Papers by Adriano Henrique Nuernberg
The objective of this paper is to present a historical overview of the field of disability studie... more The objective of this paper is to present a historical overview of the field of disability studies in Brazil. The approach takes into account the background of social models of disability and precursor scholarship in Brazil leading to the emergence of disability studies in the 2000s. It emphasizes the influence of key international scholars on their Brazilian counterparts and current research challenges for Brazilian disability studies.
Resenha do livro "Ressignificando a deficiência: da abordagem social às práticas inclusivas na es... more Resenha do livro "Ressignificando a deficiência: da abordagem social às práticas inclusivas na escolade autoria de Jan W. Valle (The City College/NY) e David J. Connor (Hunter College/NY)
The interpretations of the body are built from
multiple social relations, whereas currently the m... more The interpretations of the body are built from
multiple social relations, whereas currently the media
is a very present element in these relationships.
Among the discourses of the media in Brazil, soap
operas have great prominence, having become a
public space for discussion. Based on this understanding,
this paper discusses the representations
of the body with physical disabilities in the soap
opera Viver a Vida (Manoel Carlos, Rede Globo,
2009). The analysis starts from the ethnographic
and cinematic perspective, applying ethnography
of screen, and is based on disability and gender
studies. The analysis shows the complexity of this
approach, and the dialogue established between
iction and the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities.
The aim of this research was to understand the constitution process of women with physical disabi... more The aim of this research was to understand the constitution process of women with physical disability, emphasizing the gender overlapped with physical disability. The research subjects were eight women with physical disability, members of an organized women group in an association of people with physical disability. The information was collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed based on the method of discourse analysis. The theoretical references were based on the Historic Cultural Psychology, the theories of genre and the social model of disability. The results suggested that gender and disability are linked categories, which are overlapped with the analysis of process of embodiment, work and maternity - all of them characterized by violence. The information obtained provided evidence that gender and disability are categories of analysis in researches and interventions in psychology and others areas of knowledge.
Desenho universal e avaliação psicológica na perspectiva dos direitos humanos Pensar a avaliação ... more Desenho universal e avaliação psicológica na perspectiva dos direitos humanos Pensar a avaliação psicológica numa perspectiva de direitos humanos envolve compreender a dimensão ética que subjaz a este desafio. Nem a avaliação psicológica deve ser reduzida a um mero procedimento técnico sem efeitos políticos e nem os direitos humanos podem ser confinados apenas a seu aspecto jurídico . Nesse sentido, há que considerar que a incorporação dos direitos humanos nos modos de produção de conhecimento e na prática da avaliação psicológica gera necessariamente a revisão de alguns dos princípios básicos que lhe fundamentam, como a noção de sujeito humano que geralmente pressupõe tanto como avaliando quanto de avaliador.
This study aimed to characterize the experience of sexuality in women with physical disability in... more This study aimed to characterize the experience of sexuality in women with physical disability in Southern Brazil, emphasizing the intersection of gender and disability as limiting sexual and reproductive rights. The study included eight women with physical disability, aged 24 to 68 years, members of an association of people with physical disability. The information was obtained through in-depth interviews and later analyzed based on the method of discourse analysis. The theoretical framework was established by studies on disability based on the social model of disability and gender theories. The information gathered showed that women with disability face a process of oppression in the exercise of their sexuality. Such process is intrinsically related to the intersection of gender and disability, gives rise to vulnerability, and limits the guarantee of sexual and reproductive rights.
Resumen. This research discusses the looks of a blind person on the city mediated by photography.... more Resumen. This research discusses the looks of a blind person on the city mediated by photography. The photography dialogues with the context of its enunciation, contributing to tension the ways of living/seeing the world. The data collection was done in three moments: 1) interview with the person we researched; 2) walk with him/her through the city to produce the pictures; 3) a meeting to describe and discuss the produced pictures. The results indicated that blindness enables people to see with the eyes of others and with all the body, causing him/her to use, to build mental images, the verbal language, imagination, memory and thought, along with other senses. It was concluded that the photographic narrative produced enabled aesthetics looks on the everyday life and other senses for the relations with the city, and this inventive condition is what characterizes it as in(ter)vention.
The aim of this article is pointed out the relevance of the Social Psychology to understand the d... more The aim of this article is pointed out the relevance of the Social Psychology to understand the disability as an analytical category in researches and psycho-social practices. For a defence of this question, it is important to examine the indicatives of disability in Brazil, in the world and how the disability is articulated to analytical categories as gender, race, generation and social classes. These aspects are already considerate in studies and psycho-social analyses. ollowing this process, it will be explain the social model of disability, in special a transversal understanding of disability, interconnected to further categories. In conclusion, it will be expose the relevance of the Social Psychology committed to human rights and to the social transformation, and the importance of employing studies of disability as theory, considering disability as an analytical category, and highlighting its relevance for the public policies.
Resumo Resumo Resumo Resumo: O campo de estudos feministas e de gênero tem avançado à medida que ... more Resumo Resumo Resumo Resumo: O campo de estudos feministas e de gênero tem avançado à medida que se articula com outras categorias de análise, tais como geração, classe, raça/etnia, orientação sexual, região e religião. Uma questão, contudo, permanece à revelia do esforço de interseção dessas categorias, a saber, a deficiência. Para tanto, busca-se aqui avaliar algumas das possibilidades de análise de fenômenos sociais e culturais nas quais se considera oportuno o diálogo entre os estudos feministas e de gênero com o campo de estudos sobre deficiência. Espera-se proporcionar maior visibilidade para o debate dessa questão, avaliando seu potencial analítico e político em vista da sua contribuição para as políticas públicas.
RESUMO. Entre as contribuições da psicologia histórico-cultural de Vigotski para a educação desta... more RESUMO. Entre as contribuições da psicologia histórico-cultural de Vigotski para a educação destacam-se aquelas que fazem referência às condições analisadas no contexto da defectologia. Esse artigo identifica algumas destas contribuições para a intervenção educacional junto a pessoas com deficiência. Para tanto, são revisados estudos fundamentados em Vigotski que apontam subsídios para a educação de pessoas com deficiência intelectual, surdez, surdocegueira, entre outras condições. Com vista a aprofundar os aportes vigotskianos para educação de pessoas com cegueira, analisa-se o conceito de sistemas psicológicos e seu valor para a reflexão sobre a intervenção educativa no contexto da deficiência visual. Conclui-se este estudo ressaltando-se que os aportes de Vigotski trazem à tona pistas concretas para a implementação de experiências educacionais que favoreçam a autonomia e a cidadania das pessoas com deficiência visual.
In the Brazilian tradition, studies on gender and women are included within Social Psychology for... more In the Brazilian tradition, studies on gender and women are included within Social Psychology for historical, political, and conceptual reasons. If the areas had parallel institutional and theoretical trajectories, since the 1970s, it is possible to identify an alliance between Brazilian Gender Studies and Critical Social Psychology. This chapter explores this history of the emergence and development of Gender Studies in the Brazilian academic context. First, Brazilian Psychology is contextualized within the unique political history and women’s movement in the country. This background sets the tone for the following analysis of the relationship between feminism and Psychology as well as Gender Studies and Social Psychology. This chapter concludes that, in contrast with other countries, in Brazil there is not a Feminist Psychology as a specialization or subfield of Psychology. Rather, in the country, Feminist Theories and Gender Studies have an intense dialogue and fundamental influence on Critical Social Psychology.
RESUMO: A análise da relação entre contextos sociais e modos de (inter)subjetividade implica cons... more RESUMO: A análise da relação entre contextos sociais e modos de (inter)subjetividade implica considerar o fato de que os sujeitos engendram suas ações pautando-se nos lugares sociais que ocupam. Nesse estudo pretendeu-se analisar, a partir do movimento de negociação dos sentidos relacionados às posições enunciativas assumidas, como os sujeitos significam tais lugares sociais. Para tanto, com base em uma análise microetnográfica de episódios interativos registrados por meio de filmagens de um contexto da escolarização formal, verificou-se o embate em torno dos lugares sociais de professora e alunos, posto na arena da produção de sentidos. Constatou-se que os processos de significação destes lugares apresentam-se pautados pelas contradições históricas e culturais que marcam as relações sociais de ensinar e aprender, dentre elas as dicotomias de saber e não-saber. Tensão, oposição e resistência marcaram as tramas discursivas analisadas, revelando matizes da produção de sentidos dos lugares sociais de aluno e professora.
Revista Estudos Feministas, 2001
Papers by Adriano Henrique Nuernberg
multiple social relations, whereas currently the media
is a very present element in these relationships.
Among the discourses of the media in Brazil, soap
operas have great prominence, having become a
public space for discussion. Based on this understanding,
this paper discusses the representations
of the body with physical disabilities in the soap
opera Viver a Vida (Manoel Carlos, Rede Globo,
2009). The analysis starts from the ethnographic
and cinematic perspective, applying ethnography
of screen, and is based on disability and gender
studies. The analysis shows the complexity of this
approach, and the dialogue established between
iction and the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities.
multiple social relations, whereas currently the media
is a very present element in these relationships.
Among the discourses of the media in Brazil, soap
operas have great prominence, having become a
public space for discussion. Based on this understanding,
this paper discusses the representations
of the body with physical disabilities in the soap
opera Viver a Vida (Manoel Carlos, Rede Globo,
2009). The analysis starts from the ethnographic
and cinematic perspective, applying ethnography
of screen, and is based on disability and gender
studies. The analysis shows the complexity of this
approach, and the dialogue established between
iction and the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities.