Papers by Leonardo Francisco de Azevedo

Migraciones, 2022
This article looks at the migration of qualified Brazilians to Portugal, with reference to theimp... more This article looks at the migration of qualified Brazilians to Portugal, with reference to theimpact of political developments in Brazil on migration decision-making processes and theirlifestyle aspirations in the host society. Original fieldwork consists of twenty in-depth in-terviews conducted with qualified Brazilians in the Lisbon area during 2019. These inter-views illustrate how political and economic instability in Brazil contributed to establishinga strong migration imperative. In this scenario, Portugal is chosen as a destination due to itsperceived social stability and emergence as a fashionable destination for skilled workers, withthe promise of a “cosmopolitan” life. In conclusion, we emphasise the need to consider howpolitical conditions in a sending society and lifestyle considerations interact in the migrationdecision-making of skilled migrants. This approach confronts assumptions that serve to dis-guise the precariousness of many Brazilian migrants in Portugal due to their relatively highskill levels and raising long-term concerns regarding the sustainability of lifestyle-oriented mi-gration.
Este livro é dedicado a Berto Carvalho, in memoriam Sumário [ 5 ] suMário 7 Apresentação 9 Capítu... more Este livro é dedicado a Berto Carvalho, in memoriam Sumário [ 5 ] suMário 7 Apresentação 9 Capítulo 1-O que os currículos dizem sobre a formação na pós-graduação em Sociologia?, Mariana Siracusa Capítulo 2-A formação e a atuação profissional em Antropologia no Brasil atual: notas do front de batalha, Leonardo Leal Esteves Capítulo 3-Formação em docência universitária na pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais, Laurindo Tchinhama & Lília Maria Mendes Bernardi Capítulo 4-"É isso que eles te ensinam no Brasil?": mobilidade acadêmica internacional e a experiência de doutorandos(as) brasileiros(as) no exterior,
The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration, 2022
Frente à necessidade de compreender as diferentes investigações antropológicas realizadas fora do... more Frente à necessidade de compreender as diferentes investigações antropológicas realizadas fora dos grandes centros produtores dos paradigmas da disciplina, apresentaremos o desenvolvimento da antropologia na América Latina, focando principalmente na antropologia brasileira; bem como pesquisas antropológicas interessadas nos processos de construção de Estados nacionais pós-independência, nomeadamente Timor-Leste e Índia. Por fim, atualizaremos o debate da escrita antropológica focando não apenas na questão poética, mas sobretudo na sua dimensão política

Mobilities, 2021
ABSTRACT Corporeal travel has been highly problematized during the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to ... more ABSTRACT Corporeal travel has been highly problematized during the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to the curtailment of many previously taken-for-granted mobilities. This includes the circulation of international students; individuals undertaking short duration credit mobility exchanges alongside those who have migrated for an entire degree course. The objective of this article is to look at how the pandemic has affected credit and degree mobility students from inside and outside Europe, focusing on the example of Portugal during the lockdown of Spring 2020. Using evidence from qualitative interviews, we illustrate the unfolding impact of the pandemic on the lives and learning habits of these students, showing how the international learning experience changed from being a relatively positive and carefree experience to one characterized by risk and uncertainty. This apparent inversion extends to a potential devaluation of their mobility capital, somewhat undermining the raison d’être of much student mobility. In conclusion, we argue that whether temporary or permanent, during the pandemic we have witnessed a turn towards immobility in tertiary education, and perhaps in the broader field of mobilities, creating an imperative to open up debate on the impact of the limitations that affect student mobilities.

Sociologia & Antropologia
Resumo Os intercâmbios acadêmicos têm se tornado uma das principais políticas de internacionaliza... more Resumo Os intercâmbios acadêmicos têm se tornado uma das principais políticas de internacionalização do ensino superior no Brasil e no mundo. Além de permitir aos estudantes a experiência de viver em outro país, aprender uma nova língua e adquirir novas habilidades, a eles estão associadas esperanças de renovação, atualização e modernização das universidades brasileiras. O presente artigo busca compreender as dinâmicas desse processo, articulando-o ao debate sobre cosmopolitismo, que sustenta parte do discurso acerca da ciência como projeto universal. Pretende ainda analisar a experiência de estudantes brasileiros que, financiados por sua própria universidade, puderam cursar parte de sua graduação em uma instituição estrangeira. Observa-se, em suas experiências, ganhos tanto em relação a suas trajetórias quanto às percepções sobre a universidade e a vida acadêmica.
Sociologia & Antropologia, 2022
Academic exchanges have become a main policy for the internationalization of higher education in ... more Academic exchanges have become a main policy for the internationalization of higher education in Brazil and worldwide. Besides allowing students the experience of living in another country, learning a new language and acquiring new skills, they are associated with hopes of
renewing, updating and modernizing Brazilian universities. This article seeks to understand the dynamics of this process, articulating it with the debate on cosmopolitanism, which upholds part of the scientific discourse as a universal project. Finally, it analyzes the experience
of Brazilian students who, financed by their own university, were able to attend part of their undergraduate studies in a foreign institution. According to these students, studying abroad contributed to both their life trajectories and to broaden their understanding of university and
academic life.

Antropolítica, Dec 2, 2021
The present paper aims at investigating the building of a particular elite group in Brazildoctors... more The present paper aims at investigating the building of a particular elite group in Brazildoctors with international training-given the contemporary scenario of reduced public investment in universities and research centers in the country. The project to be part of a select group of Brazilians who circulates through the world's leading universities, doing researches in major laboratories with renowned researchers, has been frustrated by the lack of opportunities of integrating themselves in the Brazilian higher education system after years abroad. Based on an ongoing study with researchers who carried out their Ph.D. abroad, granted by Brazilian development agency scholarships, this paper starts from the hypothesis that this academic elite has been facing difficulties in gaining legitimacy regardless of the historical role it played in the process of Brazilian State building. Despite the prestige that this type of international mobility involves, as well as the scale of the investment made-concerning public resources and professional, emotional, and affective investments-these researchers indicate that, on their return to Brazil, they are unable to carry out their researches. By better understanding this specific segment of Brazilian academics, we intend to contribute to the debate about the current conditions of the scientific career in Brazil.

The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration, 2021
This concluding chapter should have been very different, and in fact it was very different before... more This concluding chapter should have been very different, and in fact it was very different before being rewritten to take account of recent developments in the field of public health. Had it not been for the global spread of Covid-19 in 2020, youth mobility might well have continued along its decades long course of global expansion and diversification, spreading into different forms of education, work and training, with the dividing line between mobility for these purposes and tourism continuing to blur. These concerns are no longer as pressing as they once were, and may not return to being high priorities for a very long time. Right now, writing in the middle of what has come to feel like an open-ended pandemic, all we can do is look at what has happened in the last few months and attempt to grasp some of the main consequences for young people who still wish or need to be mobile, in addition to engaging with the pressing problem of how to reorient mobility practices that have stalled or never got off the ground, literally and figuratively. Additional concerns are evident in regard to how to maintain mobility systems at a time when institutions have closed their doors, again literally and figuratively, and are struggling to reopen in any meaningful sense of the word.
Journal of Urban Affairs, 2021

Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2016
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (... more Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados. Resumo O presente artigo se propõe investigar a crescente internacionalização do ensino superior através da análise do Programa do governo federal "Ciência sem Fronteiras". Para tal, procura destacar o debate acadêmico acerca de temas como deslocamentos e fluxos territoriais, globalização e geopolítica do conhecimento científico para, em seguida, analisar este programa governamental a partir de discursos oficiais e notícias circuladas pela grande mídia, observando sua concepção, as formas de participação e seus primeiros desdobramentos. Como método, utilizou-se revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental, de forma a verificar como este programa, apesar de estratégico para a consolidação do nosso país como potência no Hemisfério Sul, reproduz valores convencionais, seja por fundamentar-se na lógica centro-periferia, seja por apostar na supremacia radical das ciências naturais como forma de inserção do país nas valorizadas rotas industriais e tecnológicas do sistema mundial.

Acreditar nos espaços de diálogo é uma obrigação em tempos nos quais o negacionismo e o desapreço... more Acreditar nos espaços de diálogo é uma obrigação em tempos nos quais o negacionismo e o desapreço por informação verificada se fazem presentes na cena pública. Vivenciamos uma inédita pandemia acompanhada do aumento das desigualdades e da pobreza, bem como do crescimento das migrações por guerra e desastres, além da intensificação de conflitos étnico-identitários e de uma significativa descrença nas instituições, com impacto global. Neste cenário onde as ideias e os conflitos parecem ser difíceis de decifrar, a reafirmação do compromisso com a ciência e diversificação dos espaços de debate, especialmente no Brasil, transforma-se em um ato de resistência ante ao obscurantismo rasteiro que tem atrapalhado o entendimento sobre questões centrais para convívio. Tendo em vista a importância da ciência como instância de análise, debate e crítica da realidade, o corpo editorial da CSOnline – Revista Eletrônica de Ciências Sociais propõe, a partir deste número, uma nova seção dedicada à escu...

As migracoes, no mundo contemporâneo, tem se intensificado e se complexificado significativamente... more As migracoes, no mundo contemporâneo, tem se intensificado e se complexificado significativamente. Pessoas, objetos e ideias circulam por diferentes lugares e de distintas maneiras, redimensionando nocoes de espaco e tempo, de pertencimento e de configuracoes identitarias. A presente pesquisa, frente a esse contexto, objetivou investigar a migracao estudantil atraves dos intercâmbios academicos. Esse tipo de migracao, crescente nos ultimos anos, possui singularidades que afetam sobremaneira as trajetorias e percepcoes de quem os pratica. A partir da experiencia de alunos de graduacao da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), que realizaram intercâmbio estudantil nos anos de 2013 e 2014, bem como da propria experiencia do pesquisador, que realizou intercâmbio em sua graduacao no ano de 2011, buscou-se compreender e caracterizar esse fenomeno. Atraves de entrevistas e observacao participante, percebeu-se que este tipo de migracao possui uma correlacao direta com o corte geracion...
Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2020
Review of: Internationalization of Higher Education for Development: Blackness and Postcolonial S... more Review of: Internationalization of Higher Education for Development: Blackness and Postcolonial Solidarity in Africa-Brazil Relations, Susanne Ress (2019)London: Bloomsbury Academic, 208 pp.,ISBN 978-1-35004-546-0, h/bk, £90
Papers by Leonardo Francisco de Azevedo
renewing, updating and modernizing Brazilian universities. This article seeks to understand the dynamics of this process, articulating it with the debate on cosmopolitanism, which upholds part of the scientific discourse as a universal project. Finally, it analyzes the experience
of Brazilian students who, financed by their own university, were able to attend part of their undergraduate studies in a foreign institution. According to these students, studying abroad contributed to both their life trajectories and to broaden their understanding of university and
academic life.
renewing, updating and modernizing Brazilian universities. This article seeks to understand the dynamics of this process, articulating it with the debate on cosmopolitanism, which upholds part of the scientific discourse as a universal project. Finally, it analyzes the experience
of Brazilian students who, financed by their own university, were able to attend part of their undergraduate studies in a foreign institution. According to these students, studying abroad contributed to both their life trajectories and to broaden their understanding of university and
academic life.
BRUM, Ceres Karam. Maison du Brésil – um território brasileiro em Paris. Porto Alegre: Evangraf, 2014, 231pp.