Books by Andrés Baeza Ruz

Liverpool University Press, Latin American Studies Series, 2019
This is a study of the relations between Britain and Chile during the Spanish American independen... more This is a study of the relations between Britain and Chile during the Spanish American independence era (1806–1831). These relations were characterised by a dynamic, unpredictable, and changing nature, imperialism being only one and not the exclusive way to define them. The book explores how Britons and Chileans perceived each other from the perspective of cultural history, considering the consequences of these ‘cultural encounters’ for the subsequent nation–state building process in Chile. From 1806 to 1831 both British and Chilean ‘state’ and ‘non–state’ actors interacted across several different ‘contact zones’, and thereby configured this relationship in multiple ways. Although the extensive presence of ‘non–state’ actors (missionaries, seamen, educators and merchants) was a manifestation of the ‘expansion’ of British interests to Chile, they were not necessarily an expression of any British imperial policy. There were multiple attitudes, perceptions, representations and discourses by Chileans on the role played by Britain in the world, which changed depending on the circumstances. Likewise, for Britons, Chile was represented in multiple ways, the image of Chile acting as a pathway to other markets and destinations being the most remarkable. All these had repercussions in the early nation–building process in Chile.
Papers by Andrés Baeza Ruz
Revista História Unisinos, 2023
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (... more Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.

This article analyses the interaction between the State and the civil society during the process ... more This article analyses the interaction between the State and the civil society during the process of construction of the Chilean educational system. To do so, it focuses on the adoption of the Lancasterian system of education. Based on critical analysis of reports, letters, decrees, and testimonies from both State and non-State actors, I argue that in the first stage (1810-1860) provision of education was mainly delivered by the latter. The precarious economic situation derived from the wars of Independence and the continuation of the colonial policy of provision in education were factors that conditioned this process. The Lancasterian system influenced this process by promoting associative and philanthropic practices. This system finally provided a new conceptual framework for long-established practices that lasted until at least 1860.El artículo analiza la interacción entre el Estado y la sociedad civil durante el proceso de construcción del sistema educativo chileno a través del p...

The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, 2021
This chapter argues that the English model of education provided a new rationale to an old practi... more This chapter argues that the English model of education provided a new rationale to an old practice and that it became an important reference in the development of primary schooling in Chile. It discusses the relation between the State, society and education from a comparative European perspective eventually incorporating the Chilean case into the analysis. The chapter details the material limitations that characterized the Chilean situation during the Independence era and explains how this handicap conditioned educational debates. It also assesses the extent to which the notion of philanthropy was incorporated in both theory and practice through the spread of the Joseph Lancaster’s system. The chapter then provides a narrative of the adoption of this system in Chile and explains how it fitted within a pre-existent reality that since 1813 had left civil society with little alternative but to collaborate in the provision of education.

Revista de Historia y Geografía, 2020
El artículo aborda la continuidad del sistema lancasteriano de enseñanza en Chile a partir de 183... more El artículo aborda la continuidad del sistema lancasteriano de enseñanza en Chile a partir de 1832, año en el que comenzó su abandono en el Instituto Nacional. Se argumenta que su pervivencia se debió a la difusión que tuvo en la década previa y al impulso que se le dio desde la Escuela Normal de Preceptores, al validarlo como uno de los dos sistemas de enseñanza vigentes que todo preceptor debía conocer. Sin embargo, esto implicó abrir un espacio de crítica pedagógica hacia aquellas escuelas que implementaban este sistema alejado de su modelo original, definido previamente por Joseph Lancaster y Andrew Bell en Inglaterra. Dicha crítica fue elaborada por los visitadores de escuela, quienes, a partir de 1850, impulsaron la uniformidad de las escuelas en torno al sistema simultáneo. En ese escenario, el sistema mutuo o lancasteriano comenzó un gradual proceso de obsolescencia hasta ser abandonado definitivamente en la década de 1860.

Revista de Historia y Geografía, 2017
El proceso de independencia chileno e hispanoamericano transcurrió en medio de un complejo escena... more El proceso de independencia chileno e hispanoamericano transcurrió en medio de un complejo escenario de rivalidades entre los principales imperios europeos, como Gran Bretaña, Francia y España. Algunos autores sostienen que los Estados hispanoamericanos fueron el resultado de esas luchas, lo que nos indica que para comprender a cabalidad el proceso de independencia es necesario considerar este escenario geopolítico. En este estudio nuestro objetivo es situar el proceso de independencia chileno en dicho escenario, con un particular foco en las dinámicas y cambiantes relaciones experimentadas entre chilenos y británicos durante el periodo. Sostenemos que dichas relaciones fueron fundamentales para catalizar procesos de reflexión y discusión acerca de lo que era o debía ser la nación chilena. Para desarrollar el argumento, el trabajo comienza por analizar el escenario geopolítico, para luego profundizar en la naturaleza de las relaciones británico-chilenas y, finalmente, identificar tr...
Tiempos De America Revista De Historia Cultura Y Territorio, 2013
El siguiente articulo analiza la produccion historiografica sobre la independencia chilena entre ... more El siguiente articulo analiza la produccion historiografica sobre la independencia chilena entre 2009 y 2012. Se argumenta que pese a la significacion del Bicentenario, celebrado el 18 de septiembre de 2010, la discusion en tomo al proceso fue mas bien limitada. Una razon es la pervivencia de los trabajos clasicos de autores como Sergio Villalobos, Jaime Eyzaguirre y Simon Collier, que han sido reeditados durante los ultimos anos, y la tendencia a evitar discusiones sobre temas que se dan por "cerrados". Pese a ello, algunos trabajos dan cuenta de una apertura hacia nuevas tendencias historiograficas.

<p>This is a study on the relations between Britain and Chile during the Spanish American i... more <p>This is a study on the relations between Britain and Chile during the Spanish American independence era (1806–1831). These relations were characterised by a dynamic, unpredictable and changing nature, being imperialism only one and not the exclusive way to define them. The book explores how Britons and Chileans perceived each other from the perspective of cultural history, considering the consequences of these 'cultural encounters' for the subsequent nation–state building process in Chile. From 1806 to 1831 both British and Chilean 'state' and 'non–state' actors interacted across several different 'contact zones', and thereby configured this relationship in multiple ways. Although the extensive presence of 'non–state' actors (missionaries, seamen, educators and merchants) was a manifestation of the 'expansion' of British interests to Chile, they were not necessarily an expression of any British imperial policy. There were multiple attitudes, perceptions, representations and discourses by Chileans on the role played by Britain in the world, which changed depending on the circumstances. Likewise, for Britons, Chile was represented in multiple ways, being the image of Chile as a pathway to other markets and destinations the most remarkable. All these had repercussions in the early nation–building process in Chile.</p>

Economía y Política, 2020
El artículo analiza la interacción entre el Estado y la sociedad civil durante el proceso de cons... more El artículo analiza la interacción entre el Estado y la sociedad civil durante el proceso de construcción del sistema educativo chileno a través del proceso de adopción del sistema lancasteriano de enseñanza. A partir de un análisis crítico de informes, cartas, decretos y testimonios de actores tanto estatales como no estatales, se argumenta que en una primera etapa (1810-1860) se aceptó la idea de que la provisión de educación era una tarea prioritaria de los últimos. Esto fue condicionado en parte por la precaria situación económica derivada de las guerras de Independencia, pero también por la continuidad de la política colonial en materia de provisión y la influencia de las prácticas asociativas y filantrópicas impulsadas por el sistema lancasteriano. Este sistema, finalmente, aportó un nuevo marco conceptual a prácticas ya arraigadas que perduraron al menos hasta 1860.
This article analyses the interaction between the State and the civil society during the process of construction of the Chilean educational system. To do so, it focuses on the adoption of the Lancasterian system of education. Based on critical analysis of reports, letters, decrees, and testimonies from both State and non-State actors, I argue that in the first stage (1810-1860) provision of education was mainly delivered by the latter. The precarious economic situation derived from the wars of Independence and the continuation of the colonial policy of provision in education were factors that conditioned this process. The Lancasterian system influenced this process by promoting associative and philanthropic practices. This system finally provided a new conceptual framework for long-established practices that lasted until at least 1860.

Revista de Historia y Geografía, 2020
El artículo aborda la continuidad del sistema lancasteriano de en-señanza en Chile a partir de 18... more El artículo aborda la continuidad del sistema lancasteriano de en-señanza en Chile a partir de 1832, año en el que comenzó su aban-dono en el Instituto Nacional. Se argumenta que su pervivencia se debió a la difusión que tuvo en la década previa y al impulso que se le dio desde la Escuela Normal de Preceptores, al validarlo como uno de los dos sistemas de enseñanza vigentes que todo precep-tor debía conocer. Sin embargo, esto implicó abrir un espacio de crítica pedagógica hacia aquellas escuelas que implementaban este sistema alejado de su modelo original, definido previamente por Joseph Lancaster y Andrew Bell en Inglaterra. Dicha crítica fue elaborada por los visitadores de escuela, quienes, a partir de 1850, impulsaron la uniformidad de las escuelas en torno al sistema simultáneo. En ese escenario, el sistema mutuo o lancasteriano comenzó un gradual proceso de obsolescencia hasta ser abando-nado definitivamente en la década de 1860.
This article reviews Chile’s Monitorial or Lancasterian education system starting from 1832 when the Instituto Nacional discontinued its use. We argue that its survival was due to the diffusion that it had in the previous decade and the impulse given from the Escuela Normal de Preceptores when validating it as one of the two current education systems that every preceptor had to know. However, this implied opening a space of pedagogical criticism towards those schools that implemented this system far from its original model, previously defined by Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell in England. This criticism was elaborated by the school visitors, who, from 1850 onwards, promoted school uniformity around the simultaneous system. In this scenario, the mutual or Lancastrian system began a gradual obsolescence process until its permanent disuse in the 1860s.
Cuadernos Chilenos de Historia de la Educación, 2018

Revista de Historia y Geografía, 2017
El proceso de independencia chileno e hispanoamericano transcurrió en
medio de un complejo esce... more El proceso de independencia chileno e hispanoamericano transcurrió en
medio de un complejo escenario de rivalidades entre los principales imperios europeos, como Gran Bretaña, Francia y España. Algunos autores sostienen que los Estados hispanoamericanos fueron el resultado de esas luchas, lo que
nos indica que para comprender a cabalidad el proceso de independencia es necesario considerar este escenario geopolítico. En este estudio nuestro objetivo es situar el proceso de independencia chileno en dicho escenario, con un
particular foco en las dinámicas y cambiantes relaciones experimentadas entre chilenos y británicos durante el periodo. Sostenemos que dichas relaciones fueron fundamentales para catalizar procesos de reflexión y discusión acerca
de lo que era o debía ser la nación chilena. Para desarrollar el argumento, el trabajo comienza por analizar el escenario geopolítico, para luego profundizar en la naturaleza de las relaciones británico-chilenas y, finalmente, identificar
tres etapas de dichas interacciones, determinadas por el rol cambiante de
Gran Bretaña en el escenario internacional.

Economia y Política, 2016
This article analyzes the travel accounts of Luke Matthews, an agent of the British and Foreign B... more This article analyzes the travel accounts of Luke Matthews, an agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) who travelled across South America between 1826 and 1829. His mission was to circulate copies of the Protestant version of the Bible by following the same route that James Thomson had followed a few years before. While Thomson visited big cities and established relationships with local political and ecclesiastic authorities, Matthews travelled across small, isolated and recondite towns, and engaged with parish priests and common people. As shown in Matthews’s reports, reactions to both his own presence and the circulation of Protestant bibles were diverse and in many cases they were favorable. The availability of such bibles allowed many parish priests in small towns to solve practical problems of their own evangelizing mission. This led them to receive those bibles and even challenge the opinion of the ecclesiastic authorities. This shows that there was not a monolithic view about the presence of Protestant missionaries within the Catholic clergy. This also contradicts the idea that the spread of Protestant ideas and practices were resisted by a strong Catholic society.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2017
This article explores the reception and adaptation of the Monitorial system of education in Chile... more This article explores the reception and adaptation of the Monitorial system of education in Chile after the struggles for independence. This process was characterised by the confluence of the ‘civilising’ discourses of those who diffused (the Quakers of the British and Foreign School Society and the British and Foreign Bible Society) and received (the Chilean liberal elite and Catholic clergy) the system. As a result, the original model was adapted to local circumstances and interests during the 1820s, according to the specific type of citizen that the political leaders sought for the new republic of Chile.
Tiempos de América: Revista de historia, cultura y territorio, 2013
El siguiente artículo analiza la producción historiográfica sobre la independencia chilena entre ... more El siguiente artículo analiza la producción historiográfica sobre la independencia chilena entre 2009 y 2012. Se argumenta que pese a la significación del Bicentenario, celebrado el 18 de septiembre de 2010, la discusión en tomo al proceso fue más bien limitada. Una razón es la pervivencia de los trabajos clásicos de autores como Sergio Villalobos, Jaime Eyzaguirre y Simon Collier, que han sido reeditados durante los últimos años, y la tendencia a evitar discusiones sobre temas que se dan por "cerrados". Pese a ello, algunos trabajos dan cuenta de una apertura hacia nuevas tendencias historiográficas.

Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, 2010
This article analyses the establishment of the Instituto Nacional de Chile between 1810 and 1830 ... more This article analyses the establishment of the Instituto Nacional de Chile between 1810 and 1830 as a crucial element of a political and cultural project advanced from an enlightened and republican elite. Its early inception in 1813 resulted from the necessity of consolidating a republican order, as shown by the different projects between 1810 and 1813. During its first years, a revolutionary rhetoric emphasising discontinuities with the colonial past prevailed. Yet, after the consolidation of independence, institutional and intellectual links to the inherited Catholic tradition heavily affected the definite shape of the Instituto. In this context, the negotiations with the Catholic church and the role played by the moderate Juan Egaña explain the fact that the model of republic related to the Instituto in its first decades focused on virtue and morality.
Book Chapters by Andrés Baeza Ruz

The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century An Introduction, 2021
This chapter argues that the English model of education provided a new rationale to an old practi... more This chapter argues that the English model of education provided a new rationale to an old practice and that it became an important reference in the development of primary schooling in Chile. It discusses the relation between the State, society and education from a comparative European perspective eventually incorporating the Chilean case into the analysis. The chapter details the material limitations that characterized the Chilean situation during the Independence era and explains how this handicap conditioned educational debates. It also assesses the extent to which the notion of philanthropy was incorporated in both theory and practice through the spread of the Joseph Lancaster’s system. The chapter then provides a narrative of the adoption of this system in Chile and explains how it fitted within a pre-existent reality that since 1813 had left civil society with little alternative but to collaborate in the provision of education.
Juan Carlos Chaparro (Comp.); Independencias y nuevo orden: La América hispanolusitana en el siglo XIX. Bogotá: ICANH, 2020

Iván Jaksic y Juan Luis Ossa (Eds.), Historia Política de Chile, 1810-2010, Vol. 1: Historia de las prácticas políticas. Santiago: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017
ANDRÉS BAEZA RUZ PESE A la importancia que ha tenido el despliegue de las prácticas asociativas y... more ANDRÉS BAEZA RUZ PESE A la importancia que ha tenido el despliegue de las prácticas asociativas y la formación de diversas asociaciones de individuos como forma de participar e incidir en la vida política, la historiografía chilena presenta una clara ausencia de contribuciones en esta materia. Como ha puesto en evidencia Hilda Sabato, el estudio de esta práctica política resulta fundamental para entender las formas de expresión que ha tenido la ciudadanía política en la historia de América Latina desde la formación de los nuevos Estados independientes 1 . Pese a la renovación de los estudios que sitúan al asociacionismo como un elemento clave en la construcción de la ciudadanía en América Latina, aún falta por estudiar cómo se ha dado dicho proceso en Chile 2 . Este trabajo busca contribuir a ello.
Books by Andrés Baeza Ruz
Papers by Andrés Baeza Ruz
This article analyses the interaction between the State and the civil society during the process of construction of the Chilean educational system. To do so, it focuses on the adoption of the Lancasterian system of education. Based on critical analysis of reports, letters, decrees, and testimonies from both State and non-State actors, I argue that in the first stage (1810-1860) provision of education was mainly delivered by the latter. The precarious economic situation derived from the wars of Independence and the continuation of the colonial policy of provision in education were factors that conditioned this process. The Lancasterian system influenced this process by promoting associative and philanthropic practices. This system finally provided a new conceptual framework for long-established practices that lasted until at least 1860.
This article reviews Chile’s Monitorial or Lancasterian education system starting from 1832 when the Instituto Nacional discontinued its use. We argue that its survival was due to the diffusion that it had in the previous decade and the impulse given from the Escuela Normal de Preceptores when validating it as one of the two current education systems that every preceptor had to know. However, this implied opening a space of pedagogical criticism towards those schools that implemented this system far from its original model, previously defined by Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell in England. This criticism was elaborated by the school visitors, who, from 1850 onwards, promoted school uniformity around the simultaneous system. In this scenario, the mutual or Lancastrian system began a gradual obsolescence process until its permanent disuse in the 1860s.
medio de un complejo escenario de rivalidades entre los principales imperios europeos, como Gran Bretaña, Francia y España. Algunos autores sostienen que los Estados hispanoamericanos fueron el resultado de esas luchas, lo que
nos indica que para comprender a cabalidad el proceso de independencia es necesario considerar este escenario geopolítico. En este estudio nuestro objetivo es situar el proceso de independencia chileno en dicho escenario, con un
particular foco en las dinámicas y cambiantes relaciones experimentadas entre chilenos y británicos durante el periodo. Sostenemos que dichas relaciones fueron fundamentales para catalizar procesos de reflexión y discusión acerca
de lo que era o debía ser la nación chilena. Para desarrollar el argumento, el trabajo comienza por analizar el escenario geopolítico, para luego profundizar en la naturaleza de las relaciones británico-chilenas y, finalmente, identificar
tres etapas de dichas interacciones, determinadas por el rol cambiante de
Gran Bretaña en el escenario internacional.
Book Chapters by Andrés Baeza Ruz
This article analyses the interaction between the State and the civil society during the process of construction of the Chilean educational system. To do so, it focuses on the adoption of the Lancasterian system of education. Based on critical analysis of reports, letters, decrees, and testimonies from both State and non-State actors, I argue that in the first stage (1810-1860) provision of education was mainly delivered by the latter. The precarious economic situation derived from the wars of Independence and the continuation of the colonial policy of provision in education were factors that conditioned this process. The Lancasterian system influenced this process by promoting associative and philanthropic practices. This system finally provided a new conceptual framework for long-established practices that lasted until at least 1860.
This article reviews Chile’s Monitorial or Lancasterian education system starting from 1832 when the Instituto Nacional discontinued its use. We argue that its survival was due to the diffusion that it had in the previous decade and the impulse given from the Escuela Normal de Preceptores when validating it as one of the two current education systems that every preceptor had to know. However, this implied opening a space of pedagogical criticism towards those schools that implemented this system far from its original model, previously defined by Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell in England. This criticism was elaborated by the school visitors, who, from 1850 onwards, promoted school uniformity around the simultaneous system. In this scenario, the mutual or Lancastrian system began a gradual obsolescence process until its permanent disuse in the 1860s.
medio de un complejo escenario de rivalidades entre los principales imperios europeos, como Gran Bretaña, Francia y España. Algunos autores sostienen que los Estados hispanoamericanos fueron el resultado de esas luchas, lo que
nos indica que para comprender a cabalidad el proceso de independencia es necesario considerar este escenario geopolítico. En este estudio nuestro objetivo es situar el proceso de independencia chileno en dicho escenario, con un
particular foco en las dinámicas y cambiantes relaciones experimentadas entre chilenos y británicos durante el periodo. Sostenemos que dichas relaciones fueron fundamentales para catalizar procesos de reflexión y discusión acerca
de lo que era o debía ser la nación chilena. Para desarrollar el argumento, el trabajo comienza por analizar el escenario geopolítico, para luego profundizar en la naturaleza de las relaciones británico-chilenas y, finalmente, identificar
tres etapas de dichas interacciones, determinadas por el rol cambiante de
Gran Bretaña en el escenario internacional.
ore 15.00
Torino, CLE, 3D233
Andrey Iserov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Foreign Agency, Consequences Local and Global: On the Necessity and Contingency in Spanish American Independence
Deborah Besseghini, University of Turin, Italy
The Space of Imperialism: Imperial Agents and other Players in the Great Game of Spanish-American Independence, 1806-1824
Mariano Schlez, National University of the South/CONICET, Argentina
Knowing the Revolution: Woodbine Parish’s Report and the British Strategy for Latin America (1822)
Rory Miller, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Andrés Baeza, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile