Papers by Natalia E . Fedorova
Методологія дослідження. Результати отримані за рахунок застосування методів теорії систем в її с... more Методологія дослідження. Результати отримані за рахунок застосування методів теорії систем в її структурно-функціональній версії-для дослідження структури суспільної системи як підґрунтя розуміння сутності й структури інституціонального середовища; концепції логічного й історичного-при дослідженні процесу трансформації елементів суспільної системи в період постіндустріалізму, а також при встановленні взаємозв'язків між інноваційною та економічною системами суспільства; метод класифікацій-при виділенні основних структурних елементів суспільної системи; наукової абстракції-при формулюванні сутності категорії «інституціональне середовище». Результати. Встановлено, що в сучасній науковій літературі відсутній єдиний підхід щодо сутності та структури інституціонального середовища. Доведено, що визначення структури інституціонального середовища на основі виділення основних функцій і ролі кожного з її елементів дозволяє надати сутнісну характеристику даного поняття. Встановлено, що основними елементами інституціонального середовища виступають соціокультурна система, економічна система, політико-правова система, соціальна система, система природокористування, а також інноваційна система з трьома своїми підсистемами: знаннєвою, інформаційно-комунікаційною та інноваційно-технологічною. Показано, що кожна з перелічених систем відіграє свою особливу роль в суспільній системі та має в своєму розпорядженні свій власний набір інститутів. Новизна. На основі виділення ключових параметрів інноваційної системи-її специфічних суб'єктів, унікальних функцій, оригінальних механізмів та ресурсів саморозвитку, а також її специфічних інститутів і організацій вдалося виділити інноваційну систему в окремий елемент суспільства та відділити її від економічної системи. Аналіз структури інституціонального середовища дозволив сформулювати сутність даної категорії як сукупності основних економічних, політико-правових, соціальних, соціокультурних, екологічних та інноваційних інститутів, тобто формальних і неформальних правил, норм, процедур, обмежень, переконань та звичаїв, що пролягають в ціннісно-когнітивній, нормативно-правовій та регуляторній площині, та які в спільній взаємодії визначають вектор соціально-економічного розвитку суспільства. Практична значущість. Функціональне визначення елементів інституціонального середовища й розмежування сфер їхньої компетенції розробити дієві механізми впливу на забезпечення цілей розвитку за допомогою специфічних інститутів та механізмів, що кожен елемент інституціонального середовища має в своєму розпорядженні. Ключові слова: постіндустріальні трансформації, інституціональне середовище, структура суспільної системи, соціокультурна система, економічна система, політико-правова система, соціальна система, система природокористування, інноваційна система, знаннєва підсистема, інформаційно-комунікаційна підсистема, інноваційно-технологічна підсистема. Постановка проблеми. Інституціональне середовище відіграє ключову роль у соціально-економічному розвитку суспільства, визначаючи рамки, у межах яких здій-снюються економічні та соціальні взаємодії. Ефективні інститути сприяють правовій стабільності та безпеці суспільства, справедливості та економічному зростанню,
The purpose of the article is the development of the progressive experience of developed countrie... more The purpose of the article is the development of the progressive experience of developed countries regarding leveling the problem of overconcentration of capital and monopolization of the economy in the period of post-industrial transformations. The theoretical and methodological foundations of research in the field of antitrust regulation in the period of post-industrial transformations are based on the fundamental scientific concepts of postindustrialism, theoretical ideas of scientists about the mechanisms and instruments of antimonopoly regulation of the economy. The methods of logical generalization, economic and mathematical modeling, system analysis, and mathematical statistics are used. It was determined that modern transformational processes of the socioeconomic system force to reconsider approaches to the study of the laws of the process of civilizational development of society, to take into account and eliminate its contradictions. One of such contradictions is the acceleration of the concentration of capital and the monopolization of the economy, which is exacerbated in the period of the emergence of post-industrialism due to the total informatization and globalization of society. It is noted that in countries with developed market economies, antitrust regulation is one of the most important components of economic policy, because the absence of monopolies, free development, and strengthening of small and medium-sized businesses are necessary conditions for sustainable economic growth. It is important to note that in the context of globalization, competition policy can no longer remain the scope of national antitrust instruments alone, it becomes an object of interstate coordination and interaction, as modern transnational and multinational corporations are becoming virtually beyond the control of traditional global antitrust management institutions. It is proved that effective antitrust regulation of the national economy is the key to ensuring its progressive development; it is the most effective mechanism for supporting free enterprise and competition, property rights, stimulating employment as a source of economic growth. That is why in developed countries the state initiates the development of organizational and legal support of the competitive environment and prevention of monopolies. It regulates economic activity by registering trademarks, defining general terms of agreements, control over profits and expenses, over the prices of products of monopoly entities, transferring monopolies to state ownership, and implementing administrative penalties for violations of antitrust law. The practical value lies in the fact that the scientific research, the results of which are presented in the article, clearly and consistently demonstrates the urgent need to use the progressive experience of developed countries in the field of antitrust regulation. The obtained results can be further used to develop recommendations for determining the directions and formation of mechanisms and tools of the antitrust policy of Ukraine.
Purpose. To determine current tendencies of the effect of science on economic growth of certain c... more Purpose. To determine current tendencies of the effect of science on economic growth of certain countries in the world and to formulate theoretical and methodological approaches to their explanation in the context of social and economic development of the society. methodology. The research applies the totality of general scientific and specific methods and approaches of empiric and theoretical knowledge, i.e.: methods of analysis and synthesis-to study sources and tendencies of the modern economic growth; grouping and classification-while forming sampling of the countries to analyze the effect of science on their development; method of mathematical statistics-for quantitative evaluation of the effect of science and innovations on economic growth of certain countries in the world; abstracting-to identify the reasons of inconformity of theoretical conclusions of the economic growth models to the modern tendencies of social and economic growth. Findings. Effect of the factors connected with the scientific and technical progress on economic growth has been tested empirically. Basing on the Integral Science Index developed by the authors, parameters of the science effect on the economic growth of certain countries in the world have been evaluated quantitatively. Qualitative assessment of the connection between the mentioned Index and GDP per capita in different groups of countries is represented with the help of a sampling coefficient of correlation characterizing the degree of closeness of linear correlation dependence. It has been determined that there is no direct connection between the science and economic growth; the paradox is explained in detail. originality. Inconsistencies of the key conclusions of the models of economic growth with current tendencies of social and economic development have been identified. A statement concerning the uniqueness of the effect of science on the development of countries has been disproved. A necessity of going beyond the economic and mathematical set of tools, while studying economic development, in favour of complexity and multidisciplinarity has been proved. Practical value. The determined variability of the effect of science on the economic growth approves the understanding of ambiguousness and nonlinearity of the process; thus, it requires constant empiric tests of the available dependences and searching for new influences depending on the stage of civilization process which different countries experience. All that helps substantiate the fundamentals of economic policy of national governments in their favouring social and economic development by selecting more effective leverages.
Purpose. To determine current tendencies of the effect of science on economic growth of certain c... more Purpose. To determine current tendencies of the effect of science on economic growth of certain countries in the world and to formulate theoretical and methodological approaches to their explanation in the context of social and economic development of the society. methodology. The research applies the totality of general scientific and specific methods and approaches of empiric and theoretical knowledge, i.e.: methods of analysis and synthesis-to study sources and tendencies of the modern economic growth; grouping and classification-while forming sampling of the countries to analyze the effect of science on their development; method of mathematical statistics-for quantitative evaluation of the effect of science and innovations on economic growth of certain countries in the world; abstracting-to identify the reasons of inconformity of theoretical conclusions of the economic growth models to the modern tendencies of social and economic growth. Findings. Effect of the factors connected with the scientific and technical progress on economic growth has been tested empirically. Basing on the Integral Science Index developed by the authors, parameters of the science effect on the economic growth of certain countries in the world have been evaluated quantitatively. Qualitative assessment of the connection between the mentioned Index and GDP per capita in different groups of countries is represented with the help of a sampling coefficient of correlation characterizing the degree of closeness of linear correlation dependence. It has been determined that there is no direct connection between the science and economic growth; the paradox is explained in detail. originality. Inconsistencies of the key conclusions of the models of economic growth with current tendencies of social and economic development have been identified. A statement concerning the uniqueness of the effect of science on the development of countries has been disproved. A necessity of going beyond the economic and mathematical set of tools, while studying economic development, in favour of complexity and multidisciplinarity has been proved. Practical value. The determined variability of the effect of science on the economic growth approves the understanding of ambiguousness and nonlinearity of the process; thus, it requires constant empiric tests of the available dependences and searching for new influences depending on the stage of civilization process which different countries experience. All that helps substantiate the fundamentals of economic policy of national governments in their favouring social and economic development by selecting more effective leverages.
The article analyzes the elements of the mechanism of influence on the process of socioeconomic d... more The article analyzes the elements of the mechanism of influence on the process of socioeconomic development of society to give it the desired progressive trend. The main groups of actors influencing the development of socioeconomic systems are identified: markets, bureaucracy, and associations. It is proved that each subsystem of the socioeconomic system has formed its own institutions, which act as coordinators of the behavior of subjects within it. It is emphasized that the corrective influence on the socioeconomic system to give it a progressive vector of development occurs through the transformation of these institutions through the use of three operating systems: coercion (rights), material incentives (restrictions), and persuasion. It is noted that, despite the importance of legal and economic methods of regulation, the greatest potential in terms of progressive socioeconomic development has mechanisms for the formation of values, because they contribute to the individual's awareness of the positive and negative consequences of their own actions. Accordingly, the main task in the regulation of the process of socioeconomic development is the creation of an adequate cultural environment.
The article's purpose is to analyze the existing research paradigms of the historical stages of t... more The article's purpose is to analyze the existing research paradigms of the historical stages of the socioeconomic development of society, which opens up the possibility of expanding the theoretical base of the study of post-industrialism as a modern state of social evolution and forecasting its main manifestations in the future. Methodology. The results were obtained due to the application of methods: systematic analysiswhen characterizing the main paradigms in the periodization of economic history: linear-staged, cyclical, and contamination and their components; logical and
Функції та роль інституціонального середовища в забезпеченні цілей розвитку суспільства, 2024
The institutional environment plays the most important role in ensuring the needs of the progress... more The institutional environment plays the most important role in ensuring the needs of the progressive development of society because the successful functioning of institutions contributes to ensuring legal stability and security, so-cial justice, support of the economic activity of subjects and increasing its efficiency, support for innovation and technological development, which creates conditions for the economic growth on an innovative basis. Although in modern scientific literature, the functions and role of the institutional environment at both the macro and micro levels are considered in sufficient detail, the specified issue is not finally closed, and the list of functions of the institutional environment is not exhausted. The purpose. For adeeper understanding of the essence of the institutional environment as aset of basic economic, political-legal, social, socio-cultural, ecological and innovative institutions, the purpose of the article is to define the set of functions of institutions that form its integrity. Methods. The results were obtained by applying the methods of systems theory in its structural-functional version– for researching the structure of the societal system as abasis for understanding the essence and functions of the insti-tutional environment; the method of comparative analysis– in the study of the general and special in approaches of scientists in determining the functions of the institutional environment. Results. Considering the institutional environment as aset of basic economic, political-legal, social, socio-cultural, ecological, and innovative institutions, i.e. formal and informal rules, norms, procedures, restrictions, beliefs, and customs that lie in the value-cognitive, normative-legal, and regulatory plane, and which jointly determine the vector of socio-economic development of society, it is proved that the list of functions of the institutional environment can be expanded. Thus, based on the author’sdefinition of the essence of the institutional environment and based on the author’sposition regarding its structure, it is proposed to supplement the list of specified functions at the expense of such functions as the environmental protection function, the innovation function, the function of democratization of society, the control function, the function of justice and security, the function of conflict resolution, the function of reflecting society’sculture and mo-rality, the transformational function, the function of preserving culture, the function of ensuring equality and justice, the function of social equalization, as well as the function of social ties and inclusiveness. Conclusions. Since the institutional environment as asystem realizes its goals and tasks with the help of the functions performed by each of its elements, an important issue is the coordination of these functions, because they can both support and disrupt the integrity of the system depending on how effectively they interact to agree and adapt to changes. Therefore, the successful performance of functions by the elements of the institutional system is key to ensuring the stability, development, and adaptation of society in the conditions of post-industrial transformations.Keywords: post-industrial transformations, institutions, institutional environment, components of the institutional environ-ment, functions of the institutional environment.
Історичне підгрунтя теоріі постіндустріалізму, 2022
The article examines the evolution of the theory of post-industrialism in the context of the anal... more The article examines the evolution of the theory of post-industrialism in the context of the analysis of approaches to determining the stage of social development following the industrial (capitalist, bourgeois) stage.
It has been established that, against the background of a large number of versions of the name of the stage of the development of society, which follows the industrial one, there is no established definition of it in the scientific literature. Currently, there are many interpretations of this newest era, depending on the criterion that is taken as the basis of the analysis: it is a post-industrial society, information society, information economy, new economy, knowledge economy, the economy of needs, etc. Such a variety of names indicates the absence of a unified approach to the analysis of the process of the formation and development of a new society. It requires a deeper theoretical understanding because the definition of the essence, characteristics, and forms of manifestation of a new stage of social development opens up prospects for a deeper understanding of its features as an environment where the entire complex social-economic relations of society.
It has been proven that the most logical and optimal name for the society following the industrial one would be the term "post-industrial society" since the existing theories of the new society develop within one direction - post-industrialism as a theory describing the development of society at the stage following the industrial society. Unlike other approaches that consider the new era in opposition to other forms of management, which emphasize the revolutionary nature of social transformations, the concept of post-industrialism lacks such categoricalness and thinks of the new society as a logical continuation of the industrial era, as a new stage of social evolution.
Кількіснии вимір науки на соціально економічнии розвиток, 2018
Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет В статті аналізуються кількісні параметри ... more Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет В статті аналізуються кількісні параметри впливу науки на процес соціально-економічного розвитку, для чого авторами сконструйовано
Сучасний трансформаційний характер розвитку суспільної системи породжує невизначеність у сфері ха... more Сучасний трансформаційний характер розвитку суспільної системи породжує невизначеність у сфері характеристик її новітнього етапу, який умовно визначається як постіндустріалізм. Для глибшого розуміння
The current state of socioeconomic development, characterized by a radical change in the technica... more The current state of socioeconomic development, characterized by a radical change in the technical and technological paradigm in a globalized world, is marked by new phenomena and processes. In contrast to previous eras, when the formation of new technological methods of production was based on a small number of breakthrough inventions that changed the structure of production, today we observe an avalanche-like development of inventions, the products of which destroy the stability of all spheres of society. Accordingly, all resources possessed by a modern company must meet the requirements of the time in terms of their quality. Under such conditions, not only intellectual capital but also other components, that enable companies to maneuver in their innovative development, become very important. Based on the analysis of modern conceptual approaches to determining the essence of the categories "structural capital" and "intellectual capital", the article forms the concept of "national structural capital". The latter is presented as an infrastructure for the formation, implementation and development of national human capital, an organizational and institutional system for the expanded reproduction of knowledge and skills of members of society. For the quantitative measurement of national structural capital, a methodological framework is proposed, which is based on the integral index of national structural capital created by the authors; its components are justified: knowledge & technology outputs, intangible assets, research & development (R&D), knowledge workers, knowledge absorption. Based on the proposed methodology for determining the integral index of national structural capital, its value was calculated for 26 countries for 2018-2020 and the dynamics for the period under study were shown.
Papers by Natalia E . Fedorova
It has been established that, against the background of a large number of versions of the name of the stage of the development of society, which follows the industrial one, there is no established definition of it in the scientific literature. Currently, there are many interpretations of this newest era, depending on the criterion that is taken as the basis of the analysis: it is a post-industrial society, information society, information economy, new economy, knowledge economy, the economy of needs, etc. Such a variety of names indicates the absence of a unified approach to the analysis of the process of the formation and development of a new society. It requires a deeper theoretical understanding because the definition of the essence, characteristics, and forms of manifestation of a new stage of social development opens up prospects for a deeper understanding of its features as an environment where the entire complex social-economic relations of society.
It has been proven that the most logical and optimal name for the society following the industrial one would be the term "post-industrial society" since the existing theories of the new society develop within one direction - post-industrialism as a theory describing the development of society at the stage following the industrial society. Unlike other approaches that consider the new era in opposition to other forms of management, which emphasize the revolutionary nature of social transformations, the concept of post-industrialism lacks such categoricalness and thinks of the new society as a logical continuation of the industrial era, as a new stage of social evolution.
It has been established that, against the background of a large number of versions of the name of the stage of the development of society, which follows the industrial one, there is no established definition of it in the scientific literature. Currently, there are many interpretations of this newest era, depending on the criterion that is taken as the basis of the analysis: it is a post-industrial society, information society, information economy, new economy, knowledge economy, the economy of needs, etc. Such a variety of names indicates the absence of a unified approach to the analysis of the process of the formation and development of a new society. It requires a deeper theoretical understanding because the definition of the essence, characteristics, and forms of manifestation of a new stage of social development opens up prospects for a deeper understanding of its features as an environment where the entire complex social-economic relations of society.
It has been proven that the most logical and optimal name for the society following the industrial one would be the term "post-industrial society" since the existing theories of the new society develop within one direction - post-industrialism as a theory describing the development of society at the stage following the industrial society. Unlike other approaches that consider the new era in opposition to other forms of management, which emphasize the revolutionary nature of social transformations, the concept of post-industrialism lacks such categoricalness and thinks of the new society as a logical continuation of the industrial era, as a new stage of social evolution.