Papers by Edmundo Acevedo

Abstract: The hyper-arid Atacama Desert is one of the most extreme environments for life and only... more Abstract: The hyper-arid Atacama Desert is one of the most extreme environments for life and only few species have evolved to survive its aridness. One such species is the tree Prosopis tamarugo Phil. Because Tamarugo completely depends on groundwater, it is being threatened by the high water demand from the Chilean mining industry and the human consumption. In this paper, we identified the most important biophysical variables to assess the water status of Tamarugo trees and tested the potential of WorldView2 satellite images to retrieve these variables. We propose green canopy fraction (GCF) and green drip line leaf area index (DLLAIgreen) as best variables and a value of 0.25 GCF as a critical threshold for Tamarugo survival. Using the WorldView2 spectral bands and an object-based image analysis, we showed that the NDVI and the Red-edge Chlorophyll Index (CIRed-edge) have good potential to retrieve GCF and DLLAIgreen. The NDVI performed best for DLLAIgreen (RMSE = 0.4) while the C...
Hemeroteca CEDOC CIREN, 1979

In order to select successfully for complex traits involved in drought resistance, several requir... more In order to select successfully for complex traits involved in drought resistance, several requirements are necessary. The first objective of this work is to identify wheat lines that differ in the level of osmotic adjustment capacity using a method with which breeders can test rapidly and fairly accurately a large number of entries. The second objective was to analyse the relationship between osmotic adjustment and yield under drought stress. A spring bread wheat nursery of 144 genotypes was grown in the field under water stress and non stress conditions. The same genotypes were screened for Relative Water Content (RWC) at solute potential (Pi) of -2.5 MPa in a greenhouse experiment. An other methodology was tested in growth chamber to obtain a direct measurement of osmotic adjustment capacity. The results obtained show that (1) osmotic adjustment occurs in spring wheat in the field during drought (2) there is a genotypic variability within the nursery for solute potential at flowe...
Mesa Redonda, 1985
... Ramón Aravena Laboratorio de Isótopos Ambientales Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear Edmundo... more ... Ramón Aravena Laboratorio de Isótopos Ambientales Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear Edmundo Acevedo Laboratorio Relación Suelo-Agua-Planta Universidad ... agua de almacenamiento sería usada por el árbol en las épocas de descenso del nivel estático (Mooney ...
… Chile. Santiago, Chile. …, 2005
Rotaciones de cultivos y sus beneficios para la agricultura del sur. ... ROTACION DE CULTIVOS; SI... more Rotaciones de cultivos y sus beneficios para la agricultura del sur. ... ROTACION DE CULTIVOS; SISTEMA DE PRODUCCION; SOSTENIBILIDAD; SUELOS; PROPIEDADES FISICAS; PROPIEDADES QUIMICAS; LABRANZA; RASTROJO; CULTIVOS; ...
Evaluación del rendimiento de nueve genotipos de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) bajo diferent... more Evaluación del rendimiento de nueve genotipos de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) bajo diferentes disponibilidades hídricas en ambiente mediterráneo Grain yield of nine quinoa genotypes (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.
Revista de la ciencia del suelo y nutrición vegetal, 2008
Ciencia e investigación agraria, 1983

Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 2016
Conservation tillage is a management system used to mitigate and rehabilitate the dryland areas o... more Conservation tillage is a management system used to mitigate and rehabilitate the dryland areas of southerncentral Chile in severely compacted soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil physical properties in the root zone under an oat-wheat crop rotation after three years of the establishment of three tillage systems: conventional tillage (CT), zero tillage (ZT) and zero tillage with subsoiling (ZTS). Soil bulk density, porosity, water retention curve, stability of macro-and microaggregates, airflow at field capacity, rest coefficient, and number of roots were evaluated. The results showed that the soil had low water holding capacity in the profile due to the low water retention at the permanent wilting point (matric water potential lower than-1.500 kPa), associated with a high bulk density and clay content. The conservation tillage systems (ZT and ZTS), were similar in the parameters of fast drainage pores (FDP), aggregate stability index, airflow, and rest coefficient compared with CT. However, the volume of pores with diameters between 10-50 μm was higher in ZTS in a 24% and 13%, compared with ZT and CT, respectively. In addition, the root development increased significantly in ZTS. In conclusion, the physical condition of the compacted soil was improved by the zero tillage system with subsoiling, which promoted a better root system in the first horizons in highly compacted soils.
Idesia (Arica), 2008
La salinidad del agua de riego está íntimamente relacionada con la salinidad de los suelos de los... more La salinidad del agua de riego está íntimamente relacionada con la salinidad de los suelos de los valles de Lluta y Azapa, afectando los cultivos que en ellos se realizan. Para el caso del valle de Lluta la salinidad de los suelos se hace manifiesta, agravándose en el sector bajo del valle que tiene problemas de drenaje. En Azapa, la salinidad del agua de riego es inferior a la de Lluta, pudiéndose cultivar una mayor variedad de cultivos con rendimientos muy superiores a los del valle de Lluta. La agricultura del Norte requiere que el problema de salinidad sea conocido y resuelto. En este trabajo se presentan antecedentes de la agricultura, los suelos y el agua de riego de los valles de Lluta y Azapa.
Plant Breeding, 1993
World food production is limited primarily by environmental stresses. It is very difficult to fin... more World food production is limited primarily by environmental stresses. It is very difficult to find ‘stress free’ areas where crops may approach their potential yields. Abiotic environmental factors are considered to be the main source (71%) of yield reductions (Boyer, 1982). In past decades, the primary approach for alleviation of environmental stress focused on modification of the environment through irrigation, soil amelioration, fertilizer use, etc. Economic and ecological constraints on environmental amelioration make the approach of genetic improvement of stress resistance a viable alternative for closing the gap between actual and potential crop yields in marginal areas. The world’s cereal production requires a sustained increase of 3% in developing countries to maintain the current levels of nutrition to the year 2000 and beyond.
Papers by Edmundo Acevedo