Considering the model in which the effective interaction between any two quarks of a baryon can b... more Considering the model in which the effective interaction between any two quarks of a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential, and making use of the expression of the energy obtained in Cartesian coordinates for the above mentioned model, we find a general expression for the radii of baryons. We then apply the expression to some baryons and find very consistent values for the radii of baryons and an experimental confirmation for the ground state of − Ξ .
It is suggested that neutrino oscillations do not exist and, in the light of the latest results o... more It is suggested that neutrino oscillations do not exist and, in the light of the latest results of July 2016 of the Daya Bay Collaboration and the recent discovery of a new fundamental interaction, it is proposed that the neutrino production at the Sun's core in the pp and CNO cycles are much larger than what is predicted by the Standard Solar Model, exactly because of this new interaction. Therefore, the claimed neutrino deficits on Earth are completely misleading.
Several aspects of the dark matter proposal are discussed. It is shown that the existing baryonic... more Several aspects of the dark matter proposal are discussed. It is shown that the existing baryonic mass in galaxies is sufficient for closing the Universe. It is concluded, then, that dark matter does not exist at all in the Universe.
It is proposed that the explosion, or actually, the fast expansion of the envelope of a core-coll... more It is proposed that the explosion, or actually, the fast expansion of the envelope of a core-collapse supernova is caused by the action of a powerful electric field that is formed as a consequence of the action of the shock wave on the interface between the proto-neutron star and the plasma of the envelope during the first minutes of the collapse. The proposal explains also the shell-like shape of core-collapse supernovae remnants, the reason why there are different ejecta velocities and the origin of the radial magnetic field which has been observed in young supernovae and shows that a supernova is a very powerful particle accelerator. It is shown for the first time how the dynamics of the explosion is clearly connected to the light curve of the supernova. It is calculated that the radius of supernova KSN 2011d is about 411.4 solar radii.
Taking into account a very solid quark compositeness model, based on the electrical charge densit... more Taking into account a very solid quark compositeness model, based on the electrical charge densities of the nucleons found by R. Hofstadter, R. Herman, L. Durand and R. R. Wilson in the early 1960s, from which a new quantum number is deduced, and the experimental data on the Higgs boson obtained by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, this article shows that these collaborations have already seen the charged Higgs-like bosons by means of the WW channel. The data also imply that the charged and neutral Higgs-like bosons have similar masses, and that the Higgs-like bosons have odd parity like the other fundamental bosons of Nature. The ratio between the productions of charged to neutral Higgs-like bosons is calculated.
A new cosmological model is proposed for the dynamics of the Universe and the formation and evolu... more A new cosmological model is proposed for the dynamics of the Universe and the formation and evolution of galaxies. It is shown that the matter of the Universe contracts and expands in cycles, and that galaxies in a particular cycle may have imprints from the previous cycle. It is proposed that RHIC’s liquid gets trapped in the cores of galaxies in the beginning of each cycle and is liberated throughout time and is, thus, the power engine of AGNs. It is also proposed that the large-scale structure is a permanent property of the Universe, and thus, it is not created. It is proposed that spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies are formed by mergers of nucleon vortices (vorteons) at the time of the big squeeze and immediately afterwards and that the merging process, in general, lasts an extremely long time, of many billion years. The origin of quasars is explained and the evaporation rate of RHIC’s liquid is calculated. The large mass at the center of quasar PDS 456 is calculated and ag...
2 Reproduction of this book, limited to a small number of copies, is allowed for scientific purpo... more 2 Reproduction of this book, limited to a small number of copies, is allowed for scientific purposes and forbidden for other purposes. Further information and requests should be addressed to the author at
Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many prediction... more Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many predictions are made. The light antiquark flavor asymmetry is calculated and shown to agree with experimental data. The formation of galaxies is explained and their size and mass are calculated. Contents: 1) Preliminary Ideas on Prequarks and the Number of Quarks; 2) Distribution of the Electric Charge in Baryons, The Pion Cloud in Nucleons, The Size of Quarks, Proton's Stability and Deep Inelastic Scattering; 3) Calculation of the Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleons; 4) The Quark Sea Content of the Other Baryons; 5) Quark Confinement, The Sizes of Quarks, Primon Mass and the Generation of Quark Mass; 6) The True Potential of a Quark Pair and the 'Usual' QCD Potential; 7) Asymptotic Freedom; 8) The Success of QCD, the Nature of Gluons and the Number of Leptons; 9) The Supernovae Evidence for the Superstrong Interaction; 10) The Planetary Evidence for the Superstrong Intera...
It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approxi... more It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential. Also, it is made use of the nonrelativistic approximation. The problem is firstly solved in Cartesian coordinates in order to find the energy levels irrespective of their angular momenta and then it is also solved in polar cilindrical coordinates for taking into account the angular momenta of the levels. The only parameters used in the calculation are the constituent masses of quarks. By making a comparison between the two solutions the energies and the corresponding angular momenta (and parity) of almost all baryon levels are described. The agreement with the experimental data is quite impressive. The solution in Cartesian coordinates also produces some very important figures for the sizes of baryons and for the harmonic oscillator constant which is clearly related to confinement.
It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter fr... more It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter from their centers. It is then shown that the ratio between the radial and tangential velocities of the outflow is the parameter responsible for the logarithmic spiral structure of spiral galaxies. The fitting of some spiral galaxies to the model allows the calculation of the radial velocities of matter in these galaxies and such values completely agree with the observational data. An approximate general equation is proposed for the description of the arms of spiral galaxies with or without bars. Some important consequences are discussed with respect to dark matter, galactic evolution and cosmology. It is concluded that a quantitative representation of the dynamics of the spiral galaxies can be entirely represented with data on their formation without any need to use the far-reaching conjecture of dark matter. We finally indicate that this conclusion is fully in agreement with the absence ...
We propose that the two resonant states of the recently found pentaquark c P with masses of 438... more We propose that the two resonant states of the recently found pentaquark c P with masses of 4380 MeV and 4450 MeV are states of two hadronic molecules with similar properties to those of the KarlinerLipkin pentaquark. Applying the Morse molecular potential to both molecules some important numbers are obtained for their sizes.
Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks it is shown that the recently found Higg... more Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks it is shown that the recently found Higgs boson belongs to a triplet of neutral bosons, and that there are two quadruplets of charged Higgs-like bosons. The quantum numbers of these bosons are calculated and shown to be associated to a new kind of hypercharge directly linked to quark compositeness. Particularly, the quantum number of the recently found Higgs boson is identified. A chart for quark decays via virtual Higgs-like bosons is proposed. Justifications for quark compositeness are presented.
Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Apr 1, 2013
The allowed and suppressed Higgs-like bosons couplings to quarks are identified. The relative rat... more The allowed and suppressed Higgs-like bosons couplings to quarks are identified. The relative ratios of strengths of allowed couplings are calculated. The latter is extremely important for experimentalists in the determination of the nature of the recently found Higgs boson and in the search for the charged Higgs-like bosons.
The Morse molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overal... more The Morse molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overall interaction in charmonium. This procedure allows the calculation of the rotational contributions of P states, the radii of five S states, and an absolute threshold for bound states. The calculation of the latter provides important information on the character of the recently found levels X(3915), X(3940), Ψ(4040), X(4050), X(4140), Ψ(4160), X(4160), X(4250), X(4260), X(4350), Ψ(4415), X(4430), and X(4660).
General Classification of Matter; Prequarks and Number of Quarks; Structure of Nucleons; Generati... more General Classification of Matter; Prequarks and Number of Quarks; Structure of Nucleons; Generation of Quark Masses; Seas and Sizes of Nucleons; Contributions of Nucleons Seas to the Structure Functions; Higgs Bosons; Bosons of the Strong and Superstrong Interactions; The Nature of Gluons, Super QCD, The Energies of Baryons and Mesons; The Sizes of Baryons and Mesons; The Confinement Constant at the Top Quark Scale, The Formation and Evolution of Galaxies; The Formation of Galaxies and Primordial Stars; The Evolution of Galaxies; The Formation of Structure; The Rotation of Spiral Galaxies; The Non Existence of Dark Matter and Black Holes; Associated Fermions and the Dual Role of Neutrinos; The Hidden Realm of Gravity; The Connection between Neutrinos and the Superweak Force; The Galactic Medium as a Neutrino Gas; Energy Bands of Neutrinos; Another Solution to the Solar Neutrino Problem; The Stability of the Deuteron, Triton and Alpha Particle; The Absence of Nuclides with A=5 and th...
Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many prediction... more Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many predictions are made. The light antiquark flavor asymmetry is calculated and shown to agree with experimental data. The formation of galaxies is explained and their size and mass are calculated. Contents: 1) Preliminary Ideas on Prequarks and the Number of Quarks; 2) Distribution of the Electric Charge in Baryons, The Pion Cloud in Nucleons, The Size of Quarks, Proton's Stability and Deep Inelastic Scattering; 3) Calculation of the Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleons; 4) The Quark Sea Content of the Other Baryons; 5) Quark Confinement, The Sizes of Quarks, Primon Mass and the Generation of Quark Mass; 6) The True Potential of a Quark Pair and the 'Usual' QCD Potential; 7) Asymptotic Freedom; 8) The Success of QCD, the Nature of Gluons and the Number of Leptons; 9) The Supernovae Evidence for the Superstrong Interaction; 10) The Planetary Evidence for the Superstrong Intera...
It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approxi... more It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential. Also, it is made use of the nonrelativistic approximation. The problem is firstly solved in Cartesian coordinates in order to find the energy levels irrespective of their angular momenta and then it is also solved in polar cilindrical coordinates for taking into account the angular momenta of the levels. The only parameters used in the calculation are the constituent masses of quarks. By making a comparison between the two solutions the energies and the corresponding angular momenta (and parity) of almost all baryon levels are described. The agreement with the experimental data is quite impressive. The solution in Cartesian coordinates also produces some very important figures for the sizes of baryons and for the harmonic oscillator constant which is clearly related to confinement.
Considering the latest available data from the Particle Data Group this work shows that leptonic,... more Considering the latest available data from the Particle Data Group this work shows that leptonic, semileptonic and nonleptonic weak decays of hadrons reveal the compositeness of quarks and provides a reasonable explanation for the apparent null results of quark compositeness and argues that, actually, primons (prequarks) have already been found by some important experiments such as EMC, SMC, SLAC E143 and HERMES.
It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter fr... more It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter from their centers. It is then shown that the ratio between the radial and tangential velocities of the outflow is the parameter responsible for the logarithmic spiral structure of spiral galaxies. The fitting of some spiral galaxies to the model allows the calculation of the expansion velocities of matter in these galaxies and such values completely agree with the observational data. An approximate universal equation is proposed for the description of the arms of spiral galaxies with or without bars. Some important consequences are discussed with respect to dark matter, galactic evolution, cosmology, and the Milky Way. It is, particularly, concluded that dark matter does not exist in spiral galaxies.
This work proposes that quarks are composite particles, composed of prequarks (called primons in ... more This work proposes that quarks are composite particles, composed of prequarks (called primons in this work) which are very light fermions. In this way we can explain the number of quarks and begin to understand why their masses cover a wide range of values. Moreover, we can understand what is behind the Kobaiashi-Maskawa matrix. Also, the proposal agrees with the experimental data of the recent RHIC data.
Considering the model in which the effective interaction between any two quarks of a baryon can b... more Considering the model in which the effective interaction between any two quarks of a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential, and making use of the expression of the energy obtained in Cartesian coordinates for the above mentioned model, we find a general expression for the radii of baryons. We then apply the expression to some baryons and find very consistent values for the radii of baryons and an experimental confirmation for the ground state of − Ξ .
It is suggested that neutrino oscillations do not exist and, in the light of the latest results o... more It is suggested that neutrino oscillations do not exist and, in the light of the latest results of July 2016 of the Daya Bay Collaboration and the recent discovery of a new fundamental interaction, it is proposed that the neutrino production at the Sun's core in the pp and CNO cycles are much larger than what is predicted by the Standard Solar Model, exactly because of this new interaction. Therefore, the claimed neutrino deficits on Earth are completely misleading.
Several aspects of the dark matter proposal are discussed. It is shown that the existing baryonic... more Several aspects of the dark matter proposal are discussed. It is shown that the existing baryonic mass in galaxies is sufficient for closing the Universe. It is concluded, then, that dark matter does not exist at all in the Universe.
It is proposed that the explosion, or actually, the fast expansion of the envelope of a core-coll... more It is proposed that the explosion, or actually, the fast expansion of the envelope of a core-collapse supernova is caused by the action of a powerful electric field that is formed as a consequence of the action of the shock wave on the interface between the proto-neutron star and the plasma of the envelope during the first minutes of the collapse. The proposal explains also the shell-like shape of core-collapse supernovae remnants, the reason why there are different ejecta velocities and the origin of the radial magnetic field which has been observed in young supernovae and shows that a supernova is a very powerful particle accelerator. It is shown for the first time how the dynamics of the explosion is clearly connected to the light curve of the supernova. It is calculated that the radius of supernova KSN 2011d is about 411.4 solar radii.
Taking into account a very solid quark compositeness model, based on the electrical charge densit... more Taking into account a very solid quark compositeness model, based on the electrical charge densities of the nucleons found by R. Hofstadter, R. Herman, L. Durand and R. R. Wilson in the early 1960s, from which a new quantum number is deduced, and the experimental data on the Higgs boson obtained by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, this article shows that these collaborations have already seen the charged Higgs-like bosons by means of the WW channel. The data also imply that the charged and neutral Higgs-like bosons have similar masses, and that the Higgs-like bosons have odd parity like the other fundamental bosons of Nature. The ratio between the productions of charged to neutral Higgs-like bosons is calculated.
A new cosmological model is proposed for the dynamics of the Universe and the formation and evolu... more A new cosmological model is proposed for the dynamics of the Universe and the formation and evolution of galaxies. It is shown that the matter of the Universe contracts and expands in cycles, and that galaxies in a particular cycle may have imprints from the previous cycle. It is proposed that RHIC’s liquid gets trapped in the cores of galaxies in the beginning of each cycle and is liberated throughout time and is, thus, the power engine of AGNs. It is also proposed that the large-scale structure is a permanent property of the Universe, and thus, it is not created. It is proposed that spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies are formed by mergers of nucleon vortices (vorteons) at the time of the big squeeze and immediately afterwards and that the merging process, in general, lasts an extremely long time, of many billion years. The origin of quasars is explained and the evaporation rate of RHIC’s liquid is calculated. The large mass at the center of quasar PDS 456 is calculated and ag...
2 Reproduction of this book, limited to a small number of copies, is allowed for scientific purpo... more 2 Reproduction of this book, limited to a small number of copies, is allowed for scientific purposes and forbidden for other purposes. Further information and requests should be addressed to the author at
Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many prediction... more Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many predictions are made. The light antiquark flavor asymmetry is calculated and shown to agree with experimental data. The formation of galaxies is explained and their size and mass are calculated. Contents: 1) Preliminary Ideas on Prequarks and the Number of Quarks; 2) Distribution of the Electric Charge in Baryons, The Pion Cloud in Nucleons, The Size of Quarks, Proton's Stability and Deep Inelastic Scattering; 3) Calculation of the Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleons; 4) The Quark Sea Content of the Other Baryons; 5) Quark Confinement, The Sizes of Quarks, Primon Mass and the Generation of Quark Mass; 6) The True Potential of a Quark Pair and the 'Usual' QCD Potential; 7) Asymptotic Freedom; 8) The Success of QCD, the Nature of Gluons and the Number of Leptons; 9) The Supernovae Evidence for the Superstrong Interaction; 10) The Planetary Evidence for the Superstrong Intera...
It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approxi... more It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential. Also, it is made use of the nonrelativistic approximation. The problem is firstly solved in Cartesian coordinates in order to find the energy levels irrespective of their angular momenta and then it is also solved in polar cilindrical coordinates for taking into account the angular momenta of the levels. The only parameters used in the calculation are the constituent masses of quarks. By making a comparison between the two solutions the energies and the corresponding angular momenta (and parity) of almost all baryon levels are described. The agreement with the experimental data is quite impressive. The solution in Cartesian coordinates also produces some very important figures for the sizes of baryons and for the harmonic oscillator constant which is clearly related to confinement.
It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter fr... more It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter from their centers. It is then shown that the ratio between the radial and tangential velocities of the outflow is the parameter responsible for the logarithmic spiral structure of spiral galaxies. The fitting of some spiral galaxies to the model allows the calculation of the radial velocities of matter in these galaxies and such values completely agree with the observational data. An approximate general equation is proposed for the description of the arms of spiral galaxies with or without bars. Some important consequences are discussed with respect to dark matter, galactic evolution and cosmology. It is concluded that a quantitative representation of the dynamics of the spiral galaxies can be entirely represented with data on their formation without any need to use the far-reaching conjecture of dark matter. We finally indicate that this conclusion is fully in agreement with the absence ...
We propose that the two resonant states of the recently found pentaquark c P with masses of 438... more We propose that the two resonant states of the recently found pentaquark c P with masses of 4380 MeV and 4450 MeV are states of two hadronic molecules with similar properties to those of the KarlinerLipkin pentaquark. Applying the Morse molecular potential to both molecules some important numbers are obtained for their sizes.
Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks it is shown that the recently found Higg... more Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks it is shown that the recently found Higgs boson belongs to a triplet of neutral bosons, and that there are two quadruplets of charged Higgs-like bosons. The quantum numbers of these bosons are calculated and shown to be associated to a new kind of hypercharge directly linked to quark compositeness. Particularly, the quantum number of the recently found Higgs boson is identified. A chart for quark decays via virtual Higgs-like bosons is proposed. Justifications for quark compositeness are presented.
Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Apr 1, 2013
The allowed and suppressed Higgs-like bosons couplings to quarks are identified. The relative rat... more The allowed and suppressed Higgs-like bosons couplings to quarks are identified. The relative ratios of strengths of allowed couplings are calculated. The latter is extremely important for experimentalists in the determination of the nature of the recently found Higgs boson and in the search for the charged Higgs-like bosons.
The Morse molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overal... more The Morse molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overall interaction in charmonium. This procedure allows the calculation of the rotational contributions of P states, the radii of five S states, and an absolute threshold for bound states. The calculation of the latter provides important information on the character of the recently found levels X(3915), X(3940), Ψ(4040), X(4050), X(4140), Ψ(4160), X(4160), X(4250), X(4260), X(4350), Ψ(4415), X(4430), and X(4660).
General Classification of Matter; Prequarks and Number of Quarks; Structure of Nucleons; Generati... more General Classification of Matter; Prequarks and Number of Quarks; Structure of Nucleons; Generation of Quark Masses; Seas and Sizes of Nucleons; Contributions of Nucleons Seas to the Structure Functions; Higgs Bosons; Bosons of the Strong and Superstrong Interactions; The Nature of Gluons, Super QCD, The Energies of Baryons and Mesons; The Sizes of Baryons and Mesons; The Confinement Constant at the Top Quark Scale, The Formation and Evolution of Galaxies; The Formation of Galaxies and Primordial Stars; The Evolution of Galaxies; The Formation of Structure; The Rotation of Spiral Galaxies; The Non Existence of Dark Matter and Black Holes; Associated Fermions and the Dual Role of Neutrinos; The Hidden Realm of Gravity; The Connection between Neutrinos and the Superweak Force; The Galactic Medium as a Neutrino Gas; Energy Bands of Neutrinos; Another Solution to the Solar Neutrino Problem; The Stability of the Deuteron, Triton and Alpha Particle; The Absence of Nuclides with A=5 and th...
Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many prediction... more Many evidences for the existence of the superstrong interaction are presented and many predictions are made. The light antiquark flavor asymmetry is calculated and shown to agree with experimental data. The formation of galaxies is explained and their size and mass are calculated. Contents: 1) Preliminary Ideas on Prequarks and the Number of Quarks; 2) Distribution of the Electric Charge in Baryons, The Pion Cloud in Nucleons, The Size of Quarks, Proton's Stability and Deep Inelastic Scattering; 3) Calculation of the Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleons; 4) The Quark Sea Content of the Other Baryons; 5) Quark Confinement, The Sizes of Quarks, Primon Mass and the Generation of Quark Mass; 6) The True Potential of a Quark Pair and the 'Usual' QCD Potential; 7) Asymptotic Freedom; 8) The Success of QCD, the Nature of Gluons and the Number of Leptons; 9) The Supernovae Evidence for the Superstrong Interaction; 10) The Planetary Evidence for the Superstrong Intera...
It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approxi... more It is considered that the effective interaction between any two quarks in a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential. Also, it is made use of the nonrelativistic approximation. The problem is firstly solved in Cartesian coordinates in order to find the energy levels irrespective of their angular momenta and then it is also solved in polar cilindrical coordinates for taking into account the angular momenta of the levels. The only parameters used in the calculation are the constituent masses of quarks. By making a comparison between the two solutions the energies and the corresponding angular momenta (and parity) of almost all baryon levels are described. The agreement with the experimental data is quite impressive. The solution in Cartesian coordinates also produces some very important figures for the sizes of baryons and for the harmonic oscillator constant which is clearly related to confinement.
Considering the latest available data from the Particle Data Group this work shows that leptonic,... more Considering the latest available data from the Particle Data Group this work shows that leptonic, semileptonic and nonleptonic weak decays of hadrons reveal the compositeness of quarks and provides a reasonable explanation for the apparent null results of quark compositeness and argues that, actually, primons (prequarks) have already been found by some important experiments such as EMC, SMC, SLAC E143 and HERMES.
It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter fr... more It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter from their centers. It is then shown that the ratio between the radial and tangential velocities of the outflow is the parameter responsible for the logarithmic spiral structure of spiral galaxies. The fitting of some spiral galaxies to the model allows the calculation of the expansion velocities of matter in these galaxies and such values completely agree with the observational data. An approximate universal equation is proposed for the description of the arms of spiral galaxies with or without bars. Some important consequences are discussed with respect to dark matter, galactic evolution, cosmology, and the Milky Way. It is, particularly, concluded that dark matter does not exist in spiral galaxies.
This work proposes that quarks are composite particles, composed of prequarks (called primons in ... more This work proposes that quarks are composite particles, composed of prequarks (called primons in this work) which are very light fermions. In this way we can explain the number of quarks and begin to understand why their masses cover a wide range of values. Moreover, we can understand what is behind the Kobaiashi-Maskawa matrix. Also, the proposal agrees with the experimental data of the recent RHIC data.
It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter fr... more It is proposed that the arms of spiral galaxies are formed by the continuous outflow of matter fro m their centers. It is then shown that the ratio between the radial and tangential velocit ies of the outflow is the parameter responsible for the logarith mic spiral structure of spiral galaxies. The fitting of so me spiral galaxies to the model allows the calcu lation of the expansion velocities of matter in these galaxies and such values completely agree with the observational data. An
approximate universal equation is proposed for the description of the arms of spiral galaxies with or without bars. So me important consequences are discussed with respect to dark matter, galactic evolution, cosmology, and the M ilky Way. It is, particularly, concluded that dark matter does not exist in spiral galaxies.
The Morse molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overal... more The Morse molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overall interaction in charmonium. This procedure allows the calculation of the rotational contributions of P states, the radii of five S states, and an absolute threshold for bound states. The calculation of the latter provides important information on the
character of the recently found levels X(3915), X(3940), Psi (4040), X(4050), X(4140), Psi (4160), X(4160), X(4250), X(4260), X(4350), Psi (4415), X(4430), and X(4660).
A molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overall intera... more A molecular potential is used for the first time as an effective potential for the overall interaction in bottomonium. This allows the calculation of the rotational contributions of P states. Known experimental energy levels of bottomonium are fitted and values of predicted energy levels and the radii of some states are calculated.
Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks, called primons, the quantum numbers of ... more Considering that each quark is composed of two prequarks, called primons, the quantum numbers of Higgs-like bosons are calculated. It is shown that the neutral Higgs boson is, actually, a triplet and that the charged Higgs-like bosons are a quadruplet.
Papers by mario de souza
approximate universal equation is proposed for the description of the arms of spiral galaxies with or without bars. So me important consequences are discussed with respect to dark matter, galactic evolution, cosmology, and the M ilky Way. It is, particularly, concluded that dark matter does not exist in spiral galaxies.
character of the recently found levels X(3915), X(3940), Psi (4040), X(4050), X(4140), Psi (4160), X(4160), X(4250), X(4260), X(4350), Psi (4415), X(4430), and X(4660).