Professeur emerite de l'Universite Babes-Bolyai de Cluj, specialiste de linguistique francaise et roumaine, de pragmatique, d'analyse du discours. Address: Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
Dialogue Analysis IX/2: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, 2005
From ‚act’ to ‚activity’: sequences
(About dialogue units again)
I will focus on a ... more From ‚act’ to ‚activity’: sequences
(About dialogue units again)
I will focus on a type of monologue-dialogue units intuitively called ‚sequences’, which are usually disregarded by discourse analysts because they are difficult to define or delimit. I would like to show that these units, just like ‘acts’, seem to be natural communication units of the Gestalt type (vs linguist’s categories), for, the same way as acts, which natural languages designate as verbs in common speech (to congratulate, to demand, to refuse, to order, to promise, etc), sequences are naturally named with the help of verb phrases; these verb phsases are usually made up of
a. a ‘colourless’ verb (to do, to bring, to give), a general saying type of verb (to express, etc), or a metaphorical verb (to launch, to lose), and of
b. a deverbal noun in the plural, showing the succession of certain acts with
similar functions; my examples are from Romanian, French and English:
ro: a face comentarii fr: faire des commentaires en: to make comments; ro: a face promisiuni fr: faire des promesses (litt. ‘to make promises’) en: to make a promise; ro: a face/a lansa ipoteze fr: faire/lancer des hypothèses (litt.‘to make/to launch hypotheses’) en: to put forward a hypothesis; ro: a face reproşuri fr: faire des reproches (litt.‘to make reproaches’) en: to reproach sb for sth; ro: a face o digresiune fr: faire une digression (litt. to ‘make a digression’) en: to digress; ro: a aduce argumente fr: apporter des arguments (litt. to ‘bring arguments’) en: to make an argument; ro: a aduce/lansa acuzaţii fr: porter des accusations (litt. to ‘bring charges’, to ‘launch accusations’) en: to bring a charge (against sb.), to make an accusation after another; ro: a da explicaţii fr. donner des explications en: to give explanations; ro: a exprima scuze fr: exprimer ses excuses (litt. to ‘express apologies’) en: to make an apology; ro: a exprima condoleanţe fr: exprimer des condoléances (litt. to’ express condolences’) en: to offer condolences; ro: a se lansa în afirmaţii fr: se lancer dans des affirmations (litt. to ‘launch statements’) en: to make a series of statements; ro: a se pierde în explicaţii fr: se perdre en explications (litt. to ‘get lost in explanations’) en: to get into too many explanations, etc.
I will demonstrate that these units are actually activities (vs acts), and that, on the other hand, some of them can be expressed by verbs showing exclusively verbal activities and not simple acts: ro: a povesti fr: raconter en: to tell; ro: a descrie fr: décrire en: to describe; ro: a recita fr: réciter en: to recite; ro: a se plînge fr: se plaindre en: to complain; ro: a argumenta fr: argumenter en: to argue, etc. I will also look for ‘traces’ of these types of activities in literary or media dialogues in the form of metalinguistic expressions used by speakers to designate them.
Liana POP Mise en place du sujet-thème en français et en roumain 26 Liana POP Université « Babeş-... more Liana POP Mise en place du sujet-thème en français et en roumain 26 Liana POP Université « Babeş-Bolyai » de Cluj Roumanie
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 22 avril 2019. Corela-cognition, représentation, lang... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 22 avril 2019. Corela-cognition, représentation, langage est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
This study focuses on the relationship between multilingual policies and practices and their repr... more This study focuses on the relationship between multilingual policies and practices and their representations at the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) of Cluj, Romania, drawing on a broad theoretical background provided by sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, semantics, cognitive analysis and didactics, within a convergent set of academic contexts: European, Romanian, regional and institutional. We signpost how multilingualism became a seminal entry on the BBU’s political agenda as scaffolded by the three-tiered language policy of this university – the study-lines in regional languages (Romanian, Hungarian, German), the provision of full study programs in widely spoken languages (CLIL), and the teaching of specialized modern languages (LSP). Most importantly, in line with the core questions the Dylan Project has attempted to find answers to, we scrutinize the multilingual practices of the BBU, the attitudes adopted to multilingualism and its representations among students and members of the academic community. Thus, by analyzing the corpora gathered through video-taping LSP and CLIL classes and interpreting the data resulting from a collection of faculty interviews and student questionnaires, we aim to identify the conditions under which multilingualism may become a resource, as well as a problem, for communication and knowledge transmission.
This paper aims to assess the circulation and reception of Coserian ideas and concepts on transla... more This paper aims to assess the circulation and reception of Coserian ideas and concepts on translation in current research. For this purpose, a corpus of 45 edited volumes in the field of translation, which were published between 2017-2021, was built up. Through this approach we want to find reliable answers to the following questions: Is Eugenio Coseriu a relevant author for translation research? Which of Coseriu's studies on translation are most relevant to current translation research? Which Coserian concepts are discussed in recently published translation studies? The main aim of this paper is to provide strong arguments, based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the empirical data gathered in the corpus analyzed, in support of the statement that, despite the fact that the field of translation is a rather peripheral one in Coserian work, his statements in this field are still valid for current traductological research.
The questions we address are: 1) asking whether the translation of spontaneous speech has a pract... more The questions we address are: 1) asking whether the translation of spontaneous speech has a practical interest, besides a descriptive interest for the linguist; 2) reflecting to what kinds of spontaneous speech is the question of translation relevant; 3) suggesting problems and issues. Key words: gradability in oral-written forms of discourse; kinds of spontaneous speech; multi-modal transcription; errors in transcription/translation; translation of pragmatic markers. Les questions que nous nous posons en proposant de discuter ce sujet sont: a. de nous interroger si, en dehors d'un intérêt descriptif pour le linguiste, il y a un intérêt pratique pour les traductions d'oral spontané; b. de réfléchir sur les genres d'oral correspondant à la catégorie « spontané » pour lesquels poser le problème de la traduction est pertinent; c. d'en suggérer la problématique et les difficultés. Pour répondre tant soit peu à ces questions, nous commençons par jeter un coup d'oeil s...
Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les r... more Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les recherches effectuees par plusieurs specialistes de la metaphore, lors d’un projet dedie a la reunification de visions opposees dans le domaine. Pour les moins avises, precisons qu’il s’agit d’etudes qui se sont inscrites dans la theorie standard de la metaphore cognitive (CMT) elaboree en 1980 par Lakoff et Johnson dans leur ouvrage Metaphors We Live By, en la developpant ou, de facon plus ou moin...
Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les r... more Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les recherches effectuees par plusieurs specialistes de la metaphore, lors d’un projet dedie a la reunification de visions opposees dans le domaine. Pour les moins avises, precisons qu’il s’agit d’etudes qui se sont inscrites dans la theorie standard de la metaphore cognitive (CMT) elaboree en 1980 par Lakoff et Johnson dans leur ouvrage Metaphors We Live By, en la developpant ou, de facon plus ou moin...
Resume Nous voulons valider dans cet article deux hypotheses : - l’une, sur etude de cas... more Resume Nous voulons valider dans cet article deux hypotheses : - l’une, sur etude de cas, que la particule cică (‘on dit que, dit-on’) du roumain – connu comme « marqueur discursif » (MD) de l’ oui-dire – donne, dans certaines occurrences, des indications generiques du type legende, conte, rumeur, blague – genres issus de la circulation orale des discours, et devient ainsi « marqueur textuel (MT) » ; - l’autre, theorique et fondee sur ce cas de figure, que certains « marqueurs discursifs » (MD) peuvent etendre leur portee au niveau d’un texte entier, devenant des « marqueurs textuels » (MT), generiques. Un corpus de textes de circulation plutot orale prouvera que le marqueur pragmatique cică donne des instructions a plusieurs niveaux de textualisation : micro (d’un enonce ), meso (d’une sequence discursive) et macro (d’un texte entier). L’approche, de type pragmatico-discursif, appuie aussi l’idee qu’un tel marqueur transforme une proposition grammaticale en enonce...
Dialogue Analysis IX/2: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, 2005
From ‚act’ to ‚activity’: sequences
(About dialogue units again)
I will focus on a ... more From ‚act’ to ‚activity’: sequences
(About dialogue units again)
I will focus on a type of monologue-dialogue units intuitively called ‚sequences’, which are usually disregarded by discourse analysts because they are difficult to define or delimit. I would like to show that these units, just like ‘acts’, seem to be natural communication units of the Gestalt type (vs linguist’s categories), for, the same way as acts, which natural languages designate as verbs in common speech (to congratulate, to demand, to refuse, to order, to promise, etc), sequences are naturally named with the help of verb phrases; these verb phsases are usually made up of
a. a ‘colourless’ verb (to do, to bring, to give), a general saying type of verb (to express, etc), or a metaphorical verb (to launch, to lose), and of
b. a deverbal noun in the plural, showing the succession of certain acts with
similar functions; my examples are from Romanian, French and English:
ro: a face comentarii fr: faire des commentaires en: to make comments; ro: a face promisiuni fr: faire des promesses (litt. ‘to make promises’) en: to make a promise; ro: a face/a lansa ipoteze fr: faire/lancer des hypothèses (litt.‘to make/to launch hypotheses’) en: to put forward a hypothesis; ro: a face reproşuri fr: faire des reproches (litt.‘to make reproaches’) en: to reproach sb for sth; ro: a face o digresiune fr: faire une digression (litt. to ‘make a digression’) en: to digress; ro: a aduce argumente fr: apporter des arguments (litt. to ‘bring arguments’) en: to make an argument; ro: a aduce/lansa acuzaţii fr: porter des accusations (litt. to ‘bring charges’, to ‘launch accusations’) en: to bring a charge (against sb.), to make an accusation after another; ro: a da explicaţii fr. donner des explications en: to give explanations; ro: a exprima scuze fr: exprimer ses excuses (litt. to ‘express apologies’) en: to make an apology; ro: a exprima condoleanţe fr: exprimer des condoléances (litt. to’ express condolences’) en: to offer condolences; ro: a se lansa în afirmaţii fr: se lancer dans des affirmations (litt. to ‘launch statements’) en: to make a series of statements; ro: a se pierde în explicaţii fr: se perdre en explications (litt. to ‘get lost in explanations’) en: to get into too many explanations, etc.
I will demonstrate that these units are actually activities (vs acts), and that, on the other hand, some of them can be expressed by verbs showing exclusively verbal activities and not simple acts: ro: a povesti fr: raconter en: to tell; ro: a descrie fr: décrire en: to describe; ro: a recita fr: réciter en: to recite; ro: a se plînge fr: se plaindre en: to complain; ro: a argumenta fr: argumenter en: to argue, etc. I will also look for ‘traces’ of these types of activities in literary or media dialogues in the form of metalinguistic expressions used by speakers to designate them.
Liana POP Mise en place du sujet-thème en français et en roumain 26 Liana POP Université « Babeş-... more Liana POP Mise en place du sujet-thème en français et en roumain 26 Liana POP Université « Babeş-Bolyai » de Cluj Roumanie
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 22 avril 2019. Corela-cognition, représentation, lang... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 22 avril 2019. Corela-cognition, représentation, langage est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
This study focuses on the relationship between multilingual policies and practices and their repr... more This study focuses on the relationship between multilingual policies and practices and their representations at the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) of Cluj, Romania, drawing on a broad theoretical background provided by sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, semantics, cognitive analysis and didactics, within a convergent set of academic contexts: European, Romanian, regional and institutional. We signpost how multilingualism became a seminal entry on the BBU’s political agenda as scaffolded by the three-tiered language policy of this university – the study-lines in regional languages (Romanian, Hungarian, German), the provision of full study programs in widely spoken languages (CLIL), and the teaching of specialized modern languages (LSP). Most importantly, in line with the core questions the Dylan Project has attempted to find answers to, we scrutinize the multilingual practices of the BBU, the attitudes adopted to multilingualism and its representations among students and members of the academic community. Thus, by analyzing the corpora gathered through video-taping LSP and CLIL classes and interpreting the data resulting from a collection of faculty interviews and student questionnaires, we aim to identify the conditions under which multilingualism may become a resource, as well as a problem, for communication and knowledge transmission.
This paper aims to assess the circulation and reception of Coserian ideas and concepts on transla... more This paper aims to assess the circulation and reception of Coserian ideas and concepts on translation in current research. For this purpose, a corpus of 45 edited volumes in the field of translation, which were published between 2017-2021, was built up. Through this approach we want to find reliable answers to the following questions: Is Eugenio Coseriu a relevant author for translation research? Which of Coseriu's studies on translation are most relevant to current translation research? Which Coserian concepts are discussed in recently published translation studies? The main aim of this paper is to provide strong arguments, based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the empirical data gathered in the corpus analyzed, in support of the statement that, despite the fact that the field of translation is a rather peripheral one in Coserian work, his statements in this field are still valid for current traductological research.
The questions we address are: 1) asking whether the translation of spontaneous speech has a pract... more The questions we address are: 1) asking whether the translation of spontaneous speech has a practical interest, besides a descriptive interest for the linguist; 2) reflecting to what kinds of spontaneous speech is the question of translation relevant; 3) suggesting problems and issues. Key words: gradability in oral-written forms of discourse; kinds of spontaneous speech; multi-modal transcription; errors in transcription/translation; translation of pragmatic markers. Les questions que nous nous posons en proposant de discuter ce sujet sont: a. de nous interroger si, en dehors d'un intérêt descriptif pour le linguiste, il y a un intérêt pratique pour les traductions d'oral spontané; b. de réfléchir sur les genres d'oral correspondant à la catégorie « spontané » pour lesquels poser le problème de la traduction est pertinent; c. d'en suggérer la problématique et les difficultés. Pour répondre tant soit peu à ces questions, nous commençons par jeter un coup d'oeil s...
Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les r... more Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les recherches effectuees par plusieurs specialistes de la metaphore, lors d’un projet dedie a la reunification de visions opposees dans le domaine. Pour les moins avises, precisons qu’il s’agit d’etudes qui se sont inscrites dans la theorie standard de la metaphore cognitive (CMT) elaboree en 1980 par Lakoff et Johnson dans leur ouvrage Metaphors We Live By, en la developpant ou, de facon plus ou moin...
Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les r... more Ce volume, edite par les soins de Beate Hampe de l’Universite allemande d’Erfurt, rassemble les recherches effectuees par plusieurs specialistes de la metaphore, lors d’un projet dedie a la reunification de visions opposees dans le domaine. Pour les moins avises, precisons qu’il s’agit d’etudes qui se sont inscrites dans la theorie standard de la metaphore cognitive (CMT) elaboree en 1980 par Lakoff et Johnson dans leur ouvrage Metaphors We Live By, en la developpant ou, de facon plus ou moin...
Resume Nous voulons valider dans cet article deux hypotheses : - l’une, sur etude de cas... more Resume Nous voulons valider dans cet article deux hypotheses : - l’une, sur etude de cas, que la particule cică (‘on dit que, dit-on’) du roumain – connu comme « marqueur discursif » (MD) de l’ oui-dire – donne, dans certaines occurrences, des indications generiques du type legende, conte, rumeur, blague – genres issus de la circulation orale des discours, et devient ainsi « marqueur textuel (MT) » ; - l’autre, theorique et fondee sur ce cas de figure, que certains « marqueurs discursifs » (MD) peuvent etendre leur portee au niveau d’un texte entier, devenant des « marqueurs textuels » (MT), generiques. Un corpus de textes de circulation plutot orale prouvera que le marqueur pragmatique cică donne des instructions a plusieurs niveaux de textualisation : micro (d’un enonce ), meso (d’une sequence discursive) et macro (d’un texte entier). L’approche, de type pragmatico-discursif, appuie aussi l’idee qu’un tel marqueur transforme une proposition grammaticale en enonce...
Nous avons limité notre recherche au texte dit « de conversation » dans les manuels/méthodes de f... more Nous avons limité notre recherche au texte dit « de conversation » dans les manuels/méthodes de français langue étrangère destiné(e)s aux adultes ou aux grands adolescents. Nous nous plaçons ainsi dans les objectifs prioritaires aujourd’hui dans l’enseignement des langues – le communicatif – pour lequel nous nous sommes proposé d’analyser la solution trouvée (ou à trouver encore) entre l’authentique et ce qui est senti comme artificiel. Cela à travers une perspective intégrant une recherche fondamentale du dialogue de premier degré qu’est le dialogue naturel et une recherche appliquée sur un dialogue second : le texte « de conversation ».
Papers by Liana Pop
(About dialogue units again)
I will focus on a type of monologue-dialogue units intuitively called ‚sequences’, which are usually disregarded by discourse analysts because they are difficult to define or delimit. I would like to show that these units, just like ‘acts’, seem to be natural communication units of the Gestalt type (vs linguist’s categories), for, the same way as acts, which natural languages designate as verbs in common speech (to congratulate, to demand, to refuse, to order, to promise, etc), sequences are naturally named with the help of verb phrases; these verb phsases are usually made up of
a. a ‘colourless’ verb (to do, to bring, to give), a general saying type of verb (to express, etc), or a metaphorical verb (to launch, to lose), and of
b. a deverbal noun in the plural, showing the succession of certain acts with
similar functions; my examples are from Romanian, French and English:
ro: a face comentarii fr: faire des commentaires en: to make comments; ro: a face promisiuni fr: faire des promesses (litt. ‘to make promises’) en: to make a promise; ro: a face/a lansa ipoteze fr: faire/lancer des hypothèses (litt.‘to make/to launch hypotheses’) en: to put forward a hypothesis; ro: a face reproşuri fr: faire des reproches (litt.‘to make reproaches’) en: to reproach sb for sth; ro: a face o digresiune fr: faire une digression (litt. to ‘make a digression’) en: to digress; ro: a aduce argumente fr: apporter des arguments (litt. to ‘bring arguments’) en: to make an argument; ro: a aduce/lansa acuzaţii fr: porter des accusations (litt. to ‘bring charges’, to ‘launch accusations’) en: to bring a charge (against sb.), to make an accusation after another; ro: a da explicaţii fr. donner des explications en: to give explanations; ro: a exprima scuze fr: exprimer ses excuses (litt. to ‘express apologies’) en: to make an apology; ro: a exprima condoleanţe fr: exprimer des condoléances (litt. to’ express condolences’) en: to offer condolences; ro: a se lansa în afirmaţii fr: se lancer dans des affirmations (litt. to ‘launch statements’) en: to make a series of statements; ro: a se pierde în explicaţii fr: se perdre en explications (litt. to ‘get lost in explanations’) en: to get into too many explanations, etc.
I will demonstrate that these units are actually activities (vs acts), and that, on the other hand, some of them can be expressed by verbs showing exclusively verbal activities and not simple acts: ro: a povesti fr: raconter en: to tell; ro: a descrie fr: décrire en: to describe; ro: a recita fr: réciter en: to recite; ro: a se plînge fr: se plaindre en: to complain; ro: a argumenta fr: argumenter en: to argue, etc. I will also look for ‘traces’ of these types of activities in literary or media dialogues in the form of metalinguistic expressions used by speakers to designate them.
(About dialogue units again)
I will focus on a type of monologue-dialogue units intuitively called ‚sequences’, which are usually disregarded by discourse analysts because they are difficult to define or delimit. I would like to show that these units, just like ‘acts’, seem to be natural communication units of the Gestalt type (vs linguist’s categories), for, the same way as acts, which natural languages designate as verbs in common speech (to congratulate, to demand, to refuse, to order, to promise, etc), sequences are naturally named with the help of verb phrases; these verb phsases are usually made up of
a. a ‘colourless’ verb (to do, to bring, to give), a general saying type of verb (to express, etc), or a metaphorical verb (to launch, to lose), and of
b. a deverbal noun in the plural, showing the succession of certain acts with
similar functions; my examples are from Romanian, French and English:
ro: a face comentarii fr: faire des commentaires en: to make comments; ro: a face promisiuni fr: faire des promesses (litt. ‘to make promises’) en: to make a promise; ro: a face/a lansa ipoteze fr: faire/lancer des hypothèses (litt.‘to make/to launch hypotheses’) en: to put forward a hypothesis; ro: a face reproşuri fr: faire des reproches (litt.‘to make reproaches’) en: to reproach sb for sth; ro: a face o digresiune fr: faire une digression (litt. to ‘make a digression’) en: to digress; ro: a aduce argumente fr: apporter des arguments (litt. to ‘bring arguments’) en: to make an argument; ro: a aduce/lansa acuzaţii fr: porter des accusations (litt. to ‘bring charges’, to ‘launch accusations’) en: to bring a charge (against sb.), to make an accusation after another; ro: a da explicaţii fr. donner des explications en: to give explanations; ro: a exprima scuze fr: exprimer ses excuses (litt. to ‘express apologies’) en: to make an apology; ro: a exprima condoleanţe fr: exprimer des condoléances (litt. to’ express condolences’) en: to offer condolences; ro: a se lansa în afirmaţii fr: se lancer dans des affirmations (litt. to ‘launch statements’) en: to make a series of statements; ro: a se pierde în explicaţii fr: se perdre en explications (litt. to ‘get lost in explanations’) en: to get into too many explanations, etc.
I will demonstrate that these units are actually activities (vs acts), and that, on the other hand, some of them can be expressed by verbs showing exclusively verbal activities and not simple acts: ro: a povesti fr: raconter en: to tell; ro: a descrie fr: décrire en: to describe; ro: a recita fr: réciter en: to recite; ro: a se plînge fr: se plaindre en: to complain; ro: a argumenta fr: argumenter en: to argue, etc. I will also look for ‘traces’ of these types of activities in literary or media dialogues in the form of metalinguistic expressions used by speakers to designate them.