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El presente ensayo nace en el marco del curso de "Técnicas de Atención Comunitaria" a partir de un ejercicio crítico sobre el trabajo de Elisabeth Badinter "XY. La identidad masculina". Propone una actividad reflexiva para pensar nuestras... more
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      Men's StudiesStudies On Men And MasculinityFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesCritical studies on men and masculinities
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    • Feminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
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    • Feminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
Este estudio propone introducir la variable de género como indicador para investigar y comprender las causas del incremento sostenido de accidentes de tránsito en Uruguay, hecho que revelan los datos estadísticos brindados por el... more
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      Transitology (Political Science)Estudios de GéneroResponsabilidad Social
Esta propuesta se introduce dentro de la temática “Masculinidades, Estudios de Género y Políticas Públicas”. Encuentra sus raíces en un trabajo  presentado en el año 2007 en el Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Intervención... more
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      Estudios de GéneroPolíticas PúblicasEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoAccidents
Resumen El presente ensayo nace en el marco del curso de "Técnicas de Atención Comunitaria" a partir de un ejercicio crítico sobre el trabajo de Elisabeth Badinter "XY. La identidad masculina". Propone una actividad reflexiva para pensar... more
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      Genders and SexualitiesAccident analysis and prevention
Satellite image analysis using GIS, in the coastal area of the islands Coche and Cubagua in Nueva Esparta state (Venezuela), to determine the impact, vulnerability and adaptability of the insular area of these islands, in respect to... more
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      GeographyGeologyGeomorphologyCoastal Management
During the Quaternary, there were a series of environmental changes linked to cycles of glaciations on a global scale that profoundly affected and shaped the landscapes and life forms of our planet Earth. The major glaciation occurred 110... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimatologyGlaciationsVenezuela
Durante el Cuaternario, ocurrieron una serie de cambios ambientales ligados a ciclos de glaciaciones a escala global que afectaron y moldearon profundamente los paisajes y formas de vida del planeta Tierra. La mayor glaciación ocurrió... more
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      GeomorphologyClimate ChangeVenezuelaPalinology
The Mucuchíes’ Frog (Aromobates zippeli), which has not yet been evaluated by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, is in imminent risk of extinction. This frog lives only in the Mucuchíes region of the Venezuelan Andes. Through an... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiologyEcologyAndes
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      GranulitesUruguayNeoproterozoicMagmatic Arc
The Cuaró intrusion swarm includes dykes and sills and represents the southern part of the plumbing system of the Paraná Large Igneous Province. Structural analysis reveals that it is emplaced in an overall north-south spreading direction... more
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      MesozoicAMSDolerite Dyke Swarm
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      GranulitesNeoproterozoicMigmatitesHT LP Metamorphism
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Neoproterozoic ages of magmatic and metamorphic events were obtained from in situ SHRIMP analysis of zircons from the Cerro Bori Orthogneisses, eastern domain of the Dom Feliciano Belt in Uruguay. Detailed textural analysis of zircons and... more
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The Cerro Bori orthogneisses, crystallized between ca. 800 and 767 Ma, are composed of a sequence of mafic gneisses, with dioritic-gabbroic and dioritic composition tectonically interleaved with a sequence of tonalitic and granodioritic... more
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      GeologyMineralogy and Petrology
RESUMEN El basamento prebrasiliano situado en el sureste del Uruguay consiste principalmente de un complejo gnéisico de alto grado. Este complejo representa la porción más austral del cinturón granito-gnéisico comprendido entre... more
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