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The event will begin with a screening of an essay film by Jean-Luc Godard. Denise Ferreira da Silva will respond to the trans-disciplinary series of contributions of the day by Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh, Hadrien Laroche, Paulo Tavares, and... more
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      ArchitectureViolenceContemporary ArtPoetry
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      PhilosophyBlack feminismHistorical MaterialismBlackness
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      SlaveryColonialismHistorical Materialism
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      Feminist TheoryValuesBlacknessUrban Revolts
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      Primitive AccumulationOctavia ButlerSubprime crisisRaciality
Two questions frame this response to Amin's article 'The Remainders of Race'. It first introduces an epistemological question that recognizes the impossibility of separating ontology and epistemology in modern thought and asks why... more
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    • Brazil
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      Political TheoryCritical Legal TheoryBrazilPolice Brutality
À brasileira: racialidade e a escrita À brasileira: racialidade e a escrita À brasileira: racialidade e a escrita À brasileira: racialidade e a escrita À brasileira: racialidade e a escrita de um desejo destrutivo de um desejo destrutivo... more
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      Feminist TheorySigmund FreudBrazilRaciality
This article revisits the theme of representation by examining the relationship between difference and transparency. I argue that the current purchase of multiculturalism and diversity marks the 'officialization' of the 1980s politics of... more
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      Cultural PoliticsPolitics of DifferenceBlacknessAfricanity
Truth' and ideology (as error or falsity), like any other oppositional terms, take up the same productive powers and necessarily track each other very closely. Not much is necessary for any statement to move from the former into the... more
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      CultureBrazilSociology of Race Relations
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      BrazilBlacknessPolice Brutality
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      AnthropologyInternational Criminal LawRwandaCritical Legal Studies
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    • Historical Studies
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      Postcolonial StudiesPalestineVisual ArtsAnticolonialism
Resumo: Quando é que se tornou uma trivialidade -mais do que uma evidência, mas ainda não uma "verdade" óbvia -o fato de que um número considerável (cuja dimensão talvez nunca seja conhecida) de jovens do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino... more
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      Rio de JaneiroPolice BrutalityRacial ViolenceRaciality
The comments of the roundtable presenters are reproduced here (with minor revisions), along with a response from Eve Darian-Smith.
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      LawFeminist Legal Studies
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      Feminist TheoryPostcolonial StudiesGlobalityGlobal Capitalism