Book Chapters by Bruno Zucherato
Perspectivas Geográficas, 2021
Esse capítulo é dedicado à memória de Hélio Dominique Pedro António, colega angolano, que infeliz... more Esse capítulo é dedicado à memória de Hélio Dominique Pedro António, colega angolano, que infelizmente não pode ver esse estudo publicado a tempo de lhe servir como base teórica para a escrita de sua tese de doutoramento.
The growth of cities without planning lead to occurrence of disaster events, such as floods. Thus... more The growth of cities without planning lead to occurrence of disaster events, such as floods. Thus, the present study provides an analysis of the occurrence of floods in the city of Campos do Jordão - SP (Brazil)
based on data from the Geological Institute. These data refer to the number of residents and buildings affected by flooding, as well as hydrological and landscape features of affected areas. The results show that 51 points were recorded flood. These points are in a consolidated urban areas, especially in Capivari neighborhood. The results show how the behavior of occurrence of floods in the area and can serve as a basis for the adoption of risk management policies.
Risk assessment is a group of procedures that makes possible the understanding of the risk, its c... more Risk assessment is a group of procedures that makes possible the understanding of the risk, its causes, consequences and likelihood. It includes three main steps: 1) identification of risks likely to happen in the area, 2) analysis of the risks identified in the previous step, and 3) risk evaluation, i.e., the comparison between the estimate risk and the predefined risk criteria to assess the significance of a risk. There are diverse methods to perform risk assessment; however the probability and consequence matrix has been widely used, by different risk management agencies worldwide, because its application is straightforward and adaptable to different contexts. This study adapts the probability and consequence matrix method to Brazilian context, in Campos do Jordão City (SP), guided by the ISO 31010 standard. The risk likelihood was determined through a research for disasters on newspapers in the last ten years and
A avaliação de risco para o município de Campos do Jordão – SP 2
disasters recorded on the Civil Defense database. The risk consequences were assessed through interviews with managers and agents from risk management institutions, for example the city hall, fire department, civil defence, universities and politicians. Using these two criteria, likelihood and consequences, the main risks for the study area are: landslides, floods, frosts and forest fires. These results are relevant for the improvement of the current risk management in Campos do Jordão City (SP).
Keywords: Risk assesment, Risk matrix, Campos do Jordão (Brazil).
In order to establish an initial survey of explanatory factors of vulnerability to natural exposure to Radon, this article
presents a literature review looking for some parameters that may explain the higher or lower recurrence contamination through natural exposure of populations to radioactive element. These factors were divided into three different orders as follows: natural and environmental conditions; construction and housing conditions; and health habits and social characteristics of exposed populations. From the establishment of those criteria were listed a series of data that can give clues about the vulnerability to natural exposure to radon, as lithology of the area, number of floors of buildings, number of rooms of buildings, age of buildings, number of men and women exposed, number of people smoking the
exposed population, among others. In a later stage of the research, a mapping will be conducted in a pilot study area, so that they can be observed and the results are validated or changed the established the parameters.
As dinâmicas espaciais actuais têm cada vez mais evidenciado o quanto as actividades humanas caus... more As dinâmicas espaciais actuais têm cada vez mais evidenciado o quanto as actividades humanas causam impactos e alterações no ambiente. Se por um lado, o século foi marcado pelos avanços tecnológicos ele também mostrou o quanto a sociedade humana que cresce exponencialmente está cada vez mais exposta ao acontecimento de eventos catastró cos.
Papers by Bruno Zucherato
Caderno de Geografia
Nas últimas décadas, houve um aumento significativo do número de desastres ocasionados por inunda... more Nas últimas décadas, houve um aumento significativo do número de desastres ocasionados por inundações e movimentos de massa em ambientes urbanos, reforçando a necessidade da prevenção como política pública de planejamento territorial, urbano e de gestão de riscos. Diante disso, este trabalho objetiva apresentar uma proposta metodológica para a identificação de áreas suscetíveis a esses processos, adotando como área de estudo-piloto a cidade de São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais (Brasil). A metodologia parte da utilização do Modelo Numérico de Terreno para a elaboração dos índices morfométricos de Concentração de Rugosidade, Hack, Densidade de Drenagem e Hipsometria, os quais foram justapostos por meio da Álgebra de Mapas, conforme sua relação com os processos supracitados. O processo resultou em dois modelos passíveis de utilização no planejamento urbano, sendo um de suscetibilidade à inundação, e outro, a movimentos de massa. Ambos foram validados e apresentaram pertinência com o meio ...
Nuevas tendencias en investigación e innovación en didáctica de la historia, patrimonio cultural y memoria. Proyección educativa, 2020, ISBN 978-84-338-6766-7, págs. 131-148, 2020
Editora UNESP eBooks, 2022
Tese de doutoramento em Geografia, no ramo de Geografia Física, apresentada ao Departamento de Ge... more Tese de doutoramento em Geografia, no ramo de Geografia Física, apresentada ao Departamento de Geografia e Turismo da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de CoimbraA pesquisa realizada objetivou um estudo comparativo da espacialização da vulnerabilidade socioambiental de duas áreas distintas, o município de Campos do Jordão – SP (Brasil) e o concelho da Guarda (Portugal). Os procedimentos investigativos realizados incluíram a identificação, análise e avaliação dos riscos e desastres em cada localidade, buscando assim entender melhor a sua manifestação. A identificação dos desastres das duas áreas de estudo abordadas foi realizada com base na pesquisa hemerográfica, onde foram consultadas notícias dos jornais locais entre 2001 e 2013 para estabelecer quais os desastres mais recorrentes nas áreas da pesquisa. Para a análise dos riscos foram realizadas consultas aos stakeholders - especialistas, autoridades e representantes de organizações formadores de opinião pública - para a definiç...
Revista Panorâmica online, Apr 20, 2020
Revista Ciência em Extensão, 2011
<p>After 1990's access expansion to education for students with special needs has emerg... more <p>After 1990's access expansion to education for students with special needs has emerged as a very pertinent issue regarding educational policies. In this scenario, we emphasize the teaching of geography for the visually impaired, blind and low vision students, focusing more specifically on the graphics in teaching geography. The objective of this paper is to report the experiences obtained from August 2008 to August 2009 by UNESP at Rio Claro extension group entitled "Tactile Cartography and MAPAVOX: An alternative way to construct tactile maps and games". During practices conducted for this paper histograms and pie charts were constructed with active participation of students in the whole process. The methodology used in this article was the qualitative research in education, creating an unparalleled analysis of the results and building reports from practices at special school. The final built tactile charts turned to be an important alternative method for teaching graphics for blind and low vision students, using simple features such as low cost materials and taking into account the concern and understanding of visually impaired students in the construction of tactile graphics. The survey results used as the basis for the article will also serve as the basis for the construction of a guide book for teachers who have students who are blind or have low vision in her classroom.</p>
Revista Geoaraguaia, Aug 31, 2021
Scientific and technological development has profoundly impacted on social, cultural relations an... more Scientific and technological development has profoundly impacted on social, cultural relations and forms of communication. These changes influenced the forms of interaction, observation and
Campus Universitário do Araguaia. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Aug 31, 2021
essenciais como suporte para que as representações pudessem ser elaboradas de forma satisfatória.
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 2014
O presente trabalho busca realizar uma breve revisao bibliografica a cerca das principais tecnica... more O presente trabalho busca realizar uma breve revisao bibliografica a cerca das principais tecnicas de elaboracao de mapas em anamorfose e ainda uma quantificacao e analise da presenca das diferentes tipologias desse tipo de representacao no material didatico adotado pela rede publica do estado de Sao Paulo. Nesse sentido foram observados 28 cadernos bimestrais com a finalidade de quantificar o numero de representacoes cartograficas presentes. Das representacoes cartograficas totais observadas foram levadas em consideracao apenas os mapas em anamorfose, que foram classificados de acordo com as diferentes tipologias existentes. Os resultados mostram que das 4 tipologias principais de tecnica em anamorfose, somente uma nao foi observada no material analisado, mostrando que os alunos da rede publica tem um contato minimo com esse tipo de representacao, no entanto, apenas 3% das representacoes quantificadas no material didatico se referem a mapas em anamorfose, o que representa um numero...
Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas, 2009
Introducao: As politicas inclusivas atuais apontam para a inclusao de alunos especiais na rede re... more Introducao: As politicas inclusivas atuais apontam para a inclusao de alunos especiais na rede regular de ensino, o que exige por parte dessas instituicoes uma certa adequacao de seus conteudos e materiais de aprendizado. Atentando a essa demanda o projeto de extensao “Cartografia Tatil e Mapavox: uma alternativa para construcao de mapas e jogos tateis” vem acompanhando as atividades ligadas ao ensino de geografia da escola EMIEE “Maria Aparecida Muniz Michelin – Jose Benedito Carneiro” Deficientes Auditivos e Deficientes Visuais – EE - Araras, SP. Desenvolvendo materiais que auxiliem no ensino com a producao de maquetes, mapas, jogos e graficos tateis. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar os resultados das praticas realizadas na area de estudo no que se referem aos graficos tateis: histogramas e setogramas, apresentando as tecnicas utilizadas na producao do material, como uma alternativa de ensino para deficientes visuais, o trabalho teve como subsidio a iniciacao cien...
The representation area in thematic cartography has as one of its methods the graphic sociology, ... more The representation area in thematic cartography has as one of its methods the graphic sociology, which rests on the system of signs and meanings guided by the reading of the space at different levels of analysis, as the level of the question and the reading level. These levels can be applied to different methods of spatial representations. The reading space in the question level allows the reader of the representation establish the reading of the geographic space presented in two forms: the level of detail question and the level of global question. The first allows answers to questions such as "what place? what's there?", while the second allows answer for the question “in what place is this data value?”. The reading space on the upper level requires the reader a spatial analysis, in what should be done a correlation between different thematic values presented by representation in different localities. With the purpose of observing these different levels of spatial rea...
This research conducts a comparative analysis of the spatial variability of social vulnerability ... more This research conducts a comparative analysis of the spatial variability of social vulnerability in the area of urban census tracts encompassing the Brazilian municipalities of Braganca Paulista/SP and Campos do Jordao/SP, employing a simplified indicator of social vulnerability. After reviewing the literature, 12 themes of variables compose the quantitative dataset from which the simplified indicator of social vulnerability was calculated. Accordingly, the list of information provided by CENSO 2010 allowed us to determine 9 variables related to the following thematic axes: Education, Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Income, Living Condition, Household composition, Infrastructure, and Basic Services. After the collection and tabulation of these data, an index was created and spatialized in order to establish the representation of vulnerability in the two study areas. Finally, it was possible to properly observe the areas that are most vulnerable and the areas with the lowest vulnerability, w...
Apos a decada de 1990, a ampliacao do acesso a educacao de alunos com necessidades especiais tem ... more Apos a decada de 1990, a ampliacao do acesso a educacao de alunos com necessidades especiais tem se apresentado como uma questao bastante pertinente no que diz respeito a politicas educacionais. Nesse cenario destacamos o ensino de Geografia para deficientes visuais, cegos e de baixa visao, enfocando, mais especificamente, o ensino de graficos em geografia. O objetivo do presente artigo e relatar as experiencias obtidas durante o periodo de agosto de 2008 a agosto de 2009 pelo grupo de extensao da UNESP do campus de Rio Claro intitulado "Cartografia Tatil e MAPAVOX: Uma alternativa para construcao de mapas e jogos tateis". Durante as praticas realizadas para o presente artigo foram construidos graficos de histogramas e setogramas com a participacao ativa dos alunos em todo o processo de construcao. A metodologia utilizada no presente artigo foi a pesquisa qualitativa em educacao, sendo utilizadas, ainda, a analise nao comparativa dos resultados e a construcao de relatos a ...
Book Chapters by Bruno Zucherato
based on data from the Geological Institute. These data refer to the number of residents and buildings affected by flooding, as well as hydrological and landscape features of affected areas. The results show that 51 points were recorded flood. These points are in a consolidated urban areas, especially in Capivari neighborhood. The results show how the behavior of occurrence of floods in the area and can serve as a basis for the adoption of risk management policies.
A avaliação de risco para o município de Campos do Jordão – SP 2
disasters recorded on the Civil Defense database. The risk consequences were assessed through interviews with managers and agents from risk management institutions, for example the city hall, fire department, civil defence, universities and politicians. Using these two criteria, likelihood and consequences, the main risks for the study area are: landslides, floods, frosts and forest fires. These results are relevant for the improvement of the current risk management in Campos do Jordão City (SP).
Keywords: Risk assesment, Risk matrix, Campos do Jordão (Brazil).
In order to establish an initial survey of explanatory factors of vulnerability to natural exposure to Radon, this article
presents a literature review looking for some parameters that may explain the higher or lower recurrence contamination through natural exposure of populations to radioactive element. These factors were divided into three different orders as follows: natural and environmental conditions; construction and housing conditions; and health habits and social characteristics of exposed populations. From the establishment of those criteria were listed a series of data that can give clues about the vulnerability to natural exposure to radon, as lithology of the area, number of floors of buildings, number of rooms of buildings, age of buildings, number of men and women exposed, number of people smoking the
exposed population, among others. In a later stage of the research, a mapping will be conducted in a pilot study area, so that they can be observed and the results are validated or changed the established the parameters.
Papers by Bruno Zucherato
based on data from the Geological Institute. These data refer to the number of residents and buildings affected by flooding, as well as hydrological and landscape features of affected areas. The results show that 51 points were recorded flood. These points are in a consolidated urban areas, especially in Capivari neighborhood. The results show how the behavior of occurrence of floods in the area and can serve as a basis for the adoption of risk management policies.
A avaliação de risco para o município de Campos do Jordão – SP 2
disasters recorded on the Civil Defense database. The risk consequences were assessed through interviews with managers and agents from risk management institutions, for example the city hall, fire department, civil defence, universities and politicians. Using these two criteria, likelihood and consequences, the main risks for the study area are: landslides, floods, frosts and forest fires. These results are relevant for the improvement of the current risk management in Campos do Jordão City (SP).
Keywords: Risk assesment, Risk matrix, Campos do Jordão (Brazil).
In order to establish an initial survey of explanatory factors of vulnerability to natural exposure to Radon, this article
presents a literature review looking for some parameters that may explain the higher or lower recurrence contamination through natural exposure of populations to radioactive element. These factors were divided into three different orders as follows: natural and environmental conditions; construction and housing conditions; and health habits and social characteristics of exposed populations. From the establishment of those criteria were listed a series of data that can give clues about the vulnerability to natural exposure to radon, as lithology of the area, number of floors of buildings, number of rooms of buildings, age of buildings, number of men and women exposed, number of people smoking the
exposed population, among others. In a later stage of the research, a mapping will be conducted in a pilot study area, so that they can be observed and the results are validated or changed the established the parameters.