Papers by Marjan Bojadziev
This paper seeks an answer on the awareness of the Green economics/green jobs as a concept for su... more This paper seeks an answer on the awareness of the Green economics/green jobs as a concept for sustainable growth among the young population in Europe. In order to provide basis for sustainable growth we take into consideration the essential issues into consideration. Green economics is an emerging field of economics combining knowledge from the natural sciences and economy thus offering unique insights into four areas: climate changes mitigation, businesses, political and moral. Recommendations for inclusive policy dialogue are in the focus as well. The target is the young people. Therefore, this paper research a group of 30 young people from five European and one African country between 18 to 25 years old. A qualitative research combined with exploratory research has been conducted. A nine days observation of the group interaction and a follow up questionnaire was basis for this research.
1 ~Tpa>KyBat-baTa Mo>t<aT pp. fi&.1AaT cnlX'seAeH\II OA CTpaHa Ha CaMara 6aHKa, KaKO \II Ha cne4l... more 1 ~Tpa>KyBat-baTa Mo>t<aT pp. fi&.1AaT cnlX'seAeH\II OA CTpaHa Ha CaMara 6aHKa, KaKO \II Ha cne4l'ljam13\11paHa areH~ja 38 v.crPa>KYBat-be Ha MapKen1HrOT. nPH Toa ce <t>oPMIo1paaT Cnel\HjanHLtI Q.qHOCVI noMefy 6aHKaTa '" areH4l.1jaTa, WTO e noce6HO Ae<Pl.1HJ.1paHO so HeKOJ.1 TpyAOBl.1, KaKO Ha nP"'Mep "Partnering relationships betv.Jeen banks and their research firms: the impact ()(1 quality Unda I. N<M<Ik ,International Journal of Bank Mal1<eting; 15: 31 997; p. 83-90 ,
Creativity is of paramount importance for every marketing or advertising agency. A number of auth... more Creativity is of paramount importance for every marketing or advertising agency. A number of authors point to the importance of enhancing work creativity to enhance organizational performance. This becomes even more important in settings which by the nature of the work call for creativity of the employees such as marketing agencies. However creativity is connected to and influenced by a number of variables. In an attempt to understand the determinants of creativity this papers employs the methodology developed by Grant and Berry (2011). This paper tests the assumption that creativity is influenced by the intrinsic motivation of the employees. Furthermore the paper also hypothesizes that this connection is moderated by prosocial motivation. The model is tested using a sample of employees in marketing agencies in the Balkan countries.
abstract Although extensive research evidence has been available on different scopes of entrepren... more abstract Although extensive research evidence has been available on different scopes of entrepreneurship not much has been revealed about intentions and motives of possible successors of family businesses. future career choices wise, children of entrepreneurs may have three options: to found their own companies, to ind jobs elsewhere and become employees or to inherit and success their parents' family businesses. the theory of planned behavior helped us explore how three potential prototypes differ from the viewpoint of locus of control, self-eficacy and independence. We used quantitative approach to analyze the survey results, conducted among senior students at university level in macedonia and slovenia. certain differences in the attitudes of students in the two countries were identiied. We believe that the suggested topic will provide recommendations for improving the entrepreneurial businesses succession motivation among students.
The concept of job satisfaction has intrigued a debate that has extended outside the academic com... more The concept of job satisfaction has intrigued a debate that has extended outside the academic community and into the business and government sphere. Both academics and public managers agree that the existence of participative management improves job satisfaction of public administration employees. Being challenged with the goal of creating a high-performing, accountable and goal oriented government service, public management professionals have utilized strategic planning and participative management. The goal of this research is to explore the role between participative management and job satisfaction among public administration employees. More specifically, the research investigates the use of participative management by the managers, existence of strategic participatory planning process and the communication between the manager and employees. A total of 532 public administration employees, from four cities in Republic of Macedonia were involved in the survey. The research results from the multiple regression analysis indicate that there is a positive association between positive levels of reported job satisfaction by employees and their reporting of participatory management style and participatory strategic planning processes. In addition the research results suggest that the effectiveness of supervisory communication has a significant effect on the level of reported job satisfaction by the employees. The significance of this research is in its contribution to the understanding of the role of participative management in creating a satisfied public administration workforce. Based on the research results, recommendations will be discussed both for managers of public administration and academic researchers in the relevant field.
This study examines the effects of the percieved work environment on public employee feelings of ... more This study examines the effects of the percieved work environment on public employee feelings of job satisfaction. Moreover, the paper will investigate the relationship between personal and job characteristics and job satisfaction. The data was collected from a sample of 169 employees working in one local government municipality in Macedonia. The results show that organizational climate and its components significantly predict job satisfaction among public administration employees. The results highlight that employee age acts as the most powerfull predictor of job satisfaction. The analysis of the perceived work environment suggests that recognition is a significant predictor of job satisfaction among public administration employees, followed by opportunities for professional advancement and work itself. The significance of this research lies in its contribution to the knowledge and understanding of determinants that could improve job satisfaction among public administration employees in developing economies.
AIM: The aim of the study is to analyze the internal consistency; validity and factor structure o... more AIM: The aim of the study is to analyze the internal consistency; validity and factor structure of the twelve item General Health Questionnaire for the Macedonian general population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data came from nationally representative sample of 1603 randomly selected Macedonians all aged 18 years or older. RESULTS: The mean GHQ score in the general sample was found to be 7.9 (SD = 4.3). The results revealed a higher GHQ score among women (M = 8.91, SD = 4.5) compared to men (M = 6.89; SD = 4.2). The participants from the rural areas obtained a lower GHQ score (M = 7.55, SD = 3.8) compared to participants coming from the urban areas (M = 9.37, SD = 4.1). The principal component analysis with oblique rotation (direct oblimin) with maximum likelihood procedure solution was performed and the results yielded a three factor solution which jointly accounted for 57.17% of the total variance: Factor I named social management (items 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8); Factor II stress (items 2, 5 and 9) and Factor III named self-confidence (items 10, 11 and 12). Its factor structure is in line with representative research from other population groups. CONCLUSION: The GHQ-12 can be used effectively for assessment of the overall psychological well-being and detection of non-psychotic psychiatric problems among the Macedonian population.
The paper presents the results of survey of the characteristics of the leadership in the business... more The paper presents the results of survey of the characteristics of the leadership in the business sector in Republic of Macedonia. The predominant leadership style remains to be the autocratic, while the age, gender, training and experience abroad influence the choice. This research, despite its limitations, is expected to inspire deeper probes why the authoritarian style of management, despite being not suitable for the new industries, new times and new profiles of the work force, remains to be dominant and the most preferred in the practice of the Macedonian businesses and how it affects the competiveness of the national economy.
Effectiveness of the workplace is one of the most contemporary topics in the modern organizations... more Effectiveness of the workplace is one of the most contemporary topics in the modern organizations. In era of increased competition and globalization, it is of paramount importance for organizations to increase loyalty and efficiency of their employees, i.e. to increase the motivation of its employees. To motivate the employee and to get maximum output of them is the first key to success of the organization. The second key is to reduce the turnover, especially the voluntarily one. The idea is that turnover is costly to organizations.
The paper presents the results of survey of the characteristics of the leadership in the business... more The paper presents the results of survey of the characteristics of the leadership in the business sector in Republic of Macedonia. The predominant leadership style remains to be the autocratic, while the age, gender, training and experience abroad influence the choice. This research, despite its limitations, is expected to inspire deeper probes why the authoritarian style of management, despite being not suitable for the new industries, new times and new profiles of the work force, remains to be dominant and the most preferred in the practice of the Macedonian businesses and how it affects the competiveness of the national economy.
MAPKET~Hr CTPATEr~~ 80 6AHKAPCT80TO 1. BOBeA Bo 1994, roA~Ha, 3aeAHo co YWTe eAeH npeTcTaBH~K oA ... more MAPKET~Hr CTPATEr~~ 80 6AHKAPCT80TO 1. BOBeA Bo 1994, roA~Ha, 3aeAHo co YWTe eAeH npeTcTaBH~K oA MaKeAoH~ja, np~cycTBYBaB Ha ceM~Hap Ha cnOBeH KaKO "VlHTepHa-T~OHan 6~coHecc MaHareMeHT" BO opraH~3a4~ja Ha New Yoek City University, ~ University de Trieste. CeM~HapoT 6ewe opra~3~paH 3a Mna,Q~ cTonaHcTBeH~4~ oA WeHTpanHa ~ VlCTOYHa EBpona, ce 0AP>KyBawe BO VlTan~ja, ~ Tpaewe 21 AeH. nOce6Ho M~ OCTaHaa 3a6ene)f(aH~ npeAaBal-baTa no npeA-MeTOT Crparemja. r-~ 0AP>KyBawe AMep~KaHe4, npocpecop Ha NCY, no Indus no nOTeKnO Ha y~e ~Me AeHec He MO)f(aM Aa ce ceTaM. Co T~n~YHO op~eHTaneH aK4eHT nOCTaB~ npawa!-be: Wro e crparemja?, Ha WTO C~Te H~e, KaKO BO xop 0AroBop~BMe: /1,onro-pOl1Ha npoMeHa. npocfJecopoT caMO 3aH~wa HeraTopcK~ co rna-BaTa, ~ peye: No, No strategy is a major change. It does not have to be a long term process. Major change -10neMa npoMeHa, ~n~ cTpaTewKa npoMeHa, y~ja Ben~Y~Ha 3aB~C~ oA Ben~Y~HaTa Ha opraH~3a4~jaTa. nOce6Ho M~ OCTaHaa Bpe)f(aH~ OB~e 360pOB~, KO~ ce 0AHecYBaaT Ha Ben~Y~HaTa Ha npoMeHaTa. CTpaTewKa npOMeHa He e ~cTa 3a KOKa Kona, ~ 3a HeKoja np~BaTHa cOKapa BO MaKeAoH~ja, KaKO WTO He MO)f(e Aa 6~Ae ~cTa 3a wTeA~nH~4a ~ 3a 6aHKa.
Background: Work-related stress is becoming one of the key themes for attention because of its se... more Background: Work-related stress is becoming one of the key themes for attention because of its serious threats on workers' wellbeing, job dissatisfaction and absenteeism.
" Creating a market oriented organizational structure as a key to overcoming the financial crisis... more " Creating a market oriented organizational structure as a key to overcoming the financial crisis – a comparative study " Abstract The interconnectedness and the ever-growing interdependency of the European countries had set in motion a vast amount of processes that ultimately led to the infamous financial crisis. Now, as we are taking the first steps out of the tight spot, it is of significant importance to look back and examine some of the factors that have aided certain companies to prevail during the crisis. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretically based review and analysis of the organizational effectiveness of a selected number of medium sized banks in South East Europe (SEE), with particular emphasis on the role of organizational structure during and after the financial crisis period. The main result of this comparative study is to substantiate the underlying hypothesis of the research, which is to examine the positive link between the market driven organizational structure and the organizational effectiveness.
It is in general known that if " something " could be measured, than it could be managed well. Th... more It is in general known that if " something " could be measured, than it could be managed well. Therefore, mathematical and statistical methods are used in many business areas (i.e. Finance and Marketing). Considering the stated above, the aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical literature by proposing the areas where econometrics (i.e. practical application of mathematical and statistical methods) could be found as beneficial (focus to the HR field). Specifically, this paper is focusing on stressing the importance and in the same time giving proposals for possible application of econometrics in analysis and forecasting of HR costs, as well as the usage for influencing via stating facts and developing scenarios and other aspects as well.
It is generally known that the strategic decisions are very often based on analysis of the previo... more It is generally known that the strategic decisions are very often based on analysis of the previous situations, analysis of the influencing internal and external factors and on the base of developing scenarios for the future business environmental settings. Therefore the aim of this paper is to bring to open the importance of use of econometrics in the Strategic (HR) Management as well as other specific fields of econometrics application that support the Strategic Management. The contribution of paper is to enrich the literature and to influence over the HR professionals perception about the use of econometrics (mathematical and statistical methods) and the benefits of it.
Increasing pressure for innovations is present in modern business, coping with financial crises, ... more Increasing pressure for innovations is present in modern business, coping with financial crises, which places higher importance on creativity. Innovation is at the center of the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, and the European Council has recognized the need for urgent action in the field of innovation. And it is not just innovation in production, but especially innovative thinking seen as creativity, that is a priority for each company, institution or at a personal level. Creativity contributes towards higher competitiveness in the globalized market. This paper explores creativity as a fuel for innovativeness in advertising agencies in three countries in the Balkan region. The advertising agencies are tightly connected to creativity since they do not produce creative ideas for themselves, but focus on creative outputs for companies and institutions as their clients. In an attempt to understand the determinant of creativity this paper employs the methodology developed by . The paper uses a sample of employees from Macedonian, Serbian and Slovenian advertising agencies and explores the creativity and the determinants of creativity as any intrinsic and prosocial motivation. The research results show the level of creativity as judged by the supervisors as well as the employees' thinking about what motivates them. By drawing upon existing literature and the survey results, this paper contributes to understanding of innovative thinking and enhancement of innovative ideas at advertising agencies and companies as their clients.
Papers by Marjan Bojadziev