Cleyson Mello
UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Graduated in Engineering from the University Veiga de Almeida (1993), degree in law from the University Estacio de Sa (1999), Master in Law from the University Estacio de Sa (2001) and Doctorate in Law from Universidade Gama Filho (2006). He is a professor, Department of Theory and Fundamentals of Law, Faculty of Law, UERJ; is permanent teacher Master's Program in Law UNIPAC (Juiz de Fora-MG). He is collaborating professor of the Research Line on the City Right in PPGD UERJ. He is Director of the Valencia Law School - FAA. Professor at the University Estacio de Sa. Adjunct Professor Unisuam. Has experience in the area of law, with an emphasis on Theory of Law and Civil Law, acting on the following topics: introduction to the study of law, civil law, philosophy of law, law foundation, legal hermeneutics and philosophical (Heidegger and Gadamer) and Research methodology. Has specialization courses in the Universities of Burgos (Spain), University of Lusíada (Portugal) and the University of Havana (Cuba). Lawyer. Member of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers (IAB). Meritorious member of the Valencian Academy of Letters (AVL). Author and coordinator of more than 80 legal works.
Graduated in Engineering from the University Veiga de Almeida (1993), degree in law from the University Estacio de Sa (1999), Master in Law from the University Estacio de Sa (2001) and Doctorate in Law from Universidade Gama Filho (2006). He is a professor, Department of Theory and Fundamentals of Law, Faculty of Law, UERJ; is permanent teacher Master's Program in Law UNIPAC (Juiz de Fora-MG). He is collaborating professor of the Research Line on the City Right in PPGD UERJ. He is Director of the Valencia Law School - FAA. Professor at the University Estacio de Sa. Adjunct Professor Unisuam. Has experience in the area of law, with an emphasis on Theory of Law and Civil Law, acting on the following topics: introduction to the study of law, civil law, philosophy of law, law foundation, legal hermeneutics and philosophical (Heidegger and Gadamer) and Research methodology. Has specialization courses in the Universities of Burgos (Spain), University of Lusíada (Portugal) and the University of Havana (Cuba). Lawyer. Member of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers (IAB). Meritorious member of the Valencian Academy of Letters (AVL). Author and coordinator of more than 80 legal works.
Papers by Cleyson Mello