Papers by Uzda Nabila Shabiriani
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa
There are meanings, stories and philosophies of the life of the ancestors of the Asei people whic... more There are meanings, stories and philosophies of the life of the ancestors of the Asei people which have been depicted on the bark for generations since 1600 and produce images related to the living space of the Asei people. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the symbolic forms that exist in the Asei bark painting motifs related to the life of the Asei people and their social system. This study analyzes the colors that are often used and the dominance of images in Asei bark painting motifs. From the results of the analysis, 4 Asei bark paintings often use red from betel nut, black from charcoal and white from chalk. Then the images that are often displayed in bark paintings are images of fish, coral (hak balu), fouw, and spears and hooks. The meaning of the symbolic forms shown in the dominance of colors and images on the Asei bark painting is that the Asei people want to tell the geographical conditions of the Asei island which is surrounded by water, Asei Isl...
Abstract: Panji Semirang Kediri story is very thick with the noble values that can be drawn from ... more Abstract: Panji Semirang Kediri story is very thick with the noble values that can be drawn from these stories and different interpretations in Panji Semirang storyline so as to reveal the name of a new story in every region in Indonesia but the original story still comes from Kediri. Unfortunately, Panji Semirang Kediri story is a legend that has been popular for a long time and even disappear due to the many foreign culture into Indonesia. The creation of pop-up books using qualitative data methods, namely by interview, observation, documentation studies, literature, and creative competition brief studies are very important for determining the design concept of the study. From the analysis of these data, the theme of the design concept obtained is harmony. The word of harmony is taken based on the concept of Javanese society life departs from two values are highly regarded by the Java community, which is in harmony and respect. The concept was used for most of the theme of the cre...
E3S Web of Conferences
The lack of children’s reading interest in historical heritage books is because the visualization... more The lack of children’s reading interest in historical heritage books is because the visualization of books provided by the school library is less attractive. This study aimed to design a digital illustrated Garudeya book as a learning support medium for elementary school students in Malang City. This study uses the design thinking method by involving the reader in the empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test stages. The results of data analysis obtained the word playful as a design concept originating from the target audience of children. This concept is used in most digital book designs illustrated by The Story of Garudeya. The Garudeya Storybook tells the story of Garudeya, who saves his mother, Sang Winata, from being enslaved by his younger brother Sang Kadru because he lost a bet when guessing the color of a horse’s tail. The Kadru deliberately cheated by painting the color of the ponytail black to win the bet. This illustrated digital book is essential to use as a learni...
Ars: Jurnal Seni Rupa dan Desain
Penelitian ini menganalisis representasi Mooi Indie dalam lukisan Jelekong yang dihasilkan pada t... more Penelitian ini menganalisis representasi Mooi Indie dalam lukisan Jelekong yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2019 dan 2020 menggunakan tiga tingkatan dalam teori psikologi kognitif dalam proses pemahaman lukisan, yakni warna, komposisi dan teknik melukis di tingkatan pertama, objek gambar di tingkatan kedua dan interpretasi di tingkatan ketiga. Dari hasil analisis, lukisan Jelekong yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2019 dan 2020 seringkali menggunakan warna-warna alam, komposisi yang sama dengan penempatan sawah dan pohon di sisi kanan dan kiri, gunung dan sungai di tengah, lalu teknik melukis cokrok dan pisau palet yang seringkali digunakan, objek gambar sawah, gunung dan pohon yang merupakan ciri khas lukisan Mooi Indie dan hasil lukisan imajiner. Representasi Mooi Indie dalam lukisan Jelekong dapat terlihat dari objek gambar sawah, gunung dan pohon yang sering dilukiskan, serta lukisan imajiner yang kemungkinan pelukis membayangkan alam di luar Kampung Jelekong atau sering melihat lukisan pema...
Jurnal Nawa;a Visual, 2022
The unfair representation of women can be seen in Hyuna's music video, entitled Lip & Hip. The ma... more The unfair representation of women can be seen in Hyuna's music video, entitled Lip & Hip. The male gaze as spectators builds fantasy on female figures according to their tastes, while women as objects of sexuality place the female body that creates, organizes and expresses, and directs desires. In this study, researchers analyzed body gestures, facial expressions, displayed icons, and other things that can represent sexuality using Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory as the basis. The results of this analysis show that in the Lip & Hip music video, there are signs of sexuality representation that lead to forms of women exploitation, and at the same time match these forms of sexuality with the male gaze theory. Hyuna's music video Lip & Hip acts as a marker for male audiences, bound by a symbolic sequence that can be a place for men to release their fantasies and obsessions through linguistic commands (director's direction) by emphasizing the image of Hyuna as a meaning bearer (wayang), not a meaning maker (dalang), so this music video is a form of sexuality representation that is sold by the media for the sake of capitalism and at the same time an object of male sexuality (male gaze).
Cerita Panji Semirang Kediri ini sangat kental dengan nilai-nilai luhur yang dapat diambil dari c... more Cerita Panji Semirang Kediri ini sangat kental dengan nilai-nilai luhur yang dapat diambil dari cerita tersebut dan adanya penafsiran yang berbeda-beda pada alur cerita Panji Semirang sehingga dapat memunculkan nama cerita baru di setiap daerah di Indonesia tetapi cerita aslinya tetap berasal dari Kediri. Sayangnya, Cerita Panji Semirang Kediri ini adalah legenda yang sudah lama sekali populer bahkan hilang akibat banyaknya budaya asing yang masuk ke Indonesia. Berkurangnya minat anak-anak untuk mempelajari atau mengetahui budaya lokal karena minimnya informasi di berbagai media, membuat semakin hilangnya budaya lokal di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan buku pop-up cerita Panji Semirang Kediri dengan menggunakan ilustrasi kartun sebagai upaya pengenalan warisan budaya lokal. Penciptaan buku pop-up ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif, yaitu dengan wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, studi literatur, studi kompetitor dan creativ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the various social structures in many aspects of life. All are ... more The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the various social structures in many aspects of life. All are helpless under their knees to the power of the virus spreads. Rescue activities and adapt to the situation need to be worked with an innovation. Interactive spaces for gathering, such as buying and selling, public activities, and various other public facilities are minimally done by reducing face-to-face contact. Exhibition is the one of activity that is quite important in the creative world and requires direct interaction with many people. Exhibitions that gather large numbers of people are not possible while the pandemic is still ongoing. It is not clear when the pandemic will end, but it requires new creative means in organizing exhibitions. Virtual technology is a way out to bridge new possibilities for physical reality presented by conventional exhibition room. Virtual exhibitions are expected to have the opportunity during this pandemic to maintain the creative process of art enthu...
Jurnal Nawala Visual
Kadeer Bachmid or better known as d_kadoor on Instagram may sound familiar to Javanese people who... more Kadeer Bachmid or better known as d_kadoor on Instagram may sound familiar to Javanese people who like to see humorous content on Instagram. Kadeer Bachmid is a celebrity on instagram from Malang, East Java who loves to make funny video content by acting as a fussy mother with a distinctive style of wearing a headscarf, but not taking off her thin mustache and using Javanese language. His expertise in playing the character of fussy mother has made many people like his content while being entertained. But behind it, Kadeer Bachmid is a genuine man and good at reciting beautifully. He has recorded this and put it in his Instagram several times, which is actually the opposite of his video content acting as talkative mothers. Therefore this study aims to analyze the formation of the identity and image of Kadeer Bachmid on the d_kadoor instagram account. The theory used to analyze this phenomenon is the dramaturgy theory popularized by Erving Goffman. This study uses qualitative research...
Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya
Alih keterampilan yang dilakukan secara turun-temurun dalam komunitas pelukis Jelekong yang tidak... more Alih keterampilan yang dilakukan secara turun-temurun dalam komunitas pelukis Jelekong yang tidak memiliki latar belakang pendidikan seni formal telah berlangsung selama 50 tahun dan menghasilkan karakter khas dari lukisan Jelekong yang secara konsisten dipraktekkan dalam memproduksi karya lukis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor ideasi seniman lukis Jelekong yang tidak memiliki latar belakang pendidikan seni formal agar membangun pemahaman mengenai proses kreasi pada konteks pewarisan keahlian melukis secara turun-temurun. Penelitian ini menganalisis proses kreasi pada ideasi tahap awal dengan metode verbal report, melalui analisis jaringan konsep asosiatif dari pengalaman subjek saat menggambar sketsa, image analysis dan analisis faktor. Dari hasil analisis, 10 pelukis Jelekong yang diteliti dalam pikirannya saat proses menggambar sketsa mengarah kepada harmoni yang diindikasikan melalui jarak rumah yang berdekatan, penempatan objek yang umumnya berjumlah dua di...
Papers by Uzda Nabila Shabiriani