Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2007
Dez jacarés (Caiman latirostris ou jacaré de-papo amarelo e Caiman jacaré) de diferentes comprime... more Dez jacarés (Caiman latirostris ou jacaré de-papo amarelo e Caiman jacaré) de diferentes comprimentos e pesos vivos foram carneados com o fim de determinar valores de rendimento de carcaça e qualidade da carne. O rendimento de carcaça foi de 54% correspondendo um 62% a porção cárnea. A relação Carne/Osso da carcaça se estimou em aproximadamente 1,51 enquanto que 6,4% correspondeu a depósitos gordurosos, fundamentalmente periviscerais. O rabo representou 27,4% do peso de carcaça estando composta por 21,9% de carne e 5,5% de osso. O valor de pH post mortem, 6,88 ± 0,22 medido no rabo, decresceu até 6,49 ± 0,23 às 24h e 5,85 ± 0,12 logo de descongelamento. As perdas de cocção se contiveram (<0,3%) e a dureza Warner Bratzler mostrou valores inferiores a 3 kg. A análise da cor da carne crua permite caracterizá-la como una carne luminosa (L*=67,7) e clara (C*= 5,5). Enquanto que o conteúdo gorduroso variou significativamente em função do peso (2,5-29,8%MS), a porcentagem protéica foi r...
El trabajo se refiere al aprovechamiento sustentable de especies animales alternativas, prioriza... more El trabajo se refiere al aprovechamiento sustentable de especies animales alternativas, priorizando el equilibrio socio - economico y ambiental. Por su importancia economica y socio-cultural se seleccionaron el lagarto overo y la nutria. El eslabon mas debil de la cadena es el de los cazadores, quienes obtienen las materias primas y reciben el menor porcentaje del precio final pagado por el consumidor. Sin embargo, esos actores poseen un amplio conocimiento del ambiente que puede ser aprovechado para realizar actividades no consuntivas como es el ecoturismo. La metodologia propuesta contempla dos etapas: una preparatoria, con la realizacion de talleres para los estudiantes que trataran la biologia de estas especies autoctonas, las cadenas de valor, la importancia economica , los beneficios de cada una de las partes, el curtido artesanal del cuero y las pieles y el aprovechamiento integral de estas carnes alternativas. Una segunda etapa, corresponde a su trabajo de campo en di...
1Departamento de Produccion Animal. Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San M... more 1Departamento de Produccion Animal. Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martin 4453 (C1417DSE) Buenos Aires. 2Departamento de Biologia Aplicada y Alimentos. Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martin 4453 (C1417DSE) Buenos Aires. T.E. 011-454-8089. E-mail: [email protected] 3INTA Castelar. Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos. CC 77 (B1708WAB) Moron. Buenos Aires. NOTA BREVE
En una empresa de produccion de lagarto overo, se estudio la respuesta economico-financiera, sust... more En una empresa de produccion de lagarto overo, se estudio la respuesta economico-financiera, sustentabilidad y perspectivas. La produccion se estabiliza a los 4 anos, requiriendo una inversion inicial U$S 514/hembra; considerando el capital total invertido (incluyendo el de trabajo hasta la primera venta) se llega al valor de U$S713/hembra. A los 5 anos de actividad se recupera la inversion, y desde el cuarto ano se pueden realizar retiros empresariales. La evaluacion de inversiones arroja un VAN de U$S 61464 y una TIR de 14,85 p.100. Sobre la sensibilidad economica del proyecto el factor que mas influye es el precio de los productos, seguido por el costo operativo.
A principios de la decada de 2000 se promovieron en la Argentina producciones alternativas dirigi... more A principios de la decada de 2000 se promovieron en la Argentina producciones alternativas dirigidas a pequenos y medianos productores, entre ellas, la helicicultura (Helix aspersa) orientada al mercado externo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar su evolucion a partir de ese impulso y hasta el 2011, y discutir sus implicancias como estrategia de desarrollo para pequenos productores. La caracterizacion se baso en cuatro variables: 1) oferta argentina, 2) demanda internacional, 3) indicadores productivos y economicos referidos a los emprendimientos de produccion primaria y 4) percepciones de los actores sociales involucrados. Se emplearon herramientas propias del analisis de mercados y de investigacion cualitativa para el relevamiento de informacion primaria correspondiente a las dos ultimas variables. Los resultados mostraron que el 95% de las exportaciones nacionales fueron absorbidas por Espana, a un precio inferior al esperado, y compitiendo con el producto ofrecido por Marr...
In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observ... more In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observed at three densities in their fi nishing stage in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about spatial distribution and certain behavior patterns in an outdoor system. From November 8 to December 18, 2006, snails that were in their fi nal fattening phase were grouped at three densities (50 snail m-², 100 snail m-², 200 snail m-²) and randomly placed in nine cubicles, with three replicates of each density. Twelve observations of the snail behavior were made between 12 am and 1 pm. The categories selected as “discrete acts” include: observing the snails in the shelters, on Swiss chard leaves ( Beta vulgaris ), adhered to the netting, on the balanced feed, on the water supply tray, and on the ground. A statistical analysis employing marginal and partial frequency tests was completed on the density x category x time interactions. It was concluded that around midday, the majority of th...
Commercial use of wildlife is considered a potential tool of conservation and sustainable develop... more Commercial use of wildlife is considered a potential tool of conservation and sustainable development, under the ideological assumption that the economic valuation of them generates incentives for conservation, as well as the ecosystems they inhabit, while benefiting local communities. However, many authors question the scope of these initiatives. The reptiles represent 61% of the value of this trade. Two species of Caiman genus inhabit Argentina. In 1997, a ranching farm was developed in Santa Fe province; between 1997 and 2004, more ranching farms were developed in other four Argentinean provinces. This paper aims to develop a conceptual model of the production system and its influence on sustainability trajectory in commercial use of caiman in Argentina based on the stakeholders`perception. The information obtained from interviews was organized into two results: 1) a conceptual model representing the caiman production system, and 2) a stakeholder network. This paper provided insights about the caiman production system and its articulation with the stakeholders involved. Throughout the qualitative analyses here implemented, we have obtained a diagnostic tool which could be converted into a planning tool incorporating quantitative information.
O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discre... more O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discrete observations of the Helix aspersa land snails' spatial distribution in an outdoor system. Cien. Inv. Agr. 36(1):123-130. In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observed at three densities in their fi nishing stage in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about spatial distribution and certain behavior patterns in an outdoor system. From November 8 to December 18, 2006, snails that were in their fi nal fattening phase were grouped at three densities (50 snailּm-², 100 snailּm-², 200 snailּm-²) and randomly placed in nine cubicles, with three replicates of each density. Twelve observations of the snail behavior were made between 12 am and 1 pm. The categories selected as "discrete acts" include: observing the snails in the shelters, on Swiss chard leaves (Beta vulgaris), adhered to the netting, on the balanced feed, on the water supply tray, and on the ground. A statistical analysis employing marginal and partial frequency tests was completed on the density x category x time interactions. It was concluded that around midday, the majority of the snails remained in the artifi cial shelters and on the Swiss chard monoculture leaves. In addition, differences were not detected for the rest of the categories in regard to the spatial distribution of the individuals in the three densities analyzed. If lower densities than the ones most commonly employed in studies (200 snailּm-²) are used in an open outdoor system in the fattening stage, the individuals will use the available space in a similar way, thereby exhibiting similar behavior patterns.
La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es una enti-dad conocida desde hace casi un siglo. La Presión Arte... more La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es una enti-dad conocida desde hace casi un siglo. La Presión Arterial (PA) se podía determinar en clínica desde antes de 1880, gracias al esfigmomanómetro de Riva-Rocci. En 1881, Robert Ellis Dudgeon (1820-1904) fabricó el primer aparato ...
O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discre... more O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discrete observations of the Helix aspersa land snails' spatial distribution in an outdoor system. Cien. Inv. Agr. 36(1):123-130. In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observed at three densities in their fi nishing stage in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about spatial distribution and certain behavior patterns in an outdoor system. From November 8 to December 18, 2006, snails that were in their fi nal fattening phase were grouped at three densities (50 snailּm-², 100 snailּm-², 200 snailּm-²) and randomly placed in nine cubicles, with three replicates of each density. Twelve observations of the snail behavior were made between 12 am and 1 pm. The categories selected as "discrete acts" include: observing the snails in the shelters, on Swiss chard leaves (Beta vulgaris), adhered to the netting, on the balanced feed, on the water supply tray, and on the ground. A statistical analysis employing marginal and partial frequency tests was completed on the density x category x time interactions. It was concluded that around midday, the majority of the snails remained in the artifi cial shelters and on the Swiss chard monoculture leaves. In addition, differences were not detected for the rest of the categories in regard to the spatial distribution of the individuals in the three densities analyzed. If lower densities than the ones most commonly employed in studies (200 snailּm-²) are used in an open outdoor system in the fattening stage, the individuals will use the available space in a similar way, thereby exhibiting similar behavior patterns.
O.M. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2008. Effe... more O.M. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2008. Effect of population density on snail productivity (Helix aspersa) in an open sky system fed with Swiss chard and a balanced food supplement. Cien. Inv. Agr. 35(3):251-257. Heliciculture is performed worldwide and has been promoted in Argentina; however, its development and expansion has been limited by several factors that make it impossible to reach the production volumes necessary for a commercial scale. Among other factors, it has been impossible to obtain a high amount of fi nished product according to the initial density determined in the fattening stage; additionally, diffi culty in maintaining an adequate forage supply has limited snail production. In this study, the infl uence of snail density using balanced food supply on the fi nal production was studied in an open sky system. Density had no signifi cant effect on the mean fi nal live weight. For snails cultured at densities higher than 200 snail•m-2 , the average diameter was lower than for snails cultured at 50 snail•m-2 (low density); however, the difference between the moderate snail density (100 snail•m-2) and the low density was not signifi cant. The highest productivity per unit of surface was about 510 g•m 2 (n = 200), which is similar to the amount that heliciculture producers want to achieve and slightly lower than what has been reported previously.
Ten caimans (Caiman latirostris and Caiman yacare) of different length and live weight were slaug... more Ten caimans (Caiman latirostris and Caiman yacare) of different length and live weight were slaughtered to assess carcass yield and meat quality traits. Carcass yield was 54% while meat portion was the 62%. The carcass meat/bone ratio was approximately 1,51 while the 6,4% corresponded to the fat depots, mostly visceral depots. The tail cut represented the 27,4% of the carcass
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2007
Dez jacarés (Caiman latirostris ou jacaré de-papo amarelo e Caiman jacaré) de diferentes comprime... more Dez jacarés (Caiman latirostris ou jacaré de-papo amarelo e Caiman jacaré) de diferentes comprimentos e pesos vivos foram carneados com o fim de determinar valores de rendimento de carcaça e qualidade da carne. O rendimento de carcaça foi de 54% correspondendo um 62% a porção cárnea. A relação Carne/Osso da carcaça se estimou em aproximadamente 1,51 enquanto que 6,4% correspondeu a depósitos gordurosos, fundamentalmente periviscerais. O rabo representou 27,4% do peso de carcaça estando composta por 21,9% de carne e 5,5% de osso. O valor de pH post mortem, 6,88 ± 0,22 medido no rabo, decresceu até 6,49 ± 0,23 às 24h e 5,85 ± 0,12 logo de descongelamento. As perdas de cocção se contiveram (<0,3%) e a dureza Warner Bratzler mostrou valores inferiores a 3 kg. A análise da cor da carne crua permite caracterizá-la como una carne luminosa (L*=67,7) e clara (C*= 5,5). Enquanto que o conteúdo gorduroso variou significativamente em função do peso (2,5-29,8%MS), a porcentagem protéica foi r...
El trabajo se refiere al aprovechamiento sustentable de especies animales alternativas, prioriza... more El trabajo se refiere al aprovechamiento sustentable de especies animales alternativas, priorizando el equilibrio socio - economico y ambiental. Por su importancia economica y socio-cultural se seleccionaron el lagarto overo y la nutria. El eslabon mas debil de la cadena es el de los cazadores, quienes obtienen las materias primas y reciben el menor porcentaje del precio final pagado por el consumidor. Sin embargo, esos actores poseen un amplio conocimiento del ambiente que puede ser aprovechado para realizar actividades no consuntivas como es el ecoturismo. La metodologia propuesta contempla dos etapas: una preparatoria, con la realizacion de talleres para los estudiantes que trataran la biologia de estas especies autoctonas, las cadenas de valor, la importancia economica , los beneficios de cada una de las partes, el curtido artesanal del cuero y las pieles y el aprovechamiento integral de estas carnes alternativas. Una segunda etapa, corresponde a su trabajo de campo en di...
1Departamento de Produccion Animal. Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San M... more 1Departamento de Produccion Animal. Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martin 4453 (C1417DSE) Buenos Aires. 2Departamento de Biologia Aplicada y Alimentos. Facultad de Agronomia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martin 4453 (C1417DSE) Buenos Aires. T.E. 011-454-8089. E-mail: [email protected] 3INTA Castelar. Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos. CC 77 (B1708WAB) Moron. Buenos Aires. NOTA BREVE
En una empresa de produccion de lagarto overo, se estudio la respuesta economico-financiera, sust... more En una empresa de produccion de lagarto overo, se estudio la respuesta economico-financiera, sustentabilidad y perspectivas. La produccion se estabiliza a los 4 anos, requiriendo una inversion inicial U$S 514/hembra; considerando el capital total invertido (incluyendo el de trabajo hasta la primera venta) se llega al valor de U$S713/hembra. A los 5 anos de actividad se recupera la inversion, y desde el cuarto ano se pueden realizar retiros empresariales. La evaluacion de inversiones arroja un VAN de U$S 61464 y una TIR de 14,85 p.100. Sobre la sensibilidad economica del proyecto el factor que mas influye es el precio de los productos, seguido por el costo operativo.
A principios de la decada de 2000 se promovieron en la Argentina producciones alternativas dirigi... more A principios de la decada de 2000 se promovieron en la Argentina producciones alternativas dirigidas a pequenos y medianos productores, entre ellas, la helicicultura (Helix aspersa) orientada al mercado externo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar su evolucion a partir de ese impulso y hasta el 2011, y discutir sus implicancias como estrategia de desarrollo para pequenos productores. La caracterizacion se baso en cuatro variables: 1) oferta argentina, 2) demanda internacional, 3) indicadores productivos y economicos referidos a los emprendimientos de produccion primaria y 4) percepciones de los actores sociales involucrados. Se emplearon herramientas propias del analisis de mercados y de investigacion cualitativa para el relevamiento de informacion primaria correspondiente a las dos ultimas variables. Los resultados mostraron que el 95% de las exportaciones nacionales fueron absorbidas por Espana, a un precio inferior al esperado, y compitiendo con el producto ofrecido por Marr...
In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observ... more In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observed at three densities in their fi nishing stage in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about spatial distribution and certain behavior patterns in an outdoor system. From November 8 to December 18, 2006, snails that were in their fi nal fattening phase were grouped at three densities (50 snail m-², 100 snail m-², 200 snail m-²) and randomly placed in nine cubicles, with three replicates of each density. Twelve observations of the snail behavior were made between 12 am and 1 pm. The categories selected as “discrete acts” include: observing the snails in the shelters, on Swiss chard leaves ( Beta vulgaris ), adhered to the netting, on the balanced feed, on the water supply tray, and on the ground. A statistical analysis employing marginal and partial frequency tests was completed on the density x category x time interactions. It was concluded that around midday, the majority of th...
Commercial use of wildlife is considered a potential tool of conservation and sustainable develop... more Commercial use of wildlife is considered a potential tool of conservation and sustainable development, under the ideological assumption that the economic valuation of them generates incentives for conservation, as well as the ecosystems they inhabit, while benefiting local communities. However, many authors question the scope of these initiatives. The reptiles represent 61% of the value of this trade. Two species of Caiman genus inhabit Argentina. In 1997, a ranching farm was developed in Santa Fe province; between 1997 and 2004, more ranching farms were developed in other four Argentinean provinces. This paper aims to develop a conceptual model of the production system and its influence on sustainability trajectory in commercial use of caiman in Argentina based on the stakeholders`perception. The information obtained from interviews was organized into two results: 1) a conceptual model representing the caiman production system, and 2) a stakeholder network. This paper provided insights about the caiman production system and its articulation with the stakeholders involved. Throughout the qualitative analyses here implemented, we have obtained a diagnostic tool which could be converted into a planning tool incorporating quantitative information.
O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discre... more O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discrete observations of the Helix aspersa land snails' spatial distribution in an outdoor system. Cien. Inv. Agr. 36(1):123-130. In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observed at three densities in their fi nishing stage in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about spatial distribution and certain behavior patterns in an outdoor system. From November 8 to December 18, 2006, snails that were in their fi nal fattening phase were grouped at three densities (50 snailּm-², 100 snailּm-², 200 snailּm-²) and randomly placed in nine cubicles, with three replicates of each density. Twelve observations of the snail behavior were made between 12 am and 1 pm. The categories selected as "discrete acts" include: observing the snails in the shelters, on Swiss chard leaves (Beta vulgaris), adhered to the netting, on the balanced feed, on the water supply tray, and on the ground. A statistical analysis employing marginal and partial frequency tests was completed on the density x category x time interactions. It was concluded that around midday, the majority of the snails remained in the artifi cial shelters and on the Swiss chard monoculture leaves. In addition, differences were not detected for the rest of the categories in regard to the spatial distribution of the individuals in the three densities analyzed. If lower densities than the ones most commonly employed in studies (200 snailּm-²) are used in an open outdoor system in the fattening stage, the individuals will use the available space in a similar way, thereby exhibiting similar behavior patterns.
La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es una enti-dad conocida desde hace casi un siglo. La Presión Arte... more La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es una enti-dad conocida desde hace casi un siglo. La Presión Arterial (PA) se podía determinar en clínica desde antes de 1880, gracias al esfigmomanómetro de Riva-Rocci. En 1881, Robert Ellis Dudgeon (1820-1904) fabricó el primer aparato ...
O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discre... more O. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2009. Discrete observations of the Helix aspersa land snails' spatial distribution in an outdoor system. Cien. Inv. Agr. 36(1):123-130. In this study, adult Helix apersa land snails with previously established periodicity were observed at three densities in their fi nishing stage in order to contribute to the body of knowledge about spatial distribution and certain behavior patterns in an outdoor system. From November 8 to December 18, 2006, snails that were in their fi nal fattening phase were grouped at three densities (50 snailּm-², 100 snailּm-², 200 snailּm-²) and randomly placed in nine cubicles, with three replicates of each density. Twelve observations of the snail behavior were made between 12 am and 1 pm. The categories selected as "discrete acts" include: observing the snails in the shelters, on Swiss chard leaves (Beta vulgaris), adhered to the netting, on the balanced feed, on the water supply tray, and on the ground. A statistical analysis employing marginal and partial frequency tests was completed on the density x category x time interactions. It was concluded that around midday, the majority of the snails remained in the artifi cial shelters and on the Swiss chard monoculture leaves. In addition, differences were not detected for the rest of the categories in regard to the spatial distribution of the individuals in the three densities analyzed. If lower densities than the ones most commonly employed in studies (200 snailּm-²) are used in an open outdoor system in the fattening stage, the individuals will use the available space in a similar way, thereby exhibiting similar behavior patterns.
O.M. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2008. Effe... more O.M. González, G. Pérez Camargo, M. Membiela, D. Frezza, N. Bartoloni, and C. Vieites. 2008. Effect of population density on snail productivity (Helix aspersa) in an open sky system fed with Swiss chard and a balanced food supplement. Cien. Inv. Agr. 35(3):251-257. Heliciculture is performed worldwide and has been promoted in Argentina; however, its development and expansion has been limited by several factors that make it impossible to reach the production volumes necessary for a commercial scale. Among other factors, it has been impossible to obtain a high amount of fi nished product according to the initial density determined in the fattening stage; additionally, diffi culty in maintaining an adequate forage supply has limited snail production. In this study, the infl uence of snail density using balanced food supply on the fi nal production was studied in an open sky system. Density had no signifi cant effect on the mean fi nal live weight. For snails cultured at densities higher than 200 snail•m-2 , the average diameter was lower than for snails cultured at 50 snail•m-2 (low density); however, the difference between the moderate snail density (100 snail•m-2) and the low density was not signifi cant. The highest productivity per unit of surface was about 510 g•m 2 (n = 200), which is similar to the amount that heliciculture producers want to achieve and slightly lower than what has been reported previously.
Ten caimans (Caiman latirostris and Caiman yacare) of different length and live weight were slaug... more Ten caimans (Caiman latirostris and Caiman yacare) of different length and live weight were slaughtered to assess carcass yield and meat quality traits. Carcass yield was 54% while meat portion was the 62%. The carcass meat/bone ratio was approximately 1,51 while the 6,4% corresponded to the fat depots, mostly visceral depots. The tail cut represented the 27,4% of the carcass
Papers by Olga González