Papers by Alexandra Rodrigues Gonçalves
Creative tourism has a potential role in promoting social benefits for
communities and social in... more Creative tourism has a potential role in promoting social benefits for
communities and social inclusion of artisans; however, studies investigating
this are lacking. This paper contributes to filling this gap in the
literature by exploring the role of creative tourism in combating social
exclusion among older artisans in the context of Loulé Criativo,
a pioneering creative tourism initiative in Portugal. This qualitative study
reveals, from the perspective of management staff and older artisans, that
creative tourism reduces the social exclusion of older artisans through
processes as improving social relations, fostering creativity and strengthening
connections to place and community. Policy makers and tourism
professionals can use creative tourism initiatives to actively engage older
artisans and promote their empowerment and social recognition.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 5, 2022
Mediterranean Diet (MD) integrates territorial diversities, economic and lifestyle changes. These... more Mediterranean Diet (MD) integrates territorial diversities, economic and lifestyle changes. These characteristics represent an enormous potential, for a sustainable food pattern and healthy lifestyles, biodiversity and to valorisation of local products. In 2013 Portugal joined the UNESCO MD application for Intangible Cultural Heritage. The University of Algarve, in a partnership with the Competence Centre for the Mediterranean Diet, 4 Regional Agriculture Directorates of mainland Portugal, Tavira City Council (Representative Community) and the Higher Education Institutions' Network for MD Safeguard , developed a set of activities with the aim of strengthening the national strategy for MD promotion and safeguard. The activities aimed to raise awareness of the MD characteristics in each territory and to enable effective articulation within the main stakeholders, in a quadruple helix-Agriculture, Health, Heritage and Tourism. It was possible to gather a wide range of actors with responsibility in preservation and promotion of MD in each Region. The created working groups are developing further work leading to a safeguard strategy for MD in each Region and the setup of Regional Commissions for MD (CRDMs). Results point out the relevance of geographical indications (GI) registration of regional characteristic products as a key factor for MD safeguard.
CinTurs, 2020
The vision of creative tourism that has guided the CREATOUR project has been one of active creati... more The vision of creative tourism that has guided the CREATOUR project has been one of active creative activity encouraging learning, personal self-expression, and interaction between visitors and local residents, inspired by local endogenous resources (place and people), and designed and implemented by local residents. In brief, we have viewed creative tourism as including four dimensions: active participation, learning, creative self-expression, and community engagement. Underlining all these elements is always the place in which the activities are set-its natural features, its cultures and history, its stories and imaginaries, and the people who have lived there and continue to give it vibrancy. Altogether, they inspire, inform, and give character to these activities-and enable the development of distinctive creative tourism offers with local resonance and meaningfulness. Creative tourism offers a platform for a wide variety of activities that can, on one hand, meet the cravings of a diverse public eager for new, unique, and special experiences through which they can learn skills and creatively express themselves, and, on the other, meet the growing need for communities to articulate, experiment with, and build on their distinctive identity(ies). Of course, the travellers themselves-bringing their own perspectives, knowledges, skills, questions, curiosity, laughter, and fears-also provide sparks and ingredients for these creative activities. The creative process of making blends well with travel. Creative tourism is the atelier, the bar, the restaurant, the party-venue, the gathering place where they can meet.
Este artigo estabelece como objetivo avaliar e demonstrar a pertinência do desenvolvimento do nic... more Este artigo estabelece como objetivo avaliar e demonstrar a pertinência do desenvolvimento do nicho do turismo literário em Coimbra. Apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada e as diferentes fases da investigação, bem como os resultados obtidos até ao momento, salientando-se a constatação do baixo número de produtos de turismo literário estruturados existentes em Coimbra e uma ausência de diversidade. Para além disso, este artigo constitui uma proposta de transformação de Coimbra num destino de turismo literário, pela proposta de implementação de atividades de turismo literário articuladas com produtos e experiências de turismo cultural ou de outros nichos e tipos de turismo como forma de distribuir os fluxos turísticos de forma equilibrada pela cidade, combatendo a sobrecarga na zona classificada e dinamizando zonas menos visitadas/conhecidas da cidade. Coimbra possui um potencial de oferta de turismo literário, que se considera fundamental para a renovação da oferta e para a atração co...
Turismo Rural e Turismo Comunitário no Espaço Ibero-Americano, 2021
O Turismo Criativo, através do recurso às características específicas dos territórios (recursos n... more O Turismo Criativo, através do recurso às características específicas dos territórios (recursos naturais, normas culturais, especificidades geográficas) e do estímulo ao papel ativo das suas comunidades, pode vir a ser um caminho seguro para o desenvolvimento local. Trabalhando diretamente com 40 entidades que, de norte a sul do país, desenvolvem experiências de turismo criativo em territórios rurais e de baixa densidade, o Projeto CREATOUR - Desenvolver Destinos de Turismo Criativo em Cidades de Pequena Dimensão e Áreas Rurais - visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento económico sustentado das regiões. No Algarve, região cujo turismo é caraterizado pelo produto «sol e mar», um dos principais objetivos das iniciativas associadas ao CREATOUR é, precisamente, a valorização do interior enquanto «sítio onde vale a pena ir». Este capítulo – que é uma versão preliminar de um trabalho em curso – apresenta os parceiros algarvios e as iniciativas desenvolvidas no projeto, as quais, envolvendo as comunidades e os recursos locais, evidenciam que «há mais no Algarve» e atestam o turismo criativo como ferramenta de desenvolvimento económico em territórios de pequena dimensão e áreas rurais, contribuindo para a revitalização da economia não costeira, diversificando a base de atratividade da região e esbatendo a sazonalidade.Creative Tourism, driven by the specific features of a given place (natural re-sources, cultural norms, geographical specificities), and predicting actives roles for the communities, might be a path towards local development. Working directly with 40 entities, from north to south Portugal, that develop creative tourism experiences in rural and low density areas, the CREATOUR Project - Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas - aims to contribute to the economic development of the regions. In the Algarve, a region whose tourism is characterized by the product «sun and sea», one of the main goals of the CREATOUR initiatives is the valorization of the region’s non coastal areas as places where «it is worth going». This paper –a work in progress – presents the Algarve partners and their initiatives that, involving communities and local resources, evidence that «there is more in the Algarve» and attest creative tourism as a tool for economic development in small territories and rural areas, contributing to the revitalization of the non-coastal economy, diversifying the attractiveness of the region and decreasing the seasonality
Creative tourism: activating cultural resources and engaging creative travellers, 2021
A great diversity of definitions of creative tourists exist, ranging from those who refer to visi... more A great diversity of definitions of creative tourists exist, ranging from those who refer to visitors of dance, art, or handicraft workshops, to those who include people who take up temporary artistic residences to practice their creative expression and develop their art forms. In recent decades, we have observed the emergence of a new generation of travellers. These tourists are increasingly seeking co-creation processes, leading to more relational forms of cultural tourism, and active participation in creative experiences. This study revolves around the answers of the participants in the questionnaire of CREATOUR. We found that creative tourism activities can attract travellers to a location: both domestic (76%) and international tourists (64%) indicated that the primary reason for visiting the locale was to participate in the creative tourism experience. This was an important finding for us given that the locations were small cities and rural areas and some were quite remote. The...
Creating and Managing Experiences in Cultural Tourism, 2019
The rise of the 'experience economy' (Pine and Gilmore, 1998) has led to the recognition of exper... more The rise of the 'experience economy' (Pine and Gilmore, 1998) has led to the recognition of experiences as intrinsically embodying economic (and other) value. In the tourism context, this translated into a focus on creating memorable and unique events and activities, initially designed as 'staged experiences'. However, in a 'prosumer' culture with a growing desire for interaction and involvement, this progressed further, with tourists increasingly desiring 'co-creation' experiences and taking on more active roles (Campos et al., 2015). In parallel, tourists' growing desire for direct and meaningful involvement in the face of 'massified' cultural tourism offers and organized experiences has fuelled the development of 'creative tourism' (Richards and Wilson, 2007). In this context, creators of creative tourism experiences need to think carefully about the aspects of creativity that are related to its place and that offer creative tourists a specific motivation to visit (Richards, 2011). This chapter begins by outlining some of the key lines of discussion in the field of creative tourism and then provides an overview of CREATOUR, a national creative tourism research-and-application project in Portugal, and its project pilots, presenting a few examples to illustrate the types of creative activities designed and how they connect to the place in which they are being developed and implemented. Then,
Exedra: Revista Científica, 2010
Resumen: As funções tradicionais do património cultural estão a ser reinventadas e hoje os visita... more Resumen: As funções tradicionais do património cultural estão a ser reinventadas e hoje os visitantes esperam experimentar o património. Por sua vez, os museus, não raramente promovem actividades turísticas que estão na base de economias locais e regionais.
Within the broad topic of the INVTUR 2024 conference, this session addresses the conference's aim... more Within the broad topic of the INVTUR 2024 conference, this session addresses the conference's aims by exploring the new challenges and dynamics of tourism itineraries. Tourism itineraries hold significant importance for travellers, the tourism industry, and local communities.
Tourism itineraries help travellers by providing a structured guide that outlines the sequence of destinations, experiences, and a diverse range of activities, which enables them to make the most of their time and resources during their journey. Well-crafted itineraries ensure that tourists can explore a variety of attractions, leading to a more comprehensive and fulfilling travel experience and creating memorable and enriching experiences.
Tourism itineraries often include visits to local businesses (e.g., accommodations, restaurants, artisans) and can incorporate culturally enriching activities and interactions, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the local way of life, traditions, and heritage. Thoughtfully designed itineraries can contribute to the local economy, promoting responsible tourism practices. Thus, beyond their economic benefits, tourism itineraries planning has increasingly focused on sustainable issues (social, environmental, economic).
In essence, tourism itineraries serve as strategic tools that facilitate memorable, efficient, and culturally immersive travel experiences while contributing positively to local communities and the tourism industry. However, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to understanding the new challenges of tourism itineraries during uncertain times remains unexplored. By integrating insights, innovative strategies, and new methodologies, a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by uncertain times to tourism itineraries can be gained, to promote resilience, sustainability, and safety within the tourism industry.
Partindo-se da indispensabilidade da implementação de um Turismo Sustentável, examinase as relaçõ... more Partindo-se da indispensabilidade da implementação de um Turismo Sustentável, examinase as relações entre Património, Cultura e Turismo. Na mesma ordem de ideias, expõe-se que da sua interação resulta, por um lado, o diferenciar de outras propostas turísticas e, por outro lado, o integrar das especificidades naturais e culturais. Por fim, equacionase que só quando a cultura é vetor estruturante da própria estratégia turística é que há, verdadeiramente, Turismo Sustentável. Abstrat: With the essential implementation of a sustainable tourism as a key issue, the relationships between Heritage, Culture and Tourism have to be verified. On the same perspective, it is shown that from this interaction results, on one hand, the difference to other tourist offers, on the other hand, the inclusion of its natural and cultural specificities. Finally, it is identified that it can only exist a truely sustainable tourism, when culture becomes the tourist´s strategy structure.
Tourism Management Perspectives, 2020
Although cultural tourists increasingly seek to experience cultural events actively and to direct... more Although cultural tourists increasingly seek to experience cultural events actively and to directly engage in creative activities, empirical knowledge about the creative tourist remains limited. This study aims to characterize the motivations and profile of creative tourists. The data was collected through a survey of participants in creative tourism activities in Portugal developed by 40 pilot institutions of the CREATOUR project during 2017 and 2018, with 814 usable questionnaires collected and validated. The questionnaire had 30 questions and marked the first time this kind of research was conducted in Portugal. The questionnaire included questions on: the composition of their travel companions, their previous participation in a creative tourism experience, reasons for visiting the destination, their characterization of the creative tourism experience, an evaluation of their creative tourism experience, and their socio-demographic profile. Using a cluster analysis to analyse the data, three clusters were found: Novelty-Seekers, Knowledge and Skills Learners, and Leisure Creative-Seekers.
Os lugares literários têm sido amplamente reconhecidos como destinos turísticos. O presente artig... more Os lugares literários têm sido amplamente reconhecidos como destinos turísticos. O presente artigo estabeleceu como objetivos: (i) situar Coimbra no contexto da oferta de turismo cultural e turismo literário em Portugal; (ii) apresentar os resultados dos inventários dos produtos de turismo literário existentes em Coimbra; (iii) apresentar os resultados do inventário dos lugares literários de Coimbra conectáveis com as biografias de escritores; e (iv) promover a reflexão sobre o potencial turístico-literário da cidade. A primeira fase da investigação incluiu a recolha de informação, das obras e textos de suporte para a análise empírica e do estado da arte do produto de turismo literário em Coimbra. Partindo dos resultados obtidos, aferimos o seu potencial e identificámos a necessidade de desenhar e disponibilizar uma cartografia literária da cidade, que viabilize o desenvolvimento do nicho do turismo literário em Coimbra.
The Delphi Technique Applied to Urban and Cultural Tourism Research in the Algarve, 2007
Urban tourism is a major economic and social activity where the cultural dimension of cities is o... more Urban tourism is a major economic and social activity where the cultural dimension of cities is one of the main factors that attract visitors. The present work results from a dissertation thesis that aimed to evaluate the existence of cultural tourism in the towns of Faro and Silves and proposed means of fostering such activities in the future. The "transversality" of knowledge linked to tourism and the dynamics it can create make tourism one of the most difficult activities to quantify and evaluate. The developed investigation can be translated into an integrating approach of the concept of cultural patrimony and urban tourism, domains that so far have stayed apart. The use of several investigative methods in a complementary way-group interviews, Delphi method and case study (three sided methods)-, have revealed to be a strong point in the applied methodology. On the other hand, as will be shown later, the Delphi technique, although revealing some difficulties of application, and not being a decisive instrument nor being often used in tourism, has been very useful for the treatment of qualitative information. So we will introduce the main methodologies used on our research and analyse the various methods available for tourism research. Some of the acquired results are also summarized and specified in the case studies, highlighting the potential that the combination of several investigative methods have brought in helping to discover the answer to proposed aims.
Sustainability, 2022
The digitalization of cultural routes and virtual storytelling has emerged as a way of showcasing... more The digitalization of cultural routes and virtual storytelling has emerged as a way of showcasing to individuals the heritage of different cultural universes. Regarding this fractional environment, and as a by-product of the international EU funded iHERITAGE project, (B_A.2.1_0056), the goal is to create, through an innovation-driven growth process and technological transfer, brand strategies for the affirmation and better knowledge of intangible realities in the Mediterranean region. The Sicilian Tourism Department in Italy is the project’s lead beneficiary, with representative partners throughout six Mediterranean countries (Italy, Egypt, Spain, Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal). The case study in Portugal is being developed in Tavira, through the intangible cultural heritage of the Mediterranean diet. The research based on the cultural experience, the history of the landscape and the sense of identity and continuity of knowledge is reassigned into a digital platform—the creation of apps...
Tourism & Management Studies, 2019
What can people express about their places through the objects that they valorise and link to the... more What can people express about their places through the objects that they valorise and link to their territory? Can objects create narratives about a place's identity and collect significant cultural information that locate people in their places? Can such cultural mapping be a useful tool in the design of creative tourist offers? The Project CREATOUR held a series of Idea Laboratories with several entities that provide creative tourism experiences, approaching cultural mapping through objects as a tool for regional actors to discover what is 'so special' about their places, a way to link tourism offers with the community where they take place. These exercise lead participants to remark on the importance and idiosyncrasy of their regions and evidenced the importance of cultural mapping to a more sustainable offer and the overall marketing of destinations. Mapping intangibilities through tangible objects helped to capture what gives meaning to particular places.
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2020
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relevance of developing literary tourism ... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relevance of developing literary tourism in Coimbra. Design/methodology/approach This exploratory qualitative research identifies existent resources and development potential of literary tourism. The instruments of data collection were bibliographic research, questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. Findings There are few literary tourism products in Coimbra, which contrasts with the number of literary places identified, namely, on the left bank of the River Mondego. Tourism development stakeholders in Coimbra have not paid enough attention to the emergence of literary tourism and the opportunities for the development of new sustainable cultural products related with it. Research limitations/implications This study is limited by the size and continual renewal of the corpus, which implies a constant updating of data regarding authors and texts. Practical implications This study will lead to the production of a dat...
Objectives | The communication aims: – To identify the main opportunities resulting from the rela... more Objectives | The communication aims: – To identify the main opportunities resulting from the relationship between tourism and museums. – To understand the influence of museum management as determinant of the quality of the tourist experience. – To better know the different kinds of determinants of the tourist experience at the museum. – To present and discuss development proposals of museums as tourist attraction poles. Methodology | The research methods used both qualitative and quantitative techniques for data gathering and analysis, in what is usually called a triangulation of methods. The methodology included: a round table between museum and tourism professionals on the 21st May 2008 at the Communications Museum (Lisbon); 21 face to face interviews with the museum directors and eleven others answered by mail and fax (October 2007 to April 2008); and a visitor survey at 21 of the total museums (from July to September 2008). In what concerns the Audience Survey Sample, it was a n...
Tourism & Management Studies, 2019
This Tourism and Management Studies Special Issue on Creative Tourism was born within the scope o... more This Tourism and Management Studies Special Issue on Creative Tourism was born within the scope of a quite original project: CREATOUR – Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas. This project is the first action-research project in Portugal, whose objectives are to study and stimulate creative tourism initiatives in small places and rural areas. CREATOUR is an incubator and/or demonstration and multidisciplinary research initiative supporting collaborative investigation processes involving five Portuguese research centres working with a range of cultural and/or creative organisations. The project also involves other stakeholders located in small cities across Portugal in the Norte, Centro, Alentejo and Algarve regions.
CULTUR - Revista de Cultura e Turismo, 2020
Al-Mutamid é uma personagem mítica na história do al-Andalus cuja vida despertou o interesse de e... more Al-Mutamid é uma personagem mítica na história do al-Andalus cuja vida despertou o interesse de especialistas e do público em geral. Viveu em Portugal, Espanha e Marrocos, onde acabou por morrer no exílio imposto pela poderosa dinastia Almorávida. A rota al-Mutamid estende-se de Lisboa a Granada, passando por Huelva e Sevilha. É uma das estradas mais ricas do al-Andalus, uma vez que a herança monumental da Andaluzia é adicionada à de Portugal do período muçulmano. Esta rota, com dois ramos, abrange o canto sudoeste da Península Ibérica fazendo um percurso pelas terras portuguesas até a capital da Andaluzia. Portugal muçulmano era uma parte consubstancial do al-Andalus. As fronteiras entre a Espanha muçulmana e os reinos cristãos do norte mudaram ao longo dos séculos. Durante o califado chegaram ao Douro, mas no período Almoada já estavam a sul do Tejo. Nada separava as áreas do al-Andalus que mais tarde se tornaram parte de Portugal. A rota estrutura uma narrativa baseada numa hera...
Papers by Alexandra Rodrigues Gonçalves
communities and social inclusion of artisans; however, studies investigating
this are lacking. This paper contributes to filling this gap in the
literature by exploring the role of creative tourism in combating social
exclusion among older artisans in the context of Loulé Criativo,
a pioneering creative tourism initiative in Portugal. This qualitative study
reveals, from the perspective of management staff and older artisans, that
creative tourism reduces the social exclusion of older artisans through
processes as improving social relations, fostering creativity and strengthening
connections to place and community. Policy makers and tourism
professionals can use creative tourism initiatives to actively engage older
artisans and promote their empowerment and social recognition.
Tourism itineraries help travellers by providing a structured guide that outlines the sequence of destinations, experiences, and a diverse range of activities, which enables them to make the most of their time and resources during their journey. Well-crafted itineraries ensure that tourists can explore a variety of attractions, leading to a more comprehensive and fulfilling travel experience and creating memorable and enriching experiences.
Tourism itineraries often include visits to local businesses (e.g., accommodations, restaurants, artisans) and can incorporate culturally enriching activities and interactions, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the local way of life, traditions, and heritage. Thoughtfully designed itineraries can contribute to the local economy, promoting responsible tourism practices. Thus, beyond their economic benefits, tourism itineraries planning has increasingly focused on sustainable issues (social, environmental, economic).
In essence, tourism itineraries serve as strategic tools that facilitate memorable, efficient, and culturally immersive travel experiences while contributing positively to local communities and the tourism industry. However, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to understanding the new challenges of tourism itineraries during uncertain times remains unexplored. By integrating insights, innovative strategies, and new methodologies, a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by uncertain times to tourism itineraries can be gained, to promote resilience, sustainability, and safety within the tourism industry.
communities and social inclusion of artisans; however, studies investigating
this are lacking. This paper contributes to filling this gap in the
literature by exploring the role of creative tourism in combating social
exclusion among older artisans in the context of Loulé Criativo,
a pioneering creative tourism initiative in Portugal. This qualitative study
reveals, from the perspective of management staff and older artisans, that
creative tourism reduces the social exclusion of older artisans through
processes as improving social relations, fostering creativity and strengthening
connections to place and community. Policy makers and tourism
professionals can use creative tourism initiatives to actively engage older
artisans and promote their empowerment and social recognition.
Tourism itineraries help travellers by providing a structured guide that outlines the sequence of destinations, experiences, and a diverse range of activities, which enables them to make the most of their time and resources during their journey. Well-crafted itineraries ensure that tourists can explore a variety of attractions, leading to a more comprehensive and fulfilling travel experience and creating memorable and enriching experiences.
Tourism itineraries often include visits to local businesses (e.g., accommodations, restaurants, artisans) and can incorporate culturally enriching activities and interactions, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the local way of life, traditions, and heritage. Thoughtfully designed itineraries can contribute to the local economy, promoting responsible tourism practices. Thus, beyond their economic benefits, tourism itineraries planning has increasingly focused on sustainable issues (social, environmental, economic).
In essence, tourism itineraries serve as strategic tools that facilitate memorable, efficient, and culturally immersive travel experiences while contributing positively to local communities and the tourism industry. However, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to understanding the new challenges of tourism itineraries during uncertain times remains unexplored. By integrating insights, innovative strategies, and new methodologies, a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by uncertain times to tourism itineraries can be gained, to promote resilience, sustainability, and safety within the tourism industry.
exist, ranging from those who refer to visitors of
dance, art, or handicraft workshops, to those who
include people who take up temporary artistic residences to practice their creative expression and
develop their art forms. In recent decades, we have
observed the emergence of a new generation of
travellers. 1 These tourists are increasingly seeking
co-creation processes, leading to more relational
forms of cultural tourism, and active participation
in creative experiences ( Richards, 2020 ).
And yet, pinning down the diverse, nicheoriented creative tourist has been an ongoing challenge. Internationally, a number of studies have been
conducted to profile the creative tourist (see Remoaldo
et al., 2020 ) but no overarching comparative
framework has yet been developed, and in Portugal
no study on the creative tourist had previously
been conducted. Within the project CREATOUR ®
(Creative Tourism Destination Development in
Small Cities and Rural Areas), we developed a
detailed questionnaire for participants in the creative tourism pilot activities organized within the
project, which was applied by the 40 participating
organizations as they conducted their pilot activities in 2017, 2018, and 2019. These activities were developed and situated in
small cities and rural areas in the Norte, Centro,
Alentejo, and Algarve regions of the Portugal mainland. They ranged from small-scale participatory
cultural festivals to gastronomy workshops to
handicraft, mosaic-making, and other hands-on
workshops. The common thread was an aspiration
to develop creative tourism activities adhering to
the CREATOUR ® approach to creative tourism,
which incorporates active participation, learning,
opportunities for creative self-expression, and connections to the local community.
The questionnaire enabled us to gain insights on
socio-demographic characteristics, motivations,
behaviours, experiences, and perceptions of the
activities – providing a rich source of insights on the
creative tourist in Portugal. In this chapter, we present highlights of these questionnaire results, segmented by place of residence (i.e. domestic or
international visitors) and suggest some implications
of these findings. A motivational analysis of creative
tourist participants can be found in Remoaldo et al.
(2020) . Based on socio-demographic, travel behaviour, and motivation-based criteria, three clusters
were found: novelty seekers, knowledge and skills
learners, and leisure creative seekers.
of their travel, before, during and after the visit. Such devices allow them to search for information about
points of interest, services, and/or products in real-time. Thus, mobile devices come to be considered
essential tools to support decision-making regarding trips.
In the digital environment, tourists seek complementary information to consolidate knowledge about
the destination, heritage, culture, customs, and traditions that make the visited place unique. Simultaneously, all that complementary information turnstourist experiencesinto a memory associated with travel,
full of emotions and sensory impressions. These instruments also contribute to the sustainability of local populations, the reduction of inequalities, and the improvement of the quality of life of all involved
(residents and tourists) because they facilitate the approximation to the community and to a wider and
more diversified offer.
4 Preface
Basic principles
9 What is creative tourism? A retrospective view
13 How to Boost Creativity / Be Creative
15 Why creative tourism cannot be disconnected from culture?
18 Pillars of Creative Tourism
20 Tourism in Small Cities and Rural Areas
The CREATOUR Experience
24 CREATOUR: a theoretical-practical approach
26 Our work with the pilots
Improving your experience
32 What you need to know beforehand
34 Marketing Creative Tourism Experiences
37 What we’ve learned in fieldwork
46 Learn more
associated with many different issues, such as: territory policies, landscape, sustainable
development, cultural reconstruction and with the enormous challenge of capitalizing the
community as usual heritage user The cultural sustainability of the monument, the sense of the
place, the stories, the fortress as a territorial brand, communication and mediation, community
volunteering groups are some of the topics to develop in relation to this space of glory, a place of
preservation of memories and splendour of the discoveries that we will address and develop in
the approach to this heritage. The new reality brought about by the recognition of European
Heritage Label makes us return to the idea of a heritage that is renewed and that has a narration
which is essential to the history of the region. We will defend the sustainable development of
heritage and cultural resources and strategies associated with the work being implemented.
Keywords: Politics and Management; Visitors; Tourism; European Heritage Label