Papers by Nativa: Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais
Recebido em dezembro/2016; Aceito em setembro/2017. RESUMO: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as... more Recebido em dezembro/2016; Aceito em setembro/2017. RESUMO: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos compósitos de madeiraplástico confeccionados com diferentes cargas de prensagem. Foi utilizada a serragem de cumaru e o plástico de polipropileno (PP) pós-consumo. A manufatura consistiu na proporção de 30% de serragem e 70% de PP, o colchão de partículas foi colocado na prensa hidráulica por 20 minutos a 180°C com aplicação de diferentes cargas (2, 5, 8, 11 e 14 toneladas). Os compósitos foram caracterizados por meio dos ensaios físicos (densidade, absorção de água e inchamento em espessura) e mecânicos (resistência à flexão estática, resistência ao impacto e dureza Rockwell). Nos ensaios físicos foi observado que aumentando a força de prensagem evidenciaram-se as melhores respostas. Já para os ensaios mecânicos, na flexão estática a força de prensagem aumentou a resistência do compósito. Entretanto para a dureza Rockwell e a resistência ao impacto a variação da força não alterou a resistência dos compósitos de madeira-plástico. Palavra-chave: Dipteryx odorata, reaproveitamento, serragem, resinas plásticas, impacto ambiental.
RESUMO: A regeneração de áreas degradadas pressupõe o plantio de espécies florestais em áreas que... more RESUMO: A regeneração de áreas degradadas pressupõe o plantio de espécies florestais em áreas que tenham sofrido alterações antrópicas profundas e que estas sejam mantidas em condições que lhes permitam o desenvolvimento rápido e uniforme. Entretanto, problemas como a presença das plantas daninhas podem comprometer o crescimento destas plantas, principalmente após estas serem plantadas no local definitivo, no qual estas encontram-se suscetíveis à matocompetição. Uma das técnicas amplamente utilizadas para seu manejo é o uso de herbicidas. Esses produtos podem prejudicar e/ou até matar as plantas quando as atingem em doses elevadas, mesmo quando a aplicação é realizada com jato dirigido (deriva). Um dos herbicidas amplamente utilizados é o glyphosate, que tem como característica, ser sistêmico e não seletivo. O nim é uma espécie introduzida que tem sido cultivada em diversas regiões do Brasil, dada suas características silviculturais. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de doses reduzidas de glyphosate em plantas jovens de nim, visando simular uma possível deriva. Plantas jovens desta espécie foram tratadas com 0, 72, 144, 216 e 432 g ha-1 do equivalente ácido do herbicida glyphosate. A fitointoxicação de plantas, dada por notas, foi nítida a partir de 216 g ha-1 e.a., entretanto, as plantas recuperaram-se. Nas condições experimentais, pode-se concluir que plantas jovens de nim tem seu crescimento prejudicado pela ação do glyphosate, entretanto, somente a partir de 432 g ha-1 do e.a. as plantas sofrem efeitos negativos significativos pela ação do herbicida.
Palavras-chave: Azadirachta indica, subdose, herbicida, reflorestamento.
ABSTRACT: The regeneration of degraded areas presupposes the planting of forest species in areas that have undergone deep anthropogenic changes and that they are maintained in conditions that allow them to develop rapidly and uniformly. However, problems as presence of weeds can compromise the development of these plants, especially after planting, where they are susceptible to weed competition. One technique widely used to manage it is the use of herbicides. These products can harm and / or kill the plants when hit at high doses, even when the application is performed in a directed jet (drift). One of the widely used herbicide is glyphosate, which is characterized as systemic and not selective. The neem is an introduced species that has been cultivated in Brazil, due to its silvicultural characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of reduced rates of glyphosate in young plants of neem, aiming to simulate a possible drift. Neem seedlings were treated with 0, 72, 144, 216 and 432 g ha-1 of acid equivalent of glyphosate. The plants phytotoxicity was noticed from 216 g ha-1 of a.e., however, the plants recovered. In these experimental conditions, one can conclude that 0se saplings of neem has hindered its development by the action of glyphosate, However, only from 432 g ha-1 of e.a., the plants suffer significant negative effects by the action of the herbicide.
Keywords: Azadirachta indica, sub-dose, herbicide, reforestation.
RESUMO: Foi avaliada a influência da refrigeração associada às embalagens de polietileno de difer... more RESUMO: Foi avaliada a influência da refrigeração associada às embalagens de polietileno de diferentes espessuras, na conservação e qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de bananas das cultivares Tropical e Thap Maeo produzidas no Norte de Minas Gerais (Brasil). Frutos de bananeira Tropical e Thap Maeo fisiologicamente maduros foram selecionados, lavados, imersos em solução fungicida (Sportak 450 CE, na dose de 0,280 mL L-1 e espalhante adesivo Iharaguem na dose de 0,3 mL L-1) e acondicionados em embalagens de polietileno 16 µm, 10 µm e sem embalagem conservados a 12, 15 e 25 ºC. Foram avaliados: firmeza, teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, relação sólidos solúveis/acidez, pH, coloração da casca e perda de matéria fresca. A utilização de membranas de polietileno de 16 e 10µm, associada ao armazenamento a 12 e 15 °C mostra uma retenção do processo de amadurecimento dos frutos das cultivares Tropical e Thap Maeo.
Palavras-chave: Musa ssp., armazenamento, embalagem de polietileno.
ABSTRACT: Was evaluated the influence of refrigeration associated with polyethylene packages of different thicknesses on the conservation and post-harvest quality of banana fruits of tropical and Thap Maeo cultivars produced in northern Minas Gerais (Brazil). The physiologically mature tropical and Thap Maeo banana fruits were selected, washed, immersed in fungicidal solution (Sportak 450 CE, at the dose of 0.280 mL L-1 and Iharaguem in a dose of 0.3 mL L-1) and packed in Polyethylene 16 μm, 10 μm and without packaging preserved at 12, 15 and 25 ºC. The following values were evaluated: firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, soluble solids / acidity ratio, pH, peel color and loss of fresh matter. The use of 16 and 10μm polyethylene membranes, associated with storage at 12 and 15 ºC, shows a retention of the ripening process of the fruits of the cultivars Tropical and Thap Maeo.
Keywords: Musa ssp., storage, polyethylene packaging
RESUMO: Os fragmentos florestais são importantes para a manutenção da biodiversidade, sendo funda... more RESUMO: Os fragmentos florestais são importantes para a manutenção da biodiversidade, sendo fundamentais os estudos que visem obter informações para a conservação, recuperação e manejo desses ambientes. Dessa forma, o objetivo foi verificar a influência de atributos do solo na estrutura horizontal e na diversidade florística de um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista. O levantamento da vegetação foi realizado em 19 parcelas de 10 x 20 m. Nas parcelas, os indivíduos foram identificados e medidos conforme as seguintes classes de tamanho: Classe I - indivíduos com CAP (circunferência medida a 1,30 m da superfície do solo) ≥ 15 cm e Classe II CAP < 15 cm e diâmetro ≥ 1 cm. A vegetação foi analisada com base nos parâmetros fitossociológicos e a correlação entre a vegetação e variáveis do solo por meio da Análise de Correspondência Canônica. O fragmento apresenta baixa diversidade, com predomínio de poucas espécies na Classe de maior tamanho, entre essas destaca-se Araucaria angustifolia, porém sua reduzida densidade na regeneração natural poderá comprometer sua conservação no local. Espécies como Myrceugenia cucullata e Gymnanthes klotzschiana apresentam-se conservadas na floresta. Houve influência das características químicas do solo sobre a vegetação.
Palavras-chave: fitossociologia, Araucaria angustifolia, CCA, campos de altitude.
ABSTRACT: Forestry fragments are important to biodiversity maintenance, thus it is developing studies aiming to get information focused on the conservation, recovery and management of these environments. Therefore, aimed at featuring the horizontal structure, flora diversity and the influence of the soil variables from the arboreal-shrubby component within a Floresta Ombrófila Mista fragment. The survey on vegetation was performed in nineteen 10 x 20 m plots. Within these plots, the individuals were identified and measured according to the following size classes: Class I – individuals presenting DAP (circumference measured 1.30 m from soil surface) ≥ 15 cm and Class II CAP < 15 cm e diameter ≥ 1 cm. The vegetation was analyzed according to phytosociological parameters and to a correlation between the vegetation and the soil variables by means of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The fragment presents low diversity and the prevalence of few species in the bigger size class, among which stands out Araucaria angustifolia. However, its reduced density regarding natural regeneration may impair its own conservation within the local. Species such as Myrceugenia cucullata and Gymnanthes klotzschiana are preserved in the forest. There is influence from soil chemical features.
Keywords: phytosociology, Araucaria angustifolia, CCA, altitude fields.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to perform an ergonomic evaluation of the timber manual loading activi... more ABSTRACT: This study aimed to perform an ergonomic evaluation of the timber manual loading activity on rural properties, in order to quantify the risk of development of musculoskeletal injuries in the forestry workers and, from the standpoint of ergonomics, identify the existence of the labor precarious conditions. Data were collected in small forest properties, located in Minas Gerais, and 28 forest workers were sampled. For evaluation, the 3DSSPPTM software, from the University of Michigan, was used. The results showed that there is a great and imminent risk to the health of workers during the manual loading of short logs, regardless of the phase of the activity, outstanding the risk of injury to the joints of the upper limbs (wrists and shoulders), as well as the trunk and coxofemorals. The resulting injury risks, whatever the mass of the handled short logs is, are due to the combination of posture and handled load factors, generating compression forces on the L5-S1 disc of the vertebral column that can be six times greater than the recommended limit value. Thus, under an ergonomic approach, the activity is being developed in an extremely precarious manner, with consequent early professional disability and decreasing work life of the workers.
Keywords: worker’s health, work conditions, forest harvesting.
RESUMO: Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica da atividade de carregamento manual da madeira nas propriedades rurais, a fim de quantificar o risco de desenvolvimento de lesões musculoesqueléticas nos trabalhadores florestais e, do ponto de vista da ergonomia, identificar a existência da precarização do trabalho. Os dados foram coletados em pequenas propriedades florestais, localizadas em Minas Gerais, e 28 trabalhadores florestais foram amostrados. Para a avaliação, o software 3DSSPPTM da Universidade de Michigan foi utilizado. Os resultados mostraram que há grande e iminente risco para a saúde dos trabalhadores durante o carregamento manual de toretes, independentemente da fase da atividade, sendo evidente o risco de prejuízo para as articulações dos membros superiores (punhos e ombros), bem como o tronco e coxofemorais. Os riscos de injúrias resultantes desta atividade, qualquer que seja a massa dos toretes manipulados, devem-se à combinação de postura e fatores de carga manuseada, gerando forças de compressão no disco L5-S1 da coluna vertebral, que pode ser seis vezes maior do que o limite recomendado valor. Assim, sob uma abordagem ergonômica, a atividade está sendo desenvolvida de forma extremamente precária, com consequente invalidez profissional precoce e diminuição da vida profissional dos trabalhadores.
Palavras-chave: saúde do trabalhador, condições de trabalho, colheita florestal.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se, neste estudo, ajustar modelos volumétricos em diferentes situações de model... more RESUMO: Objetivou-se, neste estudo, ajustar modelos volumétricos em diferentes situações de modelagem para obtenção de equações de volume para a espécie Couratari stellata (Tauari) na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. As informações necessárias foram obtidas da cubagem rigorosa realizada durante a atividade de romaneio de quatro Unidades de Produção Anual (UPAs), onde foram cubadas no total 1431 árvores de Tauari e ajustados treze modelos volumétricos. Os dados foram organizados para três situações de modelagem: 1) total das árvores cubadas das quatro UPAs, 2) por UPA individual e, 3) por classe de diâmetro de DAP. Obteve-se a qualidade dos ajustes dos modelos por meio do R² ajustado, Erro padrão da estimativa (Syx%), fator de inflação da variância (VIF) e análise gráfica dos resíduos, já a validação dos modelos, a partir do teste qui-quadrado (X²). Os modelos que apresentaram melhores ajustes para as quatro UPAs foram Schumacher e Spurr logaritimizado. Nas UPAs individuais, se destacaram as equações de Schumacher para as Unidades 07, 08 e 09 e Spurr log para a 06. Entre as classes diamétricas não foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios. Todas as equações selecionadas foram válidas segundo o teste estatístico realizado.
Palavras-chave: cubagem rigorosa, modelagem, volume.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to adjust volumetric models in different modeling situations to obtain volume equations for the species Couratari stellata (Tauari) in the Tapajós National Forest. The necessary information was obtained from the rigorous cubing carried out during the romaneio activity of four Annual Production Units (UPAs), where a total of 1431 Tauari trees were planted and thirteen volumetric models adjusted. The data were organized for three modeling situations: 1) total trees cubed from the four UPAs, 2) per individual UPA, and 3) per diameter class of DAP. We obtained the quality of the model adjustments by means of the adjusted R², Standard error of the estimate (Syx%), factor of inflation of the variance (VIF) and graphical analysis of the residues, already the validation of the models, Square (X²). The models that presented the best adjustments for the four UPAs were Schumacher and Spurr logarithmized. In the individual UPAs, the Schumacher equations for Units 07, 08 and 09 and Spurr log for 06 were highlighted. No satisfactory results were obtained among the diametric classes. All the selected equations were valid according to the statistical test performed.
Keywords: rigorous cubing, modeling, volume.
RESUMO: O estudo da dinâmica e distribuição das espécies nativas e sua interação com as variáveis... more RESUMO: O estudo da dinâmica e distribuição das espécies nativas e sua interação com as variáveis ecológicas são aspectos importantes para a definição de estratégias de restauração e manejo de florestas nativas. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visa estudar a relação existente entre a distribuição da espécie Escallonia bifida em relação a variáveis ambientais em fragmento de Floresta Estacional Decidual, na região central do RS. Para verificação da densidade e distribuição da espécie Escallonia bifida na área de estudo, foram avaliadas quatro classes de amostragem, incluindo o estrato arbóreo (Classe IV (CAP ≥ 15), amostrados em 16 parcelas de 10 x 10 m² e 64 subparcelas de 5 x 5 m² para a classe III (5.1 ≥ CAP ≤ 14.9 cm). Para a regeneração foram alocadas 64 subparcelas de 5 x 5 m² para a classe II (1 ≤ CAP ≥ 5 cm) e 256 subparcelas de 2 x 2 m² para a classe I (DAS ≥ 1 cm, H ≥ 30 cm). Escalonia bifida apresenta comportamento generalista em termos de condições de solo e demonstrou estar relacionada a áreas de maior luminosidade. Tais características conferem à espécie potencial para utilização em ações de restauração ecológica.
Palavras-chave: análise de correspondência canônica, variáveis edáficas, espécie estrategista.
ABSTRACT: The study of the dynamics and distribution of native species and their interaction with ecological variables are important aspects for definition of restoration strategies and management of native forests. Thus, this paper aims to study the relation between the distribution of Escallonia bifida in relation to environmental variables in fragment of Deciduous Forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Were evaluated four sampling classes to check the density and distribution of Escallonia bifida in the study area, including arboreous stratum (Class IV ((CBH ≥ 15), sampled in 16 plots of 10 x 10 m² and 64 subplots of 5 x 5 m² for class III (5.1 ≥ CBH ≤ 14.9 cm). Were allocated 64 subplots of 5 x 5 m² for class II (1 ≤ CBH ≥ 5 cm) and 256 subplots of 2 x 2 m² for class I (DGH ≥ 1 cm, H ≥ 30 cm) to evaluated regeneration stratum. Escalonia bifida presents general behavior in terms of soil conditions and proved to be related to higher luminosity areas. These characteristics provide the species potential for use in ecological restoration.
Keywords: canonical correspondence analysis, soil variables, strategist species.
RESUMO: Objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar o efeito do estresse salino na morfologia, na produç... more RESUMO: Objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar o efeito do estresse salino na morfologia, na produção de massa seca, no acúmulo de macronutrientes, de sódio e identificar a sintomatologia visual em mudas de Swietenia macrophylla. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, onde as mudas foram submetidas a 5 níveis de salinidade (1,73; 2,40; 4,11; 6,49 e 8,37 dS m-1). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 5 repetições. Os resultados foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias submetidas ao teste de Dunnett à 5%. As mudas de Swetenia macrophylla apresentaram sintomas de salinidade semelhante ao encontrado na literatura e facilmente caracterizado. O aumento do nível de salinidade até a condutividade elétrica de 6,49 dS m-1 não prejudicou o crescimento em altura, em diâmetro do colo das mudas, a produção de massa seca da parte aérea e radicular e o IQD da espécie. As mudas de Swetenia macrophylla, tendem a aumentar os teores de Na + sem reduzir os teores de macronutrientes.
Palavras-chave: salinidade, nutrição mineral, características biométricas.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of saline stress on morphology, dry mass production, macronutrient accumulation, sodium and to identify visual symptomatology in Swietenia macrophylla. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, where the seedlings were submitted to 5 salinity levels (1.73, 2.40, 4.11, 6.49 and 8.37 dS m-1). The experimental design was completely randomized with 5 treatments and 5 replicates. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and the means submitted to the Dunnett test at 5%. The seedlings of Swetenia macrophylla showed salinity symptoms similar to those found in the literature and easily characterized. The increase in the salinity level up to the electrical conductivity of 6.49 dS m-1 did not affect the growth in height, diameter of the colon of the seedlings, dry mass of shoot and root and IQD of the species. The seedlings of Swetenia macrophylla tend to increase Na + contents without reducing macronutrient contents.
Keywords: salinity, mineral nutrition, biometric characteristics.
RESUMO: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos modelos de colonização (" espinha ... more RESUMO: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos modelos de colonização (" espinha de peixe " e topográfico) nos diferentes estágios sucessionais: Inicial (SS1), Intermediário (SS2) e Avançado (SS3) na Amazônia Legal Brasileira, através de atributos fitossociológicos apoiados por imagens de satélite, e entender as variáveis que afetam os padrões de sucessão florestal e as diferenças existentes entre as variáveis biométricas dentro dos diferentes assentamentos localizados na porção Noroeste do Estado de Rondônia. Para isso foram amostrados 56 transectos de 10 x 250 m em áreas de estágio sucessional avançado, 64 transectos de 10 x 10 m em áreas de estágio sucessional intermediário, e 79 transectos de 2 x 2 m em áreas de estágio sucessional inicial. No modelo de colonização denominado " espinha de peixe " , foram identificadas 23 famílias e 43 espécies-no estágio sucessional inicial; no estágio SS2 foram identificadas 20 famílias e 41espécies; já no estágio sucessional avançado, foram catalogadas 37 famílias com 42 espécies. No modelo de colonização cuja forma é conhecida como topográfico, foram catalogadas no estágio inicial-32 famílias e 60 espécies; no estágio intermediário-29 famílias e 54 espécies; e no estágio avançado-43 famílias e 57 espécies. As famílias mais importantes neste processo de sucessão foram as Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Lauraceae e Bignoniaceae em ambos os modelos.
Palavras-chave: colonização da Amazônia, fitossociologia, sucessão florestal.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of colonization models (fishbone and topographic) in different successional stages: Initial (SS1), Intermediate (SS2) and Advanced (SS3) in the Brazilian Amazon, through phytosociological attributes supported by satellite images, and understand the variables that affect the patterns of forest succession and the differences between biometric variables within the different settlements located in the northwestern portion of the state of Rondônia. For that were sampled 56 transects of 10 x 250m in areas of advanced successional stage , 64 transects of 10 x 10 m in areas of intermediate successional stage, and 79 of 2 x 2 m transects in areas of early initial successional stage. In the colonization model called fishbone, were identified 23 families and 43 species-in initial successional stage; in intermediate successional stage were identified 20 families and 41 species already; in advanced successional stage-were cataloged 37 families with 42 species. In the colonization model whose shape is known as topographic, were cataloged on stage SS1, 32 families and 60 species-stage SS2, 29 families and 54 species and stage SS3, 43 families and 57 species. The most important families in the process of succession were the Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Lauraceae and Bignoniaceae in both models.
Keywords: colonization of the Amazon, phytosociology, forest cuccession.
RESUMO: Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o potencial de enraizamento de e... more RESUMO: Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o potencial de enraizamento de estacas de grumixameira (Eugenia brasiliensis), tratadas com diferentes concentrações de reguladores de crescimento em ambientes de cultivo. Estacas herbáceas foram coletadas de plantas matrizes. As estacas tinham entre 8 e 10 cm de comprimento. Foram deixados dois pares de folhas e duas a três gemas por estaca. Os tratamentos consistiram na combinação entre dois ambientes de cultivo (câmara de nebulização e mini estufas) e dois tipos de hormônios (GA3 e 2,4-D) em quatro doses (0,00; 0,05, 0,10, 0,20 mg L-1). O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial (2 x 2 x 4) com três repetições e dez estacas por parcela. Foram avaliadas 100 dias após o plantio, as porcentagens de estacas enraizadas, estacas vivas, formação de calos e número de raízes emitidas por estaca. Conclui-se que para a aplicação dos hormônios vegetais não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, porém houve resultado mais significativo para as dosagens intermediárias de GA3 e 2,4-D, sendo que o ambiente mini estufa foi mais eficiente em relação a sobrevivência.
Palavras-chave: Eugenia brasiliensis, propagação, hormônio.
ABSTRACT: This paper was developed with the goal of studying the potential of rooting grumixameira cuttings (Eugenia brasiliensis) that have beentreated with different concentrations of growth regulators and cultivation environments. Herbaceous cuttings were collected from mother plants. The cuttings were between 8 and 10 cm, which resulted in two to three gems per cutting. The treatments included two growing environments and two hormone types in five doses. The environments consisted of a nebulization chamber and a micro chamber made with pet bottles. GA3 and 2,4-D were the plant growth regulators used in four concentrations (0, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.2 mg L-1). The delimitation was in randomized blocks in factorial (2 x 2 x 4) with three repetitions and ten cuttings per portion. After 100 days of plantation, the percentage of rooted cutting, live cutting, formation of calluses and number of roots issued per cutting was examined. It's possible to conclude that, for the application of vegetables hormones, there weren't relevant difference between both, although there was a more significant result for the intermediate doses of GA3 and 2,4-D, in which the micro chamber greenhouse was the more efficient in relation with survival of cuttings.
Keywords: Eugenia brasiliensi, propagation, hormone.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer o perfil e avaliar a consciência ambiental dos vis... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer o perfil e avaliar a consciência ambiental dos visitantes do Parque Municipal dos Buritis, situado no centro da cidade de Lucas do Rio Verde-MT. O Parque possui 100 hectares de área verde, sendo 28 hectares de área implantada com estrutura para esporte e lazer e uma trilha com extensão de três quilômetros. Para conhecer o perfil dos visitantes, elaborou-se um questionário aplicado ao público na trilha, entre os dias 15 de fevereiro e 6 de março de 2014 e também enviados questionários por e-mail para pessoas que frequentam o Parque. Os resultados demonstram que o público que frequenta o Parque é na maioria jovens entre 14 e 18 anos cursando o ensino médio. A população tem orgulho da área verde na cidade e os entrevistados alegam que o Parque é muito importante e têm interesse na conservação. No entanto, não tem uma percepção clara sobre a sua importância. Ações de educação ambiental como palestras, organização de atividades recreativas e de lazer sobre a conservação podem contribuir para a conscientização dos visitantes e sua melhor utilização pela população.
Palavras-chave: parque urbano, lazer, caminhadas.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to know the profile of visitors to the Buritis Park, located in downtown of Lucas do Rio Verde-MT. The park has 100 hectares of green area, 28 hectares of implanted area with structure for sports and leisure and a track with a length of three kilometers. To know the profile of visitors, elaborated a questionnaire to the public on the trail, between February 15 and March 6, 2014. Also questionnaires were sent by email to people attending the park. The results show that the public who attends the Park is mostly young between 14 and 18 who are attending high school. The population is proud of the green area in the city and the respondents claimed that the park is very important and have an interest in conservation. However, there is a clear perception of the importance for conservation. environmental education, organization of recreational and leisure activities can contribute to the awareness of visitors about the importance of this area for the conservation and better use of the site by the population.
Keywords: urban park, recreation, hiking.
ABSTRACT: The rapidly increasing demand for GHG neutralization projects has inspired certain tree... more ABSTRACT: The rapidly increasing demand for GHG neutralization projects has inspired certain tree species to be planted in degraded regions. This popular option combines the great carbon sequestration potential with the advantages of the recomposition of the vegetation of these regions. From this perspective, information concerning the adaptability, behavior and initial development of these tree species under various edaphoclimatic types of conditions, and as estimated in the current study, the effect of relief locations on their growth, are very essential. This study was performed on a mixed plantation to neutralize the GHG emissions produced in the UFV due to an annual event. The terrain was stratified into three levels based on specific parameters such as relief and survival rate, mean monthly height increase (IMMH) and mean monthly diameter increase (IMMD), 342 seedlings, of 18 types of 17-month-old tree species. The IMMH and IMMD variables were submitted to ANOVA and found significant after being subjected to F-Test. The findings emphasize the significance of studies of this nature as they facilitate the identification of species behavior and enable the selection of trees most suitable for the neutralization projects, based on their carbon-storing potential.
Keywords: adaptability, gradient, toposequence.
RESUMO: Motivado pela crescente demanda de projetos de neutralização de GEE, o plantio de espécies arbóreas em áreas degradadas tornou-se uma alternativa comumente utilizada, unindo o alto potencial de fixação de carbono e os benefícios gerados pela recomposição vegetal dessas áreas. Nesse contexto, é de grande interesse o conhecimento da adaptabilidade, comportamento e desenvolvimento inicial dessas espécies em diferentes condições edafoclimáticas, e como avaliado no presente trabalho, a influência das posições do relevo no desempenho dos indivíduos arbóreos. O estudo foi conduzido em plantio misto com intuito de neutralizar emissões de GEE gerados em um evento realizado anualmente na UFV. O terreno foi estratificado em três posições de acordo com o relevo e foram avaliadas, quanto a sobrevivência, Incremento Mensal Médio em Altura (IMMH) e Incremento Mensal Médio em Diâmetro (IMMD), 342 mudas, de 18 espécies, aos 17 meses de idade. As variáveis IMMH e IMMD foram submetidas a ANOVA e de acordo com o Teste F apresentaram-se significativas. Este resultado demonstra a importância de estudos como este de modo a identificar o comportamento das espécies e permitir a seleção das mais adequadas para projetos de neutralização de acordo com seu potencial de estocar carbono.
Palavras-chave: adaptabilidade, gradiente, topossequência.
RESUMO: A utilização de protetores físicos tem se mostrado uma eficiente técnica para o sucesso d... more RESUMO: A utilização de protetores físicos tem se mostrado uma eficiente técnica para o sucesso da semeadura direta de diferentes espécies, principalmente em plantas nativas. Tendo em vista a importância da espécie Peltophorum dubium para a utilização no repovoamento de áreas degradadas, arborização e paisagismo, objetivou-se determinar o comportamento fisiológico inicial de plântulas de Peltophorum dubium submetidas a influência de protetor físico com diferentes taxas de luminosidade. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos preenchidos com Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Os tratamentos testados foram: ausência de protetor físico (APF); protetor físico transparente (PFT); protetor físico transparente + celofane azul (PFA) e protetor físico transparente celofane vermelho (PFV). As plântulas foram avaliadas aos 31, 51, 71, 91, 111 e 131 dias após a semeadura. Foram avaliadas as características: altura de plântula, diâmetro do colo, área de lâmina foliar, matéria seca de lâmina foliar, caule e parte aérea. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que tanto o protetor físico azul quanto o vermelho, aumentaram a altura das plântulas. Entretanto, menores valores morfométricos foram obtidos em plântulas dos referidos tratamentos após a retirada dos protetores. A redução da luminosidade promoveu inversão de comportamento das plântulas, apresentando menor diâmetro do colo após 51 DAS. A utilização de protetor físico transparente possibilitou adequado desenvolvimento das plântulas com baixa interferência nas variáveis morfométricas.
Palavras-chave: canafístula, reflorestamento, revegetação, semeadura direta, espécies nativas.
ABSTRACT: The use of shelters has been shown to be an efficient technique for successful direct seeding of different species, mainly native plants. Given the importance of the species Peltophorum dubium for use in the resettlement of degraded areas, tree planting and landscaping, this study aimed to determine the physiological initial Peltophorum dubium plantlets subjected to influence of protective physical brightness with different rates. The experiment was conducted in pots filled with Haplorthox. The treatments were: no physical protector (APF); physical protector transparent (PFT); physical protector transparent + blue cellophane (PFA) and physical protector transparent red cellophane (PFV). Seedlings were evaluated at 31, 51, 71, 91, 111 and 131 days after seeding. Were evaluated the characteristics: seedling height, stem diameter, leaf area, dry leaf, stem and shoot. The results showed that both the physical protector blue as red, increased seedling height. However, lower values were obtained in biometric seedlings such treatment after the removal of guards. Reducing the brightness inversion behavior promoted seedling, having smaller diameter neck after 51 DAS. The adoption of physical protector transparent allow adequate development of seedlings with low interference in morphometric characteristics.
Keywords: canafístula, reforestation, revegetation, direct sowing, native species.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se caracterizar a composição florística e fitossociológica do componente flores... more RESUMO: Objetivou-se caracterizar a composição florística e fitossociológica do componente florestal lenhoso em um fragmento de Caatinga localizada no município de Upanema-RN. Realizou-se o levantamento por meio da Amostragem Aleatória Simples, instalando-se 11 unidades amostrais de 20 x 20 m (400 m²). Em cada unidade amostral foram inventariados todos os indivíduos florestais arbustivos arbóreos vivos que apresentaram circunferência a altura do peito maior que seis centímetros (CAP ≥ 6 cm). Avaliou-se os parâmetros fitossociológicos da estrutura horizontal e vertical, a diversidade florística das espécies através do Índice de Shannon-Weaver (H’), dominância de Simpson (C) e equabilidade de Pielou (J’). A família com maior número de espécies e de indivíduos foi a Fabaceae. As espécies com maior importância na área de estudo sob os aspectos fitossociológicos foram Combretum leprosum, Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Bauhinia cheilantha, Mimosa ophthalmocentra e Poincianella pyramidalis. A diversidade de espécie encontrada na área foi considerada média se comparada com outros fragmentos florestais de caatinga já estudados.
Palavras-chave: diversidade florística, estrutura horizontal, vegetação de caatinga.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to characterize the floristic and phytosociological composition of the woody component in a Caatinga fragment located in the city of Upanema-RN, Brazil. The survey was carried out by means of Simple Random Sampling, installing 11 sample units of 20 x 20 m (400 m²). In each sample unit, all forest trees were evaluated, with a chest circumference greater than six centimeters (CAP ≥ 6 cm). The phytosociological parameters of the horizontal and vertical structure, the floristic diversity through the Shannon-Weaver Index (H ‘), Simpson dominance (C) and Pielou equability (J’) were evaluated. The family with the highest number of species and individuals was Fabaceae. The most important species in the study area under the phytosociological aspects were Combretum leprosum, Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Bauhinia cheilantha, Mimosa ophthalmocentra and Poincianella pyramidalis. The diversity of species found in the area was considered average when compared to other forest fragments of caatinga already studied.
Keywords: floristic diversity, horizontal structure, vegetation of caatinga.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a perda de qualidade física, sanitária e nutriciona... more RESUMO: Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a perda de qualidade física, sanitária e nutricional de sementes de soja armazenadas sob diferentes condições. Utilizou-se sementes da cultivar FMT Tabarana. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, constituindo os tratamentos: T1 - Temperatura de 18-20 ºC e Umidade Relativa (U.R.) de 50-60%, T2 - Temperatura de 25-29 ºC e U.R. de 45-65% e T3 - Temperatura de 30 ºC e U.R. de 85%. Os grãos foram acondicionados em sacos de pano e armazenadas em cada ambiente. Foi realizada a avaliação inicial e mensal da qualidade dos grãos, durante seis meses, através das avaliações do teor de água dos grãos, classificação física, incidência de fungos e composição química. Verificaram-se perdas na qualidade física, sanitária e nutricional, para a soja armazenada na condição de 30 ºC e 85% de UR. A temperatura de 30 ºC e a UR de 85% favoreceu o aumento do total de grãos avariados, incidência de fungos e o processo de deterioração. Já em condições de armazenagem com temperatura de 17-20 °C e UR de 50-60% reduz a velocidade de deterioração dos grãos de soja.
Palavras-chave: armazenamento, deterioração, teor de acidez, Glycine max L.
ABSTRACT: Aiming to assess the loss of sanitary and nutritional quality of soybean seeds stored under different conditions, it was used seeds of cultivar FMT Tabarana. The experimental design was completely randomized, as the treatments: T1 - temperature of 18-20 °C and relative humidity (RH) of 50-60%, T2 - temperature of 25-29 °C and 45-65% RH and T3 - Temperature 30 ° C and 85% RH. The grains were placed in cloth bags and stored in each environment. We performed the initial assessment and monthly grain quality for six months, through the evaluations of the water content of grains, physical classification, incidence of fungi and chemical composition. There were losses in physical, health and nutrition, for soybeans stored under the condition of 30 °C and 85% RH. A temperature of 30 °C and RH of 85% favored the total grain damaged, and the incidence of fungal decay process. Since in storage at a temperature of 17-20 ° C and 50-60% RH reduces the rate of deterioration of the soybeans.
Keywords: acidity, deterioration, storage, Glycine max L.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi ajustar modelos matemáticos e selecionar equações para estima... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi ajustar modelos matemáticos e selecionar equações para estimativas de volume comercial com casca para as espécies Carapa guianensis Aubl. e Swietenia macrophylla King. Com base em dados coletados em um plantio silvipastoril na região oeste do Pará. Foram cubadas 100 árvores para cada espécie. O volume comercial foi obtido pelo método de Smalian. Foram ajustados sete modelos matemáticos para a estimativa do volume. Os critérios de escolha da melhor equação foram: coeficiente de determinação ajustado, erro padrão da estimativa, significância dos parâmetros, normalidade dos resíduos e análise gráfica dos resíduos. O teste de Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para validar as melhores equações. O modelo de Schumacher-Hall, na forma logarítmica, resultou nas melhores estimativas de volume comercial com casca para Carapa guianensis Aubl., Swietenia macrophylla King.
Palavras-chave: volumetria, andiroba, mogno, plantio florestal.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to adjust and select mathematical models for commercial volume for the species Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Swietenia macrophylla King. The data were collected in a silvopastoral plantation in the western region of Pará. A number of 100 trees were measured for each species by Smalian method. Seven mathematical models were adjusted for commercial volume estimation. The models had their performance assessed by the statistics: coefficient of determination (adjusted R²); the significance of standard error of parameters; normality and graphical analysis of residual. The chi-square test was used to validate the best equations. Schumacher-Hall model resulted in better estimates of commercial volume with bark to Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Swietenia macrophylla King.
Keywords: volumetry, andiroba, mogno, forest mensuration.
RESUMO: Nesse trabalho foi feita uma abordagem sobre a viabilidade econômica do aproveitamento do... more RESUMO: Nesse trabalho foi feita uma abordagem sobre a viabilidade econômica do aproveitamento dos resíduos de quatro empreendimentos madeireiros em Jerônimo Monteiro, ES. Para isso, foram analisados três projetos nomeados como: briquetagem, compostagem e cama de animal. Para quantificar os resíduos dos empreendimentos enchia-se sacas de aniagem, separando cepilhos e serragem as quais eram, semanalmente, pesadas. Essa amostragem foi feita durante os meses de abril, maio e junho de 2013. O peso médio de cada saca com cepilhos foi de 10 kg e com serragem de 22 kg. A avaliação econômica de cada projeto proposto foi efetuada pelo método do valor presente líquido (VPL), com taxas de descontos a 6, 8 e 10%. Os resultados evidenciaram perspectivas econômicas viáveis para os projetos cama de animal, seguido do projeto briquete. O projeto compostagem teve valores do VPL negativos, portanto, inviável do ponto de vista econômico.
Palavras-chave: resíduos de madeira, aproveitamento, viabilidade econômica.
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted with the aim of addressing the economic viability of recovery of waste generated in 4 timber companies in Jerônimo Monteiro, ES, Brazil. Were analyzed three projects named as: briquetting, animal bed and composting. To quantify the disposal of enterprises heavy bags were filled weekly with the separation between wood shavings and sawdust during the months of April, May and June. The average weight of each bag with wood shavings was 10 kg and 22 kg of sawdust. An economic evaluation of each proposed project was performed by the method of net present value (NPV), with discount rates of 6, 8 and 10%. The results showed that the best project was the animal bed, followed briquette project. The composting VPL was negative, invalidating the project.
Keywords: wood residues, utilization, economic viability.
RESUMO: A exploração inadequada de madeiras nativas têm provocado à redução de populações naturai... more RESUMO: A exploração inadequada de madeiras nativas têm provocado à redução de populações naturais, como foi o caso da Myracrodruon urundeuva. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar parâmetros genéticos para caracteres silviculturais, em um teste de progênies de M. urundeuva, em sistema de plantio multi-espécie e avaliar o potencial para conservação ex situ e transformação em um pomar de sementes por mudas. O experimento foi instalado em Selvíria, MS, no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 30 progênies, 14 repetições e uma planta por parcela. Os caracteres foram avaliados aos quatro e nove anos de idade e as estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos foram obtidas pelo procedimento REML/BLUP. A seleção para o diâmetro a altura do peito foi baseada na seleção combinada do índice multi-efeitos e nos valores genéticos aditivos individuais. Foram obtidas estimativas adequadas de variação genética (> 12%), herdabilidade da média de progênies (ĥ m 2 > 0,35) e acurácia (r aa > 58%). A estratégia sem restrição dos 180 melhores indivíduos proporcionou o maior ganho de seleção (7,48%). A diversidade genética (67%) e tamanho efetivo (≈ 60) foram semelhantes a estratégia com restrição de indivíduos e progênies. Em função disso, a estratégia sem restrição pareceu ser mais adequada. Assim, existe variabilidade genética no teste de progênies de M. urundeuva e potencial para sua transformação em um pomar de sementes por mudas.
Palavras-chave: aroeira, parâmetros genéticos, REML/BLUP, teste de progênies.
ABSTRACT: Improper exploitation of native woods have led to a reduction in natural populations, as was the case of Myracrodruon urundeuva. The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for silvicultural traits in progenies test of M. urundeuva, in multi-species system and evaluate the potential for ex situ conservation and transformation into an orchard seedling seed. The experiment was installed in Selvíria-MS in a randomized block design, with 30 progenies, 14 replications and one plant per plot. The traits were evaluated at four and nine years old and estimates of genetic parameters were obtained by REML/BLUP procedure. The selection for diameter at breast height was based on the combined selection of multi-effect index and genetic values individual additives. Appropriate estimates of genetic variation were obtained (>12%), average heritability progenies (>0.35) and accuracy (>58%). The strategy without restriction of the 180 best individuals provided the highest gain selection (7.48%). Genetic diversity (67%) and effective size (≈ 60) were similar strategy with restriction of individuals and progenies. As a result, the strategy without restriction seemed to be more appropriate. Thus, there is genetic variability in the test M. urundeuva progenies and potential for its transformation into an orchard seedling seed.
Keywords: aroeira, genetic parameters, REML/BLUP, progenies test.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a modelagem por regressão e por redes neurais artific... more RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a modelagem por regressão e por redes neurais artificiais na estimativa da altura total de árvores de teca em diferentes espaçamentos em Cáceres, MT. A base de dados foi proveniente da medição do dap por meio de censo florestal. Posteriormente, estes foram agrupados em classes de diâmetro, com amplitude de 5 cm. Foi medida a altura total (h) de 20% dos indivíduos em cada espaçamento e classe de diâmetro. Para estimativa da altura total por regressão foram utilizados modelos não lineares e lineares, enquanto que para a estimativa por redes neurais artificiais foram testadas redes do tipo Multilayer Perceptron. Na modelagem por regressão, os modelos não lineares foram superiores aos lineares, com destaque para o modelo de Gompertz. As duas técnicas foram eficientes na estimativa da altura total de Tectona grandis, no entanto, a modelagem por redes neurais artificiais apresentou erro inferior a 10% em todos os espaçamentos analisados.
Palavras-chave: Teca, identidade de modelos, inteligência artificial.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the modeling regression and artificial neural networks to estimate the total of teak trees in different spacings in Cáceres, MT, Brazil. The database was derived from the measurement of dbh by forest census. Subsequently, these were grouped into classes of diameter, with an amplitude of 5 cm. Was measured the overall height (h) of 20% of subjects in each spacing, and diameter class. To estimate the total height per regression were used nonlinear and linear models, while for the estimated by artificial neural networks of the type were tested Multilayer Perceptron. In regression modeling, the non-linear models were superior to linear, highlighting the Gompertz model. Both techniques were efficient for estimates the total teak height, however, through the modeling for artificial neural network, the error values were lower than 10% in all evaluated spacings.
Keywords: Teak, identity models, artificial intelligence.
Papers by Nativa: Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais
Palavras-chave: Azadirachta indica, subdose, herbicida, reflorestamento.
ABSTRACT: The regeneration of degraded areas presupposes the planting of forest species in areas that have undergone deep anthropogenic changes and that they are maintained in conditions that allow them to develop rapidly and uniformly. However, problems as presence of weeds can compromise the development of these plants, especially after planting, where they are susceptible to weed competition. One technique widely used to manage it is the use of herbicides. These products can harm and / or kill the plants when hit at high doses, even when the application is performed in a directed jet (drift). One of the widely used herbicide is glyphosate, which is characterized as systemic and not selective. The neem is an introduced species that has been cultivated in Brazil, due to its silvicultural characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of reduced rates of glyphosate in young plants of neem, aiming to simulate a possible drift. Neem seedlings were treated with 0, 72, 144, 216 and 432 g ha-1 of acid equivalent of glyphosate. The plants phytotoxicity was noticed from 216 g ha-1 of a.e., however, the plants recovered. In these experimental conditions, one can conclude that 0se saplings of neem has hindered its development by the action of glyphosate, However, only from 432 g ha-1 of e.a., the plants suffer significant negative effects by the action of the herbicide.
Keywords: Azadirachta indica, sub-dose, herbicide, reforestation.
Palavras-chave: Musa ssp., armazenamento, embalagem de polietileno.
ABSTRACT: Was evaluated the influence of refrigeration associated with polyethylene packages of different thicknesses on the conservation and post-harvest quality of banana fruits of tropical and Thap Maeo cultivars produced in northern Minas Gerais (Brazil). The physiologically mature tropical and Thap Maeo banana fruits were selected, washed, immersed in fungicidal solution (Sportak 450 CE, at the dose of 0.280 mL L-1 and Iharaguem in a dose of 0.3 mL L-1) and packed in Polyethylene 16 μm, 10 μm and without packaging preserved at 12, 15 and 25 ºC. The following values were evaluated: firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, soluble solids / acidity ratio, pH, peel color and loss of fresh matter. The use of 16 and 10μm polyethylene membranes, associated with storage at 12 and 15 ºC, shows a retention of the ripening process of the fruits of the cultivars Tropical and Thap Maeo.
Keywords: Musa ssp., storage, polyethylene packaging
Palavras-chave: fitossociologia, Araucaria angustifolia, CCA, campos de altitude.
ABSTRACT: Forestry fragments are important to biodiversity maintenance, thus it is developing studies aiming to get information focused on the conservation, recovery and management of these environments. Therefore, aimed at featuring the horizontal structure, flora diversity and the influence of the soil variables from the arboreal-shrubby component within a Floresta Ombrófila Mista fragment. The survey on vegetation was performed in nineteen 10 x 20 m plots. Within these plots, the individuals were identified and measured according to the following size classes: Class I – individuals presenting DAP (circumference measured 1.30 m from soil surface) ≥ 15 cm and Class II CAP < 15 cm e diameter ≥ 1 cm. The vegetation was analyzed according to phytosociological parameters and to a correlation between the vegetation and the soil variables by means of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The fragment presents low diversity and the prevalence of few species in the bigger size class, among which stands out Araucaria angustifolia. However, its reduced density regarding natural regeneration may impair its own conservation within the local. Species such as Myrceugenia cucullata and Gymnanthes klotzschiana are preserved in the forest. There is influence from soil chemical features.
Keywords: phytosociology, Araucaria angustifolia, CCA, altitude fields.
Keywords: worker’s health, work conditions, forest harvesting.
RESUMO: Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica da atividade de carregamento manual da madeira nas propriedades rurais, a fim de quantificar o risco de desenvolvimento de lesões musculoesqueléticas nos trabalhadores florestais e, do ponto de vista da ergonomia, identificar a existência da precarização do trabalho. Os dados foram coletados em pequenas propriedades florestais, localizadas em Minas Gerais, e 28 trabalhadores florestais foram amostrados. Para a avaliação, o software 3DSSPPTM da Universidade de Michigan foi utilizado. Os resultados mostraram que há grande e iminente risco para a saúde dos trabalhadores durante o carregamento manual de toretes, independentemente da fase da atividade, sendo evidente o risco de prejuízo para as articulações dos membros superiores (punhos e ombros), bem como o tronco e coxofemorais. Os riscos de injúrias resultantes desta atividade, qualquer que seja a massa dos toretes manipulados, devem-se à combinação de postura e fatores de carga manuseada, gerando forças de compressão no disco L5-S1 da coluna vertebral, que pode ser seis vezes maior do que o limite recomendado valor. Assim, sob uma abordagem ergonômica, a atividade está sendo desenvolvida de forma extremamente precária, com consequente invalidez profissional precoce e diminuição da vida profissional dos trabalhadores.
Palavras-chave: saúde do trabalhador, condições de trabalho, colheita florestal.
Palavras-chave: cubagem rigorosa, modelagem, volume.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to adjust volumetric models in different modeling situations to obtain volume equations for the species Couratari stellata (Tauari) in the Tapajós National Forest. The necessary information was obtained from the rigorous cubing carried out during the romaneio activity of four Annual Production Units (UPAs), where a total of 1431 Tauari trees were planted and thirteen volumetric models adjusted. The data were organized for three modeling situations: 1) total trees cubed from the four UPAs, 2) per individual UPA, and 3) per diameter class of DAP. We obtained the quality of the model adjustments by means of the adjusted R², Standard error of the estimate (Syx%), factor of inflation of the variance (VIF) and graphical analysis of the residues, already the validation of the models, Square (X²). The models that presented the best adjustments for the four UPAs were Schumacher and Spurr logarithmized. In the individual UPAs, the Schumacher equations for Units 07, 08 and 09 and Spurr log for 06 were highlighted. No satisfactory results were obtained among the diametric classes. All the selected equations were valid according to the statistical test performed.
Keywords: rigorous cubing, modeling, volume.
Palavras-chave: análise de correspondência canônica, variáveis edáficas, espécie estrategista.
ABSTRACT: The study of the dynamics and distribution of native species and their interaction with ecological variables are important aspects for definition of restoration strategies and management of native forests. Thus, this paper aims to study the relation between the distribution of Escallonia bifida in relation to environmental variables in fragment of Deciduous Forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Were evaluated four sampling classes to check the density and distribution of Escallonia bifida in the study area, including arboreous stratum (Class IV ((CBH ≥ 15), sampled in 16 plots of 10 x 10 m² and 64 subplots of 5 x 5 m² for class III (5.1 ≥ CBH ≤ 14.9 cm). Were allocated 64 subplots of 5 x 5 m² for class II (1 ≤ CBH ≥ 5 cm) and 256 subplots of 2 x 2 m² for class I (DGH ≥ 1 cm, H ≥ 30 cm) to evaluated regeneration stratum. Escalonia bifida presents general behavior in terms of soil conditions and proved to be related to higher luminosity areas. These characteristics provide the species potential for use in ecological restoration.
Keywords: canonical correspondence analysis, soil variables, strategist species.
Palavras-chave: salinidade, nutrição mineral, características biométricas.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of saline stress on morphology, dry mass production, macronutrient accumulation, sodium and to identify visual symptomatology in Swietenia macrophylla. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, where the seedlings were submitted to 5 salinity levels (1.73, 2.40, 4.11, 6.49 and 8.37 dS m-1). The experimental design was completely randomized with 5 treatments and 5 replicates. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and the means submitted to the Dunnett test at 5%. The seedlings of Swetenia macrophylla showed salinity symptoms similar to those found in the literature and easily characterized. The increase in the salinity level up to the electrical conductivity of 6.49 dS m-1 did not affect the growth in height, diameter of the colon of the seedlings, dry mass of shoot and root and IQD of the species. The seedlings of Swetenia macrophylla tend to increase Na + contents without reducing macronutrient contents.
Keywords: salinity, mineral nutrition, biometric characteristics.
Palavras-chave: colonização da Amazônia, fitossociologia, sucessão florestal.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of colonization models (fishbone and topographic) in different successional stages: Initial (SS1), Intermediate (SS2) and Advanced (SS3) in the Brazilian Amazon, through phytosociological attributes supported by satellite images, and understand the variables that affect the patterns of forest succession and the differences between biometric variables within the different settlements located in the northwestern portion of the state of Rondônia. For that were sampled 56 transects of 10 x 250m in areas of advanced successional stage , 64 transects of 10 x 10 m in areas of intermediate successional stage, and 79 of 2 x 2 m transects in areas of early initial successional stage. In the colonization model called fishbone, were identified 23 families and 43 species-in initial successional stage; in intermediate successional stage were identified 20 families and 41 species already; in advanced successional stage-were cataloged 37 families with 42 species. In the colonization model whose shape is known as topographic, were cataloged on stage SS1, 32 families and 60 species-stage SS2, 29 families and 54 species and stage SS3, 43 families and 57 species. The most important families in the process of succession were the Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Lauraceae and Bignoniaceae in both models.
Keywords: colonization of the Amazon, phytosociology, forest cuccession.
Palavras-chave: Eugenia brasiliensis, propagação, hormônio.
ABSTRACT: This paper was developed with the goal of studying the potential of rooting grumixameira cuttings (Eugenia brasiliensis) that have beentreated with different concentrations of growth regulators and cultivation environments. Herbaceous cuttings were collected from mother plants. The cuttings were between 8 and 10 cm, which resulted in two to three gems per cutting. The treatments included two growing environments and two hormone types in five doses. The environments consisted of a nebulization chamber and a micro chamber made with pet bottles. GA3 and 2,4-D were the plant growth regulators used in four concentrations (0, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.2 mg L-1). The delimitation was in randomized blocks in factorial (2 x 2 x 4) with three repetitions and ten cuttings per portion. After 100 days of plantation, the percentage of rooted cutting, live cutting, formation of calluses and number of roots issued per cutting was examined. It's possible to conclude that, for the application of vegetables hormones, there weren't relevant difference between both, although there was a more significant result for the intermediate doses of GA3 and 2,4-D, in which the micro chamber greenhouse was the more efficient in relation with survival of cuttings.
Keywords: Eugenia brasiliensi, propagation, hormone.
Palavras-chave: parque urbano, lazer, caminhadas.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to know the profile of visitors to the Buritis Park, located in downtown of Lucas do Rio Verde-MT. The park has 100 hectares of green area, 28 hectares of implanted area with structure for sports and leisure and a track with a length of three kilometers. To know the profile of visitors, elaborated a questionnaire to the public on the trail, between February 15 and March 6, 2014. Also questionnaires were sent by email to people attending the park. The results show that the public who attends the Park is mostly young between 14 and 18 who are attending high school. The population is proud of the green area in the city and the respondents claimed that the park is very important and have an interest in conservation. However, there is a clear perception of the importance for conservation. environmental education, organization of recreational and leisure activities can contribute to the awareness of visitors about the importance of this area for the conservation and better use of the site by the population.
Keywords: urban park, recreation, hiking.
Keywords: adaptability, gradient, toposequence.
RESUMO: Motivado pela crescente demanda de projetos de neutralização de GEE, o plantio de espécies arbóreas em áreas degradadas tornou-se uma alternativa comumente utilizada, unindo o alto potencial de fixação de carbono e os benefícios gerados pela recomposição vegetal dessas áreas. Nesse contexto, é de grande interesse o conhecimento da adaptabilidade, comportamento e desenvolvimento inicial dessas espécies em diferentes condições edafoclimáticas, e como avaliado no presente trabalho, a influência das posições do relevo no desempenho dos indivíduos arbóreos. O estudo foi conduzido em plantio misto com intuito de neutralizar emissões de GEE gerados em um evento realizado anualmente na UFV. O terreno foi estratificado em três posições de acordo com o relevo e foram avaliadas, quanto a sobrevivência, Incremento Mensal Médio em Altura (IMMH) e Incremento Mensal Médio em Diâmetro (IMMD), 342 mudas, de 18 espécies, aos 17 meses de idade. As variáveis IMMH e IMMD foram submetidas a ANOVA e de acordo com o Teste F apresentaram-se significativas. Este resultado demonstra a importância de estudos como este de modo a identificar o comportamento das espécies e permitir a seleção das mais adequadas para projetos de neutralização de acordo com seu potencial de estocar carbono.
Palavras-chave: adaptabilidade, gradiente, topossequência.
Palavras-chave: canafístula, reflorestamento, revegetação, semeadura direta, espécies nativas.
ABSTRACT: The use of shelters has been shown to be an efficient technique for successful direct seeding of different species, mainly native plants. Given the importance of the species Peltophorum dubium for use in the resettlement of degraded areas, tree planting and landscaping, this study aimed to determine the physiological initial Peltophorum dubium plantlets subjected to influence of protective physical brightness with different rates. The experiment was conducted in pots filled with Haplorthox. The treatments were: no physical protector (APF); physical protector transparent (PFT); physical protector transparent + blue cellophane (PFA) and physical protector transparent red cellophane (PFV). Seedlings were evaluated at 31, 51, 71, 91, 111 and 131 days after seeding. Were evaluated the characteristics: seedling height, stem diameter, leaf area, dry leaf, stem and shoot. The results showed that both the physical protector blue as red, increased seedling height. However, lower values were obtained in biometric seedlings such treatment after the removal of guards. Reducing the brightness inversion behavior promoted seedling, having smaller diameter neck after 51 DAS. The adoption of physical protector transparent allow adequate development of seedlings with low interference in morphometric characteristics.
Keywords: canafístula, reforestation, revegetation, direct sowing, native species.
Palavras-chave: diversidade florística, estrutura horizontal, vegetação de caatinga.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to characterize the floristic and phytosociological composition of the woody component in a Caatinga fragment located in the city of Upanema-RN, Brazil. The survey was carried out by means of Simple Random Sampling, installing 11 sample units of 20 x 20 m (400 m²). In each sample unit, all forest trees were evaluated, with a chest circumference greater than six centimeters (CAP ≥ 6 cm). The phytosociological parameters of the horizontal and vertical structure, the floristic diversity through the Shannon-Weaver Index (H ‘), Simpson dominance (C) and Pielou equability (J’) were evaluated. The family with the highest number of species and individuals was Fabaceae. The most important species in the study area under the phytosociological aspects were Combretum leprosum, Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Bauhinia cheilantha, Mimosa ophthalmocentra and Poincianella pyramidalis. The diversity of species found in the area was considered average when compared to other forest fragments of caatinga already studied.
Keywords: floristic diversity, horizontal structure, vegetation of caatinga.
Palavras-chave: armazenamento, deterioração, teor de acidez, Glycine max L.
ABSTRACT: Aiming to assess the loss of sanitary and nutritional quality of soybean seeds stored under different conditions, it was used seeds of cultivar FMT Tabarana. The experimental design was completely randomized, as the treatments: T1 - temperature of 18-20 °C and relative humidity (RH) of 50-60%, T2 - temperature of 25-29 °C and 45-65% RH and T3 - Temperature 30 ° C and 85% RH. The grains were placed in cloth bags and stored in each environment. We performed the initial assessment and monthly grain quality for six months, through the evaluations of the water content of grains, physical classification, incidence of fungi and chemical composition. There were losses in physical, health and nutrition, for soybeans stored under the condition of 30 °C and 85% RH. A temperature of 30 °C and RH of 85% favored the total grain damaged, and the incidence of fungal decay process. Since in storage at a temperature of 17-20 ° C and 50-60% RH reduces the rate of deterioration of the soybeans.
Keywords: acidity, deterioration, storage, Glycine max L.
Palavras-chave: volumetria, andiroba, mogno, plantio florestal.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to adjust and select mathematical models for commercial volume for the species Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Swietenia macrophylla King. The data were collected in a silvopastoral plantation in the western region of Pará. A number of 100 trees were measured for each species by Smalian method. Seven mathematical models were adjusted for commercial volume estimation. The models had their performance assessed by the statistics: coefficient of determination (adjusted R²); the significance of standard error of parameters; normality and graphical analysis of residual. The chi-square test was used to validate the best equations. Schumacher-Hall model resulted in better estimates of commercial volume with bark to Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Swietenia macrophylla King.
Keywords: volumetry, andiroba, mogno, forest mensuration.
Palavras-chave: resíduos de madeira, aproveitamento, viabilidade econômica.
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted with the aim of addressing the economic viability of recovery of waste generated in 4 timber companies in Jerônimo Monteiro, ES, Brazil. Were analyzed three projects named as: briquetting, animal bed and composting. To quantify the disposal of enterprises heavy bags were filled weekly with the separation between wood shavings and sawdust during the months of April, May and June. The average weight of each bag with wood shavings was 10 kg and 22 kg of sawdust. An economic evaluation of each proposed project was performed by the method of net present value (NPV), with discount rates of 6, 8 and 10%. The results showed that the best project was the animal bed, followed briquette project. The composting VPL was negative, invalidating the project.
Keywords: wood residues, utilization, economic viability.
Palavras-chave: aroeira, parâmetros genéticos, REML/BLUP, teste de progênies.
ABSTRACT: Improper exploitation of native woods have led to a reduction in natural populations, as was the case of Myracrodruon urundeuva. The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for silvicultural traits in progenies test of M. urundeuva, in multi-species system and evaluate the potential for ex situ conservation and transformation into an orchard seedling seed. The experiment was installed in Selvíria-MS in a randomized block design, with 30 progenies, 14 replications and one plant per plot. The traits were evaluated at four and nine years old and estimates of genetic parameters were obtained by REML/BLUP procedure. The selection for diameter at breast height was based on the combined selection of multi-effect index and genetic values individual additives. Appropriate estimates of genetic variation were obtained (>12%), average heritability progenies (>0.35) and accuracy (>58%). The strategy without restriction of the 180 best individuals provided the highest gain selection (7.48%). Genetic diversity (67%) and effective size (≈ 60) were similar strategy with restriction of individuals and progenies. As a result, the strategy without restriction seemed to be more appropriate. Thus, there is genetic variability in the test M. urundeuva progenies and potential for its transformation into an orchard seedling seed.
Keywords: aroeira, genetic parameters, REML/BLUP, progenies test.
Palavras-chave: Teca, identidade de modelos, inteligência artificial.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the modeling regression and artificial neural networks to estimate the total of teak trees in different spacings in Cáceres, MT, Brazil. The database was derived from the measurement of dbh by forest census. Subsequently, these were grouped into classes of diameter, with an amplitude of 5 cm. Was measured the overall height (h) of 20% of subjects in each spacing, and diameter class. To estimate the total height per regression were used nonlinear and linear models, while for the estimated by artificial neural networks of the type were tested Multilayer Perceptron. In regression modeling, the non-linear models were superior to linear, highlighting the Gompertz model. Both techniques were efficient for estimates the total teak height, however, through the modeling for artificial neural network, the error values were lower than 10% in all evaluated spacings.
Keywords: Teak, identity models, artificial intelligence.
Palavras-chave: Azadirachta indica, subdose, herbicida, reflorestamento.
ABSTRACT: The regeneration of degraded areas presupposes the planting of forest species in areas that have undergone deep anthropogenic changes and that they are maintained in conditions that allow them to develop rapidly and uniformly. However, problems as presence of weeds can compromise the development of these plants, especially after planting, where they are susceptible to weed competition. One technique widely used to manage it is the use of herbicides. These products can harm and / or kill the plants when hit at high doses, even when the application is performed in a directed jet (drift). One of the widely used herbicide is glyphosate, which is characterized as systemic and not selective. The neem is an introduced species that has been cultivated in Brazil, due to its silvicultural characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of reduced rates of glyphosate in young plants of neem, aiming to simulate a possible drift. Neem seedlings were treated with 0, 72, 144, 216 and 432 g ha-1 of acid equivalent of glyphosate. The plants phytotoxicity was noticed from 216 g ha-1 of a.e., however, the plants recovered. In these experimental conditions, one can conclude that 0se saplings of neem has hindered its development by the action of glyphosate, However, only from 432 g ha-1 of e.a., the plants suffer significant negative effects by the action of the herbicide.
Keywords: Azadirachta indica, sub-dose, herbicide, reforestation.
Palavras-chave: Musa ssp., armazenamento, embalagem de polietileno.
ABSTRACT: Was evaluated the influence of refrigeration associated with polyethylene packages of different thicknesses on the conservation and post-harvest quality of banana fruits of tropical and Thap Maeo cultivars produced in northern Minas Gerais (Brazil). The physiologically mature tropical and Thap Maeo banana fruits were selected, washed, immersed in fungicidal solution (Sportak 450 CE, at the dose of 0.280 mL L-1 and Iharaguem in a dose of 0.3 mL L-1) and packed in Polyethylene 16 μm, 10 μm and without packaging preserved at 12, 15 and 25 ºC. The following values were evaluated: firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, soluble solids / acidity ratio, pH, peel color and loss of fresh matter. The use of 16 and 10μm polyethylene membranes, associated with storage at 12 and 15 ºC, shows a retention of the ripening process of the fruits of the cultivars Tropical and Thap Maeo.
Keywords: Musa ssp., storage, polyethylene packaging
Palavras-chave: fitossociologia, Araucaria angustifolia, CCA, campos de altitude.
ABSTRACT: Forestry fragments are important to biodiversity maintenance, thus it is developing studies aiming to get information focused on the conservation, recovery and management of these environments. Therefore, aimed at featuring the horizontal structure, flora diversity and the influence of the soil variables from the arboreal-shrubby component within a Floresta Ombrófila Mista fragment. The survey on vegetation was performed in nineteen 10 x 20 m plots. Within these plots, the individuals were identified and measured according to the following size classes: Class I – individuals presenting DAP (circumference measured 1.30 m from soil surface) ≥ 15 cm and Class II CAP < 15 cm e diameter ≥ 1 cm. The vegetation was analyzed according to phytosociological parameters and to a correlation between the vegetation and the soil variables by means of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The fragment presents low diversity and the prevalence of few species in the bigger size class, among which stands out Araucaria angustifolia. However, its reduced density regarding natural regeneration may impair its own conservation within the local. Species such as Myrceugenia cucullata and Gymnanthes klotzschiana are preserved in the forest. There is influence from soil chemical features.
Keywords: phytosociology, Araucaria angustifolia, CCA, altitude fields.
Keywords: worker’s health, work conditions, forest harvesting.
RESUMO: Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica da atividade de carregamento manual da madeira nas propriedades rurais, a fim de quantificar o risco de desenvolvimento de lesões musculoesqueléticas nos trabalhadores florestais e, do ponto de vista da ergonomia, identificar a existência da precarização do trabalho. Os dados foram coletados em pequenas propriedades florestais, localizadas em Minas Gerais, e 28 trabalhadores florestais foram amostrados. Para a avaliação, o software 3DSSPPTM da Universidade de Michigan foi utilizado. Os resultados mostraram que há grande e iminente risco para a saúde dos trabalhadores durante o carregamento manual de toretes, independentemente da fase da atividade, sendo evidente o risco de prejuízo para as articulações dos membros superiores (punhos e ombros), bem como o tronco e coxofemorais. Os riscos de injúrias resultantes desta atividade, qualquer que seja a massa dos toretes manipulados, devem-se à combinação de postura e fatores de carga manuseada, gerando forças de compressão no disco L5-S1 da coluna vertebral, que pode ser seis vezes maior do que o limite recomendado valor. Assim, sob uma abordagem ergonômica, a atividade está sendo desenvolvida de forma extremamente precária, com consequente invalidez profissional precoce e diminuição da vida profissional dos trabalhadores.
Palavras-chave: saúde do trabalhador, condições de trabalho, colheita florestal.
Palavras-chave: cubagem rigorosa, modelagem, volume.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to adjust volumetric models in different modeling situations to obtain volume equations for the species Couratari stellata (Tauari) in the Tapajós National Forest. The necessary information was obtained from the rigorous cubing carried out during the romaneio activity of four Annual Production Units (UPAs), where a total of 1431 Tauari trees were planted and thirteen volumetric models adjusted. The data were organized for three modeling situations: 1) total trees cubed from the four UPAs, 2) per individual UPA, and 3) per diameter class of DAP. We obtained the quality of the model adjustments by means of the adjusted R², Standard error of the estimate (Syx%), factor of inflation of the variance (VIF) and graphical analysis of the residues, already the validation of the models, Square (X²). The models that presented the best adjustments for the four UPAs were Schumacher and Spurr logarithmized. In the individual UPAs, the Schumacher equations for Units 07, 08 and 09 and Spurr log for 06 were highlighted. No satisfactory results were obtained among the diametric classes. All the selected equations were valid according to the statistical test performed.
Keywords: rigorous cubing, modeling, volume.
Palavras-chave: análise de correspondência canônica, variáveis edáficas, espécie estrategista.
ABSTRACT: The study of the dynamics and distribution of native species and their interaction with ecological variables are important aspects for definition of restoration strategies and management of native forests. Thus, this paper aims to study the relation between the distribution of Escallonia bifida in relation to environmental variables in fragment of Deciduous Forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Were evaluated four sampling classes to check the density and distribution of Escallonia bifida in the study area, including arboreous stratum (Class IV ((CBH ≥ 15), sampled in 16 plots of 10 x 10 m² and 64 subplots of 5 x 5 m² for class III (5.1 ≥ CBH ≤ 14.9 cm). Were allocated 64 subplots of 5 x 5 m² for class II (1 ≤ CBH ≥ 5 cm) and 256 subplots of 2 x 2 m² for class I (DGH ≥ 1 cm, H ≥ 30 cm) to evaluated regeneration stratum. Escalonia bifida presents general behavior in terms of soil conditions and proved to be related to higher luminosity areas. These characteristics provide the species potential for use in ecological restoration.
Keywords: canonical correspondence analysis, soil variables, strategist species.
Palavras-chave: salinidade, nutrição mineral, características biométricas.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of saline stress on morphology, dry mass production, macronutrient accumulation, sodium and to identify visual symptomatology in Swietenia macrophylla. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, where the seedlings were submitted to 5 salinity levels (1.73, 2.40, 4.11, 6.49 and 8.37 dS m-1). The experimental design was completely randomized with 5 treatments and 5 replicates. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and the means submitted to the Dunnett test at 5%. The seedlings of Swetenia macrophylla showed salinity symptoms similar to those found in the literature and easily characterized. The increase in the salinity level up to the electrical conductivity of 6.49 dS m-1 did not affect the growth in height, diameter of the colon of the seedlings, dry mass of shoot and root and IQD of the species. The seedlings of Swetenia macrophylla tend to increase Na + contents without reducing macronutrient contents.
Keywords: salinity, mineral nutrition, biometric characteristics.
Palavras-chave: colonização da Amazônia, fitossociologia, sucessão florestal.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of colonization models (fishbone and topographic) in different successional stages: Initial (SS1), Intermediate (SS2) and Advanced (SS3) in the Brazilian Amazon, through phytosociological attributes supported by satellite images, and understand the variables that affect the patterns of forest succession and the differences between biometric variables within the different settlements located in the northwestern portion of the state of Rondônia. For that were sampled 56 transects of 10 x 250m in areas of advanced successional stage , 64 transects of 10 x 10 m in areas of intermediate successional stage, and 79 of 2 x 2 m transects in areas of early initial successional stage. In the colonization model called fishbone, were identified 23 families and 43 species-in initial successional stage; in intermediate successional stage were identified 20 families and 41 species already; in advanced successional stage-were cataloged 37 families with 42 species. In the colonization model whose shape is known as topographic, were cataloged on stage SS1, 32 families and 60 species-stage SS2, 29 families and 54 species and stage SS3, 43 families and 57 species. The most important families in the process of succession were the Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Lauraceae and Bignoniaceae in both models.
Keywords: colonization of the Amazon, phytosociology, forest cuccession.
Palavras-chave: Eugenia brasiliensis, propagação, hormônio.
ABSTRACT: This paper was developed with the goal of studying the potential of rooting grumixameira cuttings (Eugenia brasiliensis) that have beentreated with different concentrations of growth regulators and cultivation environments. Herbaceous cuttings were collected from mother plants. The cuttings were between 8 and 10 cm, which resulted in two to three gems per cutting. The treatments included two growing environments and two hormone types in five doses. The environments consisted of a nebulization chamber and a micro chamber made with pet bottles. GA3 and 2,4-D were the plant growth regulators used in four concentrations (0, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.2 mg L-1). The delimitation was in randomized blocks in factorial (2 x 2 x 4) with three repetitions and ten cuttings per portion. After 100 days of plantation, the percentage of rooted cutting, live cutting, formation of calluses and number of roots issued per cutting was examined. It's possible to conclude that, for the application of vegetables hormones, there weren't relevant difference between both, although there was a more significant result for the intermediate doses of GA3 and 2,4-D, in which the micro chamber greenhouse was the more efficient in relation with survival of cuttings.
Keywords: Eugenia brasiliensi, propagation, hormone.
Palavras-chave: parque urbano, lazer, caminhadas.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to know the profile of visitors to the Buritis Park, located in downtown of Lucas do Rio Verde-MT. The park has 100 hectares of green area, 28 hectares of implanted area with structure for sports and leisure and a track with a length of three kilometers. To know the profile of visitors, elaborated a questionnaire to the public on the trail, between February 15 and March 6, 2014. Also questionnaires were sent by email to people attending the park. The results show that the public who attends the Park is mostly young between 14 and 18 who are attending high school. The population is proud of the green area in the city and the respondents claimed that the park is very important and have an interest in conservation. However, there is a clear perception of the importance for conservation. environmental education, organization of recreational and leisure activities can contribute to the awareness of visitors about the importance of this area for the conservation and better use of the site by the population.
Keywords: urban park, recreation, hiking.
Keywords: adaptability, gradient, toposequence.
RESUMO: Motivado pela crescente demanda de projetos de neutralização de GEE, o plantio de espécies arbóreas em áreas degradadas tornou-se uma alternativa comumente utilizada, unindo o alto potencial de fixação de carbono e os benefícios gerados pela recomposição vegetal dessas áreas. Nesse contexto, é de grande interesse o conhecimento da adaptabilidade, comportamento e desenvolvimento inicial dessas espécies em diferentes condições edafoclimáticas, e como avaliado no presente trabalho, a influência das posições do relevo no desempenho dos indivíduos arbóreos. O estudo foi conduzido em plantio misto com intuito de neutralizar emissões de GEE gerados em um evento realizado anualmente na UFV. O terreno foi estratificado em três posições de acordo com o relevo e foram avaliadas, quanto a sobrevivência, Incremento Mensal Médio em Altura (IMMH) e Incremento Mensal Médio em Diâmetro (IMMD), 342 mudas, de 18 espécies, aos 17 meses de idade. As variáveis IMMH e IMMD foram submetidas a ANOVA e de acordo com o Teste F apresentaram-se significativas. Este resultado demonstra a importância de estudos como este de modo a identificar o comportamento das espécies e permitir a seleção das mais adequadas para projetos de neutralização de acordo com seu potencial de estocar carbono.
Palavras-chave: adaptabilidade, gradiente, topossequência.
Palavras-chave: canafístula, reflorestamento, revegetação, semeadura direta, espécies nativas.
ABSTRACT: The use of shelters has been shown to be an efficient technique for successful direct seeding of different species, mainly native plants. Given the importance of the species Peltophorum dubium for use in the resettlement of degraded areas, tree planting and landscaping, this study aimed to determine the physiological initial Peltophorum dubium plantlets subjected to influence of protective physical brightness with different rates. The experiment was conducted in pots filled with Haplorthox. The treatments were: no physical protector (APF); physical protector transparent (PFT); physical protector transparent + blue cellophane (PFA) and physical protector transparent red cellophane (PFV). Seedlings were evaluated at 31, 51, 71, 91, 111 and 131 days after seeding. Were evaluated the characteristics: seedling height, stem diameter, leaf area, dry leaf, stem and shoot. The results showed that both the physical protector blue as red, increased seedling height. However, lower values were obtained in biometric seedlings such treatment after the removal of guards. Reducing the brightness inversion behavior promoted seedling, having smaller diameter neck after 51 DAS. The adoption of physical protector transparent allow adequate development of seedlings with low interference in morphometric characteristics.
Keywords: canafístula, reforestation, revegetation, direct sowing, native species.
Palavras-chave: diversidade florística, estrutura horizontal, vegetação de caatinga.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to characterize the floristic and phytosociological composition of the woody component in a Caatinga fragment located in the city of Upanema-RN, Brazil. The survey was carried out by means of Simple Random Sampling, installing 11 sample units of 20 x 20 m (400 m²). In each sample unit, all forest trees were evaluated, with a chest circumference greater than six centimeters (CAP ≥ 6 cm). The phytosociological parameters of the horizontal and vertical structure, the floristic diversity through the Shannon-Weaver Index (H ‘), Simpson dominance (C) and Pielou equability (J’) were evaluated. The family with the highest number of species and individuals was Fabaceae. The most important species in the study area under the phytosociological aspects were Combretum leprosum, Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Bauhinia cheilantha, Mimosa ophthalmocentra and Poincianella pyramidalis. The diversity of species found in the area was considered average when compared to other forest fragments of caatinga already studied.
Keywords: floristic diversity, horizontal structure, vegetation of caatinga.
Palavras-chave: armazenamento, deterioração, teor de acidez, Glycine max L.
ABSTRACT: Aiming to assess the loss of sanitary and nutritional quality of soybean seeds stored under different conditions, it was used seeds of cultivar FMT Tabarana. The experimental design was completely randomized, as the treatments: T1 - temperature of 18-20 °C and relative humidity (RH) of 50-60%, T2 - temperature of 25-29 °C and 45-65% RH and T3 - Temperature 30 ° C and 85% RH. The grains were placed in cloth bags and stored in each environment. We performed the initial assessment and monthly grain quality for six months, through the evaluations of the water content of grains, physical classification, incidence of fungi and chemical composition. There were losses in physical, health and nutrition, for soybeans stored under the condition of 30 °C and 85% RH. A temperature of 30 °C and RH of 85% favored the total grain damaged, and the incidence of fungal decay process. Since in storage at a temperature of 17-20 ° C and 50-60% RH reduces the rate of deterioration of the soybeans.
Keywords: acidity, deterioration, storage, Glycine max L.
Palavras-chave: volumetria, andiroba, mogno, plantio florestal.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to adjust and select mathematical models for commercial volume for the species Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Swietenia macrophylla King. The data were collected in a silvopastoral plantation in the western region of Pará. A number of 100 trees were measured for each species by Smalian method. Seven mathematical models were adjusted for commercial volume estimation. The models had their performance assessed by the statistics: coefficient of determination (adjusted R²); the significance of standard error of parameters; normality and graphical analysis of residual. The chi-square test was used to validate the best equations. Schumacher-Hall model resulted in better estimates of commercial volume with bark to Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Swietenia macrophylla King.
Keywords: volumetry, andiroba, mogno, forest mensuration.
Palavras-chave: resíduos de madeira, aproveitamento, viabilidade econômica.
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted with the aim of addressing the economic viability of recovery of waste generated in 4 timber companies in Jerônimo Monteiro, ES, Brazil. Were analyzed three projects named as: briquetting, animal bed and composting. To quantify the disposal of enterprises heavy bags were filled weekly with the separation between wood shavings and sawdust during the months of April, May and June. The average weight of each bag with wood shavings was 10 kg and 22 kg of sawdust. An economic evaluation of each proposed project was performed by the method of net present value (NPV), with discount rates of 6, 8 and 10%. The results showed that the best project was the animal bed, followed briquette project. The composting VPL was negative, invalidating the project.
Keywords: wood residues, utilization, economic viability.
Palavras-chave: aroeira, parâmetros genéticos, REML/BLUP, teste de progênies.
ABSTRACT: Improper exploitation of native woods have led to a reduction in natural populations, as was the case of Myracrodruon urundeuva. The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for silvicultural traits in progenies test of M. urundeuva, in multi-species system and evaluate the potential for ex situ conservation and transformation into an orchard seedling seed. The experiment was installed in Selvíria-MS in a randomized block design, with 30 progenies, 14 replications and one plant per plot. The traits were evaluated at four and nine years old and estimates of genetic parameters were obtained by REML/BLUP procedure. The selection for diameter at breast height was based on the combined selection of multi-effect index and genetic values individual additives. Appropriate estimates of genetic variation were obtained (>12%), average heritability progenies (>0.35) and accuracy (>58%). The strategy without restriction of the 180 best individuals provided the highest gain selection (7.48%). Genetic diversity (67%) and effective size (≈ 60) were similar strategy with restriction of individuals and progenies. As a result, the strategy without restriction seemed to be more appropriate. Thus, there is genetic variability in the test M. urundeuva progenies and potential for its transformation into an orchard seedling seed.
Keywords: aroeira, genetic parameters, REML/BLUP, progenies test.
Palavras-chave: Teca, identidade de modelos, inteligência artificial.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the modeling regression and artificial neural networks to estimate the total of teak trees in different spacings in Cáceres, MT, Brazil. The database was derived from the measurement of dbh by forest census. Subsequently, these were grouped into classes of diameter, with an amplitude of 5 cm. Was measured the overall height (h) of 20% of subjects in each spacing, and diameter class. To estimate the total height per regression were used nonlinear and linear models, while for the estimated by artificial neural networks of the type were tested Multilayer Perceptron. In regression modeling, the non-linear models were superior to linear, highlighting the Gompertz model. Both techniques were efficient for estimates the total teak height, however, through the modeling for artificial neural network, the error values were lower than 10% in all evaluated spacings.
Keywords: Teak, identity models, artificial intelligence.