Papers by Sérgio Fernandes
1 Zootecnista, Doutorando em Zootecnia -UESB, Professor Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahi... more 1 Zootecnista, Doutorando em Zootecnia -UESB, Professor Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia -UESB 2 Medico Veterinário,Doutor em Zootecnia, Professor Universidade Federal Recôncavo Baiano -UFRB Resumo Uma das principais características reveladas no estudo do comportamento dos ruminantes é que eles apresentam comportamento social típico com uma necessidade de interagir com outros, formando grupos e estão organizados por uma hierarquia social, sendo necessário o entendimento do estabelecimento da hierarquia, da dominância, da interação materno filial e sexual. As quais irão reduzir os prejuízos e determinar o sucesso na intervenção do homem no agrupamento dos animais, além disso, o entendimento da interação homem animal subsidiará as formas de como ele irá manejar o rebanho. Palavras chave: comportamento social, ruminantes, manejo TEIXEIRA, F.A. et al. Comportamento social dos ruminantes -Revisão de literatura. PUBVET,
The objective of this research was to measure the activity of ∆ 9 -desaturase enzyme in lactating... more The objective of this research was to measure the activity of ∆ 9 -desaturase enzyme in lactating buffaloes. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, Sao Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20ºC until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The ∆ 9 -desaturase activity was measured using an indirect method (myristoleic and myristic acids ration -C 14:1c9 /C 14:0 ). The higher C 14:1c9 /C 14:0 rate was verified on Farm 4 (0.092).The C 14:1c9 /C 14:0 ratio were 0.064 to Farm 1; 0.065 to Farm 2; 0.062 to Farm 3 and 0.065 to Farm 5. The C 17:1 /C 17:0 , C 18:1c9 /C 18:0 and C 18:2c9t11 /C 18:1t11 ratios were also affected. The Farm 4 showed higher value for all ratios. Therefore, in lactating buffaloes grazing pasture the ∆ 9 -desaturase activity could be enhanced.
9 -desaturase activity correlated positively. The correlation between the vaccenic acid and CLA... more 9 -desaturase activity correlated positively. The correlation between the vaccenic acid and CLA (C18:2 c 9 t 11) acid was higher.
The objective of this work was to determine the profile of fatty acids in feedstuff (concentrate ... more The objective of this work was to determine the profile of fatty acids in feedstuff (concentrate and grasses) used by ruminants in tropical region. This experiment was conducted in five farms located in Pilar do Sul and Sarapuí Cities, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The food samples of each farm were taken monthly, during a period from April to November of 2002. The fatty acids involved with the ruminal biohydrogenation (linoleic and linolenic acids) had been lower in B. decumbens in relation to B. ruziziensis in july (39.4% vs 68.2%) and november (51.6% vs 65.7%). The ether extract level increased during the rainy month. The wet brewers grains residue showed high linoleic acid (48.3%), being an important source of precursors for the ruminal biohydrogenation. The sugarcane (0.8%) and the P. purpureum (1.9%) are poor sources in ether extract. The citric pulp is good source of polyunsaturated acids (63.4%).
Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar os fornecedores de leite de um laticínio comercial lo... more Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar os fornecedores de leite de um laticínio comercial localizado no Território de Identidade de Itapetinga por meio da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado. Do total de 28 fornecedores foram entrevistados 17, estes estratificados em pequenos (até 50kg de leite/dia), médios (51 a 200kg de leite/dia) ou grandes (maior que 200kg de leite/dia). A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de análises unidimensionais e análises não paramétricas e comparação de médias. Não foram observados pequenos fornecedores de leite. Dos entrevistados, 17,6% foram caracterizados como médios e 82,4% como grandes fornecedores de leite. O tempo médio na atividade leiteira variou entre 20 e 22 anos, respectivamente para grandes e médios fornecedores de leite. O agrupamento genético observado nos dois estratos foi o cruzamento Zebu X Taurinos, com produção média de 1.260kg/leite/lactação e 1.594kg/leite/lactação, respectivamente para os médios e grandes fornecedores. O período de lactação foi semelhante entre os estratos (274 dias). A idade ao primeiro parto variou entre 28 (médios) e 25 meses (grandes). O intervalo de partos foi de 406 dias (médios) e 480 dias (grandes). Todos os fornecedores entrevistados vacinavam seus animais contra febre aftosa. Apenas um fornecedor realiza o teste com tuberculina. Os sistemas de produção estudados apresentam deficiência no uso de tecnologias disponíveis e necessitam de planejamento para melhorar os indicadores zootécnicos. Palavras-chave: diagnóstico, enfoque sistêmico, profilaxia, sanidade
Butter obtained from buffalo milk was compared with commercial products obtained from cow milk. O... more Butter obtained from buffalo milk was compared with commercial products obtained from cow milk. One buffalo butter and two cow butters were subjected to sensory analysis using non-trained panelists. The acceptance related to sensorial characteristics (color, flavor, and firmness) was evaluated through a 9 point structured hedonic scale varying from "I displeased extremely" to "I liked extremely". Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to evaluate the sensory characteristics and the means were compared by Tukey's Test at 5% of significance. The buffalo butter received lower scores than the others for all attributes. The greatest difference was observed for color, as the buffalo butter exhibited a white color contrasting with the yellow color of commercial butters, which is the pattern expected by the consumers. For flavor and firmness attributes, the buffalo butter received scores similar to the commercial products. These results show. These results shows that the buffalo's butter has a good acceptance on local market, and this could be improved through the correction of product's color, what can be obtained by adding a dye.
RESUMO O uso de somatotropina bovina em búfalas é uma ferramenta que pode proporcionar aumento na... more RESUMO O uso de somatotropina bovina em búfalas é uma ferramenta que pode proporcionar aumento na produção de leite sem alterar, negativamente, os teores percentuais dos componentes do leite como gordura, proteína, minerais e sólidos totais. Podendo contribuir de forma positiva para o incremento na produção de produtos lácteos de origem bubalina. Palavras chave: somatotropina, búfalas, leite, produção FERNANDES, S.A.A. et al. Uso de somatotripina bovina em búfalas: efeitos sobre a produção e composição do leite -Revisão de literatura. PUBVET,
The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on com... more The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on commercial farms in Brazil. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, Sao Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20ºC until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The fatty acids with the highest percentage in total milk fat were C 16:0 ; C 18:1c9 ; C 18:0 and C 14:0 . The average content observed in C 16:0 varied from 25.4 to 32.5%. Farm 4 (pasture plus corn silage) showed a higher C 16:0 value (32.5%). C 18:1c9 varied from 20.6 to 25.1%, C 14:0 varied from 5.9 to 8.9 % and CLA content (C 18:2c9t11 ) varied from 1.0 to 1.8%. Farm 3 presented higher average of C 18:1c9 (25.1%) and C 18:2c9t11 (1.8%), and lower average of C 14:0 (6.0%). Likewise, unsaturated fatty acids, C 18:1c9 and C 18:2c9t11 were higher on Farm 3. Probably, these results can be due to high CLA intakes derived from wet brewers grain and pasture. Long chain fatty acids varied from 34.2% (Farm 4) to 48.8% (Farm 3). In general, diets based on pasture and corn silage increased the levels of medium chain fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk.
Papers by Sérgio Fernandes