Neuropeptide S (NPS) exerts robust anxiolytic and memory enhancing effects, but only in a non-soc... more Neuropeptide S (NPS) exerts robust anxiolytic and memory enhancing effects, but only in a non-social context. In order to study whether NPS affects aggressive behavior we used Wistar rats bred for low (LAB) and high (HAB) levels of innate anxiety-related behavior, respectively, which were both described to display increased levels of aggression compared with Wistar rats not selectively bred for anxiety (NAB). Male LAB, HAB, and NAB rats were tested for aggressive behavior toward a male intruder rat within their home cage (10 min, resident-intruder [RI] test). Intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of NPS (1 nmol) significantly reduced inter-male aggression in LAB rats, and tended to reduce aggression in HAB and NAB males. However, local infusion of NPS (0.2 or 0.1 nmol NPS) into either the nucleus accumbens or the lateral hypothalamus did not influence aggressive behavior. Social investigation in the RI test and general social motivation assessed in the social preference paradigm were not altered by icv NPS (1 nmol). The anti-aggressive effect of NPS is most likely not causally linked to its anxiolytic properties, as intraperitoneal administration of the anxiogenic drug pentylenetetrazole decreased aggression in LAB rats whereas the anxiolytic drug diazepam did not affect aggression in HAB rats. Thus, although NPS has so far only been shown to exert effects on non-social behaviors, our results are the first demonstration of anti-aggressive effects of NPS in male rats.
Spatial justice and territorial conflicts in a neoliberal context. The case of the Strategic Plan... more Spatial justice and territorial conflicts in a neoliberal context. The case of the Strategic Plan for Til Til in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile
En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin prece... more En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin precedentes que ha llevado a un proceso de reestructuración territorial de “ciudad a región” (De Mattos, 2011). La base de la incesante expansión urbana es la mercantilización de los recursos naturales en Chile bajo el régimen neoliberal durante y después de la dictadura militar de Pinochet. Tanto el suelo como el agua han sido transformados en mercancías, sin que los respectivos mercados hayan sido objeto de mayor intervención y regulación estatal (Romero y Vásquez, 2004; Budds, 2012). Son las fuerzas de un mercado dominado por grandes grupos económicos nacionales y transnacionales los que hoy día producen tensiones entre diversos grupos sociales, usos del suelo, estilos de vida y modelos de manejo de recursos naturales en la periferia de la ciudad. Desde la ecología política urbana, en este breve texto analizamos cómo los conflictos que actualmente permanecen latentes, bajo los efectos exis...
El presente trabajo estudia cómo las características del transporte urbano latinoamericano genera... more El presente trabajo estudia cómo las características del transporte urbano latinoamericano generan dimensiones de disputa de “capital espacial”, es decir, un tipo de recurso urbano internalizable individualmente que deriva de la combinación de condiciones materiales objetivas y socioculturales subjetivas. Estas condiciones determinan un aprovechamiento socialmente diferenciado del territorio y en ocasiones constituyen elementos decisivos en la apertura de nuevos nichos para productores y consumidores inmobiliarios de alto estatus, vinculándose con procesos de desplazamiento y exclusión. Los estudios de caso comparan cuatro barrios de Buenos Aires y Santiago de Chile, dos periféricos y dos pericentrales. Los resultados indican una fuerte diferenciación entre residentes en cuanto al rol de la nueva infraestructura en los casos periféricos y una escasa diferenciación para los barrios pericentrales, identificándose, no obstante, procesos de disputa por la apropiación y uso del espacio u...
The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy
In this chapter we provide an overview of recent research into the IPE of cities and urbanization... more In this chapter we provide an overview of recent research into the IPE of cities and urbanization in Latin America. In a first step we revise the most influential theoretical approaches on capitalist urbanization, from geo-historical materialism over global city theory to planetary urbanization and global urbanism. Based on this theoretical framework we revise the recent literature on cities and urbanization in Latin America. We present studies that evidence global city formation in Latina America, the role of different types of megaprojects in urban restructuring and the coupling of urban space to financialized capital circuits, discuss the fast growing literature on urban financialization, especially housing, and new forms and conceptualizations of extended urbanization, that is, the operationalization of hinterlands especially for resource extraction. We conclude the chapter with reflections on some missing links and future research needs.
During the last decades, the province of Chacabuco, in the north of Santiago, has been profoundly... more During the last decades, the province of Chacabuco, in the north of Santiago, has been profoundly territorially transformed due to the installation of urban mega-projects for well-off social segments in contexts that until then were eminently rural. From the perspective of suburban political ecology, we analyze the different economic, political and metabolic strategies with view to the water and land resources through which large eco- nomic-financial groups, supported by the state, have produced an unequal landscape of archipelagos. The methods used in this work include press review, semi-structured with private, public, and community actors, and an analysis of water rights records in the office of Real Estate Curator in the province of Chacabuco. In empirical and conceptual terms, we demonstrate that the production of the new urban periphery and its patterns of socioterritorial and environmental fragmentation are not the result of abstract forces of globalization, but of deliberate actions of commodification, concentration (of property rights) and financialization of natural resources like land and water.
This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class... more This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class-related spatial tensions in the context of urban neoliberalism in Chile. As case studies we focus on two of the most intensely redeveloping areas in Santiago, the Estación Central municipality in inner Santiago which experiences rapid high-rise property-led redevelopment, and the peri-urban growth zone of Chicureo in the municipality of Colina. From the perspective of urban political economy and using mobility-related questionnaires, in-depth interviews with inhabitants and media analysis we detect important differences between inner-city and peri-urban dynamics. While the redeveloping inner area of Santiago, in spite of being an exclusionary space where lower income-oriented affordable housing is absent, is not a disputed space in terms of access to mobility means, the expanding fringes of the city show strong class-related differences among new and old inhabitants. It seems that with view to mobility opportunities urban neoliberalism has variegated geographies that at the same time might show temporarily positive (Estación Central) and very negative results (Chicureo). In terms of public policy these results indicate that the inner area of Santiago is an opportunity for locating social housing production, given the relatively equal access to mobility opportunity for the different income groups. In the meanwhile, the deepening of mobility-related inequalities on the urban peripheries is highly problematic and needs more scholarly and political attention.
sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung
Als Reaktion auf die urbane Krise des chilenischen Entwicklungsmodells haben einige Multinational... more Als Reaktion auf die urbane Krise des chilenischen Entwicklungsmodells haben einige Multinationale Unternehmen der extraktiven Industrien damit begonnen, ihre Aktivitäten im Bereich der Unternehmensverantwortung auf städtische Interventionen hin zu fokussieren. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit international renommierten Architekt_innen, Planer_innen und Soziolog_innen propagieren Unternehmen des globalen Bergbaus und der Forstwirtschaft ein neues Modell der stadtplanerischen Intervention, das auf Diskurse der Nachhaltigkeit und Bürgerbeteiligung abhebt. Durch die Kombination von theoretischen Einsichten der Forschung zu Urban Policy Mobilities und globalen Produktionsnetzwerken und basierend auf über 60 Expert_inneninterviews analysieren wir die Akteurskonstellationen, Interessen und Dynamiken hinter der Entstehung und Mobilisierung des Modells und diskutieren, inwiefern es sich um Prozesse der strategischen Kopplung handelt, d. h. um eine Stadtentwicklung im Einklang mit Interessen der ...
This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class... more This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class-related spatial tensions in the context of urban neoliberalism in Chile. As case studies we focus on two of the most intensely redeveloping areas in Santiago, the Estación Central municipality in inner Santiago which experiences rapid high-rise property-led redevelopment, and the peri-urban growth zone of Chicureo in the municipality of Colina. From the perspective of urban political economy and using mobility-related questionnaires, in-depth interviews with inhabitants and media analysis we detect important differences between inner-city and peri-urban dynamics. While the redeveloping inner area of Santiago, in spite of being an exclusionary space where lower income-oriented affordable housing is absent, is not a disputed space in terms of access to mobility means, the expanding fringes of the city show strong class-related differences among new and old inhabitants. It seems that with ...
El artículo analiza la gobernanza y sus nuevos mecanismos desde la perspectiva de la economía pol... more El artículo analiza la gobernanza y sus nuevos mecanismos desde la perspectiva de la economía política espacial, en el caso de Chile, abordando tres dimensiones clave: los contextos y proyectos socio-políticos, los dispositivos de territorialización y re-escalamiento, y las técnicas, prácticas e instrumentos de intervención territorial. Después de una revisión teórica y contextual, el articulo presenta dos casos de mecanismos de gobernanza territorial: la Mesa del Salmón (región de Los Lagos) y CREO Antofagasta (región de Antofagasta), demostrando que estos mecanismos no nacen para resolver problemas de fondo del proyecto neoliberal o repensar los territorios de forma colectiva, sino para dar continuidad al modelo de producción imperante y restaurar la legitimidad de sectores y empresas extractivistas, en situación de crisis. Concluye sobre la necesidad de dejar una mirada neutra y avanzar hacia una lectura crítica de la gobernanza que considere, en el análisis, el contexto y las relaciones de poder.
Au Chili comme ailleurs, les luttes menées pour la justice spatiale et le droit à la ville s’éten... more Au Chili comme ailleurs, les luttes menées pour la justice spatiale et le droit à la ville s’étendent bien souvent au-delà du coeur des villes et fleurissent en particulier dans les zones périurbaines ou d’étalement urbain. Nous étudions le cas de Til Til, « zone de sacrifice » située dans la périphérie de la région métropolitaine de Santiago, où se sont développées un grand nombre d’activités polluantes, et où les habitants se mobilisent depuis une dizaine d’années pour manifester leur opposition à ce processus. L’analyse des termes constitutifs et de la généalogie du Plan stratégique pour le développement de Til Til 2015-2018, mis en place par le gouvernement régional dans le but de répondre à la situation de conflit sur ce territoire, ainsi que des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès des principales parties prenantes du sujet, nous permettent d’étudier le processus d’apparition d’une nouvelle prise de parole des acteurs, à travers la structuration de leur discours critique autour du droit à vivre dans un environnement sain et de leurs actions pour participer aux décisions concernant l’avenir de leur territoire. Dans un premier temps nous présentons le cas de Til Til et les conflits provoqués par l’installation controversée d’infrastructures polluantes dans la commune. Nous analysons ensuite le plan Til Til, sa méthode et ses résultats contestés, avant de montrer comment la mise en place de cet outil, qui a servi la stratégie de légitimation de l’action publique, s’est révélée inadaptée à la gestion du conflit socio-environnemental et a au contraire participé au renforcement de la résistance des populations locales, réinterrogeant ainsi les conditions d’émergence d’un droit à la ville dans le contexte néolibéral chilien.
In Chile, like in many other places, the grassroots struggles for spatial justice and the right to the city often extend beyond the heart of cities and especially rise up in suburbs or peri-urban areas. The Authors study the Til Til case, a “sacrifice zone” located in the periphery of Santiago (Metropolitan Region), where a large amount of polluting activities have been developed. For a decade, the residents have been mobilizing to show their opposition to this process. By studying the constituent terms and the genealogy of the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan for Til Til Development, set up by the Regional Governement to respond to the conflict situation, and the semi-directive interviews conducted with the main stakeholders of the project, they study how the local community progressively finds its voice by structuring its critical discourse about their right to live in a safe environment, and their to participate to in the decision-making processes concerning their territory’s future. The paper first introduces the case of Til Til and the conflicts generated by the disputed installation of polluting infrastructures in that municipal area. It then analyses the Til Til Plan, its method and contested outputs, before highlighting how the implementation of this instrument, which served the public action’s legitimation strategy, has proved to be inadequate for managing the socio-environmental conflict, yet rather contributed to reinforce the residents’resistance , which calls for a rethink as to the conditions that favour the emergence of the right to the city in the context of neoliberal Chile.
En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin prece... more En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin precedentes que ha llevado a un proceso de reestructuración territorial de “ciudad a región” (De Mattos, 2011). La base de la incesante expansión urbana es la mercantilización de los recursos naturales en Chile bajo el régimen neoliberal durante y después de la dictadura militar de Pinochet. Tanto el suelo como el agua han sido transformados en mercancías, sin que los respectivos mercados hayan sido objeto de mayor intervención y regulación estatal (Romero y Vásquez, 2004; Budds, 2012). Son las fuerzas de un mercado dominado por grandes grupos económicos nacionales y transnacionales los que hoy día producen tensiones entre diversos grupos sociales, usos del suelo, estilos de vida y modelos de manejo de recursos naturales en la periferia de la ciudad. Desde la ecología política urbana, en este breve texto analizamos cómo los conflictos que actualmente permanecen latentes, bajo los efectos exis...
Dieser Beitrag lenkt den Blick auf die in der lateinamerikabezogenen Stadtforschung bislang kaum ... more Dieser Beitrag lenkt den Blick auf die in der lateinamerikabezogenen Stadtforschung bislang kaum beachtete Rolle, die lokal-situierte und global mobile Experten und Technokraten in der Neoliberalisierung von Stadtpolitik und Planung spielen. Am Beispiel von Chile werden dabei zunächst auf historischer und allgemein-gesellschaftlicher Ebene die Hintergründe dargestellt, die zum anhaltenden Trend der ‚Technifizierung politischer Entscheidungsfindung‘ und zum Bedeutungsgewinn von scheinbar a-politischen Technokraten geführt haben - von den ‚Chicago Boys‘ unter Pinochet bis zu den ‚Harvard Boys‘ unter den Concertacións-Regierungen. Hernach wird die Rolle von Planern, Experten und Technokraten und des von ihnen verkörperten ‚wissenschaftlichen Wissens‘ auf dem spezifischen Feld der Planung von Stadterweiterungsprozessen diskutiert. Es wird dabei gezeigt, dass Planer und Technokraten zunehmend Schlüsselpositionen zwischen dem öffentlichen und dem privaten Sektor einnehmen, zwischen denen ...
Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die Analyse von Akteurskonstellationen und Machtverhältnissen im Konte... more Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die Analyse von Akteurskonstellationen und Machtverhältnissen im Kontext neoliberaler Formen der städtischen Raumproduktion zum Gegenstand. Konkret werden die ökonomischen und politischen Logiken und Dynamiken im Prozess der Stadterweiterung in Santiago de Chile untersucht, und zwar am Beispiel der Planung und Implementierung privater Megaprojekte. Diese Projekte, die sich an den Prinzipien des New Urbanism orientieren, haben in Santiago seit Mitte der 1990er einen regelrechten Boom erlebt und sowohl die physisch-materielle als auch die institutionelle Landschaft grundlegend verändert. In der Literatur wird diese Form der privaten Stadtentwicklung bislang vor allem als eine unmittelbare Auswirkung von Prozessen der Globalisierung und Neoliberalisierung interpretiert. In dieser Arbeit wird diese Diskussion aufgenommen und theoretisch und empirisch vertieft. Zunächst wird ein theoretischer Rahmen erarbeitet, der sowohl Elemente der Urbanen Politischen Ökonom...
Neuropeptide S (NPS) exerts robust anxiolytic and memory enhancing effects, but only in a non-soc... more Neuropeptide S (NPS) exerts robust anxiolytic and memory enhancing effects, but only in a non-social context. In order to study whether NPS affects aggressive behavior we used Wistar rats bred for low (LAB) and high (HAB) levels of innate anxiety-related behavior, respectively, which were both described to display increased levels of aggression compared with Wistar rats not selectively bred for anxiety (NAB). Male LAB, HAB, and NAB rats were tested for aggressive behavior toward a male intruder rat within their home cage (10 min, resident-intruder [RI] test). Intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of NPS (1 nmol) significantly reduced inter-male aggression in LAB rats, and tended to reduce aggression in HAB and NAB males. However, local infusion of NPS (0.2 or 0.1 nmol NPS) into either the nucleus accumbens or the lateral hypothalamus did not influence aggressive behavior. Social investigation in the RI test and general social motivation assessed in the social preference paradigm were not altered by icv NPS (1 nmol). The anti-aggressive effect of NPS is most likely not causally linked to its anxiolytic properties, as intraperitoneal administration of the anxiogenic drug pentylenetetrazole decreased aggression in LAB rats whereas the anxiolytic drug diazepam did not affect aggression in HAB rats. Thus, although NPS has so far only been shown to exert effects on non-social behaviors, our results are the first demonstration of anti-aggressive effects of NPS in male rats.
Spatial justice and territorial conflicts in a neoliberal context. The case of the Strategic Plan... more Spatial justice and territorial conflicts in a neoliberal context. The case of the Strategic Plan for Til Til in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile
En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin prece... more En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin precedentes que ha llevado a un proceso de reestructuración territorial de “ciudad a región” (De Mattos, 2011). La base de la incesante expansión urbana es la mercantilización de los recursos naturales en Chile bajo el régimen neoliberal durante y después de la dictadura militar de Pinochet. Tanto el suelo como el agua han sido transformados en mercancías, sin que los respectivos mercados hayan sido objeto de mayor intervención y regulación estatal (Romero y Vásquez, 2004; Budds, 2012). Son las fuerzas de un mercado dominado por grandes grupos económicos nacionales y transnacionales los que hoy día producen tensiones entre diversos grupos sociales, usos del suelo, estilos de vida y modelos de manejo de recursos naturales en la periferia de la ciudad. Desde la ecología política urbana, en este breve texto analizamos cómo los conflictos que actualmente permanecen latentes, bajo los efectos exis...
El presente trabajo estudia cómo las características del transporte urbano latinoamericano genera... more El presente trabajo estudia cómo las características del transporte urbano latinoamericano generan dimensiones de disputa de “capital espacial”, es decir, un tipo de recurso urbano internalizable individualmente que deriva de la combinación de condiciones materiales objetivas y socioculturales subjetivas. Estas condiciones determinan un aprovechamiento socialmente diferenciado del territorio y en ocasiones constituyen elementos decisivos en la apertura de nuevos nichos para productores y consumidores inmobiliarios de alto estatus, vinculándose con procesos de desplazamiento y exclusión. Los estudios de caso comparan cuatro barrios de Buenos Aires y Santiago de Chile, dos periféricos y dos pericentrales. Los resultados indican una fuerte diferenciación entre residentes en cuanto al rol de la nueva infraestructura en los casos periféricos y una escasa diferenciación para los barrios pericentrales, identificándose, no obstante, procesos de disputa por la apropiación y uso del espacio u...
The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy
In this chapter we provide an overview of recent research into the IPE of cities and urbanization... more In this chapter we provide an overview of recent research into the IPE of cities and urbanization in Latin America. In a first step we revise the most influential theoretical approaches on capitalist urbanization, from geo-historical materialism over global city theory to planetary urbanization and global urbanism. Based on this theoretical framework we revise the recent literature on cities and urbanization in Latin America. We present studies that evidence global city formation in Latina America, the role of different types of megaprojects in urban restructuring and the coupling of urban space to financialized capital circuits, discuss the fast growing literature on urban financialization, especially housing, and new forms and conceptualizations of extended urbanization, that is, the operationalization of hinterlands especially for resource extraction. We conclude the chapter with reflections on some missing links and future research needs.
During the last decades, the province of Chacabuco, in the north of Santiago, has been profoundly... more During the last decades, the province of Chacabuco, in the north of Santiago, has been profoundly territorially transformed due to the installation of urban mega-projects for well-off social segments in contexts that until then were eminently rural. From the perspective of suburban political ecology, we analyze the different economic, political and metabolic strategies with view to the water and land resources through which large eco- nomic-financial groups, supported by the state, have produced an unequal landscape of archipelagos. The methods used in this work include press review, semi-structured with private, public, and community actors, and an analysis of water rights records in the office of Real Estate Curator in the province of Chacabuco. In empirical and conceptual terms, we demonstrate that the production of the new urban periphery and its patterns of socioterritorial and environmental fragmentation are not the result of abstract forces of globalization, but of deliberate actions of commodification, concentration (of property rights) and financialization of natural resources like land and water.
This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class... more This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class-related spatial tensions in the context of urban neoliberalism in Chile. As case studies we focus on two of the most intensely redeveloping areas in Santiago, the Estación Central municipality in inner Santiago which experiences rapid high-rise property-led redevelopment, and the peri-urban growth zone of Chicureo in the municipality of Colina. From the perspective of urban political economy and using mobility-related questionnaires, in-depth interviews with inhabitants and media analysis we detect important differences between inner-city and peri-urban dynamics. While the redeveloping inner area of Santiago, in spite of being an exclusionary space where lower income-oriented affordable housing is absent, is not a disputed space in terms of access to mobility means, the expanding fringes of the city show strong class-related differences among new and old inhabitants. It seems that with view to mobility opportunities urban neoliberalism has variegated geographies that at the same time might show temporarily positive (Estación Central) and very negative results (Chicureo). In terms of public policy these results indicate that the inner area of Santiago is an opportunity for locating social housing production, given the relatively equal access to mobility opportunity for the different income groups. In the meanwhile, the deepening of mobility-related inequalities on the urban peripheries is highly problematic and needs more scholarly and political attention.
sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung
Als Reaktion auf die urbane Krise des chilenischen Entwicklungsmodells haben einige Multinational... more Als Reaktion auf die urbane Krise des chilenischen Entwicklungsmodells haben einige Multinationale Unternehmen der extraktiven Industrien damit begonnen, ihre Aktivitäten im Bereich der Unternehmensverantwortung auf städtische Interventionen hin zu fokussieren. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit international renommierten Architekt_innen, Planer_innen und Soziolog_innen propagieren Unternehmen des globalen Bergbaus und der Forstwirtschaft ein neues Modell der stadtplanerischen Intervention, das auf Diskurse der Nachhaltigkeit und Bürgerbeteiligung abhebt. Durch die Kombination von theoretischen Einsichten der Forschung zu Urban Policy Mobilities und globalen Produktionsnetzwerken und basierend auf über 60 Expert_inneninterviews analysieren wir die Akteurskonstellationen, Interessen und Dynamiken hinter der Entstehung und Mobilisierung des Modells und diskutieren, inwiefern es sich um Prozesse der strategischen Kopplung handelt, d. h. um eine Stadtentwicklung im Einklang mit Interessen der ...
This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class... more This paper addresses the links between real estate production, transport infrastructure and class-related spatial tensions in the context of urban neoliberalism in Chile. As case studies we focus on two of the most intensely redeveloping areas in Santiago, the Estación Central municipality in inner Santiago which experiences rapid high-rise property-led redevelopment, and the peri-urban growth zone of Chicureo in the municipality of Colina. From the perspective of urban political economy and using mobility-related questionnaires, in-depth interviews with inhabitants and media analysis we detect important differences between inner-city and peri-urban dynamics. While the redeveloping inner area of Santiago, in spite of being an exclusionary space where lower income-oriented affordable housing is absent, is not a disputed space in terms of access to mobility means, the expanding fringes of the city show strong class-related differences among new and old inhabitants. It seems that with ...
El artículo analiza la gobernanza y sus nuevos mecanismos desde la perspectiva de la economía pol... more El artículo analiza la gobernanza y sus nuevos mecanismos desde la perspectiva de la economía política espacial, en el caso de Chile, abordando tres dimensiones clave: los contextos y proyectos socio-políticos, los dispositivos de territorialización y re-escalamiento, y las técnicas, prácticas e instrumentos de intervención territorial. Después de una revisión teórica y contextual, el articulo presenta dos casos de mecanismos de gobernanza territorial: la Mesa del Salmón (región de Los Lagos) y CREO Antofagasta (región de Antofagasta), demostrando que estos mecanismos no nacen para resolver problemas de fondo del proyecto neoliberal o repensar los territorios de forma colectiva, sino para dar continuidad al modelo de producción imperante y restaurar la legitimidad de sectores y empresas extractivistas, en situación de crisis. Concluye sobre la necesidad de dejar una mirada neutra y avanzar hacia una lectura crítica de la gobernanza que considere, en el análisis, el contexto y las relaciones de poder.
Au Chili comme ailleurs, les luttes menées pour la justice spatiale et le droit à la ville s’éten... more Au Chili comme ailleurs, les luttes menées pour la justice spatiale et le droit à la ville s’étendent bien souvent au-delà du coeur des villes et fleurissent en particulier dans les zones périurbaines ou d’étalement urbain. Nous étudions le cas de Til Til, « zone de sacrifice » située dans la périphérie de la région métropolitaine de Santiago, où se sont développées un grand nombre d’activités polluantes, et où les habitants se mobilisent depuis une dizaine d’années pour manifester leur opposition à ce processus. L’analyse des termes constitutifs et de la généalogie du Plan stratégique pour le développement de Til Til 2015-2018, mis en place par le gouvernement régional dans le but de répondre à la situation de conflit sur ce territoire, ainsi que des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès des principales parties prenantes du sujet, nous permettent d’étudier le processus d’apparition d’une nouvelle prise de parole des acteurs, à travers la structuration de leur discours critique autour du droit à vivre dans un environnement sain et de leurs actions pour participer aux décisions concernant l’avenir de leur territoire. Dans un premier temps nous présentons le cas de Til Til et les conflits provoqués par l’installation controversée d’infrastructures polluantes dans la commune. Nous analysons ensuite le plan Til Til, sa méthode et ses résultats contestés, avant de montrer comment la mise en place de cet outil, qui a servi la stratégie de légitimation de l’action publique, s’est révélée inadaptée à la gestion du conflit socio-environnemental et a au contraire participé au renforcement de la résistance des populations locales, réinterrogeant ainsi les conditions d’émergence d’un droit à la ville dans le contexte néolibéral chilien.
In Chile, like in many other places, the grassroots struggles for spatial justice and the right to the city often extend beyond the heart of cities and especially rise up in suburbs or peri-urban areas. The Authors study the Til Til case, a “sacrifice zone” located in the periphery of Santiago (Metropolitan Region), where a large amount of polluting activities have been developed. For a decade, the residents have been mobilizing to show their opposition to this process. By studying the constituent terms and the genealogy of the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan for Til Til Development, set up by the Regional Governement to respond to the conflict situation, and the semi-directive interviews conducted with the main stakeholders of the project, they study how the local community progressively finds its voice by structuring its critical discourse about their right to live in a safe environment, and their to participate to in the decision-making processes concerning their territory’s future. The paper first introduces the case of Til Til and the conflicts generated by the disputed installation of polluting infrastructures in that municipal area. It then analyses the Til Til Plan, its method and contested outputs, before highlighting how the implementation of this instrument, which served the public action’s legitimation strategy, has proved to be inadequate for managing the socio-environmental conflict, yet rather contributed to reinforce the residents’resistance , which calls for a rethink as to the conditions that favour the emergence of the right to the city in the context of neoliberal Chile.
En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin prece... more En las últimas dos décadas Santiago de Chile ha vivido un boom económico e inmobiliario sin precedentes que ha llevado a un proceso de reestructuración territorial de “ciudad a región” (De Mattos, 2011). La base de la incesante expansión urbana es la mercantilización de los recursos naturales en Chile bajo el régimen neoliberal durante y después de la dictadura militar de Pinochet. Tanto el suelo como el agua han sido transformados en mercancías, sin que los respectivos mercados hayan sido objeto de mayor intervención y regulación estatal (Romero y Vásquez, 2004; Budds, 2012). Son las fuerzas de un mercado dominado por grandes grupos económicos nacionales y transnacionales los que hoy día producen tensiones entre diversos grupos sociales, usos del suelo, estilos de vida y modelos de manejo de recursos naturales en la periferia de la ciudad. Desde la ecología política urbana, en este breve texto analizamos cómo los conflictos que actualmente permanecen latentes, bajo los efectos exis...
Dieser Beitrag lenkt den Blick auf die in der lateinamerikabezogenen Stadtforschung bislang kaum ... more Dieser Beitrag lenkt den Blick auf die in der lateinamerikabezogenen Stadtforschung bislang kaum beachtete Rolle, die lokal-situierte und global mobile Experten und Technokraten in der Neoliberalisierung von Stadtpolitik und Planung spielen. Am Beispiel von Chile werden dabei zunächst auf historischer und allgemein-gesellschaftlicher Ebene die Hintergründe dargestellt, die zum anhaltenden Trend der ‚Technifizierung politischer Entscheidungsfindung‘ und zum Bedeutungsgewinn von scheinbar a-politischen Technokraten geführt haben - von den ‚Chicago Boys‘ unter Pinochet bis zu den ‚Harvard Boys‘ unter den Concertacións-Regierungen. Hernach wird die Rolle von Planern, Experten und Technokraten und des von ihnen verkörperten ‚wissenschaftlichen Wissens‘ auf dem spezifischen Feld der Planung von Stadterweiterungsprozessen diskutiert. Es wird dabei gezeigt, dass Planer und Technokraten zunehmend Schlüsselpositionen zwischen dem öffentlichen und dem privaten Sektor einnehmen, zwischen denen ...
Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die Analyse von Akteurskonstellationen und Machtverhältnissen im Konte... more Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die Analyse von Akteurskonstellationen und Machtverhältnissen im Kontext neoliberaler Formen der städtischen Raumproduktion zum Gegenstand. Konkret werden die ökonomischen und politischen Logiken und Dynamiken im Prozess der Stadterweiterung in Santiago de Chile untersucht, und zwar am Beispiel der Planung und Implementierung privater Megaprojekte. Diese Projekte, die sich an den Prinzipien des New Urbanism orientieren, haben in Santiago seit Mitte der 1990er einen regelrechten Boom erlebt und sowohl die physisch-materielle als auch die institutionelle Landschaft grundlegend verändert. In der Literatur wird diese Form der privaten Stadtentwicklung bislang vor allem als eine unmittelbare Auswirkung von Prozessen der Globalisierung und Neoliberalisierung interpretiert. In dieser Arbeit wird diese Diskussion aufgenommen und theoretisch und empirisch vertieft. Zunächst wird ein theoretischer Rahmen erarbeitet, der sowohl Elemente der Urbanen Politischen Ökonom...
Papers by Michael Lukas
In Chile, like in many other places, the grassroots struggles for spatial justice and the right to the city often extend beyond the heart of cities and especially rise up in suburbs or peri-urban areas. The Authors study the Til Til case, a “sacrifice zone” located in the periphery of Santiago (Metropolitan Region), where a large amount of polluting activities have been developed. For a decade, the residents have been mobilizing to show their opposition to this process. By studying the constituent terms and the genealogy of the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan for Til Til Development, set up by the Regional Governement to respond to the conflict situation, and the semi-directive interviews conducted with the main stakeholders of the project, they study how the local community progressively finds its voice by structuring its critical discourse about their right to live in a safe environment, and their to participate to in the decision-making processes concerning their territory’s future. The paper first introduces the case of Til Til and the conflicts generated by the disputed installation of polluting infrastructures in that municipal area. It then analyses the Til Til Plan, its method and contested outputs, before highlighting how the implementation of this instrument, which served the public action’s legitimation strategy, has proved to be inadequate for managing the socio-environmental conflict, yet rather contributed to reinforce the residents’resistance , which calls for a rethink as to the conditions that favour the emergence of the right to the city in the context of neoliberal Chile.
In Chile, like in many other places, the grassroots struggles for spatial justice and the right to the city often extend beyond the heart of cities and especially rise up in suburbs or peri-urban areas. The Authors study the Til Til case, a “sacrifice zone” located in the periphery of Santiago (Metropolitan Region), where a large amount of polluting activities have been developed. For a decade, the residents have been mobilizing to show their opposition to this process. By studying the constituent terms and the genealogy of the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan for Til Til Development, set up by the Regional Governement to respond to the conflict situation, and the semi-directive interviews conducted with the main stakeholders of the project, they study how the local community progressively finds its voice by structuring its critical discourse about their right to live in a safe environment, and their to participate to in the decision-making processes concerning their territory’s future. The paper first introduces the case of Til Til and the conflicts generated by the disputed installation of polluting infrastructures in that municipal area. It then analyses the Til Til Plan, its method and contested outputs, before highlighting how the implementation of this instrument, which served the public action’s legitimation strategy, has proved to be inadequate for managing the socio-environmental conflict, yet rather contributed to reinforce the residents’resistance , which calls for a rethink as to the conditions that favour the emergence of the right to the city in the context of neoliberal Chile.