Papers by Kairo da Silva-Santos
Los documentos cartográficos son una de las principales fuentes de datos para las investigaciones... more Los documentos cartográficos son una de las principales fuentes de datos para las investigaciones geográficas, pudiéndose decir que la producción del material cartográfico acompaña a la historia de la humanidad, donde los primeros pueblos realizaban inscripciones en distintos materiales como forma de representación de sus espacios. Dada la importancia que los mapas tienen en la Geografía, como fuente de informaciones o producto de representación, se debe recordar que ambos son creados por la concepción de un cartógrafo, con sus fuentes propias o de otros informantes. Este fue el escenario encontrado durante los siglos XVIII y XIX, donde naturalistas, viajeros y cartógrafos viajaron por el territorio sudamericano con la finalidad de recolectar informaciones y registrar los asentamientos, límites y recursos en el territorio explorado. Dicho esto, los mapas fueron importantes elementos de demarcación de los territorios, reconocimiento de fronteras, registros de villas, poblados, aldeas, caminos y rutas de comercio en la región. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo hacer un análisis de un conjunto de mapas de fin del siglo XVIII hasta el inicio del siglo XX, identificando cómo los diferentes elementos geográficos fueron representados, su precisión y la fidelidad de su representación y localización. El desarrollo de la investigación tiene como método la comparación de algunos de los mapas disponibles, además de documentos escritos, de autoría de algunos viajeros y escritores del período. El área de investigación comprende una parte del oeste del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul en Brasil, las provincias de Misiones, Entre Ríos y Corrientes en la Argentina y la parte sur del territorio del Paraguay. Se espera que en los resultados sea posible identificar en los innumerables mapas compilados, aquellos que tienen mayor fidelidad a lo que es representado, transformándose así en fuente de datos para investigaciones futuras.
Kartografija i geoinformacije, 2021
The map named Carta Geographica de Projecçaõ Espherica Orthogonal da Nova Lusitania ou America Po... more The map named Carta Geographica de Projecçaõ Espherica Orthogonal da Nova Lusitania ou America Portugueza e Estado do Brazil from 1798, together with its 1795 (?), 1797 and 1803 versions, is undoubtedly one of the cartographic monuments developed by Portuguese cartography from the late eighteenth century. Its organizer was the geographer, astronomer, and frigate captain Antonio Pires da Silva Pontes Leme, who relied on the work of 34 people, including astronomers, geographers, and engineers, who, although only mentioned in the 1798 version, contributed to the creation of all versions.
All of them are similar in appearance, but differ in size, content, details, amount, and distribution of toponyms, which will be the subject of another paper. The greatest similarity, however, concerns the defined map projection.
The objective of this paper is to analyse and present the possible hypotheses and conclusions about which map projection was adopted for all versions of Nova Lusitania, through the identification of characteristics that allowed to infer and prove the adopted projection.
The applied methodology verified that in the bibliographic search, the information about the map structure is insufficient. An article presented by General Djalma Polli Coelho in October 1950 states that the projection suggested by its title, as orthogonal spherical, appeared to be the Sanson-Flamsteed equal-area projection. However, the expression Carta Geographica de Projecçaõ Espherica Orthogonal allows us to infer also the transverse orthographic projection.
Through parameters defined for the two projections, it was possible to establish the comparative elements for a cartographic analysis, which would allow us to conclude and prove the structure adopted for the map, allowing to conclude if the adopted projection for the Nova Lusitania was an azimuthal orthographic equatorial projection, or a Sanson-Flamsteed, sinusoidal projection on the meridian 315°, defined west-east, (counterclockwise), from the El Hierro (Ferro) Island. This meridian is referenced approx. –62°39'46" off the Greenwich meridian.
Revista Arquivos do Museu de História Natural e Jardim Botânico, 2019
The “Carte de la Provincia de Rio de Janeiro - 1824” was one of the products on Brazil, made by t... more The “Carte de la Provincia de Rio de Janeiro - 1824” was one of the products on Brazil, made by the Captain of Frigate Louis-Claude de Saulces de Freycinet, an
officer of the French navy who, during the 19th century, carried out large scientific expeditions, ordered by the King of France. These expeditions were of global scope and had the purpose of expanding geographical, scientific, anthropological, social, historical, philosophical, zoological, botanical knowledge among other objectives. In the second expedition, held between 1817 and 1820, the then Captaincy and the city of Rio de Janeiro was docked on December 6, where, thanks to the very favorable conditions for making pendulum and compasses observations, stayed on two months in the beginning (from December 6, 1817 to January 29, 1818) and three months in the return (from June 20 to September 13, 1820). In the publication of the “Voyage autour du monde ...”, in 16 volumes and a historical atlas, the map of the Province and a map of the city of Rio de Janeiro were published, which show details that are and are not present in the documents of the time. In this way the objective of this work is the accomplishment of a comparative analysis of this map with the others that compose the cartographic collection of the time, from the Captaincy and the Province of Rio de Janeiro. The study will focus on the cartographic analysis of the document, its characteristics, points of similarity and differences relating to the documents of comparison, as well as a toponymic analysis, also comparative. Some peculiarities of the map, such as the political-administrative division presented as districts, inconsistent or non-existent toponymy at the time and other elements that stand out will be analyzed. It is also intended to verify the basis of the document, since it is written in the map title, the phrase: “Rédigée D’aprés un Manuscrit portugais inédit et les Cartes nautiques de M.M. Roussin and Givry “.
Revista Arquivos do Museu de História Natural e Jardim Botânico da UFMG, 2019
Nowadays, the analysis of historical cartographic documents on original documents is an activity ... more Nowadays, the analysis of historical cartographic documents on original documents is an activity almost impossible to be carried out by the researchers, since the direct access to documents is difficult and not allowed by the holder of the document, either due to security problems, or to the impossibility of the researcher, to be able to move to where they are. On the other hand, it is possible to obtain documents, made available by the holders through the WEB, through of public access or direct order. Public copies are documents that are easily obtained for free, but often carrying serious problems of resolution, for several reasons. On the other hand, requesting copies at higher resolutions has costs, usually high, due to the process of document scanning and web data transmission, or mailing. Considering the hypothesis that these copies are made through devices that allows the document to be scanned as an image, it is assumed that by knowing the scan resolution and its pixel dimensions, the original dimensions of the document would be reconstituted, which facilitates the researcher, to have the original geometric knowledge of the document.However, it wasnoted that this doesn’t happen with most of the scanned documents offered, either free or not free. On the other hand, the absence of standardized metadata, where only part of the information of the original document is showed, also does not allow the knowledge of the geometric structure of the original document, necessary for determining distances, areas and reference scales.The objective of this paper is the accomplishment of an analysis, carried out on several cartographic documents, from several organizations, presenting the problematic that involves the geometric studies on the digital images of these documents. Some suggestions are presented to be adopted as a metadata standard structure and / or an editing way on scanned images obtained, even in low resolution public copies, allowing to preserve the dimensional geometric characteristics, according to the original document.
Mercator Online, 2019
Historical cartography has been increasingly important in understanding the landscape transformat... more Historical cartography has been increasingly important in understanding the landscape transformations, especially in the urban environment where different historical records are used. The present work aims at identifying and comparing, from historical and current records, the changes occurred in the three main rivers that cut the genesis area of the city of Petrópolis (Quitandinha, Palatino and Piabanha). The main research material consists of the Koeler Map (1846), a document that guides the urban planning of the city of Petrópolis, which was designed in line with the drainage network, produced in a 1: 5,000 scale and the most recent cartographic base of the city (1999) in scale 1: 10,000. The georeferencing and vectorization of the Koeler Map made it possible to perform different measurements, such as river width and winding. Later, the same procedures were performed on the most recent cartographic base of the city, in order to create comparative parameters for changes in the course of the rivers and their floods. The results show the suppression of four river islands and a decrease of sinuosity of the rivers with a variation of +0.575% to -2.436%. In the Quitandinha river were recorded the biggest changes and the largest flood record (97%), indicating that changes in the drainage network are significant elements in understanding flood dynamics.
Revista Geográfica Digital, 2018
En este artículo se desarrolló un análisis sobre las principales calles del núcleo urbano del mun... more En este artículo se desarrolló un análisis sobre las principales calles del núcleo urbano del municipio de Teresópolis y sus nombres geográficos, siendo parte de una tesis de maestría. Los aportes de la investigación están en las áreas de geografía histórica, cultural y cartografía histórica. Diferentes mapas y documentos, entre los años 1896 y 1995, fueron de
suma importancia, ya que permitieron identificar los topónimos en el espacio y sus cambios. En el análisis de los topónimos se procuró comprender los recuerdos y los significados de los nombres asignados, y cómo la dinámica toponímica cambió poco a poco el paisaje textual de la ciudad. A través de estos cambios fue posible analizar la relación entre los nombres geográficos y su posición espacial, que alteran los significados, recuerdos y aspectos culturales. Los resultados muestran un claro mensaje del nombramiento y preservación de nombres de figuras importantes en las áreas de mayor circulación y poder económico, contraponiéndose a otras zonas de la ciudad.
Revista Brasileira de Geomática, 2017
A análise de imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto baseada em objetos geográficos, também conhecida com... more A análise de imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto baseada em objetos geográficos, também conhecida como GEOBIA, constitui uma das áreas mais promissoras de pesquisas em Sensoriamento Remoto e Processamento Digital de Imagens. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho tem como proposta explorar algumas abordagens práticas sobre o processo de classificação de imagens baseada em objetos integrada com SIG, com o intuito de gerar um mapeamento de cobertura da terra do município de Duque de Caxias/RJ, utilizando uma cena do sensor OLI do satélite Landsat8. Na imagem utilizada, foi feita a correção atmosférica utilizando o módulo ATCOR2 e, posteriormente a fusão das bandas RGB com a banda pancromática. A segmentação foi feita com segmentador Multiresolution Segmentatione a classificação utilizando a chave: vegetação densa; vegetação rasteira; urbano; solo exposto; e água. Após a validação do mapeamento gerado pela modelagem do conhecimento, foram obtidos resultados para o índice Kappa (90,83%), exatidão global (93%) e precisão de classe, onde o menor resultado foi de solo exposto, com 83,33%. Entende-se que a imagem OLI/Landsat8 é um bom produto para classificação de imagens a nível municipal. Além disso, entende-se que a integração SIG/Sensoriamento Remoto é uma alternativa para dificuldades encontradas na modelagem do conhecimento.
O território do Rio de Janeiro, oriundo das capitanias de São Vicente e São Tomé, sofreu diversas... more O território do Rio de Janeiro, oriundo das capitanias de São Vicente e São Tomé, sofreu diversas alterações em relação aos seus limites como capitania, província e estado, bem como aos limites administrativos de seus municípios. Esta pesquisa objetiva mostrar a metodologia e os resultados alcançados no processo de reconstrução desses limites, inicialmente apoiada em documentos cartográficos históricos, decretos e leis. Foi verificada a necessidade de complementar a pesquisa, através do estudo da toponímia associada às cidades, vilas e núcleos de assentamentos, para uma definição de cada período das alterações e da consequente evolução política-administrativa.
A cidade do Rio de Janeiro, desde sua fundação, passou e passa por profundas mudanças em sua orga... more A cidade do Rio de Janeiro, desde sua fundação, passou e passa por profundas mudanças em sua organização espacial.
Diante deste fato, o presente trabalho desenvolverá a evolução administrativa dos distritos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro através de um estudo histórico, geográfico e cartográfico. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi necessário utilizar fundamentos
teóricos e metodológicos de Cartografi a Histórica, Cartometria Digital e Historical GIS (HGIS). O recorte temporal compreende os últimos anos do Século XIX (início do período republicano) a primeira metade do século XX.
A proposal presented in this text is part of a work developed in a master's dissertation on the g... more A proposal presented in this text is part of a work developed in a master's dissertation on the geographical names of public places in Teresópolis. Given the importance of geographical names, this research developed an analysis about the main urban nucleus' streets of the municipality of Teresópolis. Different documents, and especially maps, between the years of 1896 and 1995, were of extreme importance, because they made it possible to identify spatially toponymic and respective changes. In the analysis of the toponyms of public places, we sought to understand the memories and meanings of the names assigned, and as the toponymic dynamics little by little changed the textual landscape of the city. In addition, through these changes it was possible to understand the relationship between geographical names and their spatial position, which alter meanings, memories and cultural aspects. The result is a clear message to be transmited by the landscape of city names: many honors to local and national politicians ap-pers in the central área of the cities, as well as other more distant points they have another panorama of the names found.
The State of Rio de Janeiro has an area of 43696 km2 today, with 92 municipal districts and 185 d... more The State of Rio de Janeiro has an area of 43696 km2 today, with 92 municipal districts and 185 districts, as well as
hundreds of villages and small settlements. There is a very dense hydrographic network dispersed on its territory, which allowed the penetration and occupation of the countryside during the colonization period. Its orography is defined by plane areas, hills and mountainous, with several massifs. Its fi rst place names date from the end of 1501 and beginning of 1502, besides the more known, Rio de Janeiro, which denominated the current Bay of Guanabara. The occupation, however, only began in 1503, with an administration installed in Cabo Frio. The colonization of its territory began when the hereditary captaincies were created, in1534, seeking the colonization, the territory administration and the protection against foreign invasions as well. At that time, however, the territory of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro had several changes, relating to its limits. As province, from 1759, some changes still occurred, and the consolidation of the territory only ended in the middles of the 19th Century, just during the Empire. This paper aims to draw a link among the Historical Cartography of Rio de Janeiro State, its territory and its toponymy, through a research accomplishing a study of its development searching the identifi cation and analysis of the extracted place names on the several analyzed historical maps. The territory of Rio de Janeiro has a vast cartography, since the 17th Century until the current days, however, there are not many maps relating to the 16th Century. In that way, it is possible, with the identifi cation of place names in the maps, the accomplishment of analyses that allow inferring important conclusions on the occupation way, the names´ structures, toponymic motivations among others. The developed methodology defined the identificationand storage of the place names, in a space time database, according a local coordinates system, relating to each worked map. Each geographical name was characterized by a punctual coordinate, even if a different geometry was associated. The analyses made on the maps, were relating to names distribution, regarding space occupation, density and feature type. Relating to the geographical names, the aspects of the original language and toponymic motivation were analyzed. It was still analyzed the toponymic changes on some of the geographical names over time. All place names will be included in space time database of the State of Rio de Janeiro. This research continues the research on Historical Cartography and Toponymy of the State of Rio de Janeiro, developed by the Laboratory of Cartography of the Department of Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
A realidade virtual torna-se mais presente na vida das pessoas e suas aplicações tem conquistado ... more A realidade virtual torna-se mais presente na vida das pessoas e suas aplicações tem conquistado distintos segmentos, a exemplo do ensino em sala de aula. Essa inovação tecnológica tem alto custo de implementação, carecendo de iniciativas de baixo custo para ampliar o acesso a um maior número de pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a viabilidade do uso da tecnologia de realidade virtual como ferramenta didática para o ensino de Geografia. Como metodologia foi utilizado o Google Cardboard Glasses, junto a um smarthphone e o aplicativo CardBoard disponível na GooglePlaystore, vídeos 360º no YouTube e o Google StreetView. Dentre os resultados encontrados destacam-se uma maior imersão do Google Earth 3D, disponível no CardBoard, em um ambiente tridimensional simulado da superfície terrestre; uma grande quantidade de lugares disponíveis no Google StreetView possibilitando à realização de " trabalhos de campos virtuais " ; e a possibilidade de, através dos vídeo 360º, inserir o aluno em fenômenos que não poderiam ser observados por fotos ou ambientes simulados até então estáticos do Google Earth 3D. Foi possível perceber um enorme potencial da realidade virtual no ensino de Geografia, com alternativas de baixo custo permitindo ao professor e aos alunos, processos de ensino mais dinâmicos e atrativos.
Authors: Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes; Manoel do Couto Fernandes; Kairo da Silva Santos; Amanda B... more Authors: Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes; Manoel do Couto Fernandes; Kairo da Silva Santos; Amanda Biondino Sardella
The Carta Geographica of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, copied and published by the Real Archivo Militar de Lisboa (Lisbon Royal Military Archive), in 1823, is a cartographic document that has certain characteristics that are both curious and incentives to research. This chapter analyzes the information in the document as a historical map, highlighting its cartographic qualities relating to map projection, scale, cartographic quality, and accuracy, whether internal or external, as well as the study of the toponymy in three main aspects: settlements nuclei, hydrographic, and orographic elements. The used methodology for map evaluation is the one used by the Cartography Laboratory, GeoCart, of the Geography Department, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Initially, its structure of coherence with the historic context of the time was checked, considering the boundaries of the Province right after Brazil’s independence. The pertinent information was surveyed to put the cartographic structure into context, based on the adopted map projection, coordinates system, and orientation. The cartographic quality was appraised based on the scale and on the comparison between distances and angles between known points. Finally, the existing toponymy was extracted and broken down into the described categories in a quantitative and qualitative way. A comparative check was done, taking in account the existing toponymy already researched in previous periods (1777, 1732), verifying their positioning and changes, as well as if toponymy additions occurred. A curious aspect of this map is the existence of a toponym indicating the “Mar do Brasil” (“Sea of Brazil”), the only known name of its kind, referring to the Ocean in front of the State.
Books by Kairo da Silva-Santos
Manual de procesamiento y vectorización estandarizada de datos cartográficos históricos y actuales en un sistema de información geográfica, 2022
Esta propuesta técnica es un producto del proyecto de investigación del equipo del Laboratorio de... more Esta propuesta técnica es un producto del proyecto de investigación del equipo del Laboratorio de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), del Área de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica y Análisis Espacial de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS, Argentina), desarrollado en conjunto con investigadores del Laboratorio de Cartografía Digital (GeoCart) de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil). Este proyecto inició sus actividades en enero de 2018 y finalizó formalmente en diciembre de 2020. Se denominó “La aplicación de la toponimia y la cartografía histórica en los estudios territoriales en la Argentina y Brasil. El caso de las misiones jesuíticas durante el siglo XVII”. El objetivo general fue reconstruir la dinámica territorial histórica en las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes de la Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay, y los objetivos específicos se orientaron hacia la aplicación de métodos de la
geografía histórica como la toponimia y la cartografía, y métodos de análisis espacial de las tecnologías de la información geográfica para lograr la integración de los datos y transformarlos en información geográfica estandarizada según la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la República Argentina (IDERA) y el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN).
El período de estudio, que originariamente abarcaba el siglo XVII, fue ampliado hasta el siglo XXI a fin de obtener mayor cantidad de datos cartográficos y toponímicos. Así, y mediante la selección de mapas antiguos, cartas topográficas y de los geoservicios del Open Street Map, se realizó la vectorización, el análisis espacial y la publicación de visores de mapas ráster y vectoriales que presentan la localización y distribución de asentamientos humanos, vías de comunicación, cursos y espejos de agua, islas y límites político-administrativos a lo largo de cinco siglos.
La vectorización de los mapas antiguos y cartas topográficas implicó la
adopción de una metodología que optimizará los recursos humanos, hardware y software disponibles. En este manual se describe el proceso adoptado, desde la selección y preparación del material cartográfico, su georreferenciación y hasta
su vectorización, haciendo foco en esta última parte con el caso de estudio de las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes.
La propuesta aquí desarrollada apunta a colaborar en la construcción
de información geoespacial estandarizada, mediante la integración de datos cartográficos tanto históricos como actuales, a través de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información geográfica, con metodologías normalizadas y de bajo costo para trabajar en la restauración cartográfica y toponímica de áreas históricas, con la finalidad de incorporarlas en bases de datos cartográficos actuales estandarizados. Es por ello que se incorporó el paso a paso del trabajo
de vectorización realizado, para que otros investigadores, docentes, técnicos y público interesado en la temática, puedan replicarlo y adaptarlo según sus necesidades operativas.
Books Chapters by Kairo da Silva-Santos
Thesis Chapters by Kairo da Silva-Santos
Toponymy appears in the whole Earth surface, and the activity of naming places, features and obje... more Toponymy appears in the whole Earth surface, and the activity of naming places, features and objects is intrinsic to history of mankind. It’s difficult to find a place or an object that does not have an assigned name. Through documents, maps or popular knowledge, the toponymy becomes institutionalized and becomes a referenced point in the space. The study of geographical names is a multidisciplinary study and its spatiality gives to Geography the possibility to creat, in this theme, subjects of study linked to other disciplines of knowledge. Facing the importance of the geographical names, this research developed an analysis on the toponyms of the streets of the Teresópolis urban district. The toponymic changes occurred in the city opens a large field of study where is possible to unravel the meanings, memories and cultural aspects that occurred there. The analysis begin in 1855 after the city foundation until the end of the 20th century. Several things of documents, and especially maps, were of inestimable importance to enable the spatial identification of the toponymy and the respective changes. Through different techniques of geoprocessing and scanning, were possible to access the research material, and perform the necessary procedures to aim the objectives proposed in the study. In the analysis of the toponymy of the streets, it was sought how memories and meanings of the names assignment, and as how the toponymic dynamics changed a textual landscape of the city. In addition, through the changes was possible to understand the relationship between the geographical names and spatial positioning, which changes means, memories and cultural aspects. The results show a clear message about the toponymic landscape of Teresópolis: the names was arranged in space in a given logic and in different ways. Many tributes to local and national politicians appears in the central areas of the cities, as well as other more distant points have another panorama of the names found. The numerous renames of streets and the creation of others in many moments was tied to the recognition of the political figures and more influential peoples of the Teresópolis city and Brazil.
Projects by Kairo da Silva-Santos
La toponimia y la cartografía histórica como herramientas de análisis socio territorial en discip... more La toponimia y la cartografía histórica como herramientas de análisis socio territorial en disciplinas como la Geografía y la Historia, permiten otro modo de aproximación al
conocimiento de los procesos de construcción territorial y ambiental.
La toponimia brinda una herramienta metodológica documental que habilita el proceso de reconstrucción del territorio en estudio y los usos del suelo característicos, así como su dinámica ambiental. En particular, para el caso de las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes en Misiones y Corrientes, así como en Brasil, los topónimos permiten reconstruír las relaciones culturales en aquella sociedad.
Como dice Menezes (Menezes, P. M. L., et al, 2008) ?Os nomes geográficos singularizam lugares, identificando-os e claramente mostra que são os testemunhos
históricos do povoamento, descobrimento, conhecimento, presença, permanência
entre outros, sobre e do espaço geográfico. A través deles é marcada a passagem de geraçÃμes, raças, povos e grupos lingüísticos, na sucessão da ocupação de um território. Existe uma dinâmica clara na denominação dos lugares através das injunçÃμes políticas, econômicas, u outras quaisquer, fazendo-os evoluir, transformar ou corromper-se, tornando-os capazes de revelar tendências sociais, religiosas, políticas, entre outras.?
Por su parte, en cuanto a la cartografía histórica se puede afirmar que su principal
finalidad consistía informar la disponibilidad de los recursos naturales y humanos de los territorios recién incorporados o por incorporar a los Imperios o Estados Nacionales.
?Ya en el año 1577 Felipe II, rey de España, ?dicta una Real cédula para que se envíe a
América una "Instrucción y memoria" para que oficiales de la Corona, principalmente
corregidores y alcaldes mayores, contestaran. El objetivo de este cuestionario de 50
"capítulos" era conocer más sobre los territorios americanos. Las respuestas, mejor
conocidas como Relaciones Geográficas, constituyen el mayor cuerpo de fuentes
originales de la América española para el siglo XVI. De hecho, el cuestionario abarcó casi la totalidad de los temas de la vida colonial: geografía, topografía, toponimia, lenguas indígenas, tradiciones históricas, demografía, nombres de plantas y su utilización en la farmacopea, recursos minerales, tipos de viviendas, comercio, instituciones religiosas.? (
El desarrollo de la cartografía histórica incorporó desde un principio los avances técnicocientíficos del viejo mundo, con el fin de lograr un mayor conocimiento de la
disponibilidad de los recursos que ofrecían los "nuevos" territorios. Independientemente de su valoración científica, en cuanto a exactitud o representación del relieve, es importante destacar que los materiales cartográficos son los primeros documentos en los cuales quedó impresa la imagen de los territorios americanos. Asimismo, es necesario rescatar el valor del documento en sí, y considerarlos como objetos de estudio por la riqueza documental que encierran, al permitir el reconocimiento de la toponimia o la manera en que estaba organizado el territorio en un momento dado. (Miraglia, 2013_a)
Papers by Kairo da Silva-Santos
All of them are similar in appearance, but differ in size, content, details, amount, and distribution of toponyms, which will be the subject of another paper. The greatest similarity, however, concerns the defined map projection.
The objective of this paper is to analyse and present the possible hypotheses and conclusions about which map projection was adopted for all versions of Nova Lusitania, through the identification of characteristics that allowed to infer and prove the adopted projection.
The applied methodology verified that in the bibliographic search, the information about the map structure is insufficient. An article presented by General Djalma Polli Coelho in October 1950 states that the projection suggested by its title, as orthogonal spherical, appeared to be the Sanson-Flamsteed equal-area projection. However, the expression Carta Geographica de Projecçaõ Espherica Orthogonal allows us to infer also the transverse orthographic projection.
Through parameters defined for the two projections, it was possible to establish the comparative elements for a cartographic analysis, which would allow us to conclude and prove the structure adopted for the map, allowing to conclude if the adopted projection for the Nova Lusitania was an azimuthal orthographic equatorial projection, or a Sanson-Flamsteed, sinusoidal projection on the meridian 315°, defined west-east, (counterclockwise), from the El Hierro (Ferro) Island. This meridian is referenced approx. –62°39'46" off the Greenwich meridian.
officer of the French navy who, during the 19th century, carried out large scientific expeditions, ordered by the King of France. These expeditions were of global scope and had the purpose of expanding geographical, scientific, anthropological, social, historical, philosophical, zoological, botanical knowledge among other objectives. In the second expedition, held between 1817 and 1820, the then Captaincy and the city of Rio de Janeiro was docked on December 6, where, thanks to the very favorable conditions for making pendulum and compasses observations, stayed on two months in the beginning (from December 6, 1817 to January 29, 1818) and three months in the return (from June 20 to September 13, 1820). In the publication of the “Voyage autour du monde ...”, in 16 volumes and a historical atlas, the map of the Province and a map of the city of Rio de Janeiro were published, which show details that are and are not present in the documents of the time. In this way the objective of this work is the accomplishment of a comparative analysis of this map with the others that compose the cartographic collection of the time, from the Captaincy and the Province of Rio de Janeiro. The study will focus on the cartographic analysis of the document, its characteristics, points of similarity and differences relating to the documents of comparison, as well as a toponymic analysis, also comparative. Some peculiarities of the map, such as the political-administrative division presented as districts, inconsistent or non-existent toponymy at the time and other elements that stand out will be analyzed. It is also intended to verify the basis of the document, since it is written in the map title, the phrase: “Rédigée D’aprés un Manuscrit portugais inédit et les Cartes nautiques de M.M. Roussin and Givry “.
suma importancia, ya que permitieron identificar los topónimos en el espacio y sus cambios. En el análisis de los topónimos se procuró comprender los recuerdos y los significados de los nombres asignados, y cómo la dinámica toponímica cambió poco a poco el paisaje textual de la ciudad. A través de estos cambios fue posible analizar la relación entre los nombres geográficos y su posición espacial, que alteran los significados, recuerdos y aspectos culturales. Los resultados muestran un claro mensaje del nombramiento y preservación de nombres de figuras importantes en las áreas de mayor circulación y poder económico, contraponiéndose a otras zonas de la ciudad.
Diante deste fato, o presente trabalho desenvolverá a evolução administrativa dos distritos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro através de um estudo histórico, geográfico e cartográfico. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi necessário utilizar fundamentos
teóricos e metodológicos de Cartografi a Histórica, Cartometria Digital e Historical GIS (HGIS). O recorte temporal compreende os últimos anos do Século XIX (início do período republicano) a primeira metade do século XX.
hundreds of villages and small settlements. There is a very dense hydrographic network dispersed on its territory, which allowed the penetration and occupation of the countryside during the colonization period. Its orography is defined by plane areas, hills and mountainous, with several massifs. Its fi rst place names date from the end of 1501 and beginning of 1502, besides the more known, Rio de Janeiro, which denominated the current Bay of Guanabara. The occupation, however, only began in 1503, with an administration installed in Cabo Frio. The colonization of its territory began when the hereditary captaincies were created, in1534, seeking the colonization, the territory administration and the protection against foreign invasions as well. At that time, however, the territory of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro had several changes, relating to its limits. As province, from 1759, some changes still occurred, and the consolidation of the territory only ended in the middles of the 19th Century, just during the Empire. This paper aims to draw a link among the Historical Cartography of Rio de Janeiro State, its territory and its toponymy, through a research accomplishing a study of its development searching the identifi cation and analysis of the extracted place names on the several analyzed historical maps. The territory of Rio de Janeiro has a vast cartography, since the 17th Century until the current days, however, there are not many maps relating to the 16th Century. In that way, it is possible, with the identifi cation of place names in the maps, the accomplishment of analyses that allow inferring important conclusions on the occupation way, the names´ structures, toponymic motivations among others. The developed methodology defined the identificationand storage of the place names, in a space time database, according a local coordinates system, relating to each worked map. Each geographical name was characterized by a punctual coordinate, even if a different geometry was associated. The analyses made on the maps, were relating to names distribution, regarding space occupation, density and feature type. Relating to the geographical names, the aspects of the original language and toponymic motivation were analyzed. It was still analyzed the toponymic changes on some of the geographical names over time. All place names will be included in space time database of the State of Rio de Janeiro. This research continues the research on Historical Cartography and Toponymy of the State of Rio de Janeiro, developed by the Laboratory of Cartography of the Department of Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
The Carta Geographica of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, copied and published by the Real Archivo Militar de Lisboa (Lisbon Royal Military Archive), in 1823, is a cartographic document that has certain characteristics that are both curious and incentives to research. This chapter analyzes the information in the document as a historical map, highlighting its cartographic qualities relating to map projection, scale, cartographic quality, and accuracy, whether internal or external, as well as the study of the toponymy in three main aspects: settlements nuclei, hydrographic, and orographic elements. The used methodology for map evaluation is the one used by the Cartography Laboratory, GeoCart, of the Geography Department, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Initially, its structure of coherence with the historic context of the time was checked, considering the boundaries of the Province right after Brazil’s independence. The pertinent information was surveyed to put the cartographic structure into context, based on the adopted map projection, coordinates system, and orientation. The cartographic quality was appraised based on the scale and on the comparison between distances and angles between known points. Finally, the existing toponymy was extracted and broken down into the described categories in a quantitative and qualitative way. A comparative check was done, taking in account the existing toponymy already researched in previous periods (1777, 1732), verifying their positioning and changes, as well as if toponymy additions occurred. A curious aspect of this map is the existence of a toponym indicating the “Mar do Brasil” (“Sea of Brazil”), the only known name of its kind, referring to the Ocean in front of the State.
Books by Kairo da Silva-Santos
geografía histórica como la toponimia y la cartografía, y métodos de análisis espacial de las tecnologías de la información geográfica para lograr la integración de los datos y transformarlos en información geográfica estandarizada según la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la República Argentina (IDERA) y el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN).
El período de estudio, que originariamente abarcaba el siglo XVII, fue ampliado hasta el siglo XXI a fin de obtener mayor cantidad de datos cartográficos y toponímicos. Así, y mediante la selección de mapas antiguos, cartas topográficas y de los geoservicios del Open Street Map, se realizó la vectorización, el análisis espacial y la publicación de visores de mapas ráster y vectoriales que presentan la localización y distribución de asentamientos humanos, vías de comunicación, cursos y espejos de agua, islas y límites político-administrativos a lo largo de cinco siglos.
La vectorización de los mapas antiguos y cartas topográficas implicó la
adopción de una metodología que optimizará los recursos humanos, hardware y software disponibles. En este manual se describe el proceso adoptado, desde la selección y preparación del material cartográfico, su georreferenciación y hasta
su vectorización, haciendo foco en esta última parte con el caso de estudio de las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes.
La propuesta aquí desarrollada apunta a colaborar en la construcción
de información geoespacial estandarizada, mediante la integración de datos cartográficos tanto históricos como actuales, a través de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información geográfica, con metodologías normalizadas y de bajo costo para trabajar en la restauración cartográfica y toponímica de áreas históricas, con la finalidad de incorporarlas en bases de datos cartográficos actuales estandarizados. Es por ello que se incorporó el paso a paso del trabajo
de vectorización realizado, para que otros investigadores, docentes, técnicos y público interesado en la temática, puedan replicarlo y adaptarlo según sus necesidades operativas.
Books Chapters by Kairo da Silva-Santos
Thesis Chapters by Kairo da Silva-Santos
Projects by Kairo da Silva-Santos
conocimiento de los procesos de construcción territorial y ambiental.
La toponimia brinda una herramienta metodológica documental que habilita el proceso de reconstrucción del territorio en estudio y los usos del suelo característicos, así como su dinámica ambiental. En particular, para el caso de las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes en Misiones y Corrientes, así como en Brasil, los topónimos permiten reconstruír las relaciones culturales en aquella sociedad.
Como dice Menezes (Menezes, P. M. L., et al, 2008) ?Os nomes geográficos singularizam lugares, identificando-os e claramente mostra que são os testemunhos
históricos do povoamento, descobrimento, conhecimento, presença, permanência
entre outros, sobre e do espaço geográfico. A través deles é marcada a passagem de geraçÃμes, raças, povos e grupos lingüísticos, na sucessão da ocupação de um território. Existe uma dinâmica clara na denominação dos lugares através das injunçÃμes políticas, econômicas, u outras quaisquer, fazendo-os evoluir, transformar ou corromper-se, tornando-os capazes de revelar tendências sociais, religiosas, políticas, entre outras.?
Por su parte, en cuanto a la cartografía histórica se puede afirmar que su principal
finalidad consistía informar la disponibilidad de los recursos naturales y humanos de los territorios recién incorporados o por incorporar a los Imperios o Estados Nacionales.
?Ya en el año 1577 Felipe II, rey de España, ?dicta una Real cédula para que se envíe a
América una "Instrucción y memoria" para que oficiales de la Corona, principalmente
corregidores y alcaldes mayores, contestaran. El objetivo de este cuestionario de 50
"capítulos" era conocer más sobre los territorios americanos. Las respuestas, mejor
conocidas como Relaciones Geográficas, constituyen el mayor cuerpo de fuentes
originales de la América española para el siglo XVI. De hecho, el cuestionario abarcó casi la totalidad de los temas de la vida colonial: geografía, topografía, toponimia, lenguas indígenas, tradiciones históricas, demografía, nombres de plantas y su utilización en la farmacopea, recursos minerales, tipos de viviendas, comercio, instituciones religiosas.? (
El desarrollo de la cartografía histórica incorporó desde un principio los avances técnicocientíficos del viejo mundo, con el fin de lograr un mayor conocimiento de la
disponibilidad de los recursos que ofrecían los "nuevos" territorios. Independientemente de su valoración científica, en cuanto a exactitud o representación del relieve, es importante destacar que los materiales cartográficos son los primeros documentos en los cuales quedó impresa la imagen de los territorios americanos. Asimismo, es necesario rescatar el valor del documento en sí, y considerarlos como objetos de estudio por la riqueza documental que encierran, al permitir el reconocimiento de la toponimia o la manera en que estaba organizado el territorio en un momento dado. (Miraglia, 2013_a)
All of them are similar in appearance, but differ in size, content, details, amount, and distribution of toponyms, which will be the subject of another paper. The greatest similarity, however, concerns the defined map projection.
The objective of this paper is to analyse and present the possible hypotheses and conclusions about which map projection was adopted for all versions of Nova Lusitania, through the identification of characteristics that allowed to infer and prove the adopted projection.
The applied methodology verified that in the bibliographic search, the information about the map structure is insufficient. An article presented by General Djalma Polli Coelho in October 1950 states that the projection suggested by its title, as orthogonal spherical, appeared to be the Sanson-Flamsteed equal-area projection. However, the expression Carta Geographica de Projecçaõ Espherica Orthogonal allows us to infer also the transverse orthographic projection.
Through parameters defined for the two projections, it was possible to establish the comparative elements for a cartographic analysis, which would allow us to conclude and prove the structure adopted for the map, allowing to conclude if the adopted projection for the Nova Lusitania was an azimuthal orthographic equatorial projection, or a Sanson-Flamsteed, sinusoidal projection on the meridian 315°, defined west-east, (counterclockwise), from the El Hierro (Ferro) Island. This meridian is referenced approx. –62°39'46" off the Greenwich meridian.
officer of the French navy who, during the 19th century, carried out large scientific expeditions, ordered by the King of France. These expeditions were of global scope and had the purpose of expanding geographical, scientific, anthropological, social, historical, philosophical, zoological, botanical knowledge among other objectives. In the second expedition, held between 1817 and 1820, the then Captaincy and the city of Rio de Janeiro was docked on December 6, where, thanks to the very favorable conditions for making pendulum and compasses observations, stayed on two months in the beginning (from December 6, 1817 to January 29, 1818) and three months in the return (from June 20 to September 13, 1820). In the publication of the “Voyage autour du monde ...”, in 16 volumes and a historical atlas, the map of the Province and a map of the city of Rio de Janeiro were published, which show details that are and are not present in the documents of the time. In this way the objective of this work is the accomplishment of a comparative analysis of this map with the others that compose the cartographic collection of the time, from the Captaincy and the Province of Rio de Janeiro. The study will focus on the cartographic analysis of the document, its characteristics, points of similarity and differences relating to the documents of comparison, as well as a toponymic analysis, also comparative. Some peculiarities of the map, such as the political-administrative division presented as districts, inconsistent or non-existent toponymy at the time and other elements that stand out will be analyzed. It is also intended to verify the basis of the document, since it is written in the map title, the phrase: “Rédigée D’aprés un Manuscrit portugais inédit et les Cartes nautiques de M.M. Roussin and Givry “.
suma importancia, ya que permitieron identificar los topónimos en el espacio y sus cambios. En el análisis de los topónimos se procuró comprender los recuerdos y los significados de los nombres asignados, y cómo la dinámica toponímica cambió poco a poco el paisaje textual de la ciudad. A través de estos cambios fue posible analizar la relación entre los nombres geográficos y su posición espacial, que alteran los significados, recuerdos y aspectos culturales. Los resultados muestran un claro mensaje del nombramiento y preservación de nombres de figuras importantes en las áreas de mayor circulación y poder económico, contraponiéndose a otras zonas de la ciudad.
Diante deste fato, o presente trabalho desenvolverá a evolução administrativa dos distritos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro através de um estudo histórico, geográfico e cartográfico. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi necessário utilizar fundamentos
teóricos e metodológicos de Cartografi a Histórica, Cartometria Digital e Historical GIS (HGIS). O recorte temporal compreende os últimos anos do Século XIX (início do período republicano) a primeira metade do século XX.
hundreds of villages and small settlements. There is a very dense hydrographic network dispersed on its territory, which allowed the penetration and occupation of the countryside during the colonization period. Its orography is defined by plane areas, hills and mountainous, with several massifs. Its fi rst place names date from the end of 1501 and beginning of 1502, besides the more known, Rio de Janeiro, which denominated the current Bay of Guanabara. The occupation, however, only began in 1503, with an administration installed in Cabo Frio. The colonization of its territory began when the hereditary captaincies were created, in1534, seeking the colonization, the territory administration and the protection against foreign invasions as well. At that time, however, the territory of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro had several changes, relating to its limits. As province, from 1759, some changes still occurred, and the consolidation of the territory only ended in the middles of the 19th Century, just during the Empire. This paper aims to draw a link among the Historical Cartography of Rio de Janeiro State, its territory and its toponymy, through a research accomplishing a study of its development searching the identifi cation and analysis of the extracted place names on the several analyzed historical maps. The territory of Rio de Janeiro has a vast cartography, since the 17th Century until the current days, however, there are not many maps relating to the 16th Century. In that way, it is possible, with the identifi cation of place names in the maps, the accomplishment of analyses that allow inferring important conclusions on the occupation way, the names´ structures, toponymic motivations among others. The developed methodology defined the identificationand storage of the place names, in a space time database, according a local coordinates system, relating to each worked map. Each geographical name was characterized by a punctual coordinate, even if a different geometry was associated. The analyses made on the maps, were relating to names distribution, regarding space occupation, density and feature type. Relating to the geographical names, the aspects of the original language and toponymic motivation were analyzed. It was still analyzed the toponymic changes on some of the geographical names over time. All place names will be included in space time database of the State of Rio de Janeiro. This research continues the research on Historical Cartography and Toponymy of the State of Rio de Janeiro, developed by the Laboratory of Cartography of the Department of Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
The Carta Geographica of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, copied and published by the Real Archivo Militar de Lisboa (Lisbon Royal Military Archive), in 1823, is a cartographic document that has certain characteristics that are both curious and incentives to research. This chapter analyzes the information in the document as a historical map, highlighting its cartographic qualities relating to map projection, scale, cartographic quality, and accuracy, whether internal or external, as well as the study of the toponymy in three main aspects: settlements nuclei, hydrographic, and orographic elements. The used methodology for map evaluation is the one used by the Cartography Laboratory, GeoCart, of the Geography Department, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Initially, its structure of coherence with the historic context of the time was checked, considering the boundaries of the Province right after Brazil’s independence. The pertinent information was surveyed to put the cartographic structure into context, based on the adopted map projection, coordinates system, and orientation. The cartographic quality was appraised based on the scale and on the comparison between distances and angles between known points. Finally, the existing toponymy was extracted and broken down into the described categories in a quantitative and qualitative way. A comparative check was done, taking in account the existing toponymy already researched in previous periods (1777, 1732), verifying their positioning and changes, as well as if toponymy additions occurred. A curious aspect of this map is the existence of a toponym indicating the “Mar do Brasil” (“Sea of Brazil”), the only known name of its kind, referring to the Ocean in front of the State.
geografía histórica como la toponimia y la cartografía, y métodos de análisis espacial de las tecnologías de la información geográfica para lograr la integración de los datos y transformarlos en información geográfica estandarizada según la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la República Argentina (IDERA) y el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN).
El período de estudio, que originariamente abarcaba el siglo XVII, fue ampliado hasta el siglo XXI a fin de obtener mayor cantidad de datos cartográficos y toponímicos. Así, y mediante la selección de mapas antiguos, cartas topográficas y de los geoservicios del Open Street Map, se realizó la vectorización, el análisis espacial y la publicación de visores de mapas ráster y vectoriales que presentan la localización y distribución de asentamientos humanos, vías de comunicación, cursos y espejos de agua, islas y límites político-administrativos a lo largo de cinco siglos.
La vectorización de los mapas antiguos y cartas topográficas implicó la
adopción de una metodología que optimizará los recursos humanos, hardware y software disponibles. En este manual se describe el proceso adoptado, desde la selección y preparación del material cartográfico, su georreferenciación y hasta
su vectorización, haciendo foco en esta última parte con el caso de estudio de las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes.
La propuesta aquí desarrollada apunta a colaborar en la construcción
de información geoespacial estandarizada, mediante la integración de datos cartográficos tanto históricos como actuales, a través de la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información geográfica, con metodologías normalizadas y de bajo costo para trabajar en la restauración cartográfica y toponímica de áreas históricas, con la finalidad de incorporarlas en bases de datos cartográficos actuales estandarizados. Es por ello que se incorporó el paso a paso del trabajo
de vectorización realizado, para que otros investigadores, docentes, técnicos y público interesado en la temática, puedan replicarlo y adaptarlo según sus necesidades operativas.
conocimiento de los procesos de construcción territorial y ambiental.
La toponimia brinda una herramienta metodológica documental que habilita el proceso de reconstrucción del territorio en estudio y los usos del suelo característicos, así como su dinámica ambiental. En particular, para el caso de las misiones jesuíticas guaraníes en Misiones y Corrientes, así como en Brasil, los topónimos permiten reconstruír las relaciones culturales en aquella sociedad.
Como dice Menezes (Menezes, P. M. L., et al, 2008) ?Os nomes geográficos singularizam lugares, identificando-os e claramente mostra que são os testemunhos
históricos do povoamento, descobrimento, conhecimento, presença, permanência
entre outros, sobre e do espaço geográfico. A través deles é marcada a passagem de geraçÃμes, raças, povos e grupos lingüísticos, na sucessão da ocupação de um território. Existe uma dinâmica clara na denominação dos lugares através das injunçÃμes políticas, econômicas, u outras quaisquer, fazendo-os evoluir, transformar ou corromper-se, tornando-os capazes de revelar tendências sociais, religiosas, políticas, entre outras.?
Por su parte, en cuanto a la cartografía histórica se puede afirmar que su principal
finalidad consistía informar la disponibilidad de los recursos naturales y humanos de los territorios recién incorporados o por incorporar a los Imperios o Estados Nacionales.
?Ya en el año 1577 Felipe II, rey de España, ?dicta una Real cédula para que se envíe a
América una "Instrucción y memoria" para que oficiales de la Corona, principalmente
corregidores y alcaldes mayores, contestaran. El objetivo de este cuestionario de 50
"capítulos" era conocer más sobre los territorios americanos. Las respuestas, mejor
conocidas como Relaciones Geográficas, constituyen el mayor cuerpo de fuentes
originales de la América española para el siglo XVI. De hecho, el cuestionario abarcó casi la totalidad de los temas de la vida colonial: geografía, topografía, toponimia, lenguas indígenas, tradiciones históricas, demografía, nombres de plantas y su utilización en la farmacopea, recursos minerales, tipos de viviendas, comercio, instituciones religiosas.? (
El desarrollo de la cartografía histórica incorporó desde un principio los avances técnicocientíficos del viejo mundo, con el fin de lograr un mayor conocimiento de la
disponibilidad de los recursos que ofrecían los "nuevos" territorios. Independientemente de su valoración científica, en cuanto a exactitud o representación del relieve, es importante destacar que los materiales cartográficos son los primeros documentos en los cuales quedó impresa la imagen de los territorios americanos. Asimismo, es necesario rescatar el valor del documento en sí, y considerarlos como objetos de estudio por la riqueza documental que encierran, al permitir el reconocimiento de la toponimia o la manera en que estaba organizado el territorio en un momento dado. (Miraglia, 2013_a)