Universiteit Antwerpen
Design Sciences
The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacted daily life for residents of the majority of countries worldwide. In this this research note, we explore how the pandemic is changing religious-oriented shopping with a focus on Muslim shopping.... more
Stad in de regio. Naar aanleiding van het 800-jarige bestaan van Turnhout schetst de tekst de ruimtelijke evolutie van de stad doorheen de eeuwen. Een cartografische analyse verbeeldt de belangrijkste figuren die de stad in haar... more
The N16 is the backdrop to what town planners somewhat disparagingly refer to as ’sprawl’, the ‘post-urban landscape’ or the ‘peripheral condition’. They are, however, synonyms of tedium and banality. Nevertheless, the N16 is so much more... more
Mag ik mijn magazijnen achterin verbouwen tot woningen? Deze eenvoudige vraag legde de eigenaar anno 2002 voor aan de Dienst Vergunningen van de Stad Antwerpen. Zoals zo vaak in de 19 de -eeuwse gordel was zowat het hele binnengebied van... more
Programs in higher education consciously or unconsciously use a frame of reference about the aesthetic value of the work of students. The aesthetic quality of these assignments consists of the fact that they touch us. We find something... more
In this paper, we report the first lessons learned of an Inclusive Economy Participation or IEP Site experiment realized in the city of Mechelen (Belgium). An IEP Site is a geographically concentrated location where profit, public, and... more
Growing insights from neuroscience—here, understood as an umbrella term for a number of empirical disciplines that study the relation brain, nervous system, genes, and behaviour—and its inquiries into how human behaviour and well-being is... more
Jonge, H. (2008). Deciding about design qual §: design perception during a European tendering procedure. Desíga Studies, 29, 387-409. Vowles, H. (2000). The crit as ritualised legitimation procedure. In: D. Nicol & S. Pilling (Eds.), Chan... more
Jonge, H. (2008). Deciding about design qual §: design perception during a European tendering procedure. Desíga Studies, 29, 387-409. Vowles, H. (2000). The crit as ritualised legitimation procedure. In: D. Nicol & S. Pilling (Eds.), Chan... more
Hoofdstuk 2: Het exploratief veldonderzoek van de dialogen in de ontwerpstudio 2.1 Inleiding 2.2 Het exploratief veldonderzoek met geïnformeerde gefundeerde-theoriebenadering 2.2.1 Rol van voorafgaand literatuuronderzoek 2.2.2 Iteratieve... more
Reading and (re)writing the city: the use of the habitus concept in urban research and development Paper for the international conference "doing, thinking feeling home: the mental geography of residential environments" Friday and Saturday... more