Papers by Denys Kondyuk
Богословські роздуми: Східноєвропейський журнал богослов'я, Dec 21, 2023
Харт написав разом зі своїм сином Патріком і продовження якої незабаром має вийти під назвою «Тає... more Харт написав разом зі своїм сином Патріком і продовження якої незабаром має вийти під назвою «Таємниця Зеленої Зірки» (The Mystery of the Green Star). Історія «Кеногаї» наразі найдовша і найбільш богословськи-монументальна з художніх творів Харта. Як і в «Дияволі і П'єрі Жерне», в цій книзі відчувається присутність стилю та манери і Гілберта Кіта Честертона, і Клайва Стейплза Льюїса, та й Дж. Р. Р. Толкіна. Тобто, Харт продовжує традицію художньої літератури з богословським тлом, що легко проступає через діалоги та основні аспекти сюжету. І водночас він надихається величними творами минулого. Харт вдало формує персонажа, з перспективи якого ми й сприймаємо історію,-Майкла. Саме дитячість, щирість та допитливість Майкла створює гарну канву для розкриття і інших персонажів, і таємниць світу. «Кеногая (Гностична оповідь)», як і згадується в назві, надихається гностичним твором «Гімн Перлині», й описує подорож принца Орієнса заради важливої місії. Втім, втрата зв'язку з домом відбулася головним чином не в нього, а в його сестри Аврори. Саме Аврора створює світи, через маніпуляцію примарного деміурга, та запускає низку подій, що описані в книзі. Космогонія та онтологія світу в творі Харта справді наслідує гностичні міфи, але не в усьому і не буквально. Легко відстежити в тексті наслідування міфу про Софію та втрату її «частинок» у тілесному світі, але автор також «вплітає» в полотно свого твору і нотки софіологічного богослов'я
Book review: You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit. By James K. A. Smith: Brazos Pr... more Book review: You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit. By James K. A. Smith: Brazos Press, 2016, xii + 210 pp.; ISBN 9781587433801 (cloth); 20.00 USD.Рецензия на книгу: You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit. By James K. A. Smith: Brazos Press, 2016, xii + 210 pp.; ISBN 9781587433801 (cloth); 20.00 USD
Book review:The Presence of the Other and Gratitude: An Outline of Eucharistic Anthropology. A. S... more Book review:The Presence of the Other and Gratitude: An Outline of Eucharistic Anthropology. A. S. Filonenko, Kharkov: Publisher Alexander Savchuk, 2018. 392 p.ISBN 9786177538089; 250.00 UAH. *Рецензия на книгу:Присутствие Другого и благодарность: контуры евхаристической антропологии. А. С. Филоненко, Харьков: Издатель Александр Савчук, 2018. 392 с. ISBN 9786177538089; 250.00 грн
Journal of Religion and Film, 2016
Introduction: The Question of Theology and Film AnalysisCurrently the field of film studies from ... more Introduction: The Question of Theology and Film AnalysisCurrently the field of film studies from a religious or theological perspective seems to be a trend. Yet, not so many authors suggest theological approaches to film analysis. There is a challenge of personalized readings of films if taken from a theological perspective and there is already quite a history of film interpretation and methodologies that take that route. Sometimes authors concentrate on biblical topics only or evaluate films without clear definition of how theological themes are determined (Baugh, 1997; May, 1997). Too often authors just implement different theological concepts here and there without a clear methodology. There should be some space for personal reading of film, but not as the only reading. In a way this study follows the work of Neil Hurley (Marsh, 2009:62). However, not exactly, because we agree that transcendence is not static. It is more than the idea of transcendental truth. Also there are some ...
Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Journal of Theology, 2020
Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Journal of Theology, 2019
Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Journal of Theology, 2018
This study presents a certain perspective on viewing reality through the lens of theological aest... more This study presents a certain perspective on viewing reality through the lens of theological aesthetics. In particular through the concept of Beauty as a transcendental as presented by David Bentley Hart. Thus, his treatment of the concept by Gregory of Nyssa is applied to the analysis of cultural artifacts. So, the study concentrates on the concepts of epektasis, apatheia, and perichoresis as presented by Hart. There is also a short overview of analogia entis in relation to discovering God's revelation in different art pieces. On a practical level this study bases this discovery on an example of film analysis, which could be used as a methodological matrix for the analysis of other cultural artifacts.
Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Journal of Theology, 2019
Religions, 2016
This article explores apophatic ways of presenting God (the Other) in two films of Andrey Zvyagin... more This article explores apophatic ways of presenting God (the Other) in two films of Andrey Zvyagintsev. The lens for this analysis is the phenomenological theology of John Panteleimon Manoussakis, using the following concepts: (1) God as personal Other; (2) the relational nature of God's self-disclosure through prosopon; (3) God as revealed in space/sight; (4) God as revealed in hearing/time; and (5) God as revealed in touch/self-understanding. This analysis, pursued through close examination of Zvyagintsev's The Return (2003) and Leviathan (2014), demonstrates the relevance of Manoussakis's theology to the study of religion and film, particularly in its sensual and experiential themes and emphases.
Augustinian Studies, 2016
Toward the end of Shakespeare's play Henry IV, Part 2, Prince Hal (''Harry'') sits by the bed of ... more Toward the end of Shakespeare's play Henry IV, Part 2, Prince Hal (''Harry'') sits by the bed of his ailing father, King Henry, whose crown lies beside him on the pillow. Seeing an unmoving feather upon his father's lips, Prince Hal assumes that his father has died. After briefly grieving, Prince Hal takes the crown, places it on his own head, and leaves the room. When the king stirs and calls noblemen to his room, he asks about his son: ''Is he so hasty that he doth suppose/My sleep my death?'' (4.5.60-61). Ashamedly reentering the room, Prince Hal says, ''I never thought to hear you speak again'' (4.5.91), and King Henry responds, ''Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought'' (4.5.92). The relationship between wishing and thinking takes center stage in James K. A. Smith's You Are What You Love, a popularized version of his book Desiring the Kingdom (2009), which was the first installment of his recently completed Cultural Liturgies trilogy. This more accessible version of Smith's work is no less insightful, and while there are many perspectives from which to view this book, we want to focus on how Smith uses literature to communicate his main claims. Ultimately, Smith seems to be engaged in a project of teaching people to read. But this reading is not necessarily the reading of literary texts. Smith desires to awaken Christians to recognize that they are constantly encountering soul-shaping liturgies, including shopping malls and stadiums, which function as secular temples in the sense that they often induce us to form allegiances to kingdoms that rival the Kingdom of God (37, 40-45). Defining liturgy as ''rituals that are loaded with an ultimate Story about who we are and what we're for'' (46), Smith insists that we learn to read these liturgies to become more aware of their potential for deformation , and that we develop counter liturgies that shape our desires and help us practice various virtues. As readers of cultural liturgies, we begin by acknowledging that reading is not simply an intellectual enterprise. Drawing upon Augustine and David Foster Wallace, Smith argues that we are lovers and worshipers as well as thinkers, and that virtues are acquired affectively (18). In other words, affection drives cognition. Of course, this observation is not groundbreaking. The literary record has long acknowledged that reason alone is incapable of fully accounting for human experience. For example, in his Paradiso, Dante describes reason as having short wings (2.57), and in Part 4 of Swift's satirical Gulliver's Travels, the pride of the intellectually superior Houyhnhnm (talking horses who have Stoically eliminated all passion and love) reveals that brainpower is insufficient to make one virtuous. But even if Smith's observation is not new, the fact that generations of people are continually surprised to discover just how much they are being shaped in nonintellective ways reveals the need to continue to repeat this important observation.
God cannot be viewed and cannot be comprehended, but is there a possibility of God being revealed... more God cannot be viewed and cannot be comprehended, but is there a possibility of God being revealed through a film? There are several ways used by the Church to represent God in worship: worship through singing or music, visual worship through icons, and participation in dramatic performance. In this study, the methodology of finding God in films is suggested and applied to some films. It is based on works on theological aesthetics by John Panteleimon Manoussakis and David Bentley Hart. The films of Terrence Malick and Andrey Zvyagintsev are used as examples. One of the main ideas of this study is related to viewing God through Jesus as God who can be comprehended (in some way) and incorporating Christological reading of reality into film analysis. There is also a strong emphasis on the interpersonal dimension of film experience as theological aesthetic experience.
Backround: David Bentley Hart presents his version of theological aesthetics emphasizing the role... more Backround: David Bentley Hart presents his version of theological aesthetics emphasizing the role of beauty in our understanding of God and reality. His proposal emphasizes the importance of the peaceful rhetoric of Christianity and of the importance of martyrdom as a witness. On the other hand, in one of his latest films, Martin Scorsese tells the story of two Portuguese priests that are on a quest to find their mentor in medieval Japan. A large portion of this film concentrates on persecution and mission. One of the priests dies and the other publicly denounces his faith. What would be the image of holiness in this film if taken from Hart's perspective of beauty? This question is addressed through the concepts of epektasis, the perichoretic life of the Trinity and the importance of both God's apatheia and the particularity of being. Conclusion: This paper may broaden the view of theological studies in the contexts of contemporary religion and film study. Most articles published on Silence from a theological perspective do not address the perspective of theological aesthetics. There are also almost no studies that apply Hart's theology to cultural and film studies, and thus this article aims to fill this gap and invite others to apply the methodology of theological aesthetics to a broader understanding of film and religion. So, there may be further studies in applying the concepts of apatheia, analogia entis, epektasis and perichoresis both in film studies and theological reflections on our experience as such.
This article presents current trends in Old Testament hermeneutics using the Psalter as a case st... more This article presents current trends in Old Testament hermeneutics using the Psalter as a case study. It starts with an analysis of the historical grounds of the current hermeneutical situation and moves to a description of methodology based on canonical criticism as it was presented by Brevard Childs and developed for the Psalter by Gerald Wilson . The article continues through the whole Psalter book by book making observations that the canonical- structural approach makes possible . Following is an analysis of structural theology on the basis of two groups of psalms from the beginning and end of the Psalter and a study of the theology that is obtained by using structural -canonical method and the idea of a holistic plot in the Psalter . Special attention is given to the New Testament 's use of the Psalter with the suggestion that New Testament authors were part of an interpretive tradition similar to the one presented by the structural -canonical approach. Finally, the author suggests applying the structural-canonical approach more widely and vigorously in Old Testament studies and points out the need to revise the indifferent attitude towards early Christian and Jewish interpretive theological traditions that persists in evangelical circles.
In Russian
This paper presents a missionary perspective and emphasizes the importance of the analysis of Gos... more This paper presents a missionary perspective and emphasizes the importance of the analysis of Gospel's identity formation
role. The methodology suggested by Hans Urs von Balthasar was used as a basis of this analysis. His postmetaphysical methodology based on the usage of the transcendentals challenges both contemporary society and understanding of the Christian thinking in XXI century. This paper discusses
the question of selfidentity from the view of contemporary communication theory studies, and aims to answer this question with the help of aesthetic and dramatic theology. This approach is applied to society, Church and a separate Christian person. The paper suggests making more emphasis on the forming and transforming side of the Church's mission in a contemporary society.
Без средств коммуникации терроризм бы не существовал» (Маршалл Маклюэн, интервью в Il Tempo, Febr... more Без средств коммуникации терроризм бы не существовал» (Маршалл Маклюэн, интервью в Il Tempo, February 19, 1978) Общеизвестно, что первая мировая война началась с террористического акта. Современные мегадержавы переместили акцент военных конфликтов и миссий «мира» на борьбу с терроризмом. Терроризм и террорист угрожают и России, и Европе, и США, и мы много слышим о террористических актах на Ближнем Востоке. С недавнего времени это явление стало знакомо и в Украине. Похоже, что главная угроза современному пониманию государственности и стабильности в мире исходит именно от терроризма.
Вопрос о том, что является настоящим лидерством, продолжает быть актуальным и интересовать нас и ... more Вопрос о том, что является настоящим лидерством, продолжает быть актуальным и интересовать нас и сейчас. В истории Церкви есть множество примеров как прекрасных лидеров, так и лидеров, которые привели своих последователей к краху. Чему можно научиться от современных богословов и людей творчества? Какие формы может принимать образ лидера в современном мире, и каким может быть христианский лидер?
Different Images of God: Theological-aesthetical Evaluation of Films by Andrey Zvyagintsev and Pa... more Different Images of God: Theological-aesthetical Evaluation of Films by Andrey Zvyagintsev and Pavel Lungin
Presented on 2015 International Conference on Religion & Film
Book Reviews by Denys Kondyuk
Papers by Denys Kondyuk
In Russian
role. The methodology suggested by Hans Urs von Balthasar was used as a basis of this analysis. His postmetaphysical methodology based on the usage of the transcendentals challenges both contemporary society and understanding of the Christian thinking in XXI century. This paper discusses
the question of selfidentity from the view of contemporary communication theory studies, and aims to answer this question with the help of aesthetic and dramatic theology. This approach is applied to society, Church and a separate Christian person. The paper suggests making more emphasis on the forming and transforming side of the Church's mission in a contemporary society.
Presented on 2015 International Conference on Religion & Film
Book Reviews by Denys Kondyuk
In Russian
role. The methodology suggested by Hans Urs von Balthasar was used as a basis of this analysis. His postmetaphysical methodology based on the usage of the transcendentals challenges both contemporary society and understanding of the Christian thinking in XXI century. This paper discusses
the question of selfidentity from the view of contemporary communication theory studies, and aims to answer this question with the help of aesthetic and dramatic theology. This approach is applied to society, Church and a separate Christian person. The paper suggests making more emphasis on the forming and transforming side of the Church's mission in a contemporary society.
Presented on 2015 International Conference on Religion & Film