Papers by Isabella Brasil
Resumo A inflamação é um dos primeiros componentes da resposta imune à infecção e que pode estar ... more Resumo A inflamação é um dos primeiros componentes da resposta imune à infecção e que pode estar envolvida em uma série de doenças como artrite, câncer, diabetes e hepatite. Durante o processo inflamató-rio ocorre à liberação de compostos inflamatórios os quais podem ser inibidos por substâncias com propriedades antiinflamatórias que po-dem ser obtidos através da alimentação, dentre estes os produtos de ori-gem vegetal. Os vegetais são fontes destes compostos antiinflamatórios, e por isso, seu consumo deve ser incluído na dieta. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo trazer informações sobre a im-portância de uma dieta rica em vegetais no controle de doenças infla-matórias. O trabalho está dividido em quatro seções: a primeira aborda a recomendação da ingestão de frutas; a segunda apresenta como se desenvolve o processo inflamatório; a terceira aborda as propriedades antiinflamatórias presentes nos vegetais; e a quarta contempla as frutas ricas em compostos que po...
Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016
Food Funct., 2014
Pitanga, Eugenia uniflora L., is a tropical fruit, which may be consumed as juice. While benefici... more Pitanga, Eugenia uniflora L., is a tropical fruit, which may be consumed as juice. While beneficial health effects of Eugenia uniflora L. leaf extracts have extensively been studied, limited data are available on an anti-inflammatory potential of pitanga juice. The aim of the presented study was to investigate antiinflammatory properties of pitanga juice with regards to a prevention of inflammation-related periodontal diseases. For this purpose, six healthy volunteers swirled pitanga juice, containing 35% pitanga pulp, for 10 min. Thereafter, oral gum epithelial cells were harvested using a sterile brush and stimulated with lipopolysaccharides from Porphyromonas gingivalis (PG-LPS) for 6 h. Furthermore, human gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1) were used to elucidate the anti-inflammatory potential of pitanga juice constituents, cyanidin-3-glucoside and oxidoselina-1,3,7(11)-trien-8-one, in juice representative concentrations of 119 µg ml −1 and 30 µg ml −1 , respectively. For the first time, an anti-inflammatory impact of pitanga juice on gingival epithelial cells was shown by means of an attenuation of IL-8 release by 55 ± 8.2% and 52 ± 11% in nonstimulated and PG-LPS-stimulated cells, respectively. In addition, both cyanidin-3-glucoside and oxidoselina-1,3,7(11)-trien-8-one reduced the LPS-stimulated CXCL8 mRNA expression by 50 ± 15% and 37 ± 18% and IL-8 release by 52 ± 9.9% and 45 ± 3.7% in HGF-1 cells, when concomitantly incubated with 10 µg ml −1 PG-LPS for 6 h, revealing an anti-inflammatory potential of the volatile compound oxidoselina-1,3,7(11)-trien-8-one for the first time. † Contributed equally to the manuscript.
Soursop fruit tissue is known by its acidic pH and high levels of polysaccharides, polyphenolics ... more Soursop fruit tissue is known by its acidic pH and high levels of polysaccharides, polyphenolics and secondary metabolites. These conditions are recognized to interfere unfavorably with conventional methodologies for RNA isolation. We describe here a rapid and simple method for the isolation of total RNA from soursop fruit. RNA was extracted in less than 4 h through a combination of SDS/potassium acetate precipitation and selective binding on a silica-gel-based membrane (Qiagen) through microspin speed technology. In comparison to other methods applied for RNA extraction from soursop fruit, our protocol improved substantially RNA quality as well as RNA yield. The isolated RNA served as a robust template for RT-PCR analysis. Comparable RNA quality and yield per dry weight were obtained from unripe and ripe fruits. This makes the method appropriate to being used in studies on differential gene expression in post-harvest behavior.
Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2015
The objective of this work was investigate the synergistic, additive and antagonistic effects of ... more The objective of this work was investigate the synergistic, additive and antagonistic effects of fruit mixtures on total antioxidant capacities and bioactive compounds in tropical fruit juices, and optimize its formulation by the response surface methodology based on the responses: total polyphenols (TP), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), ascorbic acid content and sensorial acceptance. Camu-camu, acerola and acai were the major factors that influenced the antioxidant potential of the juice; and the yellow mombin showed a positive effect on the acceptance of the tropical juice. It was observed an/antagonistic effect between acerola and camu-camu for the TAC response. The optimum formulation obtained was 20% acerola, 10% camu-camu, 10% yellow mombin, 10% cashew apple and 10% acai, which was responsible for a response of 155.46 mg.100 g(-1) of ascorbic acid, 103.01 mg of GAE.100 g-1 of TP, 10.27 µM Trolox g(-1) of TAC and approximately 6.1 of acceptance.
Revista Ciencia Agronomica, Nov 17, 2008
Resumo -Este trabalho teve como objetivo transformar os resíduos de casca e bagaço do abacaxi pro... more Resumo -Este trabalho teve como objetivo transformar os resíduos de casca e bagaço do abacaxi proveniente da industrialização deste fruto em pós alimentícios no intuito de efetuar uma análise comparativa dos seus parâmetros físico-químicos e químicos. Os bagaços e cascas do abacaxi foram obtidos de uma indústria local logo após o processamento da polpa congelada e em seguida transportados para o Laboratório de Frutos e Hortaliças da Universidade Federal do Ceará. As cascas e bagaços foram cortados e desidratados em estufa à vácuo, a temperatura de 60ºC e trituradas usando um liquidificador durante 10 minutos; posteriormente, foram peneirados para obter pós de 0,5 a 1 mm de diâmetro. O acondicionamento dos pós alimentícios foi realizado em recipientes de vidro envolvido em papel alumínio e em filme de PVC. Os valores médios dos parâmetros físico-químicos foram, respectivamente, para os pós de casca e bagaço de abacaxi de: umidade (9,92% e 8,05%); proteína (3,27% e 3,18%); lipídeos (1,60% e 0,72%); fibras (7,52% e 5,89%); cinzas (2,03% e 2,15%); pH (3,98 e 3,66); acidez (2,53% e 2,98%); sólidos solúveis (60,38°Brix e 60,71°Brix); açúcares redutores (18,95% e 32,94%); açúcares não redutores (18,38% e 3,11%); açúcares totais (37,33% e 36,05%) e vitamina C (27,07 mg/100g e 18,61 mg/100g). Os valores do teor de fibra, lipídeos, açúcares redutores, açúcares não redutores e vitamina C da casca e do bagaço de abacaxi diferem entre si ao nível de 5% de probabilidade segundo o Teste de Tukey.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2012
A microencapsulated beta-cyclodextrin and trans-cinnamaldehyde complex (2 g/100 g) was incorporat... more A microencapsulated beta-cyclodextrin and trans-cinnamaldehyde complex (2 g/100 g) was incorporated into a multilayered edible coating made of chitosan and pectin. Fruits were washed, peeled and cut, coated, and stored at 4 C in Ziploc Ò trays with Ziploc Ò lids for 15 days. Uncoated fruits served as controls.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia de Biossistemas, 2009
Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos, 2005
A presente revisão de literatura aborda o tema alimentos transgênicos, enfocando aspectos de segu... more A presente revisão de literatura aborda o tema alimentos transgênicos, enfocando aspectos de segurança e riscos potenciais ao consumidor, bem como questões de rotulagem e regulamentações nacionais e internacionais. Os principais alimentos de origem vegetal e animal transgênicos no mundo foram apresentados, assim como as modificações e vantagens decorrentes de suas transformações. São descritos os mecanismos de surgimento de riscos nesses organismos e os procedimentos de avaliação mundialmente adotados. Os parâmetros de alergenicidade, toxicidade, surgimento de patógenos alimentares resistentes e alteração na qualidade nutricional dos alimentos são destacados pela sua importância em relação à segurança desses alimentos. A tecnologia do DNA recombinante, associada a outras técnicas convencionais de melhoramento e manejo, apresenta enorme potencial para aumentar a produtividade agrícola, beneficiar o meio ambiente e melhorar a qualidade dos alimentos. No entanto, a inocuidade sob o ponto de vista toxicológico e nutricional deve ser igualmente almejada durante o desenvolvimento de alimentos geneticamente modificados, levando-se em conta, acima de tudo, a segurança final do consumidor.
Food Funct., 2014
Pitanga, Eugenia uniflora L., is a tropical fruit, which may be consumed as juice. While benefici... more Pitanga, Eugenia uniflora L., is a tropical fruit, which may be consumed as juice. While beneficial health effects of Eugenia uniflora L. leaf extracts have extensively been studied, limited data are available on an anti-inflammatory potential of pitanga juice. The aim of the presented study was to investigate anti-inflammatory properties of pitanga juice with regards to a prevention of inflammation-related periodontal diseases. For this purpose, six healthy volunteers swirled pitanga juice, containing 35% pitanga pulp, for 10 min. Thereafter, oral gum epithelial cells were harvested using a sterile brush and stimulated with lipopolysaccharides from Porphyromonas gingivalis (PG-LPS) for 6 h. Furthermore, human gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1) were used to elucidate the anti-inflammatory potential of pitanga juice constituents, cyanidin-3-glucoside and oxidoselina-1,3,7(11)-trien-8-one, in juice representative concentrations of 119 μg ml(-1) and 30 μg ml(-1), respectively. For the first time, an anti-inflammatory impact of pitanga juice on gingival epithelial cells was shown by means of an attenuation of IL-8 release by 55 ± 8.2% and 52 ± 11% in non-stimulated and PG-LPS-stimulated cells, respectively. In addition, both cyanidin-3-glucoside and oxidoselina-1,3,7(11)-trien-8-one reduced the LPS-stimulated CXCL8 mRNA expression by 50 ± 15% and 37 ± 18% and IL-8 release by 52 ± 9.9% and 45 ± 3.7% in HGF-1 cells, when concomitantly incubated with 10 μg ml(-1)PG-LPS for 6 h, revealing an anti-inflammatory potential of the volatile compound oxidoselina-1,3,7(11)-trien-8-one for the first time.
Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos, 2013
A presente revisão de literatura teve como objetivo explicar os mecanismos da oxidação lipídica, ... more A presente revisão de literatura teve como objetivo explicar os mecanismos da oxidação lipídica, mostrando os principais métodos de detecção da sua ocorrência em alimentos. Foram abordados ainda o seu efeito nos alimentos e em que etapa do processamento a oxidação costuma ocorrer. Diversas metodologias foram criadas com o intuito de quantifi car e identifi car a ocorrência da oxidação de lipídios em alimentos, algumas envolvem métodos químicos e físico-químicos e outras são realizadas por meio de testes sensoriais. A utilização de métodos de quantifi cação juntamente com a aplicação das avaliações sensoriais torna-se útil para analisar como o aumento da ocorrência de processos oxidativos irá ser detectada, representando alternativa para se estimar a manutenção da qualidade sensorial e a aceitação do produto no mercado consumidor
Summary The present work aimed to evaluate the chemical, physicochemical, sensorial and microbiol... more Summary The present work aimed to evaluate the chemical, physicochemical, sensorial and microbiological changes of non-sweetened glass-bottled acerola tropical fruit juice processed by hot fill method stored for 350 days in the same conditions as market (28 ± 2 � C). At the end of the storage period, the juice presented good microbiological stability showing a reduction of the overall
LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2014
This paper reports the antioxidant activity of a tropical fruit juice and its antiproliferative a... more This paper reports the antioxidant activity of a tropical fruit juice and its antiproliferative and antimutagenic effects. The antioxidant activity was determined by several different methods, such as ORAC, ABTS, PSC (peroxyl radical scavenging capacity) and CAA (cellular antioxidant activity). The total of phenolics and flavonoids were determined, and the phenolic compounds were identified by LC-DAD-ESI-MS. The juice showed high total phenolic and flavonoid contents (838.44 AE 30.27 g GAE/100 g and 219.45 AE 12.27 mg CE/100 g DW, respectively). According to the PSC, CAA, ABTS and ORAC assays, the tropical fruit juice showed a high antioxidant value of 308.39 AE 3.10 mM AEE/100 g, 26.76 AE 4.47 mM QE/ 100 g, 167.17 AE 4.10 mM TE/g DW and 235.90 AE 11.90 mM TE/g DW, respectively. The proliferation of HepG 2 was significantly inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, by exposure to the tropical fruit juice. Antimutagenic activity was investigated by micronucleous test in mice, and all doses evaluated (30, 100 and 300 mg/kg b.w.) showed beneficial effects. As a consequence, these results encourage further studies on the pharmacological and functional properties of this tropical fruit juice, in order to evaluate its use as a functional food, due to its beneficial health properties.
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2012
The effects of a clarifying process using pectinases and chitosan on the physicochemical characte... more The effects of a clarifying process using pectinases and chitosan on the physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity and quality attributes of açaí fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) juice were evaluated. Clarification of acaí pulp resulted (P≤0.05) in a 50 % loss of total anthocyanin (4.2730 mg/ 100 mL) and 29 % reduction in antioxidant capacity (33.60 μM FeSO 4 /g). A high association (P≤0.05) was found between the decrease of antioxidant capacity and total anthocyanin loss. The use of pectinases associated with chitosan as an aid for clarification of açaí juice proved to be highly effective and resulted in a clear juice with a brighter purple to red color that was free of lipids, insoluble solids, and others substances that cause hazes. The obtained clarified açaí juice is a genuinely high-value anthocyanin-rich product that could be used as colorant and functional ingredient to fruit juices and soft drinks.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2009
Cashew apple and guava residues from fruit juice processing industry were prepared as dehydrated ... more Cashew apple and guava residues from fruit juice processing industry were prepared as dehydrated fruit powders. Differences in compositional and physicochemical characteristics between both fruit powders were significant at the 5% probability level, with exception to ash content. It is important to point out that despite the dehydration process, both samples can still be considered good sources of vitamin C. In addition, the results show that the guava and cashew apple powders may be useful in the food industry as high dietary "fiber ingredients." Higher lipid (14.05%) content was observed in guava powder. The guava powder could be an alternative source of lipid. The data also indicated that these materials are good sources of ash. The results suggest further utilization of these residues as valuable food ingredients or as a resource for nutraceuticals.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2014
The objective of this study was to develop a multilayered edible coating with antimicrobial agent... more The objective of this study was to develop a multilayered edible coating with antimicrobial agent to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut cantaloupe stored at 4 C. Three different sets of experiments were designed to test the effect of different concentrations of chitosan (0.5, 1, 2 g/100 g), pectin (0.5, 1, 2 g/ 100 g), and encapsulated trans-cinnamaldehyde (1, 2, 3 g/100 g), on the quality of fresh-cut cantaloupe. The first set (chitosan concentrations) provided the optimum concentration of chitosan based on preferences by the panelists. The second set (pectin concentrations) produced an acceptable coating that maintained shelf life. The third set (antimicrobial concentrations) helped establish the optimum concentration of trans-cinnamaldehyde in the coating. Changes in fruits texture, color, moisture, acidity, and pH were monitored. Sensory testing was carried out to support the objective quality data and microbiological analysis helped verify the antimicrobial effectiveness of trans-cinnamaldehyde. Uncoated fresh-cut cantaloupes stored at 4 C served as controls. To test for the antimicrobial activity of chitosan alone, a second set of controls consisted of samples coated only with chitosan.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2006
The present work aimed to evaluate the chemical, physicochemical, sensorial and microbiological c... more The present work aimed to evaluate the chemical, physicochemical, sensorial and microbiological changes of non-sweetened glass-bottled acerola tropical fruit juice processed by hot fill method stored for 350 days in the same conditions as market (28 ± 2°C). At the end of the storage period, the juice presented good microbiological stability showing a reduction of the overall acceptance and appearance maintaining, however, the same initial acceptance concerning colour and flavour. The total soluble solid and SO 2 were retained throughout the storage. The juice underwent a soft browning and an increase in pH was observed, while total carotenoids, anthocyanins and ascorbic acid suffered a slight decrease.
Papers by Isabella Brasil