The Sámi are a linguistic, ethnic and cultural Indigenous minority in three Nordic countries, Fin... more The Sámi are a linguistic, ethnic and cultural Indigenous minority in three Nordic countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Much of the perception of this minority comes from the majority media of these countries. Media in general have often been accused of under- and misrepresenting the Sámi. Previous research, however, has mainly concerned the news media. The article examines how the Sámi are portrayed in two television series, the Swedish Midnight Sun (2016) and the Norwegian Heartless (2013). Since television is a popular medium, the representation of the Sámi in these series can significantly impact the general perception of the group. Drawing on recent migration theory, the article examines how Sámi- and non-Sámi-produced television impacts the perception and apparent authenticity of the Indigenous population.
The purpose of the article is to present and analyse how gender equality principles are implement... more The purpose of the article is to present and analyse how gender equality principles are implemented in the Swedish public service television Sveriges Television (SVT). The analysis takes into consideration three aspects of the equal rights approach: employment policies, sources in the news programmes and the programme content. The employment of women in public service media is discussed from the historical and legal perspective while the news sources are analysed based on contemporary research and statistics. The last part of the article focuses on examples of portrayal of women in three television series produced by SVT. One of the television series aired in 1997 was aimed at younger audience and received a Swedish prize for successful implementation of gender equality in television content while the other two are contemporary crime dramas.
Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pre... more Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pressure on public service media in Finland Nordic countries have been on top of transparency and freedom of expression indexes for years. Denmark topped Transparency International list for 2016 while Finland took first place on World Press Freedom Index 2017. However, it does not mean that Nordic politicians never try to interfere with media content. The purpose of this article is the analysis of pressure that politicians put on Nordic public service media. Serving as a showcase are the events that have recently taken place in Finland. Some elements of the Nordic political culture are also presented, as they can influence the society's perception of political pressure on media.
«CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ... more «CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ON ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMME OFFER IN 2009» At the beginning of 2010 the culture editor of the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten called the Norwegian television NRK “the best public service broadcaster in the world” and „the biggest and most important Nor- wegian cultural institution”. The article is an attempt to verify this statement through identifying the place of cultural programmes in NRK schedule in 2009. The author analyses how the cultural mission is described in current legal documents concerning Norwegian public service media mission. Furthermore the article is an attempt to identify how NRK defines cultural programmes and how it classifies them. In the second part of the article the author analyses the television programmes of NRK1 and NRK2 in 2009, and presents the results of a more detailed analysis of selected three weeks of that year concerning the execution of its cultural mission.
From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the ou... more From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the outskirts of European affairs in the beginning of the twentieth century, a hundred years later the Nordic countries have gained a reputation for being some of the most advanced, prosperous, progressive, and happy nations in the world. The real and palpable achievements of the Nordic economies and societies notwithstanding, the changing image of both the individual countries in the region, and of the Nordic community as a whole, has been constructed by the international print media in relation to their political affiliation or current political and social developments. This analysis looks at the Polish press and demonstrates that the Nordic stories, especially those concerning the present, tend to be constructed as utopian and progressive, rather than as dystopian ones that would be more characteristic of Western European discourse. Accordingly, the Nordic exceptionalism that is covered by ...
«CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ... more «CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ON ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMME OFFER IN 2009» At the beginning of 2010 the culture editor of the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten called the Norwegian television NRK “the best public service broadcaster in the world” and „the biggest and most important Nor- wegian cultural institution”. The article is an attempt to verify this statement through identifying the place of cultural programmes in NRK schedule in 2009. The author analyses how the cultural mission is described in current legal documents concerning Norwegian public service media mission. Furthermore the article is an attempt to identify how NRK defines cultural programmes and how it classifies them. In the second part of the article the author analyses the television programmes of NRK1 and NRK2 in 2009, and presents the results of a more detailed analysis of selected three weeks of that year concerning the execution of its cultural mission.
According to the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket), in 2015 Sweden received more refuge... more According to the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket), in 2015 Sweden received more refugees per capita than any other European country (registered number 181,890). In the year of a European immigration crisis, almost 163,000 people sought asylum in this country. In 2018 there were still over 52,000 people registered entering the country by the Migration Agency. At the end of 2019, when this article was written, in Sweden, a country with a population of a little over 10 million, almost 2 million inhabitants were born outside the country. It is obvious that the question of immigration and refugees has received broad media coverage, it becoming a challenge to speak about these issues in the news without prejudice and stereotypes. In 2016, Swedish public-service television SVT was found guilty by the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority when a reporter covering a school attack in the Trollhättan municipality described the victims as “not completely Swedish” (inte helsvenska) judging by their appearance (this is how the attacker chose them). There are other examples of these kinds of cases in which SVT or other stations were found guilty. In those cases, Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority based their criticism on a paragraph in Swedish Radio and Television Law that asserts “television’s particular impact.” In light of this development, it became clear that the journalists in public- service media needed some kind of regulations or guidelines concerning the use of language. In 2015, Anne Lagercrantz, an executive at Swedish public service television’s News Division, published an internal document consisting of language advice meant to make news coverage more inclusive. The advice for the employees included e.g. avoiding generalizations about ethnic groups, areas or religions. The purpose of this paper is to present how the SVT document is applied four years later and what language is used in news articles published on (public service television’s news site). Using elements of media discourse analysis of relevant articles on from 2019 as well as quantitative analysis, the paper will consider the language choices therein from a cultural and media perspective as well as some relevant themes and contexts. The aim of the quantitative analysis is to research how the recommended words and phrases are used in relation to those that are not recommended. Through qualitative analysis, I would like to explore whether the use of the document helps the quest of inclusion and diversity or if it was just News Division’s PR reaction to being penalized.
Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pre... more Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pressure on public service media in Finland Nordic countries have been on top of transparency and freedom of expression indexes for years. Denmark topped Transparency International list for 2016 while Finland took first place on World Press Freedom Index 2017. However, it does not mean that Nordic politicians never try to interfere with media content. The purpose of this article is the analysis of pressure that politicians put on Nordic public service media. Serving as a showcase are the events that have recently taken place in Finland. Some elements of the Nordic political culture are also presented, as they can influence the society's perception of political pressure on media. Wstęp Finlandia jest jednym z pięciu krajów należących do wspólnoty nordyckiej, ale jedynym, którego kultura nie ma źródeł skandynawskich. Pozostałe kraje nordyckie wywodzą się z tego samego kręgu kulturowego plemion germańskich, łączy je również przynależność do wspólnej grupy językowej. W przypadku krajów skandynawskich – Danii, Norwegii i Szwecji bliskość językowa zapewnia możliwość swobodnego porozumiewania się bez potrzeby nauki drugiego języka. Finlandia, etnicznie i językowo niegermańska, a z powodu swojego położenia będąca pod wpływem z jednej strony Szwecji, a z drugiej Rosji, reprezentuje odrębną kulturę codzienną, jednak jej kultura polityczna jest bardzo podobna do skandynawskiej, zwłaszcza szwedzkiej. Jest
Media and information literacy education has been present in the Swedish school curriculum since ... more Media and information literacy education has been present in the Swedish school curriculum since the 60s as part of several subjects e.g. civics and Swedish. According to Nordic researchers the concept of media education literacy has changed with the changing approach to media and in the present curriculum is compatible the UNESCO’s and European Union‘s suggestions. The purpose of the article is to present the media literacy education in Swedish primary school as well as the support that public and private institutions offer in this area.
Scandinavian countries are rich in good literature for children that is very popular both in thos... more Scandinavian countries are rich in good literature for children that is very popular both in those countries and abroad. One can for example name Astrid Lindgren, or contemporary Swedish authors of the series about Lasse and Maja, Karl Martin Widmark and Helena Willis, or Norwegian Jo Nesbø. Scandinavia is also a region where historically literacy was very high. Swedish king’s campaign for literacy and reading of the Bible and religious literature in the seventeenth century caused that in the nineteenths century 80% of the Swedes could write and read (it was similar in the whole Scandinavia, for comparison in Poland it was 20-30%). High literacy factor translated into high paper press readership nowadays. Book readership is also relatively high in Sweden and Norway. It is a result of the state’s engagement in financial support of projects that are to increase readership among children and youth, as well as many grass-root projects resulting from the citizens‘ engagement in the countries‘ problems. The purpose of the presentation is to show examples of the most interesting readership project for children, youth and parents of small children in Sweden and Norway, for example Swedish Reading Ambassador nominated by the Ministry of Culture or supporting readership among children who train sports in Norway.
Fragment Cały artykuł w książce Szwecja czyta. Polska czyta: more Fragment Cały artykuł w książce Szwecja czyta. Polska czyta: W Polsce i w Szwecji cyklicznie prowadzi się badania poziomu czytelnictwa książek w społeczeństwie. Według ostatnich badań przeprowadzonych przez Bibliotekę Narodową we współpracy z TNS Polska czytelnictwo w Polsce ustabilizowało się na niskim poziomie. (...) W 2013 roku Szwed wypożyczał z biblioteki średnio 6,9 publikacji 1 , a Polak w 2012 roku -3,8 2 . Przyczyny tych różnic należy doszukiwać się w innych kulturach obu narodów: naznaczonej surowym protestantyzmem szwedzkiej i katolickiej polskiej. Religia ma tu z pewnością znaczenie zasadnicze, ale nie jest to jedyny czynnik. Odmiennie niż polska, kultura szwedzka charakteryzuje się egalitaryzmem i równością, a długa tradycja demokratyczna przyczyniła się do powstania świetnie dziś funkcjonującego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Opisując te czynniki z perspektywy historycznej, można wyjaśnić, dlaczego mają one swoje odzwierciedlenie we współczesnej kulturze czytelniczej Szwecji. (...) Egalitaryzm, równouprawnienie W Szwecji system feudalny nigdy nie wykształcił się w takim stopniu, jak miało to miejsce w Polsce i innych krajach europejskich na południe od Skandynawii. Szwedzcy chłopi byli wolni. Kiedy w XVI wieku powstał pierwowzór dzisiejszego Riksdagu, reprezentowane były w nim cztery stany: szlachta, duchowieństwo, ludności, a nakłady książek nie przekraczały trzech tysięcy egzemplarzy. W tym okresie zwiększała się liczba czytających mieszczan i kobiet, ale w dalszym ciągu nie było czytelnictwa tak masowego jak w Szwecji -wśród wszystkich warstw społeczeństwa. Jeżeli mowa o czytelnictwie na polskiej prowincji, zaznacza się, że była to prowincja szlachecka. Jeszcze w 1876 roku autor i wydawca Józef Grajnert pisał: "Przy słabem jeszcze rozbudzeniu umysłowem ludu naszego, wydawnictwa odpowiednie dotąd u nas nie cieszą się powodzeniem; wprawdzie czytamy nieraz w gazetach, że tu i ówdzie włościanin skupuje książki dla siebie ponętne lub prenumeruje pismo periodyczne [...] lecz wszystkie te przykłady wyjątkowe tylko, epizodyczne mają znaczenie" 12 . Polski badacz Janusz Kostecki pisze o pojawieniu się czytelników wywodzących się z klasy robotniczej i chłopskiej i o wyraźnym wzroście udziału kobiet dopiero po rewolucji 1905 roku 13 . Pamiętać też należy, że w związku z naszymi losami historycznymi nie zawsze i nie wszędzie była możliwość nauki czytania i pisania. Na
The Sámi are a linguistic, ethnic and cultural Indigenous minority in three Nordic countries, Fin... more The Sámi are a linguistic, ethnic and cultural Indigenous minority in three Nordic countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Much of the perception of this minority comes from the majority media of these countries. Media in general have often been accused of under- and misrepresenting the Sámi. Previous research, however, has mainly concerned the news media. The article examines how the Sámi are portrayed in two television series, the Swedish Midnight Sun (2016) and the Norwegian Heartless (2013). Since television is a popular medium, the representation of the Sámi in these series can significantly impact the general perception of the group. Drawing on recent migration theory, the article examines how Sámi- and non-Sámi-produced television impacts the perception and apparent authenticity of the Indigenous population.
The purpose of the article is to present and analyse how gender equality principles are implement... more The purpose of the article is to present and analyse how gender equality principles are implemented in the Swedish public service television Sveriges Television (SVT). The analysis takes into consideration three aspects of the equal rights approach: employment policies, sources in the news programmes and the programme content. The employment of women in public service media is discussed from the historical and legal perspective while the news sources are analysed based on contemporary research and statistics. The last part of the article focuses on examples of portrayal of women in three television series produced by SVT. One of the television series aired in 1997 was aimed at younger audience and received a Swedish prize for successful implementation of gender equality in television content while the other two are contemporary crime dramas.
Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pre... more Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pressure on public service media in Finland Nordic countries have been on top of transparency and freedom of expression indexes for years. Denmark topped Transparency International list for 2016 while Finland took first place on World Press Freedom Index 2017. However, it does not mean that Nordic politicians never try to interfere with media content. The purpose of this article is the analysis of pressure that politicians put on Nordic public service media. Serving as a showcase are the events that have recently taken place in Finland. Some elements of the Nordic political culture are also presented, as they can influence the society's perception of political pressure on media.
«CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ... more «CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ON ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMME OFFER IN 2009» At the beginning of 2010 the culture editor of the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten called the Norwegian television NRK “the best public service broadcaster in the world” and „the biggest and most important Nor- wegian cultural institution”. The article is an attempt to verify this statement through identifying the place of cultural programmes in NRK schedule in 2009. The author analyses how the cultural mission is described in current legal documents concerning Norwegian public service media mission. Furthermore the article is an attempt to identify how NRK defines cultural programmes and how it classifies them. In the second part of the article the author analyses the television programmes of NRK1 and NRK2 in 2009, and presents the results of a more detailed analysis of selected three weeks of that year concerning the execution of its cultural mission.
From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the ou... more From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the outskirts of European affairs in the beginning of the twentieth century, a hundred years later the Nordic countries have gained a reputation for being some of the most advanced, prosperous, progressive, and happy nations in the world. The real and palpable achievements of the Nordic economies and societies notwithstanding, the changing image of both the individual countries in the region, and of the Nordic community as a whole, has been constructed by the international print media in relation to their political affiliation or current political and social developments. This analysis looks at the Polish press and demonstrates that the Nordic stories, especially those concerning the present, tend to be constructed as utopian and progressive, rather than as dystopian ones that would be more characteristic of Western European discourse. Accordingly, the Nordic exceptionalism that is covered by ...
«CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ... more «CULTURAL PROGRAMMES POSITIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION MISSION IN NRK BASED ON ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMME OFFER IN 2009» At the beginning of 2010 the culture editor of the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten called the Norwegian television NRK “the best public service broadcaster in the world” and „the biggest and most important Nor- wegian cultural institution”. The article is an attempt to verify this statement through identifying the place of cultural programmes in NRK schedule in 2009. The author analyses how the cultural mission is described in current legal documents concerning Norwegian public service media mission. Furthermore the article is an attempt to identify how NRK defines cultural programmes and how it classifies them. In the second part of the article the author analyses the television programmes of NRK1 and NRK2 in 2009, and presents the results of a more detailed analysis of selected three weeks of that year concerning the execution of its cultural mission.
According to the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket), in 2015 Sweden received more refuge... more According to the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket), in 2015 Sweden received more refugees per capita than any other European country (registered number 181,890). In the year of a European immigration crisis, almost 163,000 people sought asylum in this country. In 2018 there were still over 52,000 people registered entering the country by the Migration Agency. At the end of 2019, when this article was written, in Sweden, a country with a population of a little over 10 million, almost 2 million inhabitants were born outside the country. It is obvious that the question of immigration and refugees has received broad media coverage, it becoming a challenge to speak about these issues in the news without prejudice and stereotypes. In 2016, Swedish public-service television SVT was found guilty by the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority when a reporter covering a school attack in the Trollhättan municipality described the victims as “not completely Swedish” (inte helsvenska) judging by their appearance (this is how the attacker chose them). There are other examples of these kinds of cases in which SVT or other stations were found guilty. In those cases, Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority based their criticism on a paragraph in Swedish Radio and Television Law that asserts “television’s particular impact.” In light of this development, it became clear that the journalists in public- service media needed some kind of regulations or guidelines concerning the use of language. In 2015, Anne Lagercrantz, an executive at Swedish public service television’s News Division, published an internal document consisting of language advice meant to make news coverage more inclusive. The advice for the employees included e.g. avoiding generalizations about ethnic groups, areas or religions. The purpose of this paper is to present how the SVT document is applied four years later and what language is used in news articles published on (public service television’s news site). Using elements of media discourse analysis of relevant articles on from 2019 as well as quantitative analysis, the paper will consider the language choices therein from a cultural and media perspective as well as some relevant themes and contexts. The aim of the quantitative analysis is to research how the recommended words and phrases are used in relation to those that are not recommended. Through qualitative analysis, I would like to explore whether the use of the document helps the quest of inclusion and diversity or if it was just News Division’s PR reaction to being penalized.
Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pre... more Freedom of expression and political culture in Nordic countries. Analysis of Prime Minister's pressure on public service media in Finland Nordic countries have been on top of transparency and freedom of expression indexes for years. Denmark topped Transparency International list for 2016 while Finland took first place on World Press Freedom Index 2017. However, it does not mean that Nordic politicians never try to interfere with media content. The purpose of this article is the analysis of pressure that politicians put on Nordic public service media. Serving as a showcase are the events that have recently taken place in Finland. Some elements of the Nordic political culture are also presented, as they can influence the society's perception of political pressure on media. Wstęp Finlandia jest jednym z pięciu krajów należących do wspólnoty nordyckiej, ale jedynym, którego kultura nie ma źródeł skandynawskich. Pozostałe kraje nordyckie wywodzą się z tego samego kręgu kulturowego plemion germańskich, łączy je również przynależność do wspólnej grupy językowej. W przypadku krajów skandynawskich – Danii, Norwegii i Szwecji bliskość językowa zapewnia możliwość swobodnego porozumiewania się bez potrzeby nauki drugiego języka. Finlandia, etnicznie i językowo niegermańska, a z powodu swojego położenia będąca pod wpływem z jednej strony Szwecji, a z drugiej Rosji, reprezentuje odrębną kulturę codzienną, jednak jej kultura polityczna jest bardzo podobna do skandynawskiej, zwłaszcza szwedzkiej. Jest
Media and information literacy education has been present in the Swedish school curriculum since ... more Media and information literacy education has been present in the Swedish school curriculum since the 60s as part of several subjects e.g. civics and Swedish. According to Nordic researchers the concept of media education literacy has changed with the changing approach to media and in the present curriculum is compatible the UNESCO’s and European Union‘s suggestions. The purpose of the article is to present the media literacy education in Swedish primary school as well as the support that public and private institutions offer in this area.
Scandinavian countries are rich in good literature for children that is very popular both in thos... more Scandinavian countries are rich in good literature for children that is very popular both in those countries and abroad. One can for example name Astrid Lindgren, or contemporary Swedish authors of the series about Lasse and Maja, Karl Martin Widmark and Helena Willis, or Norwegian Jo Nesbø. Scandinavia is also a region where historically literacy was very high. Swedish king’s campaign for literacy and reading of the Bible and religious literature in the seventeenth century caused that in the nineteenths century 80% of the Swedes could write and read (it was similar in the whole Scandinavia, for comparison in Poland it was 20-30%). High literacy factor translated into high paper press readership nowadays. Book readership is also relatively high in Sweden and Norway. It is a result of the state’s engagement in financial support of projects that are to increase readership among children and youth, as well as many grass-root projects resulting from the citizens‘ engagement in the countries‘ problems. The purpose of the presentation is to show examples of the most interesting readership project for children, youth and parents of small children in Sweden and Norway, for example Swedish Reading Ambassador nominated by the Ministry of Culture or supporting readership among children who train sports in Norway.
Fragment Cały artykuł w książce Szwecja czyta. Polska czyta: more Fragment Cały artykuł w książce Szwecja czyta. Polska czyta: W Polsce i w Szwecji cyklicznie prowadzi się badania poziomu czytelnictwa książek w społeczeństwie. Według ostatnich badań przeprowadzonych przez Bibliotekę Narodową we współpracy z TNS Polska czytelnictwo w Polsce ustabilizowało się na niskim poziomie. (...) W 2013 roku Szwed wypożyczał z biblioteki średnio 6,9 publikacji 1 , a Polak w 2012 roku -3,8 2 . Przyczyny tych różnic należy doszukiwać się w innych kulturach obu narodów: naznaczonej surowym protestantyzmem szwedzkiej i katolickiej polskiej. Religia ma tu z pewnością znaczenie zasadnicze, ale nie jest to jedyny czynnik. Odmiennie niż polska, kultura szwedzka charakteryzuje się egalitaryzmem i równością, a długa tradycja demokratyczna przyczyniła się do powstania świetnie dziś funkcjonującego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Opisując te czynniki z perspektywy historycznej, można wyjaśnić, dlaczego mają one swoje odzwierciedlenie we współczesnej kulturze czytelniczej Szwecji. (...) Egalitaryzm, równouprawnienie W Szwecji system feudalny nigdy nie wykształcił się w takim stopniu, jak miało to miejsce w Polsce i innych krajach europejskich na południe od Skandynawii. Szwedzcy chłopi byli wolni. Kiedy w XVI wieku powstał pierwowzór dzisiejszego Riksdagu, reprezentowane były w nim cztery stany: szlachta, duchowieństwo, ludności, a nakłady książek nie przekraczały trzech tysięcy egzemplarzy. W tym okresie zwiększała się liczba czytających mieszczan i kobiet, ale w dalszym ciągu nie było czytelnictwa tak masowego jak w Szwecji -wśród wszystkich warstw społeczeństwa. Jeżeli mowa o czytelnictwie na polskiej prowincji, zaznacza się, że była to prowincja szlachecka. Jeszcze w 1876 roku autor i wydawca Józef Grajnert pisał: "Przy słabem jeszcze rozbudzeniu umysłowem ludu naszego, wydawnictwa odpowiednie dotąd u nas nie cieszą się powodzeniem; wprawdzie czytamy nieraz w gazetach, że tu i ówdzie włościanin skupuje książki dla siebie ponętne lub prenumeruje pismo periodyczne [...] lecz wszystkie te przykłady wyjątkowe tylko, epizodyczne mają znaczenie" 12 . Polski badacz Janusz Kostecki pisze o pojawieniu się czytelników wywodzących się z klasy robotniczej i chłopskiej i o wyraźnym wzroście udziału kobiet dopiero po rewolucji 1905 roku 13 . Pamiętać też należy, że w związku z naszymi losami historycznymi nie zawsze i nie wszędzie była możliwość nauki czytania i pisania. Na
Reviews New Dissertations 163 Older Women's Lives-Anne Leonora Blaakilde, Bedstemorsnak. Et kultu... more Reviews New Dissertations 163 Older Women's Lives-Anne Leonora Blaakilde, Bedstemorsnak. Et kulturanalytisk studie af aeldre kvinders liv i dansk familiekultur i det 20. århundrede. Rev. by Inger Lövkrona, Ulf Palmenfelt & Niels Jul Nielsen 165 Folk Music as Intangible Heritage-Johanna Björkholm, Immateriellt kulturarv som begrepp och process. Folkloristiska perspektiv på kulturarv i Finlands svenskbygder med folkmusik som exempel. Rev. by Patrik Sandgren 167 Der Osten ist wie der Westen-Sofi Gerber, Öst är Väst men Väst är bäst. Östtysk identitetsformering i det förenade Tyskland. Rev. by Petra Garberding 171 The Upgrading of Wooden House Areas in Finnish Towns-Sanna Lillbroända-Annala, Från kåk till kulturarv. En etnologisk studie av omvärderingen av historiska trästadsområden i Karleby och Ekenäs. Rev. by Gösta Arvastson 175 Changing Communities of Pilots and Lighthouse Keepers-Harri Nyman, Uloimmalla rannalla. Luotsija majakkamiesperheet asemayhdyskunnissaan. [On the furthest shore. Maritime pilot and lighthouse keeper families in their station communities.] Rev. by Katriina Siivonen 177 Care and Control-Claes G. Olsson, Omsorg & Kontroll. En handikapphistorisk studie 1750-1930. Föreställningar och levnadsförhållanden. Rev. by Markus Idvall 179 The Wooden Past-Elina Salminen, Monta kuvaa menneisyydestä. [Cultural Heritage and Images of the Past.] Rev. by Sirkku Pihlman 181 Twin Towns Görlitz/Zgorzelec-Marie Sandberg, Graensens naervaer og fravaer. Europaeiseringsprocesser i en tvillingeby på den polsktyske graense. Rev. by Maja Chacinska 183 Women in Trousers-Arja Turunen, "Hame, housut, hamehousut! Vai mikä on tulevaisuutemme?" Naisten päällyshousujen käyttöä koskevat pukeutumisohjeet ja niissä rakentuvat naiseuden ihanteet suomalaisissa naistenlehdissä 1889-1945. ["Skirt, trousers, divided skirt! Or what is our future?" How the ideals of womanhood were negotiated in the discussion of female trouser-wearing in Finnish women's magazines, 1889-1945.] Rev. by Maija Töyry Book Reviews 186 Sites of Memory in Denmark-Inge Adriansen, Erindringssteder i Danmark. Monumenter, mindesmaerker og mødesteder. Rev. by Ulf Zander 187 Legends of War-Camilla Asplund Ingemark & Johanna Wassholm, Historiska sägner om 1808-09 års krig. Rev. by Mirjaliisa Lukkarinen Kvist 188 Collecting Field Material in the Nineteenth Century-Palle Ove Christiansen, De for-Contents svundne. Hedens siste fortaellere. Rev. by Anders Gustavsson 189 Deportation Home to Ingria-Toivo Flink, Kotiin karkotettavaksi. Inkeriläisen siirtoväen palautukset Suomesta Neuvostoliittoon vuosina 1944-1955. Rev. by Pekka Leimu 192 Changing Cottage Culture in Norway-Norske hytter i endring. Om baerekraft og behag. Helen Jøsok Gansmo, Thomas Berker & Finn Arne Jørgensen (eds.). Rev. by Eva Löfgren 194 Methodology and Reflexivity-Etnografiska hållplatser. Om metodprocesser och reflexivitet. Kerstin Gunnemark (ed.). Rev. by Johanna Björkholm 195 Foreignness-Nordic Perspectives on Encountering Foreignness. Anne Folke Henningsen, Leila Koivunen & Taina Syrjämaa (eds.). Rev. by Göran Hedlund 195 Heritage and Cohesion-Heritage, Regional Development and Social Cohesion. Peter Kearns et al. (eds.). Rev. by Mikkel Venborg Pedersen 196 The Swedes of Finland-Sven-Erik Klinkmann: I fänrikarnas, martallarnas och dixietigrarnas land. En resa genom det svenska i Finland. Rev. by Gunnar Ternhag 198 Swedish Legend Types-Bengt af Klintberg, The Types of the Swedish Folk Legend. Rev. by Ulrika Wolf-Knuts. 199 New Openings in European Ethnology-Ethnology in the 21st Century. Transnational Reflections of Past, Present and Future. Jussi Lehtonen & Salla Tenkanen (eds.). Rev. by Pirjo Nenola 201 People in the Cold War-Kriget som aldrig kom-12 forskare om kalla kriget. Andreas Linderoth (ed.). Rev. by Niels Jul Nielsen 202 Built Heritage as the Viewpoint of National History-Linnoista lähiöihin. Rakennetut kulttuuriympäristöt Suomessa. Pinja Metsäranta (ed.). Rev. by Aura Kivilaakso 203 Material Culture and the Materiality of Culture-Materiell kultur og kulturens materialitet. Saphinas-Amal Naguib & Bjarne Rogan (eds.). Rev. by Richard Pettersson 207 Uses of History-Niels Kayser Nielsen, Historiens forvandlinger. Historiebrug fra monumenter til oplevelsesøkonomi. Rev. by Fredrik Skott 208 Analysing an Interview-Haastattelun analyysi. Johanna Ruusuvuori, Pirjo Nikander & Matti Hyvärinen (eds.). Rev. by Pia Olsson 209 Some History of Finnish Furnishings-Leena Sammallahti & Marja-Liisa Lehto, Kalusteita kamareihin. Suomalaisten keinutuolien ja piironkien historiaa. Rev. by Sanna Eldén-Pehrsson 211 Swedish-Finnish Relations-Svenskfinska relationer. Språk, identitet och nationalitet efter 1809. Maria Sjöberg & Birgitta Svensson (eds.). Rev. by Ulrika Wolf-Knuts 212 The Materiality of Museum Objects-Fra kaupang og bygd 2011. Festskrift til Ragnar Pedersen. Bjørn Sverre Hol Haugen et al. (eds.). Rev. by Göran Hedlund 213 Aristocratic Life in Finland-Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen, Sophie Creutz och hennes tid. Adelsliv i 1700-talets Finland. Rev.
From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the ou... more From being regarded as an insignificant and relatively poor region of the continent and on the outskirts of European affairs in the beginning of the twentieth century, a hundred years later the Nordic countries have gained a reputation for being some of the most advanced, prosperous, progressive, and happy nations in the world. The real and palpable achievements of the Nordic economies and societies notwithstanding, the changing image of both the individual countries in the region, and of the Nordic community as a whole, has been constructed by the international print media in relation to their political affiliation or current political and social developments. This analysis looks at the Polish press and demonstrates that the Nordic stories, especially those concerning the present, tend to be constructed as utopian and progressive, rather than as dystopian ones that would be more characteristic of Western European discourse. Accordingly, the Nordic exceptionalism that is covered by the term the Nordic or Scandinavian model still serves more often as inspiration rather than a bogeyman in the general discourse of western-style modernization in Poland.
Papers by Maja Chacinska