Conference Presentations by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
IPSA - International Political Science Association, 2021
The problem of “conceptual stretching” in comparative analyzes leads us to
consider the existence... more The problem of “conceptual stretching” in comparative analyzes leads us to
consider the existence of a trade-off between conceptual extension and intention, which
points us to a methodological dilemma that could be predicated as spatial. Techniques
such as the “conceptual ladder” and “radial concepts” are proposed for addressing this
issue. On the other hand, both strategies must also deal with a procedural
methodological question, which says about the need for concepts to be constantly updated during the research development. However, would conceptual operationalization
techniques allow us to deal with the spatial-process problematic of operationalization of
concepts, still guaranteeing flexibility to mobilize the “conceptual ladder” and/or “radial
concepts” strategies? We argue in this article that the comparative approaches “Most
Similar Systems Design” (MSSD) and “Most Different Systems Design” (MDSD), as
developed by Teune and Przeworski(1970), present us with such a possibility.
Papers by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
European Political Science Review, 2024
This paper advocates a move beyond the systemic approach in the field of Deliberative Democracy. ... more This paper advocates a move beyond the systemic approach in the field of Deliberative Democracy. It argues that the notion of deliberative ecology can deliver the necessary conceptual elements that deliberative democrats seek in deliberative systems without some of the problems they either overlook or embrace. To advocate the advantages of an ecological perspective to deliberation, the article focuses on six axes of comparison: (i) performances of actants (instead of functions of arenas and players); (ii) articulations and translations (instead of transmission); (iii) vulnerabilities (instead of pathologies and dysfunctions); (iv) practice (instead of institutionally-oriented design); (v) diverse temporalities (instead of linear temporality) and; (vi) hologram-based analysis (instead of systemic analysis). In a nutshell, the article claims that the ecological approach to deliberation has the advantage of conceptualizing an ever-changing web of relations of interdependency, which connects diverse entities that are either relevant to a public discussion or that hinder its enactment.
Agenda Politica, 2023
O artigo argumenta sobre o potencial heurístico e crítico do conceito de vulnerabilid... more O artigo argumenta sobre o potencial heurístico e crítico do conceito de vulnerabilidades para pesquisas sobre participação cidadã, movimentos sociais e lutas por reconhecimento. Pela ótica das vulnerabilidades, a ação social do sujeito político se dá sempre apesare a partirdas vulnerabilidades existenciais e sociopolíticas que enfrenta em seu cotidiano. Nesse sentido, ao tratar dicotomias clássicas como agência e padecimento, vitimização e resistência, o conceito de vulnerabilidades nos habilita a compreender como situações de adversidade e precaridadesocial atravessam processos de participação política: a) introduzindo diferença na motivação e agenda política de um movimento social; b) compondo obstáculos e oportunidades para a ação coletiva; c) sendo reconfiguradas pelo próprio processo de participação cidadã. Sob certas condições, vulnerabilidades, embora originalmente vistas como percalços, podem atuar como vetores de resistência e empoderamento social. Para além de uma reflexão teórica e metodológica, o artigo apresenta resultados de aplicação empírica do conceito de vulnerabilidades sobre etnografia política que mapeou desafios e inovações democráticas promovidas pelo movimento social antimanicomial de Belo Horizonte no processo de construçãoe performance do protesto “dia de luta antimanicomial”
Teoria&Pesquisa, 2023
The article examines practical and institutional conditions for an "anti-anthropocentric ... more The article examines practical and institutional conditions for an "anti-anthropocentric democracy," that is, a political regime that mobilizes diverse interactional devices to address biases in decision-making that impact extra-human entities. To accomplish this goal, we first ground the proposition that any sentient biological entities are bearers of an inalienable political interest: that of persevering in their own existence. Next, we outline three interactional devices that could increase the possibilities of such inalienable interest be democratically represented andexpressed in political decision-making affecting extra-humans: a) political articulations with indigenous peoples; b) empowered and dissensual deliberative experiments and events; c) imagery and audiovisual artifacts that mitigate trans-ontological " incommensurabilities"
Revista Princípios, 2022
The article makes a vulnerable seam between diagnoses and proposals that Habermas and Foucault ca... more The article makes a vulnerable seam between diagnoses and proposals that Habermas and Foucault carry out on intersubjectivity, recognition and political community. Despite insoluble distinctions, we argue that it is possible to foster productive approximations between them based on the way in which they address vulnerabilities linked to the processes of political subjectivation. Such an undertaking is carried out from the instrumentalization of the notion of vulnerabilities and from a careful examination of the bases of the normative ethics of discursive exchange, in Habermas, and of the ethics of “self-care” that faces power in its relational configuration, in Foucault. Based on “vulnerable seams”, we propose to overcome a dichotomy that is repeated in the opposition of both traditions and schools of thought, proposing a concept that shelters and hybridizes them, although without appeasing their tensions and dissent: the “vulneronormativity”.
CMC, 2021
The article presents an attempt to articulate the approaches of Jacques Rancière and Judith Butle... more The article presents an attempt to articulate the approaches of Jacques Rancière and Judith Butler concerning the modes of political appearance of vulnerable subjects in enunciative spaces of dissent and demand for recognition. We argue that, although in different reflective ways, both value the resistances that destabilize and question the hierarchical orders that define normative regimes that regulate the visibilities and legibilities that authorize and validate the experiences of the subjects and their ways of life. Appearing is, at the same time, the reconfiguration of the sensible and the construction of new frames of meaning that allow new coordinates of expression and recognition of precarious lives. This involves not only considering the vulnerabilities of bodies in action, but also the fables and imagery that redraw socio-historical trajectories of survivals and struggles for justice.
Mediapolis, 2019
This article presents a theoretical-analytical reflection on the relationships between Western de... more This article presents a theoretical-analytical reflection on the relationships between Western democracies, the era of communicative abundance, and contemporary modes of political sociability. While, on the one hand, the global processes of democratization of information and the proliferation of institutions and mechanisms of political monitoring allow us to assert an «empowerment» of the demos and the consequent vitality of Western democracies, on the other hand we attest that a possible hypertrophy or the monopoly of monitorial political practices can produce adverse effects on democracies, such as the return of totalitarian populism. In view of this scenario, we present an ethical reflection that, besides emphasizing the fields of social communication and journalism, calls attention to the cultivation of signifiers, practices, and political powers beyond monitoring, especially those aiming at the production of a «common» other, more egalitarian, more democratic.
Cotidiano, 2020
This article seeks to present a critique of the notions of agency, subject and
politics that buil... more This article seeks to present a critique of the notions of agency, subject and
politics that build some sociological theories of social movements from the concept of
"political subjectivation" by Jacques Rancière. To that end, the first part of the article
presents a review of important concepts that guide some of the theories of social
movements in order to identify, in contrast to Jacques Rancière's thinking, assumptions
and models of subject that are taken for granted or necessary for the own
operationalization of the aforementioned theories. In the second and last part of the
article, we present the description of a "scene of dissent", as promoted by the anti-asylum
struggle of Minas Gerais. From this scene, we aim to embody both the theoretical
problematization previously carried out on social movements and the very concepts of
"damage", "disagreement" and "disidentification" that underpin the process of
Rancière's "political subjectivation".
Javeriana, 2018
This paper analyzes the protests and popular demonstrations that took place in the city of Belo
H... more This paper analyzes the protests and popular demonstrations that took place in the city of Belo
Horizonte between 2012 and 2015, having as theoretical background the new mobility paradigm.
Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of three hundred and twenty three journal
articles and reports, firstly we verify he composition and intensity of the protest motives that
claim the right, access and quality of urban mobility. In a second moment, it was shown how
the spaces of mobility and the movement of the bodies present in those events are fundamental
in the composition of performative repertoires of political groups. Our finds show that urban
mobility is not only a complex and extremely important political agenda, but that the very act
of moving and / or interrupting the flow of movement of this city are fundamental strategies in
the search for visibility and dissemination of political challenges on the public scene.
Lumina, 2018
This article aims to present a reflection on two fronts about the modes of existence, vulnerabil... more This article aims to present a reflection on two fronts about the modes of existence, vulnerabilities and resistances that cross the experiences, interactions and communicative processes of subjects in mental suffering in the context of the city of Belo Horizonte (MG). Firstly, the notion of vulnerabilities is opposed to the idea of a passive victim, emphasizing its rootedness in social conflicts and the relational construction of autonomy in light of the modes of expression and communication of collectives such as the Mental Health Users Association of Minas Gerais (ASSUSAM-MG). Secondly, we seek to show the vulnerabilities role played in the creation and invention of narratives, bodies, networks of alliance and modes of political-expressive self-determination that emerge in the context of the anti-asylum struggle made possible by this Association.
O presente trabalho pretende apresentar uma etnografia (da) política produzida pela Associação do... more O presente trabalho pretende apresentar uma etnografia (da) política produzida pela Associação dos Usuários de Saúde Mental de Minas Gerais (ASSUSAM-MG), instituição que faz parte da rede de luta antimanicomial de Belo Horizonte. A partir de um trabalho de campo realizado junto a este grupo desde o ano de 2015, verificou-se que a ausência de reconhecimento material, simbólico e afetivo é uma experiência recorrente na vida destes sujeitos, justificando e catalisando sua ação coletiva. Esta situação se perpetua, muitas das vezes, como consequência de um estigma da loucura que estrutura préconceitos, assimetrias e opressões sociais experienciadas por sujeitos em situação de sofrimento mental em suas interações cotidianas. Não obstante, o trabalho empírico demonstrou que este reconhecimento negado, identificado tanto no plano discursivo como performativo dos corpos da ASSUSAM-MG, é também princípio produtivo de linhas de fuga e estratégias de resistência frente às impossibilidades e obstruções sociais. Tais acontecimentos e potencialidades são também acionados, intelectivamente, como forma de deslocamento, produção de tensão e descolonização do pensamento acadêmico por questionar modelos e categorias das ciências políticas que desconsideram a importância das agências afetivas e corporais em processos políticos de resistência às margens do Estado. Desse modo, sugerimos que um movimento social é um processo que produz e é produzido por um agenciamento coletivo multidimensional, que articula corpos, afetos, ética, comunicação e estética, inerentes ao processo de resistir e existir. Micropolítica. Resistência Política. Corporeidade. Luta antimanicomial. O presente artigo procura apresentar uma reflexão sobre a composição de agenciamentos coletivos de resistência e luta por reconhecimento promovidos por diversos atores da luta antimanicomial mineira. Por um lado, interessa-nos investigar as condições de
Dissertations by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
Dissertação de mestrado, 2020
The dissertation carried out a cartographic investigation about the interactional,
communicationa... more The dissertation carried out a cartographic investigation about the interactional,
communicational and political processes of production and performance of the protest “antiasylum
struggle day”, as constructed by the anti-asylum social movement in the city of Belo
Horizonte, in the year 2019. We sought to verify and analyze, based on “tracks-wastes”
generated-collected in deliberative processes and other events related to the research
phenomenon, empirical evidence that indicates, on the one hand, the challenges that subjects
and subjects crossed by intense social precariousness, such as those in situations of mental
suffering, face to exercise their constitutional right of assembly, demonstration and
democratic political claim in urban space. Concomitantly, we sought to learn from these same
subjects about the conditions in which embodied social vulnerabilities can be reconfigured in
order to become potentializing vectors for communicative, artistic, political and citizen
agencies and practices. In other words, the dissertation sought to empirically testify how more
vulnerable and precarious bodies than others could compose a grammar and performative
framework that seeks to both denouncing injustices and the dismantling of public policies and
institutions of mental health care and attention, as to put in check, displace and even devalue
negative stigmas and labels that tend to reiterate situations of forgetfulness, abandonment and
social precariousness. By making a theoretical pact with the philosophical framework of
Judith Butler and other researchers, as well as an ethnographic pact with the subjects and
subjects of research, it was intended to map the anti-asylum “imaginary” and “care poetics”,
as constructed and expressed over the period and trajectory of the research carried out, aiming
at (re)fictionalize sociological, political and existential points of view, knowledge and
epistemes of the anti-asylum struggle in Minas Gerais. By placing the results generated in
dialogue with the academic field, it is expected to contribute, among other things, to the
perpetual review that the social sciences must carry out on themselves in order to better
understand and intervene in the social worlds that are the object of their reflection, especially
from the theories, experiences and meanings that research subjects have about their own
social situation, vulnerabilities and political-existential potentialities.
Book Chapters by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
Políticas do sensível (livro), 2020
O presente artigo procura realizar uma discussão teórico-metodológica
sobre potencialidades conce... more O presente artigo procura realizar uma discussão teórico-metodológica
sobre potencialidades conceituais para uma cartografia da
comunicação, estética e política produzida por sujeitos e sujeitas mais
vulneráveis que os demais. Uma promissora possibilidade de construção ferramental para alcançar os objetivos supracitados é realizada
e apresentada a partir de um “diálogo dissidente” entre Judith Butler,
Jacques Rancière e o movimento de luta antimanicomial de Belo Horizonte.
Em Judith Butler (2004; 2010; 2017; 2018; BUTLER; GAMBETTI,
2016) somos convidados a buscar pela potência política dos sujeitos
mais vulneráveis que os demais a partir de uma análise dos “espaços de
aparecimento” ou “cenas de interpelação” que pelas sujeitas e sujeitos
de pesquisa são produzidos, levando em especial consideração as redes
de suporte, os agenciamentos, as alianças e a “performatividade” que as
constituem e introduzem diferença em suas interações e lutas sociais.
Por outro lado, Jacques Rancière (1996; 2004; 2010; GUÉNOUN; KAVANAGH;
LAPIDUS, 2000) parece nos propor algo próximo, ainda que
não equivalente ou sem custos e riscos de avizinhamento. Isso se justifica
quando consideramos a proposição do autor ao nos afirmar que a
poética da política de certos sujeitos, como os “sem-parte”, deve ser verificada a partir das “cenas de dissenso” que estes compõem-produzem como forma de encenar o “dano” que nos diz de sua exclusão social de “partilhas sensíveis” e que, potencialmente, apontam e/ou produzem uma reconfiguração de suas situações.
Traduções by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
Revista Compolitica, 2021
Embora o anonimato seja uma característica central das democracias liberais-não apenas no voto se... more Embora o anonimato seja uma característica central das democracias liberais-não apenas no voto secreto, mas também no financiamento de campanhas, publicação de textos políticos, protestos mascarados e pichações-até agora não foi conceitualmente fundamentado na teoria democrática. Ao invés disso, é tratado como um conceito autoexplicativo relacionado à privacidade. Para superar essa omissão, este artigo desenvolve uma compreensão complexa do anonimato no contexto da teoria democrática. Com base na literatura diversa sobre o anonimato na participação política, explica o anonimato como uma performance de identidade altamente dependente do contexto que expressa sentimentos privados na esfera pública. O caráter contraditório de seus elementos centrais-negação e criação de identidade-resulta em três conjuntos de liberdades contraditórias. O anonimato permite (a) inclusão e exclusão, (b) subversão e submissão e (c) honestidade e enganação. Este caráter contraditório das affordances do anonimato ilustra o papel ambíguo do anonimato na democracia.
Compolítica, 2021
Embora o anonimato seja uma característica central das democracias liberais-não apenas no voto se... more Embora o anonimato seja uma característica central das democracias liberais-não apenas no voto secreto, mas também no financiamento de campanhas, publicação de textos políticos, protestos mascarados e pichações-até agora não foi conceitualmente fundamentado na teoria democrática. Ao invés disso, é tratado como um conceito autoexplicativo relacionado à privacidade. Para superar essa omissão, este artigo desenvolve uma compreensão complexa do anonimato no contexto da teoria democrática. Com base na literatura diversa sobre o anonimato na participação política, explica o anonimato como uma performance de identidade altamente dependente do contexto que expressa sentimentos privados na esfera pública. O caráter contraditório de seus elementos centrais-negação e criação de identidade-resulta em três conjuntos de liberdades contraditórias. O anonimato permite (a) inclusão e exclusão, (b) subversão e submissão e (c) honestidade e enganação. Este caráter contraditório das affordances do anonimato ilustra o papel ambíguo do anonimato na democracia.
Conference Presentations by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
consider the existence of a trade-off between conceptual extension and intention, which
points us to a methodological dilemma that could be predicated as spatial. Techniques
such as the “conceptual ladder” and “radial concepts” are proposed for addressing this
issue. On the other hand, both strategies must also deal with a procedural
methodological question, which says about the need for concepts to be constantly updated during the research development. However, would conceptual operationalization
techniques allow us to deal with the spatial-process problematic of operationalization of
concepts, still guaranteeing flexibility to mobilize the “conceptual ladder” and/or “radial
concepts” strategies? We argue in this article that the comparative approaches “Most
Similar Systems Design” (MSSD) and “Most Different Systems Design” (MDSD), as
developed by Teune and Przeworski(1970), present us with such a possibility.
Papers by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
politics that build some sociological theories of social movements from the concept of
"political subjectivation" by Jacques Rancière. To that end, the first part of the article
presents a review of important concepts that guide some of the theories of social
movements in order to identify, in contrast to Jacques Rancière's thinking, assumptions
and models of subject that are taken for granted or necessary for the own
operationalization of the aforementioned theories. In the second and last part of the
article, we present the description of a "scene of dissent", as promoted by the anti-asylum
struggle of Minas Gerais. From this scene, we aim to embody both the theoretical
problematization previously carried out on social movements and the very concepts of
"damage", "disagreement" and "disidentification" that underpin the process of
Rancière's "political subjectivation".
Horizonte between 2012 and 2015, having as theoretical background the new mobility paradigm.
Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of three hundred and twenty three journal
articles and reports, firstly we verify he composition and intensity of the protest motives that
claim the right, access and quality of urban mobility. In a second moment, it was shown how
the spaces of mobility and the movement of the bodies present in those events are fundamental
in the composition of performative repertoires of political groups. Our finds show that urban
mobility is not only a complex and extremely important political agenda, but that the very act
of moving and / or interrupting the flow of movement of this city are fundamental strategies in
the search for visibility and dissemination of political challenges on the public scene.
Dissertations by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
communicational and political processes of production and performance of the protest “antiasylum
struggle day”, as constructed by the anti-asylum social movement in the city of Belo
Horizonte, in the year 2019. We sought to verify and analyze, based on “tracks-wastes”
generated-collected in deliberative processes and other events related to the research
phenomenon, empirical evidence that indicates, on the one hand, the challenges that subjects
and subjects crossed by intense social precariousness, such as those in situations of mental
suffering, face to exercise their constitutional right of assembly, demonstration and
democratic political claim in urban space. Concomitantly, we sought to learn from these same
subjects about the conditions in which embodied social vulnerabilities can be reconfigured in
order to become potentializing vectors for communicative, artistic, political and citizen
agencies and practices. In other words, the dissertation sought to empirically testify how more
vulnerable and precarious bodies than others could compose a grammar and performative
framework that seeks to both denouncing injustices and the dismantling of public policies and
institutions of mental health care and attention, as to put in check, displace and even devalue
negative stigmas and labels that tend to reiterate situations of forgetfulness, abandonment and
social precariousness. By making a theoretical pact with the philosophical framework of
Judith Butler and other researchers, as well as an ethnographic pact with the subjects and
subjects of research, it was intended to map the anti-asylum “imaginary” and “care poetics”,
as constructed and expressed over the period and trajectory of the research carried out, aiming
at (re)fictionalize sociological, political and existential points of view, knowledge and
epistemes of the anti-asylum struggle in Minas Gerais. By placing the results generated in
dialogue with the academic field, it is expected to contribute, among other things, to the
perpetual review that the social sciences must carry out on themselves in order to better
understand and intervene in the social worlds that are the object of their reflection, especially
from the theories, experiences and meanings that research subjects have about their own
social situation, vulnerabilities and political-existential potentialities.
Book Chapters by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
sobre potencialidades conceituais para uma cartografia da
comunicação, estética e política produzida por sujeitos e sujeitas mais
vulneráveis que os demais. Uma promissora possibilidade de construção ferramental para alcançar os objetivos supracitados é realizada
e apresentada a partir de um “diálogo dissidente” entre Judith Butler,
Jacques Rancière e o movimento de luta antimanicomial de Belo Horizonte.
Em Judith Butler (2004; 2010; 2017; 2018; BUTLER; GAMBETTI,
2016) somos convidados a buscar pela potência política dos sujeitos
mais vulneráveis que os demais a partir de uma análise dos “espaços de
aparecimento” ou “cenas de interpelação” que pelas sujeitas e sujeitos
de pesquisa são produzidos, levando em especial consideração as redes
de suporte, os agenciamentos, as alianças e a “performatividade” que as
constituem e introduzem diferença em suas interações e lutas sociais.
Por outro lado, Jacques Rancière (1996; 2004; 2010; GUÉNOUN; KAVANAGH;
LAPIDUS, 2000) parece nos propor algo próximo, ainda que
não equivalente ou sem custos e riscos de avizinhamento. Isso se justifica
quando consideramos a proposição do autor ao nos afirmar que a
poética da política de certos sujeitos, como os “sem-parte”, deve ser verificada a partir das “cenas de dissenso” que estes compõem-produzem como forma de encenar o “dano” que nos diz de sua exclusão social de “partilhas sensíveis” e que, potencialmente, apontam e/ou produzem uma reconfiguração de suas situações.
Traduções by Lucas Henrique Nigri Veloso
consider the existence of a trade-off between conceptual extension and intention, which
points us to a methodological dilemma that could be predicated as spatial. Techniques
such as the “conceptual ladder” and “radial concepts” are proposed for addressing this
issue. On the other hand, both strategies must also deal with a procedural
methodological question, which says about the need for concepts to be constantly updated during the research development. However, would conceptual operationalization
techniques allow us to deal with the spatial-process problematic of operationalization of
concepts, still guaranteeing flexibility to mobilize the “conceptual ladder” and/or “radial
concepts” strategies? We argue in this article that the comparative approaches “Most
Similar Systems Design” (MSSD) and “Most Different Systems Design” (MDSD), as
developed by Teune and Przeworski(1970), present us with such a possibility.
politics that build some sociological theories of social movements from the concept of
"political subjectivation" by Jacques Rancière. To that end, the first part of the article
presents a review of important concepts that guide some of the theories of social
movements in order to identify, in contrast to Jacques Rancière's thinking, assumptions
and models of subject that are taken for granted or necessary for the own
operationalization of the aforementioned theories. In the second and last part of the
article, we present the description of a "scene of dissent", as promoted by the anti-asylum
struggle of Minas Gerais. From this scene, we aim to embody both the theoretical
problematization previously carried out on social movements and the very concepts of
"damage", "disagreement" and "disidentification" that underpin the process of
Rancière's "political subjectivation".
Horizonte between 2012 and 2015, having as theoretical background the new mobility paradigm.
Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of three hundred and twenty three journal
articles and reports, firstly we verify he composition and intensity of the protest motives that
claim the right, access and quality of urban mobility. In a second moment, it was shown how
the spaces of mobility and the movement of the bodies present in those events are fundamental
in the composition of performative repertoires of political groups. Our finds show that urban
mobility is not only a complex and extremely important political agenda, but that the very act
of moving and / or interrupting the flow of movement of this city are fundamental strategies in
the search for visibility and dissemination of political challenges on the public scene.
communicational and political processes of production and performance of the protest “antiasylum
struggle day”, as constructed by the anti-asylum social movement in the city of Belo
Horizonte, in the year 2019. We sought to verify and analyze, based on “tracks-wastes”
generated-collected in deliberative processes and other events related to the research
phenomenon, empirical evidence that indicates, on the one hand, the challenges that subjects
and subjects crossed by intense social precariousness, such as those in situations of mental
suffering, face to exercise their constitutional right of assembly, demonstration and
democratic political claim in urban space. Concomitantly, we sought to learn from these same
subjects about the conditions in which embodied social vulnerabilities can be reconfigured in
order to become potentializing vectors for communicative, artistic, political and citizen
agencies and practices. In other words, the dissertation sought to empirically testify how more
vulnerable and precarious bodies than others could compose a grammar and performative
framework that seeks to both denouncing injustices and the dismantling of public policies and
institutions of mental health care and attention, as to put in check, displace and even devalue
negative stigmas and labels that tend to reiterate situations of forgetfulness, abandonment and
social precariousness. By making a theoretical pact with the philosophical framework of
Judith Butler and other researchers, as well as an ethnographic pact with the subjects and
subjects of research, it was intended to map the anti-asylum “imaginary” and “care poetics”,
as constructed and expressed over the period and trajectory of the research carried out, aiming
at (re)fictionalize sociological, political and existential points of view, knowledge and
epistemes of the anti-asylum struggle in Minas Gerais. By placing the results generated in
dialogue with the academic field, it is expected to contribute, among other things, to the
perpetual review that the social sciences must carry out on themselves in order to better
understand and intervene in the social worlds that are the object of their reflection, especially
from the theories, experiences and meanings that research subjects have about their own
social situation, vulnerabilities and political-existential potentialities.
sobre potencialidades conceituais para uma cartografia da
comunicação, estética e política produzida por sujeitos e sujeitas mais
vulneráveis que os demais. Uma promissora possibilidade de construção ferramental para alcançar os objetivos supracitados é realizada
e apresentada a partir de um “diálogo dissidente” entre Judith Butler,
Jacques Rancière e o movimento de luta antimanicomial de Belo Horizonte.
Em Judith Butler (2004; 2010; 2017; 2018; BUTLER; GAMBETTI,
2016) somos convidados a buscar pela potência política dos sujeitos
mais vulneráveis que os demais a partir de uma análise dos “espaços de
aparecimento” ou “cenas de interpelação” que pelas sujeitas e sujeitos
de pesquisa são produzidos, levando em especial consideração as redes
de suporte, os agenciamentos, as alianças e a “performatividade” que as
constituem e introduzem diferença em suas interações e lutas sociais.
Por outro lado, Jacques Rancière (1996; 2004; 2010; GUÉNOUN; KAVANAGH;
LAPIDUS, 2000) parece nos propor algo próximo, ainda que
não equivalente ou sem custos e riscos de avizinhamento. Isso se justifica
quando consideramos a proposição do autor ao nos afirmar que a
poética da política de certos sujeitos, como os “sem-parte”, deve ser verificada a partir das “cenas de dissenso” que estes compõem-produzem como forma de encenar o “dano” que nos diz de sua exclusão social de “partilhas sensíveis” e que, potencialmente, apontam e/ou produzem uma reconfiguração de suas situações.