Universidad del Bio-bio
Departamento De Estadistica
En el presente estudio se analiza la relación existente entre el Rendimiento o resultado organizacional y los Puntos Calientes en una carrera de pregrado en la Universidad del Bío-Bío en Chile. Dadas las competencias de aspectos... more
Bivariate count data arise in several different disciplines and the bivariate Poisson distribution is commonly used to model them. This paper proposes and studies a computationally convenient goodness-of-fit test for this distribution,... more
Global climate change will have a greater impact on ectotherms in tropical and subtropical communities than at higher latitudes, because ambient temperatures are closer to the upper thermal limits of species. Amphibian species are highly... more
• A mathematical model was developed to simulate the temperature of stored barley.
This paper studies goodness-of-fit tests for the bivariate Poisson distribution. Specifically, we propose and study several Cramér-von Mises type tests based on the empirical probability generating function. They are consistent against... more
Bivariate count data arise in several different discipline s and the bivariate Poisson distribution is commonly used to model them. This paper proposes and studies a computationally convenient goodness-of-fit test for this distribution,... more
Modeling warming predicts a physiological threshold for the extinction of the living fossil frog Calyptocephalella gayi
A two-dimensional mathematical model, based on the finite-difference method of calculating heat transfer, has been developed to simulate the temperature in a cylindrical storage silo containing malting barley. To validate the model, a... more
El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas de una escala de autoeficacia aplicada al trabajo en equipo y al liderazgo en universitarios