Papers by Jose Arturo de Nova Vazquez
Botanical Sciences, 2018
Hasta mediados del siglo pasado se consideraba que la selva alta perennifolia cubría alrededor de... more Hasta mediados del siglo pasado se consideraba que la selva alta perennifolia cubría alrededor de 12.8 % de la superficie del territorio mexicano. Actualmente, sólo una pequeña porción de ella ostenta una vegetación boscosa madura ya que en su mayoría es ocupada por terrenos agrícolas, praderas y vegetación secundaria. Uno de los problemas más serios que enfrenta la región Lacandona, es la disminución de su área selvática, como consecuencia de un fuerte proceso de colonización, expansión de vías de comunicación, la tala inmoderada y la incorporación de nuevas áreas de selva para aprovechamiento agrícola y pecuario. Pregunta: ¿Cómo es la estructura y composición en los relictos de vegetación madura o mejor conservada de la selva alta perennifolia en la comunidad Lacandona de Nahá? Sitio de estudio y periodo de investigación: Este estudio se realizó en la comunidad Lacandona de Nahá, ubicada al norte, en el municipio de Ocosingo, Chiapas, durante los meses de noviembre de 1993 hasta mayo de 1995. Métodos: Dentro de esta comunidad, se realizaron 25 levantamientos de vegetación en parcelas de 400 m 2 cada una (una hectárea en total) en rodales maduros de selva alta perennifolia. Los atributos de la vegetación evaluados fueron: composición florística, densidad, frecuencia, área basal y altura. Se calculó el valor de importancia de las especies en la comunidad y su contribución relativa en los seis estratos reconocidos con ayuda de los informantes lacandones. Resultados: En el área total muestreada se registraron 283 especies de plantas vasculares, pertenecientes a 199 géneros de 84 familias. El análisis de la estructura de la vegetación corroboró la existencia de seis estratos con alturas, una composición florística y formas vitales distintivas. La densidad en la hectárea estudiada fue de 15,632 individuos y el área basal absoluta de 136.78 m 2. El valor de importancia permitió definir de forma adecuada la importancia relativa de las especies en cada estrato, en concordancia con lo observado en el campo. Terminalia amazonia registró el valor de importancia más alto en el estrato arbóreo sobresaliente y en todos los demás estratos. Conclusiones: Se logró describir de forma detalla la composición y estructura de la selva alta perennifolia de Nahá. El apoyo de los informantes lacandones fue fundamental para el reconocimiento tanto de las zonas de selva madura, como de los estratos que la conforman. Existe una relación inversa entre la densidad y el área basal. Se destaca la importancia de evaluar cuantitativamente los relictos de vegetación madura o bien conservada, como referentes indispensables para rehabilitar áreas deterioradas o aplicar medidas correctivas de aprovechamiento de manera fundamentada. Palabras clave: atributos estructurales, índice del valor de importancia, selva alta perennifolia.
Tropical Conservation Science, 2018
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2018
Mexico is considered an exceptional biogeographic area with a varied endemic flora, however spati... more Mexico is considered an exceptional biogeographic area with a varied endemic flora, however spatial phylogenetic measures of biodiversity have not yet been estimated to understand how its flora assembled to form the current vegetation. Patterns of species richness, endemism, phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic endemism and centers of neo-and paleo-endemism were determined to examine differences and congruence among these measures, and their implications for conservation. Of 24 360 vascular plant species 10 235 (42%) are endemic. Areas of endemism and phylogenetic endemism were associated with dry forests in zones of topographic complexity in mountain systems, in deserts, and in isolated xeric vegetation. Every single locality where seasonally tropical dry forests have been reported in Mexico was identified as an area of endemism. Significant phylogenetic diversity was the most restricted and occurred in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and in the Sierra de Chiapas. Notably, the highest degree of phylogenetic clustering comprising neo-, paleo-, and super-endemism was identified in southernmost Mexico. Most vascular plant lineages diverged in the Miocene (5-20 mya) when arid environments expanded across the world. The location of Mexico between two very large landmasses and the fact that more than fifty percent of its surface is arid favored the establishment of tropical lineages adapted to extreme seasonality and aridity. These lineages were able to migrate from both North and South America across Central America presumably during the Miocene and to diversify, illustrating the signature of the flora of Mexico of areas of endemism with a mixture of neo-and paleo-endemism.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2018
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service... more This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. Recent radiation and dispersal of an ancient lineage: the case of Fouquieria (Fouquiericeae, Ericales) in North American deserts.
Tropical Conservation Science, 2017
Phylogenetic diversity is a reliable predictor of taxonomic and functional diversity and of biodi... more Phylogenetic diversity is a reliable predictor of taxonomic and functional diversity and of biodiversity option value. During forest fragmentation, forest patches that vary in size, degree of isolation, and shape are formed. Identifying the spatial characteristics of forest remnants that maximize phylogenetic diversity could be useful to conservationists when prioritizing areas to be protected if resources are limited. In this study, we assessed whether spatial patch characteristics (size, edge density, and shape) and the context of the patch in the surrounding landscape (i.e., isolation degree) affect plant phylogenetic diversity in 19 naturally shaped forest patches. Owing to the age of the forest patches, the study system allowed us to assess the long-term effects of spatial variables on phylogenetic diversity. We found that patch size has a positive effect on phylogenetic diversity, presumably because environmental heterogeneity and niche opportunities are greater in bigger patches. Also, phylogenetic diversity was positively affected by edge density. The convergent evolution of traits which confer tolerance to prevailing edge conditions in phylogenetically distant species may explain this result. We suggest that patch size is a reliable predictor of plant phylogenetic diversity and could be used as a prioritization criterion in conservation strategies, at least in the study area.
Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016
Aims It is known that taxonomic diversity can be predicted by the spatial configuration of the ha... more Aims It is known that taxonomic diversity can be predicted by the spatial configuration of the habitat, in particular by its area and degree of isolation. However, taxonomic diversity is a poor predictor of ecosystem functioning. While functional diversity is strongly linked to the functionality and stability of ecosystems, little is known about how changes in the spatial configuration of the habitat affect functional diversity. In this study, we evaluated whether the spatial configuration of forest patches predicts the functional diversity of plants in a fragmented forest. Methods Five functional leaf traits (leaf dry matter content, leaf punch force, specific leaf area, leaf size and leaf thickness) were measured for 23 dominant plant species in 20 forest patches in a naturally fragmented forest on the yucatan Peninsula. Abundance-weighted multivariate and individual trait metrics of functional diversity were calculated and correlated with size, degree of isolation and the shape of forest patches. Important Findings Patch shape was negatively correlated with multivariate and individual trait (leaf dry matter content and leaf size) metrics of functional diversity. Patch isolation measures were also negatively correlated with individual trait (leaf dry matter content, leaf punch force and leaf size) metrics of functional diversity. In other words, greater patch shape irregularity and isolation degree impoverish plant functional variability. This is the first report of the negative effects of patch shape irregularity and isolation on the functional diversity of plant communities in a forest that has been fragmented for a long time.
Ecology Letters, 2011
Flowering times of plants are important life-history components and it has previously been hypoth... more Flowering times of plants are important life-history components and it has previously been hypothesized that flowering phenologies may be currently subject to natural selection or be selectively neutral. In this study we reviewed the evidence for phenotypic selection acting on flowering phenology using ordinary and phylogenetic meta-analysis. Phenotypic selection exists when a phenotypic trait co-varies with fitness; therefore, we looked for studies reporting an association between two components of flowering phenology (flowering time or flowering synchrony) with fitness. Data sets comprising 87 and 18 plant species were then used to assess the incidence and strength of phenotypic selection on flowering time and flowering synchrony, respectively. The influence of dependence on pollinators, the duration of the reproductive event, latitude and plant longevity as moderators of selection were also explored. Our results suggest that selection favours early flowering plants, but the strength of selection is influenced by latitude, with selection being stronger in temperate environments. However, there is no consistent pattern of selection on flowering synchrony. Our study demonstrates that phenotypic selection on flowering time is consistent and relatively strong, in contrast to previous hypotheses of selective neutrality, and has implications for the evolution of temperate floras under global climate change.
American Journal of Botany, 2009
The authors are grateful to the students who allowed us to use raw data from their theses and to ... more The authors are grateful to the students who allowed us to use raw data from their theses and to the authors who sent us papers not available in Mexico. They also thank J. F. Ornelas and F. Molina-Freaner for valuable comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. Two anonymous reviewers and A. McPherson helped improve this manuscript. S. Arias and A. Garc í a-Mendoza kindly revised and improved our phylogenetic framework of columnar cacti and agaves, respectively. This research was partially funded by a CONACyT scholarship (Reg. 167292) and a Bat Conservation International (BCI) grant awarded to MAM-R, and by the Department of Applied Ecology, INECOL (funds to VJS). B. Delfosse corrected the English.
American Journal of Botany, 2010
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2007
Ceratozamia zaragozae has been considered to be the most threatened cycad species in its genus si... more Ceratozamia zaragozae has been considered to be the most threatened cycad species in its genus since only 50 individuals were reported for the only known population in the state of San Luis Potosí, México. In this report we present information on newly discovered populations, as well as data on their population structure and spatial distribution. Six different populations were found, one of which is located in a Natural Protected Area. Population density was low (0.05 ± 0.038 ind/m2) and populations exhibited an unconventional ecological affinity for the genus, occurring on igneous soils in oak and pine-oak forests at elevations over 2000 m. Populations showed heterogeneous growth rates (λ = 0.89 ± 0.49). Spatial clustering patterns in all populations indicated adequate recruitment, low survival of juveniles, and spatial dependence between seedlings/juveniles and reproductive adults. We recommend the ex-situ cultivation of the species and the establishment of corridors between areas of habitat, in order to secure the preservation of the species.
American Journal of Botany, 2009
... A la Dra. Victoria Sosa por la excelente dirección del trabajo de investigación, por todas la... more ... A la Dra. Victoria Sosa por la excelente dirección del trabajo de investigación, por todas las facilidades, apoyos y consejos brindados durante la ... incluidas en este trabajo. A Bianca Dalfosse por su ayuda en la edición de la versión en inglés de los manuscritos. ...
Árido-Ciencia, 2018
Mexico is considered an exceptional area for floristic diversity and endemisms. There is a great ... more Mexico is considered an exceptional area for floristic diversity and endemisms. There is a great concern because several anthropogenic activities and factors are impeding its conservation on the conservation of the mexican flora. In this paper, we present a list of endemic flora to the State of San Luis Potosí and adjacent regions. A total of 336 taxa with restricted distribution were recorded, 61 exclusive to the state. The families with more endemisms were: Compositae, Cactaceae, Crassulaceae, Asparagaceae, and Lamiaceae. The genera with more species were: Mammillaria, Turbinicarpus, Coryphanta, Salvia, Pinguicula, Sedum and Zephyranthes. The municipalities with the most endemism were: Guadalcázar, Rioverde, San Luis Potosí, Zaragoza, Villa Juárez, Xilitla, and Ciudad del Maíz. Queretaro is the state with shares more endemism whit San Luis Potosí. A total of 66 species are in some risk category both national and internationals laws. Floristic exploration in the state is still incomplete, and every year new species are described for the region. This information is useful to highlight zones that represent hotspots for the conservation of Mexican flora.
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2018
Mexico is considered an exceptional biogeographic area with a varied endemic flora, however spati... more Mexico is considered an exceptional biogeographic area with a varied endemic flora, however spatial phylogenetic measures of biodiversity have not yet been estimated to understand how its flora assembled to form the current vegetation. Patterns of species richness, endemism, phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic endemism and centers of neo-and paleo-endemism were determined to examine differences and congruence among these measures, and their implications for conservation. Of 24 360 vascular plant species 10 235 (42%) are endemic. Areas of endemism and phylogenetic endemism were associated with dry forests in zones of topographic complexity in mountain systems, in deserts, and in isolated xeric vegetation. Every single locality where seasonally tropical dry forests have been reported in Mexico was identified as an area of endemism. Significant phylogenetic diversity was the most restricted and occurred in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and in the Sierra de Chiapas. Notably, the highest degree of phylogenetic clustering comprising neo-, paleo-, and super-endemism was identified in southernmost Mexico. Most vascular plant lineages diverged in the Miocene (5–20 mya) when arid environments expanded across the world. The location of Mexico between two very large landmasses and the fact that more than fifty percent of its surface is arid favored the establishment of tropical lineages adapted to extreme seasonality and aridity. These lineages were able to migrate from both North and South America across Central America presumably during the Miocene and to diversify, illustrating the signature of the flora of Mexico of areas of endemism with a mixture of neo-and paleo-endemism.
Botanical Sciences, 2018
Resumen Antecedentes: Hasta mediados del siglo pasado se consideraba que la selva alta perennifol... more Resumen Antecedentes: Hasta mediados del siglo pasado se consideraba que la selva alta perennifolia cubría alre-dedor de 12.8 % de la superficie del territorio mexicano. Actualmente, sólo una pequeña porción de ella ostenta una vegetación boscosa madura ya que en su mayoría es ocupada por terrenos agrícolas, praderas y vegetación secundaria. Uno de los problemas más serios que enfrenta la región Lacandona, es la dismi-nución de su área selvática, como consecuencia de un fuerte proceso de colonización, expansión de vías de comunicación, la tala inmoderada y la incorporación de nuevas áreas de selva para aprovechamiento agrícola y pecuario. Pregunta: ¿Cómo es la estructura y composición en los relictos de vegetación madura o mejor conservada de la selva alta perennifolia en la comunidad Lacandona de Nahá? Sitio de estudio y periodo de investigación: Este estudio se realizó en la comunidad Lacandona de Nahá, ubicada al norte, en el municipio de Ocosingo, Chiapas, durante los meses de noviembre de 1993 hasta mayo de 1995. Métodos: Dentro de esta comunidad, se realizaron 25 levantamientos de vegetación en parcelas de 400 m 2 cada una (una hectárea en total) en rodales maduros de selva alta perennifolia. Los atributos de la vegeta-ción evaluados fueron: composición florística, densidad, frecuencia, área basal y altura. Se calculó el valor de importancia de las especies en la comunidad y su contribución relativa en los seis estratos reconocidos con ayuda de los informantes lacandones. Resultados: En el área total muestreada se registraron 283 especies de plantas vasculares, pertenecientes a 199 géneros de 84 familias. El análisis de la estructura de la vegetación corroboró la existencia de seis estratos con alturas, una composición florística y formas vitales distintivas. La densidad en la hectárea estudiada fue de 15,632 individuos y el área basal absoluta de 136.78 m 2. El valor de importancia permitió definir de forma adecuada la importancia relativa de las especies en cada estrato, en concordancia con lo observado en el campo. Terminalia amazonia registró el valor de importancia más alto en el estrato arbó-reo sobresaliente y en todos los demás estratos. Conclusiones: Se logró describir de forma detalla la composición y estructura de la selva alta perennifolia de Nahá. El apoyo de los informantes lacandones fue fundamental para el reconocimiento tanto de las zo-nas de selva madura, como de los estratos que la conforman. Existe una relación inversa entre la densidad y el área basal. Se destaca la importancia de evaluar cuantitativamente los relictos de vegetación madura o bien conservada, como referentes indispensables para rehabilitar áreas deterioradas o aplicar medidas correctivas de aprovechamiento de manera fundamentada. Palabras clave: atributos estructurales, índice del valor de importancia, selva alta perennifolia. Abstract Background: In the middle of last century, it was considered that tropical rainforest covers around 12.8 % of México, but today this area is mainly occupied by agricultural lands, prairies, and secondary vegetation while just a little portion has mature forested vegetation. One of the more serious troubles in the Lacandon region, is the decrease of its rainforest area, because of a hard colonization process, expansion of communication paths, excessive logging, and incorporation of new rainforest areas to the agricultural and livestock production. This study was conducted in the Lacandon Community Nahá, located at the north of the Lacandon rain forest, at the Municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, where some areas with mature rain forest are found and the rest is subject to traditional diversified and intensified use.
Tropical Conservation Science, 2018
Beaucarnea inermis is a threatened plant of the seasonally dry tropical forests of the northeaste... more Beaucarnea inermis is a threatened plant of the seasonally dry tropical forests of the northeastern Sierra Madre Oriental mountains. It has been affected by habitat loss and fragmentation, mainly from changes in land use and poaching. The number of B. inermis plants, sexual proportion, and structural parameters were recorded in natural populations inside the Sierra del Abra Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve and unprotected sites. Effects of chronic disturbance on demography parameters and asymmetry coefficient were estimated. Average population density is 280 ind*ha À1 inside the protected area and 186 ind*ha À1 in unprotected sites. Life tables indicate a high seedling to juvenile mortality rate, but life expectancy increases in juveniles, suggesting a survival type III curve. Population size distribution skewness indicates differences associated with disturbance. Sex ratio was 0.93:1 (m:f) inside the protected area and 0.76:1 (m:f) in unprotected sites. Anthropogenic disturbance affects life expectancy and the survival and mortality rates mainly in early life classes; however, once the adult stage is reached, mortality rate is reduced and survival rate increases. The natural protected area represents a refuge for the species from the effects of anthropogenic disturbance and illegal poaching. Additional studies are needed to evaluate the genetic diversity in B. inermis in protected and unprotected sites, and how it is affected by disturbance. Also, it is important to highlight other species inside the protected area such as Dioon edule, Zamia fischeri, and Stanhopea tigrina, which are considered as endangered or threatened.
Universitarios Potosinos, 2018
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2018
A B S T R A C T Arid biomes are particularly prominent in the Neotropics providing some of its mo... more A B S T R A C T Arid biomes are particularly prominent in the Neotropics providing some of its most emblematic landscapes and a substantial part of its species diversity. To understand some of the evolutionary processes underlying the speciation of lineages in the Mexican Deserts, the diversification of Fouquieria is investigated, which includes eleven species, all endemic to the warm deserts and dry subtropical regions of North America. Using a phylogeny from plastid DNA sequences with samples of individuals from populations of all the species recognized in Fouquieria, we estimate divergence times, test for temporal diversification heterogeneity, test for geographical structure, and conduct ancestral area reconstruction. Fouquieria is an ancient lineage that diverged from Polemoniaceae ca. 75.54 Ma. A Mio-Pliocene diversification of Fouquieria with vicariance, associated with Neogene orogenesis underlying the early development of regional deserts is strongly supported. Test for temporal diversification heterogeneity indicates that during its evolutionary history, Fouquieria had a drastic diversification rate shift at ca.12.72 Ma, agreeing with hypotheses that some of the lineages in North American deserts diversified as early as the late Miocene to Pliocene, and not during the Pleistocene. Long-term diversification dynamics analyses suggest that extinction also played a significant role in Fouquieria's evolution, with a very high rate at the onset of the process. From the late Miocene onwards, Fouquieria underwent substantial diversification change, involving high speciation decreasing to the present and negligible extinction, which is congruent with its scant fossil record during this period. Geographic phylogenetic structure and the pattern of most sister species inhabiting different desert nucleus support that isolation by distance could be the main driver of speciation.
Brittonia, 2018
Ceratozamia zaragozae has been considered to be the most threatened cycad species in its genus si... more Ceratozamia zaragozae has been considered to be the most threatened cycad species in its genus since only 50 individuals were reported for the only known population in the state of San Luis Potosí, México. In this report we present information on newly discovered populations, as well as data on their population structure and spatial distribution. Six different populations were found, one of which is located in a Natural Protected Area. Population density was low (0.05 ± 0.038 ind/m 2) and populations exhibited an unconventional ecological affinity for the genus, occurring on igneous soils in oak and pine-oak forests at elevations over 2000 m. Populations showed heterogeneous growth rates (λ = 0.89 ± 0.49). Spatial clustering patterns in all populations indicated adequate recruitment, low survival of juveniles, and spatial dependence between seedlings/juveniles and reproductive adults. We recommend the ex-situ cultivation of the species and the establishment of corridors between areas of habitat, in order to secure the preservation of the species.
Papers by Jose Arturo de Nova Vazquez