Papers by Abdelhamid Lalaoui
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Nephrologie & Therapeutique, 2008
Journal of The American Society of Nephrology, 2008
Goffin, Eric ; Bovy, Philippe ; Mat, Olivier ; Stolear, Jean-Claude ; Lalaoui, Abdelhamid ; et. a... more Goffin, Eric ; Bovy, Philippe ; Mat, Olivier ; Stolear, Jean-Claude ; Lalaoui, Abdelhamid ; et. al. Free water transport across aquaporin-1 in prevalent PD patients as evaluated by a mini-PET.Renal Week 2008: American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Annual Meeting ((United States) Philadelphia, PA, du 04/11/2008 au 09/11/2008). In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol. 19, p. 475A (2008) http://
Peritoneal Dialysis International, 2008

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2001
Introduction Background. Physical activity (PA) level of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients ... more Introduction Background. Physical activity (PA) level of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients after renal transplanta-Physical activity (PA) is an important determinant of tion (TP) is a largely unexplored field, although it is health [1]. In chronically ill patients, PA level may an important component of quality of life. become critically low and contribute to worsen the Methods. Using the Baecke self-administered and the subject's condition. Indeed, as PA level decreases, so Five-City Project 7-day PA recall questionnaires, PA do all components of physical fitness. Since fitness may level was estimated in 32 consecutive ESRD patients be considered an important determinant of physical (12 males, 20 females; mean age 45.9±13.1 years; capacity [2], a low level of fitness may contribute to mean dialysis duration 23.5±21.8 months) admitted an even further decrease in PA level, in a positive for renal TP and to whom no exercise programme of feedback manner. PA is thus often thought to be a any kind was proposed. PA were recorded 1, 3, 6, 12 reliable indicator of quality of life, so that many and 60 months after TP. authors have incorporated PA level assessments in Results. Immediate pre-TP PA level of renal transplant study designs to evaluate the consequences of chronic candidates was between 18 and 35% less than that of illness and/or the benefits of a therapy. age-matched healthy subjects (P<0.05), depending on Very few data are available for PA level of end-stage gender and questionnaire. After an immediate decrease renal disease (ESRD) patients on regular haemodiain PA level 1 month post-TP, mean PA level increased lysis (HD) [3,4]. A low PA level is expected in these and reached a plateau 1 year after TP. This gain in patients since a decreased functional status has been PA capacity reached 30%, as compared with pre-TP demonstrated with the Karnofsky scale or the Sickness values (P=0.06 to P<0.01). During the fifth year after Impact Profile [5-7] and since low physical fitness has TP, the mean level of PA was unchanged. A more been reported [8]. Data about the PA level of patients qualitative analysis, allowed by the sub-score comparwho have undergone renal transplantation (TP) are isons, showed that although the occupational status of equally scarce [3,9,10]. Such patients would be the patients remained the same, they participated signiexpected to be more active than prior to TP since their ficantly more in moderate and even high intensity PA uraemic syndrome is corrected and they don't have to (leisure, sports, household chores) after TP. spend 12 h a week on HD treatment. On the other Conclusions. Most renal graft recipients are spontanhand, both surgery and steroids administration, with eously more active after TP, an observation consistent its attendant deleterious effect on muscle metabolism with a better quality of life. Therefore, they should be [11] and bone mass [12], are expected to negatively advised precisely about how to resume more strenuous affect rehabilitation. activities such as sports in order to avoid cardiac or In order to elucidate the net impact of TP on PA in musculoskeletal disorders in relation to their weakened both the short and long term, we prospectively pre-TP condition. recorded PA level using two validated questionnaires administered to a population of transplanted patients
Transplant International, 2002

Transplant International, 2002
Abstract Bone loss, a recognized complication of renal transplantation (TP), is mainly attributed... more Abstract Bone loss, a recognized complication of renal transplantation (TP), is mainly attributed to steroids. The effect of other immunosuppressive agents on patients' bone mass is difficult to distinguish from that of steroids. In this study, we evaluate the evolution of bone mass density over the first 12 months following renal TP in two groups of patients given either lowdose steroids with tacrolimus (n = 7) or normal-dose steroids and cyclosporine (n = 19). Bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine, total hip, and hip subregions and total-body bone mineral content (BMC) were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry within the first 15 days, and 1 year after TP. Biological markers of bone turnover (serum calcium, phosphate, total alkaline phosphatase activity, intact parathyroid hormone, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, calcitriol, and urinary pyridinolines) were regularly measured during follow-up. After TP, renal function improved rapidly in all patients. One year after TP, bone mass had decreased significantly in the cyclosporine group in all investigated sites. By contrast it had increased in the tacrolimus group. In order to compare preserve bone mass after renal TP than cyclosporine and normal doses of steroids.
Papers by Abdelhamid Lalaoui