Books by Judith Jacovkis
Les transicions educatives tenen un rol central per explicar la (re)producció de les desigualtats... more Les transicions educatives tenen un rol central per explicar la (re)producció de les desigualtats socials i representen un paper clau en la comprensió de l’Abandonament Escolar Prematur (AEP). La transició entre l’educació obligatòria i la postobligatòria és especialment rellevant per entendre les trajectòries educatives dels i les joves, perquè és en aquest moment quan, per primer cop, s’enfronten a una «tria real» que els porta a haver d’escollir entre Batxillerat o Cicles Formatius de Grau Mitjà (CFGM). L’objectiu d’aquest llibre és analitzar com es configuren aquestes transicions, explorant les múltiples desigualtats de caràcter social, institucional i relacional que les travessen i condicionen. Aquesta anàlisi es fa a partir de les veus dels i les joves que estan estudiant el primer curs de Batxillerat i CFGM. Posar les seves vivències al centre ajuda a entendre la complexitat de les tries educatives i la dimensió intrínsecament emocional, situada i relacional de la pràctica i de l’experiència educativa. En conjunt, el llibre ofereix elements analítics cabdals per desplegar polítiques educatives a escala de sistema, de centre i de professorat orientades a assolir l’horitzó d’escolarització de tot l’alumnat fins als divuit anys.
Papers by Judith Jacovkis
Revista electrónica iberoamericana sobre calidad, eficacia y cambio en educación, Apr 7, 2024
El presente postdigital está caracterizado por una suerte de plataformización de la sociedad lide... more El presente postdigital está caracterizado por una suerte de plataformización de la sociedad liderada por las grandes corporaciones tecnológicas, y que tiene consecuencias en aspectos relacionados con la datificación, la gestión de la privacidad y los derechos de la ciudadanía. El concepto de soberanía digital surge como un espacio de reflexión en construcción sobre el que diferentes actores, especialmente administraciones, proponen gestionar derechos y deberes, entre los que se encuentran los que afectan a la educación. Este artículo explora la evolución en la investigación sobre soberanía digital a través de una scoping review de literatura. Entre los resultados destacamos: (a) el aumento exponencial del interés sobre la temática en los últimos tres años, (b) el creciente número de análisis con un foco global y supranacional, (c) el mayor interés desde el campo de las ciencias sociales, (d) la existencia de definiciones centradas en una visión estatal y (e) la aparición de un corpus emergente de literatura con enfoque multiescalar. Se constata que estamos ante una realidad a debate de espectro global, que las administraciones intentan gestionar desde lógicas estado-céntricas.
Edutec, Mar 20, 2024
Sección temática: Plataformas digitales y datificación en el sistema educativo. Posibilidades y d... more Sección temática: Plataformas digitales y datificación en el sistema educativo. Posibilidades y desafíos
RIMCIS, Feb 28, 2024
Socio-digital inequalities manifest in a variety of ways. Research in this field has demonstrated... more Socio-digital inequalities manifest in a variety of ways. Research in this field has demonstrated that different social groups use and learn through digital technologies informally by mimicking the behaviours and practices they observe in their immediate social contexts. At the same time, the development, and distribution of digital technologies often stem from deterministic perspectives, which can limit reflection on their potential uses and drawbacks. This paper delves into socio-digital inequalities that arise from the process of platformising public education in Catalonia. Our analysis draws on mixed-methods research conducted throughout 2022, which included in-depth interviews with experts, interviews with school and institute directors, focus groups with teachers, focus groups with students, and a questionnaire survey of families with children in compulsory education. Our findings highlight several aspects that could impede equitable implementation of digital platforms in education, and inform recommendations to strengthen the role of public administration in this process.
Education in the knowledge society, Apr 25, 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 30, 2023
The almost compulsory and compulsive use of digital platforms through which the university commun... more The almost compulsory and compulsive use of digital platforms through which the university community connects to knowledge, research, teaching andmanagement activities has intensified in the pandemic. Faced with this challenge, higher education institutions must address fundamental questions about learning ina postdigital landscape. This chapter explores how universities have created or adapted research centres to deal with data generation in their day-to-day activities.Although the centres analysed in this chapter have different profiles and expertise, they all seek to better prepare higher education institutions to cope with the datafication of society manifested in different ways (e.g. digital inclusion, artificial intelligence, privacy, ethical use of data, etc.). Based on a co-design and virtual ethnography, this work is structured in two phases: (1) identification and analysis of31 websites affiliated to university datafication centres and (2) selection and deepening on four c...
Policy Press eBooks, Sep 22, 2022
Policy Press eBooks, Sep 22, 2022
This comparative study analyses why and how policymakers adopted the dual model of apprenticeship... more This comparative study analyses why and how policymakers adopted the dual model of apprenticeship in India and Mexico. It investigates the reasons of policymakers in India and Mexico to adopt the dual model of apprenticeships and how their different institutional conditions explain variations in the way the two countries have re-contextualised this global policy idea.
La convergencia de políticas para la introducción de las TIC en las escuelas Españolas supone un ... more La convergencia de políticas para la introducción de las TIC en las escuelas Españolas supone un reto al tener que considerar diferentes regulaciones, presupuestos y calendarios autonómicos. El propósito de este artículo es examinar las políticas autonómicas de introducción de las TIC en los centros educativos de España. El estudio utiliza un modelo de análisis comparado que considera: racionalidades políticas y planes de acción. El análisis evidencia que España representa un buen ejemplo de introducción desordenada de las TIC, con un claro acento en la dotación de infraestructuras y una menor atención a las necesidades y capacidades del contexto educativo. Palabras clave: educación obligatoria; tecnología de la información y la comunicación; política educativa; planifi cación educativa.
Journal of Youth Studies, Dec 29, 2017
ABSTRACT The processes of educational exclusion are multiple and diverse. Research has shown that... more ABSTRACT The processes of educational exclusion are multiple and diverse. Research has shown that exclusion from school goes far beyond access. It is associated with crucial issues related to educational processes (belonging, recognition or representation) and results (knowledge or certificates). The objective of this article is to delve into the analysis of factors in educational exclusion, including the voice of the youth, as a key element in understanding these factors. The article begins with a literature review addressing the meaning, mechanisms and profiles of educational exclusion. It then presents qualitative fieldwork, consisting of six focus groups of young people (aged 14–24) who have been excluded from mainstream educational institutions in Barcelona, Spain. The results of the empirical analysis point to four critical elements in the process of educational exclusion as experienced by the youth: educational transitions; the role of teachers; the impact of grouping practices and disciplinary mechanisms; and the contrast between mainstream educational institutions and alternative learning arenas. By including the voice of the youth, the article provides a better understanding of the factors contributing to educational exclusion so as to advance in the construction of an educational system able to guarantee students’ right to learn and succeed in school.
Policy Press eBooks, Jun 15, 2022
The objective of this chapter is to analyse the role of urban peripheries in shaping post-16 yout... more The objective of this chapter is to analyse the role of urban peripheries in shaping post-16 youth educational choices and transitions. By means of qualitative interviews with young people in their first year of upper secondary education in Barcelona (Spain), we explore the relationship between urban mobility and educational transitions and investigate the reasons for selecting a particular upper secondary school. The analysis demonstrates that living in an urban periphery conditions young people both in material terms -through the economic, social and cultural possibilities that it prevents- and in emotional and experiential terms -by creating a sense of self that is deeply rooted in the logics of the periphery. Overall, our chapter shows that urban peripheries are a core part of young people’s habitus that critically influence their educational choices and transitions by means of internalized feelings of (dis) entitlement, (lack of) belonging and (dis) possession.
Edutec, Dec 29, 2022
The pandemic has highlighted the ability of certain technology service providers, especially of d... more The pandemic has highlighted the ability of certain technology service providers, especially of digital platforms, to adapt and respond quickly to the alleged needs of the education system. In this article we identify some of the tensions that the intensification in the adoption of digital educational platforms has brought to light in the school and family environment. Based on a mixed methodological design, which included six in-depth interviews with school principals and a survey of 2112 families, we analysed the positions of the school community and families on the use of digital educational platforms in public schools in Catalonia. The results reveal conflicts linked to the "need" to adapt to a post-digital reality in which adopting criticalminority-positions is perceived as a threat to the free development of professional practice and to equal access to education. At the same time, the results underline the role of teachers in the deepening of critical and reflective positions that make it possible, also for students, to question naturalised forms of work and interaction.
Policy Press eBooks, Sep 22, 2022
Books by Judith Jacovkis
Papers by Judith Jacovkis