Papers by Jesus T. Ponce-Palafox

América Latina y el Caribe han experimentado una rápida expansión en su producción acuícola (16.4... more América Latina y el Caribe han experimentado una rápida expansión en su producción acuícola (16.4% anual durante la década de los 90). El presente trabajo tiene la finalidad de hacer un análisis de la situación de la región y determinar sus perspectivas de acuerdo al comportamiento actual de la industria. Chile presenta el crecimiento más rápido en la región con un crecimiento anual de casi 20%. La producción acuícola se concentra en los salmónidos principalmente en Chile y en los camarones marinos en el Ecuador, México, Honduras, Colombia, Peru, Panamá y Belice, estos productos son principalmente para la exportación. El cultivo de la tilapia en Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, México y Jamaica tiene la tasa de crecimiento más alta en la región y se exporta el 50%. La producción de carpa es importante en Brasil, Cuba y México. El pez nativo que más ha aumentado su producción es el Colossoma spp en Brasil, Colombia y Venezuela.. Pero también, se debe de revalorar la acuicultura de subsistencia y semicomercial como una estrategia nacional para generar empleos directos e indirecto a las zonas marginadas, contribuir a la producción de proteína de alto valor nutricional y disminuir la pobreza. desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura en América Latina. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET ®, ISSN 1695-7504, Vol. VII, nº 07, Julio/2006, ® -Comunidad Virtual ® -Veterinaria Organización S.L.® España. Mensual. Disponible en y más específicamente en 2 Abtstract

RESUMEN. Se estudió el efecto combinado de diferentes tiempos de inmersión (30, 60, 300 y 600 seg... more RESUMEN. Se estudió el efecto combinado de diferentes tiempos de inmersión (30, 60, 300 y 600 segundos) y frecuencias de aplicación (7, 14, 21 y 28 días) de una solución de cal al 0.2 % en el control de gusanos barrenadores en un cultivo experimental de ostión. El experimento se desarrolló durante 20 semanas en la laguna de Barra de Navidad (Jalisco, México) como sitio de cultivo. El valor más bajo de ampollas de lodo (1.32 ± 0.60 ampollas por ostión) fue obtenido para el tratamiento 7/600, el cual presentó diferencias estadísticas (p = 0.0029; F = 3.07) con el grupo control (2.33 ± 0.35 ampollas por ostión). Para el tiempo de inmersión sobre el número promedio de ampollas en la concha de los ostiones, el tratamiento de 600 segundos fue significativamente diferente a los demás tiempos (p = 0.0003; F = 8.18). No se observó un efecto significativo de la frecuencia de aplicación en el número promedio de ampollas (p = 0.083; F = 2.43), ni interacción entre los factores tiempo y frecuencia (p = 0.1156; F = 1.76). El crecimiento diario fluctuó desde 4.20 ± 0.76 % para el grupo 7/600 hasta 5.77 ± 0.15 % para el tratamiento 14/600. La supervivencia promedió 15.72 % para todos los tratamientos. Los resultados indicaron que a fin de controlar la población de gusanos, los ostiones deben ser tratados con cal a la concentración estudiada durante 600 segundos al menos una vez al mes durante el ciclo de cultivo. Palabras clave: Cal, control de poliquetos, cultivo de ostión, tiempo de inmersión, frecuencia de aplicación.

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición
Pacific white shrimp were fed diets containing natural pigments from Aztec marigold (Tagetes erec... more Pacific white shrimp were fed diets containing natural pigments from Aztec marigold (Tagetes erecta) petals extracts (esterified and saponified). The pigmenting effect of these carotenoids was compared with a carotenoid-free control diet and a synthetic astaxanthin (Roche Carophyll Pink) supplemented diet. It was found that after 14 days of feeding, the shrimp showed that the saponified marigold extract and the high concentration esterified marigold extract supplemented diets produced a better pigmentation effect (between 50-70%) in the exoskeleton than the astaxanthin, the low concentration esterified marigold extract and the basal diets, the latter diets being non-significantly different among themselves. However, during the same 14 day period, non-significantly different results were observed in the carotenoid content of the shrimp abdominal muscle when fed with all diets except the low concentration esterified marigold extract diet that showed a significantly lower value than th...
Revista mexicana de ingeniería química
Pacific white shrimp were fed diets containing esterified and saponified carotenoids obtained fro... more Pacific white shrimp were fed diets containing esterified and saponified carotenoids obtained from red chili extracts. The pigmenting effect of these carotenoids was compared with a non-pigment supplemented control diet and synthetic astaxanthin (Carophyll Pink) supplemented diet. After 14 days the shrimp showed that the diet containing 250 mg/kg of esterified carotenoids produced a better pigmentation effect in the exoskeleton and a slightly lower pigmentation effect in the abdomen than astaxanthin. These results suggest that capsanthin, which accounts for around 40% of the total carotenoids in red chili extracts, is metabolized and deposited as astaxanthin in the abdomen and exoskeleton of Pacific white shrimp.
Antonio M. Low Pfeng, Pedro A. Quijón, Edward M. Peters Recagno

A 120-days trial with three dietary protein levels (30, 40 and 50%, respectively) and two dietary... more A 120-days trial with three dietary protein levels (30, 40 and 50%, respectively) and two dietary lipid concentrations (6 and 12%, respectively) was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary protein and lipid level for the growth, feed efficiency and survival rate of bay snook fingerlings, P. splendida (0.18±0.05 g initial body weight). A 2x3 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replicates was used. Whole body amino acids and fatty acids analyses were carried out for each diet and calculated growth performance, fed efficiency and survival rate. The results showed a higher survival rate. Final Body Weight (FBW), Feed Efficiency (FE), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and condition factor (K) was significantly affected by dietary protein level (p<0.05) and FBW, SGR, PER and K were significantly affected by dietary lipids levels (p<0.05). The amino acid composition in diets and whole body was similar and Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) showed a similar trend; the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) indicated that 30/12 and 50/12 diets presented high values in whole body, whereas monoenes presented a dissimilar pattern. The best growth was observed with 50/12 diets where the lipid source was corn oil.
Utilizing different loadings of biomass of the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and rainbow tro... more Utilizing different loadings of biomass of the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, some water quality parameters were evaluated in a closed aquaculture recirculating system. The systems is integrated by six culture tanks, a sedimentation cistern, two submerged bio-filters, a fast sand filter,
Efecto del peso inicial de cultivo sobre el crecimiento del pargo lunarejo Lutjanus guttatus (Ste... more Efecto del peso inicial de cultivo sobre el crecimiento del pargo lunarejo Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) en jaulas flotantes marinas
Pacific white shrimp were fed diets containing esterified and saponified carotenoids obtained fro... more Pacific white shrimp were fed diets containing esterified and saponified carotenoids obtained from red chili extracts. The pigmenting effect of these carotenoids was compared with a non-pigment supplemented control diet and synthetic astaxanthin (Carophyll Pink) supplemented diet. After 14 days the shrimp showed that the diet containing 250 mg/kg of esterified carotenoids produced a better pigmentation effect in the exoskeleton
North American Journal of Aquaculture, 2001
The science of the feeding and nutrition of crustaceans is still in development, and producers an... more The science of the feeding and nutrition of crustaceans is still in development, and producers and feed manufacturers need better understanding of the digestibility of various nutrients. The most widely used method of determining digestibility in vivo in fish is based on the measurement of chromium oxide (which is incorporated into the diet) in feces. To use this method, it
The combined eect of dierent immersion times (30, 60, 300 and 600 seconds) and application fre- q... more The combined eect of dierent immersion times (30, 60, 300 and 600 seconds) and application fre- quencies (7, 14, 21 and 28 days) of a 0.2% lime solution on the control of boring worms in an experimental oyster culture was studied. The experiment was carried out during 20 weeks in Barra de Navidad Lagoon (Jalisco, Mexico) as the culture site.
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2007
Efecto del peso inicial de cultivo sobre el crecimiento del pargo lunarejo Lutjanus guttatus (Ste... more Efecto del peso inicial de cultivo sobre el crecimiento del pargo lunarejo Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) en jaulas flotantes marinas
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2009
Resumen.-Se analizó el efecto de la entrada de carbón orgánico en la calidad del sedimento y su c... more Resumen.-Se analizó el efecto de la entrada de carbón orgánico en la calidad del sedimento y su correlación con la interfase agua-sedimento y las condiciones hidrográficas en una granja de lutjánidos en jaulas marinas. Los resultados indican que se presenta una correlación de la temperatura del agua y el potencial de oxido reducción en la zona más profunda de la columna de agua con el contenido de carbón orgánico (IOC) en el sedimento. Este resultado permite contar con una herramienta de fácil acceso para conocer en una forma indirecta el enriquecimiento orgánico del sedimento.

The use of carotenoids as pigments in aquaculture diets is well documented. These pigments seem t... more The use of carotenoids as pigments in aquaculture diets is well documented. These pigments seem to have many physiological functions that include a role as antioxidant and provitamin "A". A common characteristic of shrimps is their pink flesh when cooked. Dietary carotenoids, among them astaxanthin, are the responsible for the ability of captured shrimps for developing their characteristic color when cooked. These carotenoids are sourced mainly from krill and phytoplankton. However, for cultured shrimps carotenoids are not available unless included in their feeds. The current limited production of astaxanthin cannot meet the growing demand for this pigment, so that scientists have strived to find new alternative sources for this pigment. Carotenoids from plant sources seem to provide an interesting option to this problem. The present study is aimed at showing the state of the art in the research on the use of pigments from plant extracts and their potential for their incor...
Revista Mexicana de …, 2004
Este estudio fue diseñado para determinar los efectos de varias concentraciones de carotenoides d... more Este estudio fue diseñado para determinar los efectos de varias concentraciones de carotenoides de flor de cempasúchil en la dieta sobre la pigmentación de la piel de tilapia. Se utilizaron tres dietas pigmentantes conteniendo carotenoides en concentraciones de 50,100 y 250 mg/kg en la dieta. El grupo control fue alimentado con una dieta sin pigmento de flor de cempasúchil. La mejor estrategia para la pigmentación comercial de la piel de tilapia fue la dieta que contenía 50 mg/kg de astaxantina (Carophyll Pink) durante 60 días.

A study was performed in two commercial shrimp farms in the province of Guasave, north of Sinaloa... more A study was performed in two commercial shrimp farms in the province of Guasave, north of Sinaloa, Mexico, to assess the effects of the presence of the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and of water exchange on the growth rate, production, and survival of the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, during the fall-winter season in semi-intensive culture ponds. The experiment consisted of four treatments; in the first (T1), three earthen ponds with water exchange, were stocked with PCR-positive for white-spot syndrome virus (WSSV) postlarvae. In the second (T2), three earthen ponds were stocked likewise (PCR-positive), but without water exchange. In the third (T3), three earthen ponds, with water exchange were stocked with PCR-negative for white-spot syndrome virus (WSSV) postlarvae. In the fourth (T4), three earthen ponds were stocked likewise (PCR-negative), but without water exchange. The average growth rates were 0.56, 0.56, 0.80, and 0.75 g/week for T1, T2, T3, and T4, respec...
Ocean & Coastal Management, 2011
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Papers by Jesus T. Ponce-Palafox