municipio de Villaflores en la región de la Frailesca, Chiapas, debido a ello, requiere ser estudiado con mayor precisión. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar el problema de compactación en la superficie mecanizada cultivada con maíz en el ejido Nuevo México. Se estudiaron 177 predios, en los cuales se determinó la densidad aparente, materia orgánica y textura a las profundidades de 0-20 y de 20-40 cm. Se entrevistaron a los dueños de los predios para obtener información sobre sus prácticas de cultivo y niveles de productividad del maíz. Los resultados muestran que 83.3% del área estudiada presentó compactación superficial y 94.6% compactación en el subsuelo (piso de arado). Los productores señalaron que en años con períodos críticos de sequía los rendimientos se reducen 58%, lo cual esta correlacionado con la disminución de la porosidad a consecuencia de la compactación. Se identificaron como causas principales de la compactación al laboreo intensivo con maquinaria 100% de los sitios, el contenido muy bajo de materia orgánica 100% y el tipo de suelo (luvisoles y acrisoles). La atención del problema de compactación requiere de una estrategia integral de carácter correctivo y preventivo que debe tomar como elemento central la elevación de los contenidos de materia orgánica, para revertir la actual gestión insostenible de la tierra.
Tel. +1 (770) 825-8079 * Autor responsable. Correo electrónico: [email protected] 6 Figura 4. Ca... more Tel. +1 (770) 825-8079 * Autor responsable. Correo electrónico: [email protected] 6 Figura 4. Cambios en el rendimiento medio de maíz (kg grano ha -1 ) entre 1990 y 2010 en El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, y Costa Rica.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes, Feb 1, 2006
More knowledge on the composition of aqueous extracts of broiler litter amended for Water Soluble... more More knowledge on the composition of aqueous extracts of broiler litter amended for Water Soluble P (WSP) reduction would help to understand how amendments work. We measured pH, concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Cu, Mn, Zn, Molybdate Reactive P (MRP), and Dissolved Unreactive P (DUP) in water extracts of broiler litter treated with aluminum sulfate (ALS), ferrous sulfate (FES), ferric chloride (FEC), and gypsum (GYP) at 0, 5, 15, and 25% w/w. In order to study the effects of acidification, the same properties were measured in aqueous extracts of broiler litter suspensions that were titrated to end-points 3, 4, or 6 with 0.5N HCl. Concentrations of MRP, DUP, Ca and Mg, were 61%, 53%, 3.8 times, and 2.6 times greater in extracts from suspensions acidified to pH 6 than at the original pH of 8.9. ALS, FES, and FEC reduced pH, and showed similar effects on WSP concentrations, which were greater than with GYP. The magnitude of the reductions in WSP by ALS, FES, and FEC is uncertain because the actual amount of WSP immobilized cannot be determined. This is because of two opposite effects: 1) Through adsorption, soluble aluminum and iron remove phosphates from solution, and 2) Through acidification, iron and aluminum compounds release phosphates to solution.
Better Crops With Plant Food, 2012
The Journal of Applied Poultry Research
The poultry industry is an important com- ponent of agricultural production in the Southern Pied-... more The poultry industry is an important com- ponent of agricultural production in the Southern Pied- mont of Georgia. Associated manures are typically sur- face-applied to pastures as a fertilizer for forages. How- ever, this surface application of manures allows phospho- rus (P) to accumulate at the soil surface and runoff to be- come contaminated with P and to transport it
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 2006
More knowledge on the composition of aqueous extracts of broiler litter amended for Water Soluble... more More knowledge on the composition of aqueous extracts of broiler litter amended for Water Soluble P (WSP) reduction would help to understand how amendments work. We measured pH, concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Cu, Mn, Zn, Molybdate Reactive P (MRP), and Dissolved Unreactive P (DUP) in water extracts of broiler litter treated with aluminum sulfate (ALS), ferrous sulfate (FES), ferric chloride (FEC), and gypsum (GYP) at 0, 5, 15, and 25% w/w. In order to study the effects of acidification, the same properties were measured in aqueous extracts of broiler litter suspensions that were titrated to end-points 3, 4, or 6 with 0.5N HCl. Concentrations of MRP, DUP, Ca and Mg, were 61%, 53%, 3.8 times, and 2.6 times greater in extracts from suspensions acidified to pH 6 than at the original pH of 8.9. ALS, FES, and FEC reduced pH, and showed similar effects on WSP concentrations, which were greater than with GYP. The magnitude of the reductions in WSP by ALS, FES, and FEC is uncertain because the actual amount of WSP immobilized cannot be determined. This is because of two opposite effects: 1) Through adsorption, soluble aluminum and iron remove phosphates from solution, and 2) Through acidification, iron and aluminum compounds release phosphates to solution.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2003
ABSTRACT Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) offers advantages over gravimetric water c... more ABSTRACT Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) offers advantages over gravimetric water content and dry combustion nitrogen determinations that could be significant for routine laboratory operations. Water content in ground and blended poultry litter samples was successfully estimated by NIRS, but total nitrogen predictions differed significantly from measured ones. The failure to predict total nitrogen could be related to the unspecific nature of the relation and to the quality of the data used for calibration. Additionally, a model was established that permits the estimation of water content in poultry litter in its original state from that measured after grinding and blending.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2004
... PF Vendrell a , ML Cabrera b , DE Kissel a & WC Johnson Jr. a pages 719-733. ... “Colorim... more ... PF Vendrell a , ML Cabrera b , DE Kissel a & WC Johnson Jr. a pages 719-733. ... “Colorimetric methods of analysis of phosphorus at low concentrations in water”. In Environmental Phosphorus Handbook Edited by: Griffith, EJ, Beeton, A., Spencer, JM and Mitchell, DT 289–301. ...
British Poultry Science, 2007
1. In a pen study, NH(3) flux estimates were performed when clean wheat straw or wood shavings we... more 1. In a pen study, NH(3) flux estimates were performed when clean wheat straw or wood shavings were used as bedding materials in combination with two NH(3) control amendments: sodium bisulphate and a commercial premix of phosphoric + hydrochloric + citric acids. 2. Ammonia emissions from wood shavings were 19% greater than from wheat straw around waterers, but statistically similar around feeders. These results could be due to the greater caking observed when wheat straw was used. 3. Sodium bisulphate reduced NH(3) emissions significantly only in the first half of the rearing period; the loss of efficacy in the second half resulted in total NH(3) volatilisation not statistically different from the untreated control. The treatment containing phosphoric + hydrochloric + citric acids did not have a significant effect in decreasing NH(3) emissions. 4. Bird mortality was not affected by the treatments, but broiler weight gain when wheat straw was used was significantly lower than with wood shavings, which could have been caused by the greater caking observed with wheat straw.
Papers by Armando Tasistro