Papers by PD Dr. Antje Labahn
In die skriflig, Mar 20, 2014
Welvarende vroue' in antieke tye: Die 'knap vrou' van Spreuke 31:10−31 en Mibtahiah van Elephanti... more Welvarende vroue' in antieke tye: Die 'knap vrou' van Spreuke 31:10−31 en Mibtahiah van Elephantine. Hierdie artikel vergelyk die anonieme 'knap vrou' van Spreuke 31 met Mibtahiah van Elephantine. Albei vroue word voorgehou as die welvarende, invloedryke en ekonomies suksesvolle eienaars van landgoedere. Albei letterkundige weergawes openbaar 'n positiewe ingesteldheid teenoor vroulike karakters, maar verteenwoordig twee uiteenlopende geslagskonsepte. Spreuke 31 beeld die 'knap vrou' uit as die ideale karakter wat die verskeie rolle van die vrou met gemak hanteer en voordeel uit wysheidsonderrig trek. Die 'knap vrou' is 'n navolgenswaardige model met wie iemand sou wou identifiseer. Die Elephantine papyri openbaar 'n verskillende perspektief op 'n ander welgestelde en invloedryke vrou, Mibtahiah, wat 'n landgoed erf en deur verdere aankope. Sy speel ook 'n leidende rol in haar familie. Dit blyk asof die sosiale rol wat Mibtahiah gespeel het betreklik progressief was omdat die geskrifte 'n duidelike juridiese gelykmaking van mans en vroue aandui. Hierdie twee konsepte van invloedryke vroulike karakters stel die vermoënde vrou met potensiaal in die samelewing voor. Dus is die positiewe houding teenoor die twee vroue op hulle welvarendheid gebaseer.
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, Aug 1, 2015
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Dec 1, 2006
The five laments of Lamentations contain many metaphors. Most of them contain human elements or p... more The five laments of Lamentations contain many metaphors. Most of them contain human elements or parts related to an earthy scene. However, in Lam. 2.1-10 the actions of God are described metaphorically. The metaphors and images of God focus on fire sent from above, kindled by God and paralleled by his anger. This article takes a closer look at the various impressions raised in the text in order to gain a deeper insight into the meaning of the highly undetermined impressions. Therefore, the targets kindled by fire are analyzed and linked to God’s actions. Theological aspects of how to understand God’s anger in the context of Lamentations are also included.
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Sep 1, 1999
Conceptual Metaphors in Poetic Texts, 2013
Scribes and Scribalism, 2021
Networks of Metaphors in the Hebrew Bible, 2020
Conceptual Metaphors in Poetic Texts, 2013
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi, 2014
This article compares the anonymous ‘capable woman’ of Proverbs 31 with Mibtahiah of Elephantine.... more This article compares the anonymous ‘capable woman’ of Proverbs 31 with Mibtahiah of Elephantine. Both women are presented as wealthy occupiers of estates with economic success and influence in society. Both literary portraits unfold positive attitudes towards female characters, but present two divergent gender conceptions. The construction of Proverbs 31 depicts the ‘capable woman’ as an ideal character who amalgamates various social female roles and benefits from acting according to the wisdom teachings. The ‘capable woman’ provides a literary model of identification and imitation with an offer to share one’s identity with her. The Elephantine papyri reveal a divergent conception of another wealthy woman with influence insociety. Mibtahiah inherits an estate and enlarges her domain through additional economical purchase. She also takes a leading role in her family. The social role of Mibtahiah seems to be comparatively progressive, since the documents clearly indicate a juridical ...
Reading Lamentations Intertextually, 2021
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1999
Annali di Scienze Religiose, 2008
* Sehr herzlich danke ich Frau Prof. Dr. Anna Passoni Dell'Acqua für die Einladung zu den "Giorna... more * Sehr herzlich danke ich Frau Prof. Dr. Anna Passoni Dell'Acqua für die Einladung zu den "Giornata dei Septuaginta" nach Mailand und für die anregende Diskussion. Ein herzlicher Dank gebührt auch Prof. Dr. Dieter Sänger, Kiel, für die stets gute Zusammenarbeit bei der Arbeit an der Chronik-Septuaginta im Rahmen des Projektes "Septuaginta Deutsch" und seine Hinweis zu diesem Manuskript.
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 1999
Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, 2003
Abstract This article argues that metaphors are to be regarded as literary matters bearing multip... more Abstract This article argues that metaphors are to be regarded as literary matters bearing multiple sense(s) in itself and evoking polyvalent meanings to its readers or hearers according to their own presuppositions. That basic observation is linked with methodological assumptions on intertextuality considered as a mutual relation of various texts to one another. When metaphors share an intertextual interplay with other metaphors their reading reveals an (mutual) influence of the literary environment of the context or contexts echoed. Looking at the term “daughter of Zion” these methodological assumptions are to be proofed. “Daughter of Zion”, read either in a context of salvation or in a context of doom, generates a wide range of divergent meanings already by itself As soon as the metaphor, by chance, undertakes an interplay with the other main significance it pushes each of the inherent characteristics into one or the other direction.
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2006
The five laments of Lamentations contain many metaphors. Most of them contain human elements or p... more The five laments of Lamentations contain many metaphors. Most of them contain human elements or parts related to an earthy scene. However, in Lam. 2.1-10 the actions of God are described metaphorically. The metaphors and images of God focus on fire sent from above, kindled by God and paralleled by his anger. This article takes a closer look at the various impressions raised in the text in order to gain a deeper insight into the meaning of the highly undetermined impressions. Therefore, the targets kindled by fire are analyzed and linked to God’s actions. Theological aspects of how to understand God’s anger in the context of Lamentations are also included.
Vetus Testamentum, 2002
Die Klagelieder/Threni bieten poetische Texte, die ein persönliches Erleben der Exilskatastrophe ... more Die Klagelieder/Threni bieten poetische Texte, die ein persönliches Erleben der Exilskatastrophe schildern. Sie legen einen Weg vom erlebten Leid zur Hoffnung zurück. Dieser Weg lässt sich mit Elementen des Trauerprozesses verstehen, der zunächst den Blick in die Vergangenheit richtet, bevor die Zukunft wieder neu anvisiert werden kann. Die Threni zeichnen diesen Weg in Erfahrungen Einzelner auf und bieten damit einen anthropologischen Ansatz, der vom Individuum ausgeht. Gleichwohl schlagen sie einen Spannungsbogen zu theologischen Aussagen. In diesem Beitrag soll das Trauergeschehen, wie es in den Klageliedern zur Sprache kommt, näher in den Blick genommen werden, wobei sich zeigen wird, dass die Threni das Geschehen des Trauerns als Weg aus der Krise erfahren lassen. Der Weg wird als Bewältigung der Vergangenheit beschritten, um zu einer Zukunft in Hoffnung zu gelangen.
Papers by PD Dr. Antje Labahn