Papers by Ann Elizabeth Mitchell
Población total, superficie y densidad poblacional, según zona. Zona Comuna Barrios Población tot... more Población total, superficie y densidad poblacional, según zona. Zona Comuna Barrios Población total (CENSO 2010) Superficie (km2) Densidad poblacional (miles de hab/ km2
Este libro no hubiera sido posible sin la colaboración de muchas personas e instituciones a quien... more Este libro no hubiera sido posible sin la colaboración de muchas personas e instituciones a quienes queremos manifestar nuestro reconocimiento y gratitud. Agradecemos, en primer lugar, a
Evaluación de impacto integral de los centros barriales del Hogar de Cristo. CABA : Santa María, 2021, 2021
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2019
The error has been corrected in the PDF version of the article. This correction does not alter th... more The error has been corrected in the PDF version of the article. This correction does not alter the study's findings of significance or overall interpretation of the study results. The author apologises for any inconvenience that this omission may have caused.
Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
This paper illustrates the insights that can be gained from using a multidimensional poverty meas... more This paper illustrates the insights that can be gained from using a multidimensional poverty measurement method based on the capability approach to analyse the scale, characteristics, and spatial distribution of poverty in segregated cities. We assess the poverty gaps between formal and informal neighbourhoods and across districts, compare the results with income-based poverty estimates, and analyse the dimensional composition of poverty and disparities across population subgroups. The results show a weaker correlation between multidimensional and income-based measures and less overlap in terms of who is identified as poor in informal settlements than in the rest of the city. After adjusting for underrepresentation of the slum population in the household survey, informal settlements account for 10% of the city's population but nearly half of the multidimensionally poor. The results highlight the need to design poverty reduction policies that target informal neighbourhoods.
Anales de la LIII Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política. 14 a 16 de noviembre. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, 2018, 2018
Abstract: One of the most salient characteristics of urban poverty and inequality in the City of ... more Abstract: One of the most salient characteristics of urban poverty and inequality in the City of Buenos Aires is the territorial segregation of poverty in informal settlements, the majority of which are concentrated in the city’s southern zone. The objective of this paper is to analyze the gaps in both income and multidimensional poverty between the formal and informal neighborhoods of the City of Buenos Aires. We measure multidimensional poverty based on the method proposed by Alkire and Foster (2011) and income poverty based on the official poverty lines and measurement methodology, with the purpose of presenting a more accurate description of the incidence and intensity of poverty in these two distinct areas of the city. The analysis is based on the city government’s 2016 Annual Household Survey, which is unique in that it collects data on a statistically representative sample of households living in the jurisdiction’s informal settlements. Resumen: Buenos Aires es la ciudad más próspera de nuestro país. Sin embargo, presenta altos niveles de desigualdad, que se expresan particularmente en la segregación territorial de la pobreza en asentamientos informales, la mayoría de los cuales se ubican en la zona sur de la ciudad. El objetivo de este documento es analizar las brechas en la pobreza, definida tanto de manera multidimensional como por ingresos, entre los habitantes de los barrios formales e informales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se mide la pobreza multidimensional mediante el método de Alkire-Foster (2011) y la pobreza por ingresos empleando la metodología oficial (Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos, DGEyCCABA). Este análisis complementario permite presentar una descripción más precisa de la incidencia e intensidad de la pobreza en estas dos zonas de la ciudad. El análisis se basa en los datos de la Encuesta Annual de Hogares, 2016 (DGEyC).
This paper uses data from a household survey carried out by TECHO and UCA to describe the socioec... more This paper uses data from a household survey carried out by TECHO and UCA to describe the socioeconomic characteristics, housing conditions and wellbeing of the poorest households living in the informal settlements of GBA. The comparison of the characteristics of the surveyed households with other sources of data highlights the extreme level of deprivation and the heterogeneity in living conditions across settlements. We then analyze the relationship between the size and quality of housing and six dimensions of individual and household wellbeing (privacy, sleep quality, physical and psychological health, security and interpersonal relationships) and then use the Alkire-Foster (2008) method to construct a multidimensional poverty measure. JEL Codes: Health, Education and Welfare/Welfare, Wellbeing and Poverty (I3); Urban, Rural and Regional Economics/Household Analysis (R2)
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2014
El libro recientemente publicado Poor Economics -y la tecnica de evaluaciones aleatorias que dan ... more El libro recientemente publicado Poor Economics -y la tecnica de evaluaciones aleatorias que dan sustento a sus conclusionestienen el potencial para cambiar radicalmente la manera de disenar politicas para combatir la pobreza en el mundo. El libro fue escrito por Abhijit Banerjee y Esther Duflo, dos jovenes reconocidos economistas del MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Duflo, nacida en Francia y educada en el Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris y MIT, fue ganadora en 2010 del premio John Bates Clark al mejor economista menor de 40 anos y considerada por la revista Foreign Policy como una de los 100 intelectuales mas influyentes del mundo. Abhijit Banerjee educado en la Universidad de Calcuta (su ciudad de origen) y la Universidad de Harvard tambien es ganador de numerosos premios.
Empleo y desarrollo social : serie de informes de la economía real, 5 (28), 2010
Explores the complex interaction between individual identities and public spaces. After delineati... more Explores the complex interaction between individual identities and public spaces. After delineating the multidimensionality of the concept of social identity, she explores what additional insights can be gleaned from Nobel Prize winning economist and philosopher Amartya Sen’s human capabilities approach (Sen, 1992). This approach brings the key concepts of freedom and choice, among others, to the analysis of identity. Accordingly, when evaluating the level of human wellbeing, metrics should not be based on the amount of resources but rather on capabilities—that is, the real freedoms people have to be and to do what they value. The chapter concludes with a reflection on how recognizing the plurality of individual affiliations can contribute to fostering social inclusion in cities.
Like other Latin American cities, Buenos Aires is deeply fragmented between the formal city and i... more Like other Latin American cities, Buenos Aires is deeply fragmented between the formal city and informal settlements. This chapter explores how the capability approach can inform innovative policies to reduce urban inequalities and promote a better distribution of wellbeing opportunities within a given urban territory. After setting the context, the chapter discusses some features of the capability approach which can underpin policies to reduce urban fragmentation. It focuses on three features which are particularly relevant for the context of urban inequality and policy in Latin America: its multi-dimensional, institutional and agentic policy perspective.
Papers by Ann Elizabeth Mitchell