Papers by Dr Sonal Sharma

E-Learning and Digital Media, 2024
In the digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arisen as a revolutionary influence with the... more In the digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arisen as a revolutionary influence with the potential to transform multiple spheres of human life. Chatbots, particularly OpenAI's Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), are increasingly recognised as promising tools in diverse aspects, including mental health. This study delves into ChatGPT's effectiveness as an emotional resilience support tool specifically for Generation Z (Gen Z), a demographic deeply engaged in digital interactions. Employing a sequential explanatory design that integrates quantitative and qualitative analyses, the research investigates Gen Z users' perceptions of ChatGPT's effectiveness, barriers to its utilisation, and impact on emotional resilience. The findings reveal a significant acknowledgement of ChatGPT's role in enhancing emotional well-being and notable concerns regarding privacy and security. Further, qualitative insights underscore the significance of personalised interactions, nonjudgmental space, and active listening characteristics of ChatGPT in fostering emotional resilience. Moreover, the study identifies key areas for improvement, such as expanded topic coverage and cultural representation. Educational stakeholders and mental health professionals are encouraged to utilise these insights to integrate ChatGPT and other AI tools into tailored support frameworks for Gen Z.

Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 2025
Cooperative teaching methods have emerged as a significant paradigm shift from traditional teachi... more Cooperative teaching methods have emerged as a significant paradigm shift from traditional teaching methods, highlighting notable benefits that have a profound influence on academic achievement. Guided by previous studies on cooperative teaching methods, we examined the effectiveness of teaching methods (jigsaw vs. lecture-cum-demonstration methods) on the academic achievement of biology among class 11 students. The sample comprised 68 students in class 11. In a school setting, 35 participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group, and 33 were assigned to the control group. The study utilized a quasiexperimental research design to assess the effectiveness of different teaching methods. Specifically, a nonequivalent control group design was employed, comprising one experimental group and one control
group. To ensure comparability between the groups in terms of academic performance, Raven's Progressive Matrices Intelligence test score was used as a covariate. The results revealed that class 11 biology students in the experimental group had notably higher test scores than did those in the control group. Additionally, the study revealed that gender did not
significantly influence academic achievement in biology for class 11 students when intelligence was used as a covariate.
The academic achievement of class 11 biology students appears to be independent of the interaction between gender and method of teaching. We explicitly demonstrate that the jigsaw technique can enhance the biology achievement of senior secondary school students and can serve as an effective alternative to traditional experimental teaching methods in India.

India has achieved notable advancements in increasing the number of literate individuals, dispari... more India has achieved notable advancements in increasing the number of literate individuals, disparities between genders continue to exist, and a substantial segment of the population still lacks basic reading and writing skills. Quality primary education is crucial, but challenges like learning deficiencies and out-of-school children persist. The Sustainable Development Goals prioritize universal access to quality education by 2030. The Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan aims to address these challenges by amalgamating various education schemes and focusing on equity and inclusivity. This paper analyzes the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, highlighting its impact, challenges, and policy recommendations. Key areas include integrated planning, quality interventions, vocational education, monitoring mechanisms, and community engagement. Despite successes, challenges like resource constraints and socio-cultural barriers remain. Policy modifications aligned with the National Education Policy 2020 are proposed to enhance effectiveness. Through the utilization of specific tactics, the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan can further its objective of providing inclusive, fair, and top-notch education for every individual in India.

RIE Bhopal Journal of Education, 2021
Emotional maturity is a very significant aspect of the healthy emotional development of the indiv... more Emotional maturity is a very significant aspect of the healthy emotional development of the individual. Emotional maturity is important as it plays a crucial role in managing emotions, expressing oneself at right time, remaining calm and composed in adverse conditions, and taking decisions. The objectives of the study were a) to study the relationship of academic achievement with the emotional maturity of senior secondary school students, b) to compare the mean scores of emotional maturity of government and private senior secondary school students, c) to compare the mean scores of emotional maturity of male and female senior secondary school students, and d) to compare the mean scores of emotional maturity of rural and urban senior secondary school students. The study was quantitative in nature and employed a survey method. Data were collected from 440 senior secondary school students of Aligarh, Agra, Mathura, and Hathras districts of Uttar Pradesh (UP) employing a stratified sampling technique. The tool used for data collection of emotional maturity was the Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) developed by Sharma and Shakir (2019) and for academic achievement previous class marks of class 11th students i.e., class 10th were taken into consideration. The statistical techniques used for analyzing the data were Pearson Product moment correlation and t-test. Findings of the study revealed that a) A significant positive linear relationship was found between emotional maturity and academic achievement of senior secondary school students, b) Senior secondary students studying in government schools had a higher level of emotional maturity in comparison to the senior secondary students studying in private schools, c) Male and female senior secondary school students had a similar level of emotional maturity, and d) Rural senior secondary school students had a higher level of emotional maturity in comparison to urban senior secondary school students.

Shodh Sarita Journal, 2021
The present study was intended to examine the moderating effect of parental education i.e., the e... more The present study was intended to examine the moderating effect of parental education i.e., the educational qualification of father and mother in the relationship between emotional maturity and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. 336 senior secondary school students from Aligarh district, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India were selected using a stratified random sampling method. Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) was developed by Sharma and Shakir (2019) and for assessing the academic achievement total marks of the previous class i.e., class 10 th marks were taken into consideration. To test moderation, the investigators in particular, looked at the interaction effect of the predictor variable (X) i.e., emotional maturity with the moderator (M) i.e., parental qualification and whether or not such an effect is significant in predicting criterion variable (Y) i.e., academic achievement. The findings of the study revealed that a) Model 1 showed that emotional maturity accounted for significant variance in academic achievement and also indicated a significant moderating effect of father's educational qualification in the relationship of emotional maturity and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. Similarly, b) Model 2 showed that emotional maturity accounted for significant variance in the academic achievement but no significant moderating effect of mother's educational qualification in the relationship of emotional maturity and academic achievement of senior secondary school students.

Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 2020
The outbreak of the coronavirus resulted in a complete nation-wide lockdown. Staying at home duri... more The outbreak of the coronavirus resulted in a complete nation-wide lockdown. Staying at home during quarantine can be lonely, boring as well as tiring and leads to anxiety and stress. The objectives of the study were a) to compare the mean scores of COVID-19 stress of Male and Female research scholars and b) to compare the mean scores of COVID-19 stress of Employed and Unemployed research scholars. The study was quantitative in nature and employed a survey method. Data were collected from 132 research scholars of Aligarh Muslim University (U.P.) belonging to different departments of the university. The tool used for collecting data was the COVID-19 stress scale developed by Sharma and Shakir (2020). The statistical technique used for analysing the data was t-test. The results revealed that a) Female research scholars were found to have significantly higher COVID-19 stress in comparison to their counterparts. B) Employed and Unemployed research scholars had a similar level of COVID-19 stress.

Relationship of the Internet and Social Networking Sites with the Academic Achievement of School Students, 2020
The world of education has transformed drastically ever since the internet and social networking ... more The world of education has transformed drastically ever since the internet and social networking websites came into existence. Internet and social media have become the necessity of life in the realms of accessing information, communicating with others and staying updated on everything happening around. The rising popularity of the internet and social media has not spared students also. Students derive the feeling of enjoyment from being online on social networking sites. Students are continuously hooked on to the social networking sites to beat the boredom and loneliness. The excessive use of the internet and social networking sites can have a direct effect on study habits and thus, on the academic performance of students. The objective of the study was to explore the relationship between the internet and social networking sites with academic achievement. The study was quantitative in nature and employed a survey method. Data were collected from 283 senior secondary school students of the Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). The tool used for collecting data was the Internet and Social Networking Sites Attitude Scale developed by Sarkar and Das and for assessing the academic achievement-total marks of the previous class was taken into consideration. Findings of the study revealed that a) the internet has a significant positive relationship with the academic achievement of students. Further results of the study showed that b) social networking sites have a significant negative relationship with the academic achievement of senior secondary school students.

Research and Reflections on Education , 2020
Academic anxiety is the feeling of distraction, worry, fear or being stressed out due to academic... more Academic anxiety is the feeling of distraction, worry, fear or being stressed out due to academics. If anxiety level increases, it hinders the student's academic performance. The present study was carried out to find out the difference in academic anxiety of senior secondary school students in relation to locale (rural and urban) and type of school (government and private). A sample of 355 senior secondary school students from various schools of Aligarh and Agra districts of Uttar Pradesh were selected. Standardized tool developed by Sharma &Shakir (2019) used for measuring the level of academic anxiety of senior secondary school students. The statistical techniques utilized in the present study were mean, standard deviation and t-test. Results revealed a significant difference in the academic anxiety of senior secondary school students in relation to locale. Urban senior secondary school students have more academic anxiety in comparison to their counterparts. Similarly significant difference is found in the academic anxiety of senior secondary school students in relation to type of school. Senior secondary students studying in private schools have more academic anxiety in comparison to government senior secondary school students.

Think India (Quarterly Journal), 2019
The present study is concerned with assessing academic achievement and analyzing the main and int... more The present study is concerned with assessing academic achievement and analyzing the main and interaction effect of some factors on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students. The present research has been designed with the survey under a descriptive model. Previous class academic records i.e., class 10 marks are used for measuring the academic achievement of senior secondary school students. A sample of 331 senior secondary school students from various schools of Aligarh and Agra districts of Uttar Pradesh were selected. The statistical techniques utilized mean, standard deviation and factorial ANOVA with three-way design i.e., 2×2×2. The findings of the present study revealed that-a) significant main interactional effect of type of school and locale on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students whereas b) religion has no significant main interactional effect on academic achievement of senior secondary school students. Similarly, c) significant two-way interaction of school type and religion on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students were found to be significant as F-ratio i.e., (1, 323) = 5.992, p-value = 0.015<0.05 is significant at 0.05 level of significance.

International Journal of Movement Education and Social Science, 2018
The concept of "Tamso Maa Jyortigyma" is for teachers as the teacher is the yardstick that measur... more The concept of "Tamso Maa Jyortigyma" is for teachers as the teacher is the yardstick that measures the achievement, aspiration, growth and progress of any nation. The worth and potentiality of a country get evaluated and the teacher is an important constituent in the instructional process. The way he handles and manages the students has a profound effect on the future personality of children. University teachers are important as they link school education to the world of work in which students enters after completing their higher studies. When teacher faces problems such as anxiety, depression, frustration etc., it interferes with the satisfactory performance of his role. Frustration may also bring about downfall and divergence because it hinders higher order thinking, logical reasoning and concentration which otherwise would have been utilized somewhere else in constructive and innovative work which hampers job satisfaction. The aim of the present research paper is to examine the frustration tolerance as predictors of job satisfaction of university teachers. The research sample consists of 200 teachers of the Aligarh district of U.P. The data were collected using questionnaires and the results showed a positive correlation between frustration tolerance and job satisfaction among university teachers.

Educational Quest: An International Journal of Education and Applied Social Science, 2017
Education is insurance, it gives us guarantee for comfortable and dignified life. It is the proce... more Education is insurance, it gives us guarantee for comfortable and dignified life. It is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, values and beliefs. In fact it is the most potent tool for the complete development of individual and the society. It is well known that quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of the citizens depends upon the education system. As education is imparted by teachers and if the teacher is capable, energetic and mentally healthy, it is good for the school and a matter of joy for the society as well. In today's world as nobody is stress free, teachers are also human being they also suffer from stress. Stress is a very serious problem if it crosses its limits. It is a feeling of emotional or physical tension and may cause several other problems among teachers, if it is not tackled properly on time. Holy books such as The Vedas, The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Quran and The Bible are considered as ocean of knowledge as the wisdom spelt out in them are the new rays of hopes which are essential to face the modern life problems especially stress. Like other religious books The Bhagavad Gita is referred as one of the important book which has bearing on education. The present paper is an humble attempt to find the implication of Bhagavad Gita in the present scenario of education in tackling stress among people in general and teachers in particular.

Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2018
The objective of the present paper is to focus on new suicidal trend which is prevalent among ado... more The objective of the present paper is to focus on new suicidal trend which is prevalent among adolescents when they are involved in a game i.e., blue whale game challenge. The paper would highlight the role of stress in directing adolescents towards this fatal challenge. Further authors would discuss the role of teachers and parents in saving adolescents from this challenge. The internet is an uncontrolled and uncensored entity so it makes hard to control all activities that young adults may indulge in. It is like a new addiction as everyone seems so busy and lost in this virtual world. Developers of such dangerous games are well aware of the vulnerabilities of the adolescents and know that they succumb to peer pressure easily. They are also well aware of the fact that teenagers nowadays are finding themselves unhappy, directionless, confused and lacking goals. With the growing trend of dangerous “killfie” and “blue whale challenge” it becomes important to spread awareness of the inherent hazards associated with them and adolescents considered themselves as of no use so they show physical as well as mental readiness to risk their lives simply for the sake of recognition and to prove their guts on a virtual forum. Data was collected from adolescents through interview, newspapers and internet etc. Findings of the study are discussed and suggestions for students, teachers and parents are given.

American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 2018
The author of the present paper would focus on the integration of Information and Communication T... more The author of the present paper would focus on the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching-learning, its influence and its role in making teaching-learning more interesting. This paper is an attempt to highlight the role of ICT in education for the effective teaching-learning. Education plays a vital role in building the prosperous and healthy society. It determines the well-being of society. Education empowers the nation in all respects. Teachers are providing education through their profession of teaching. Teaching is one of the most challenging professions as knowledge is changing and expanding rapidly and latest technologies demanding every teacher to learn the usage so that teaching can be better by using these technologies. There is no guarantee that, what is new today may remain new tomorrow. It may become outdated very soon. ICT can help teachers to face this problem. ICT makes it simpler and easier as the world of knowledge is just a click away. ICT can help them in the forms such as power-point presentations, smart classrooms, interactive white-boards, guided web tours, virtual labs, digital libraries, educational interactive audio-video chats etc. which are essential tools for teaching-learning. Integration of ICT in teaching makes it effective and pre-decided goals for learning are easily achieved. It can influence the way learners are taught and how they learn thereby making the teaching-learning process effective. It provides the congenial environment and motivation which have a profound and long-lasting impact on the process of learning thus, offering new possibilities for learners as well as to the teachers.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Congenial Environment and Effective Teaching.

International Journal of Education, 2017
The present paper is an attempt to know about the importance of educational psychology in making ... more The present paper is an attempt to know about the importance of educational psychology in making teaching-learning environment congenial. Authors in the paper would focus on contribution and role of educational psychology in creating conducive teaching-learning environment in the classroom. Educational psychology is the applied knowledge gained from psychology uses in the classrooms. It is helpful in understanding the learners, learning process, instructional strategies and provides basis for the selection of appropriate methods, techniques, approaches, tools to satisfy and fulfil the need of learners that results in better learning. With the help of educational psychology teacher is able to create positive learning environment in the classrooms resulting in effective learning. The educational psychology plays an important role in making learning easy, joyful and interesting process. Likewise also conflict management strategies may be used in teaching-learning leading towards better ways of delivering information to the learners in the classroom.
Books by Dr Sonal Sharma
National Psychological Corporation (NPC), 2019
Academic Anxiety Scale (AAS-SSSM) - It consists of manual and scale. It is developed and standard... more Academic Anxiety Scale (AAS-SSSM) - It consists of manual and scale. It is developed and standardized to measure the level of academic anxiety among senior secondary school students, age range - 16 to 19 years. It is published by National Psychological Corporation (NPC, Agra), ISBN: 978-93-87452-66-4
National Psychological Corporation (NPC), Agra, 2019
Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) - It consists of Scale and Manual. It is developed and standa... more Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) - It consists of Scale and Manual. It is developed and standardized for assessing the level of Emotional Maturity of Senior Secondary School Students (11th and 12th class, age range 16 - 19 years).
Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) is published by National Psychological Corporation (NPC, Agra). ISBN: 978-93-87452-50-3.
Papers by Dr Sonal Sharma
group. To ensure comparability between the groups in terms of academic performance, Raven's Progressive Matrices Intelligence test score was used as a covariate. The results revealed that class 11 biology students in the experimental group had notably higher test scores than did those in the control group. Additionally, the study revealed that gender did not
significantly influence academic achievement in biology for class 11 students when intelligence was used as a covariate.
The academic achievement of class 11 biology students appears to be independent of the interaction between gender and method of teaching. We explicitly demonstrate that the jigsaw technique can enhance the biology achievement of senior secondary school students and can serve as an effective alternative to traditional experimental teaching methods in India.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Congenial Environment and Effective Teaching.
Books by Dr Sonal Sharma
Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) is published by National Psychological Corporation (NPC, Agra). ISBN: 978-93-87452-50-3.
group. To ensure comparability between the groups in terms of academic performance, Raven's Progressive Matrices Intelligence test score was used as a covariate. The results revealed that class 11 biology students in the experimental group had notably higher test scores than did those in the control group. Additionally, the study revealed that gender did not
significantly influence academic achievement in biology for class 11 students when intelligence was used as a covariate.
The academic achievement of class 11 biology students appears to be independent of the interaction between gender and method of teaching. We explicitly demonstrate that the jigsaw technique can enhance the biology achievement of senior secondary school students and can serve as an effective alternative to traditional experimental teaching methods in India.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Congenial Environment and Effective Teaching.
Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS-SSSM) is published by National Psychological Corporation (NPC, Agra). ISBN: 978-93-87452-50-3.