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Histoire d'une ivresse, la seule vraie sinon réelle, la légende de Tristan et Yseut plonge ses racines dans le sang de l'amour-qui se fait encre.
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Les Romans de Tristan du XIIème siècle français sont essentiellement des poèmes de séparation. La distance entre Tristan et l'Yseult de ses fantasmes représente, peut-être, le ressort narratif primordial ; mais il y a aussi l'espace qui... more
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    • Brepols Publishers
Au Moyen Age, Tristan et Yseut ne sont pas (encore) des monstres sacrés : ils sont des personnages, perçus comme personnes.
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de Thomas et ses faces.
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"This is an edition of the thirteenth-century, northern French Lai du conseil, a remarkable artistic achievement that offers us a realistic, sophisticated, sensitive and touching portrait of the most important moment in the imagined... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval Women
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
Pour Tristan et Yseut, l'amor rime au desonor ; néanmoins, du philtre à la mort, les amants s'efforcent de garder leur face, en s'innocentant (chez Béroul), en proposant leur essample (avec Thomas), en rivalisant avec Lancelot et... more
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    • Literary Theory
L’initiative de se pencher sur les fabliaux érotiques et de les mettre en accord avec l’émotionologie, approche résolument moderne de la littérature médiévale, relève d’un grand courage scientifique : celui de faire le pari d’une lecture... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureComics StudiesHistory of SexualityOld French
This book is an invitation to read the world in its multifold mystery. Suspended to the phantasm of the objectivated subject, meaning lies somewhere between the image and its echo. Following Paul Valéry's challenging view, this... more
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    • Referential Versatility
This essay seeks to cast new light on Béroul’s Tristan by examining the role of positive emotions in the characters’ experience. Thanks to the lovers’ management of fear in life-threatening situations and to their constant creation of the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyEmotional intelligenceMedieval StudiesMedieval Women
The Jeu d'Adam invites to a reinterpretation of Eden's implications, as rooted in the medieval significance of the forbidden fruit.
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      Mystery PlaysOld French LiteratureOld French and Old Occitan Literature
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      LiturgyHistory of ArtCultural AnthropologyMedieval Art and Architecture
The present article proposes a new typology of the genres illustrated by the lyrical poetry of the "trouveres". The pragmatic notion of "speech acts" or rather "acts of language" can be given a broader meaning, encompassing the paraverbal... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesPragmaticsLiterature
To a modern reader, Robert d'Orbigny's romance is probably one of the most challenging idylls of the Middle Ages: the young beautiful heroes Floire and Blanchefleur, happily married and ready to found a Christian family (and conceive... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistorySexuality and chivalry/courtly lovePhilosophy of Love and Sex
In their attempt to provide a definition of the idyllic genre, readers of the medieval corpus of idyllic romance, from 1913 to our days, have discussed the relevance of such structural data as the lovers' age and similitude, their... more
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      EmotionMedieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
Jeux de langue et langue de joie.
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    • Francophone Literature
The series Translation and Cultural Mediation is an ongoing project meant to provide a comprehensive collection of articles and studies, written in Romanian and English, that draw on the concept of translation and its cultural and... more
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      Translation StudiesIntercultural CompetenceTranslation and CultureChidren's Literature
Dans les pays roumains, le roman d'Alexandre le Grand hante l'imaginaire épique du long Moyen Âge, s'incarnant en une figure joviale, ludique et sagace de l'humanisme européen. Cette matière légendaire permet à une langue encore pubère... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HeritageLiteratureRomance philology
The dominant pattern in the Western hermeneutics has been to view autobiography as an occasion for the celebration of the individual. This article tackles the dialectics between identity and entity, between self and other, and between... more
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    • Linguaculture