Papers by Roberto L. Avitia, Ph.D.
Energies, 2021
This research presents the modeling and prediction of the harmonic behavior of current in an elec... more This research presents the modeling and prediction of the harmonic behavior of current in an electric power supply grid with the integration of photovoltaic power by inverters using artificial neural networks to determine if the use of the proposed neural network is capable of capturing the harmonic behavior of the photovoltaic energy integrated into the user’s electrical grids. The methodology used was based on the use of recurrent artificial neural networks of the nonlinear autoregressive with external input type. Work data were obtained from experimental sources through the use of a test bench, measurement, acquisition, and monitoring equipment. The input–output parameters for the neural network were the current values in the inverter and the supply grid,
respectively. The results showed that the neural network can capture the dynamics of the analyzed system. The generated model presented flexibility in data handling, allowing to represent and predict the behavior of the harmonic phenomenon. The obtained algorithm can be transferred to physical or virtual systems for the control or reduction of harmonic distortion.
This article presents an innovation on a conventional laparoscopic instrument, to which was added... more This article presents an innovation on a conventional laparoscopic instrument, to which was added the automatic function to identify veins and arteries. It is proposed the use of a reflective-optical sensor with a speciï¬c work wa-velength acting on blood vessels. The discrimination success between veins and arteries is achieved based on the range of difference between the light emitted and the light reflected. At the tip of a laparoscopic instrument was ï¬t-ted a reflective-optical sensor composed of a LED and a light dependent resistor. In the upper part of the instrument an electronic control, processing and radio frequency transmitter module was ï¬tted, which warns the surgeon and his assistants if the detected blood vessel is a vein or artery. The instrument was tested in vitro using whole human blood samples and in vivo on canine model blood vessels. With the innovation a low-cost support tool is achieved that could aid the surgeon when working on minimally invasive environments.
Surgical options for proximal humeral fractures continue with complications in elderly patients w... more Surgical options for proximal humeral fractures continue with complications in elderly patients with vascular necrosis, screw cut-out and re-operation rate. The literature suggests that these problems on the fracture fixation could be related to the implant stiffness. The main factors involved in this scenario include the physiological loading conditions, the support screws configuration, the implant material and
the bone quality. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of
the mentioned factors in order to establish a favorable scenario to avoid the fracture fixation failure. The finite element method in association with a two-level 24 full-factorial design model and its statistical products were used to develop this research. Results suggest that the implant material is the factor with the most relevant effect to provide stiffness on the fracture fixation, following by the support configuration. The use of a medial support with calcar screws on different qualities of bone tissue offers an optimal level of rigidity than those who do not use them. A beneficial scenario is obtained by medial support with calcar screws for the implant fixation on a 2-part surgical neck fracture of the proximal part of the humerus model.
According to the American Heart Association, in its latest commission about Ventricular Arrhythmi... more According to the American Heart Association, in its latest commission about Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Death 2006, the epidemiology of the ventricular arrhythmias ranges from a series of risk descriptors and clinical markers that go from ventricular premature complexes and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia to sudden cardiac death due to ventricular tachycardia in patients with or without clinical history. e premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) are known to be associated with malignant ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD) cases. Detecting this kind of arrhythmia has been crucial in clinical applications. e electrocardiogram (ECG) is a clinical test used to measure the heart electrical activity for inferences and diagnosis. Analyzing large ECG traces from several thousands of beats has brought the necessity to develop mathematical models that can automatically make assumptions about the heart condition. In this work, 80 different features from 108,653 ECG classified beats of the gold-standard MIT-BIH database were extracted in order to classify the Normal, PVC, and other kind of ECG beats. ree well-known Bayesian classification algorithms were trained and tested using these extracted features. Experimental results show that the F1 scores for each class were above 0.95, giving almost the perfect value for the PVC class. is gave us a promising path in the development of automated mechanisms for the detection of PVC complexes.
Resumen— El presente trabajo muestra una metodología para medir el consumo de energía dinámica y ... more Resumen— El presente trabajo muestra una metodología para medir el consumo de energía dinámica y estática en un microcontrolador Microchip PIC24FV32KA302. Se utiliza una técnica de medición del voltaje diferencial generado por la corriente total-consumida (Iss) en una resistencia en modo " low side " flotando el microcontrolador. Se presenta la configuración física para realizar la prueba, así como los resultados obtenidos en ciclos de operación en ejecución de código aritmético y reposo. Los resultados muestran el aumento en el consumo de energía a medida que la frecuencia aumenta. Con la herramienta de medición desarrollada es posible optimizar diseños donde el consumo de energía es prioridad. Palabras clave—Microcontrolador, Bajo Consumo, Medición de consumo de energía.
–– About 20% of humerus fractures need a surgical treatment. Surgical options include closed redu... more –– About 20% of humerus fractures need a surgical treatment. Surgical options include closed reduction and percutaneous fixation, open reduction and internal fixation and prosthetic arthroplasty [1]. Recent studies have shown high failure rates after fixation of proximal humerus fractures with a range of 8.6% to 22%. Accordingly, loss of reduction and screw cutout are the most common reasons for a revision or reoperation surgery [2]. Is thought that the above can occur due to the great rigidity of the implant, which could increases the stress between the implant-bone interfaces leading to the screw cutout. However, excessively elastic implants lead to premature failure [3]. This study aims to examine 3 main properties (and interactions) in the locking plates design, allowing to estimate the optimal scenarios using the finite element method (FEM) and design of experiments (DOE). Keywords –– Design of experiments, finite element method, locking plate, proximal humerus fracture.
The exposure to air pollution from both sources natural or anthropogenic is one of the main risk ... more The exposure to air pollution from both sources natural or anthropogenic is one of the main risk factors that affect progressively the health. Given this problem, this paper presents an emulator mechatronic system of an average adult respiratory tract. This instrument can continuously measure temperature, relative humidity and inhalable particles entering to the respiratory tract. With the integration of the emulator, sensors and filters, it is possible to know how many particles enter in the respiratory tract and also have the possibility of analyzing in laboratory the chemical and physical composition of particles which are collected with bronchial level filters. This can be very useful to know the toxicity of the particles to which the populations are exposed.
––In Mexico, INEGI in 2012 published that the 14,756 deaths occurred in the country, 19% had a ca... more ––In Mexico, INEGI in 2012 published that the 14,756 deaths occurred in the country, 19% had a cardiovascular origin. The largest number occurred in male. On the other hand, at 2011 in Baja California, and it was reported as the main cause of death in the reproductive-age population. The Framingham Heart Study represents a rapid application in the prognosis of occurrence of CVD in at-risk individuals. PhysioBC ® represents a free access database of Physiological data acquired from a sample of Baja California population. Thus, with the data obtained in PhysioBC®, we performed the Framingham Scale evaluation on a sample of 50 patients. In order to identify the most prevalent risk factors and the 10-years and 30-years risk calculation. The results indicate an approximation of the risk of CVD in the 50 patients. 44% of people had hypertension which significantly increased the risk of CVD in the next 10 and 30 years. Resumen ––En México, el INEGI en 2012 publicó que de las 14.756 muertes que se presentaron en el país, el 19% tenían un origen cardiovascular, siendo el mayor número presentado en varones; mientras que, en Baja California, para 2011, se reportó como la principal causa de mortalidad en la población en edad reproductiva. El estudio de Framingham representa una rápida aplicación en el pronóstico de ocurrencia de ECV en poblaciones de riesgo. PhysioBC ® representa una base de datos de señales ECG de una muestra significativa de la población Baja Californiana y de acceso libre. En base a esto, con los datos obtenidos en PhysioBC ®, realizamos una evaluación con Escala de Framingham a una muestra de 50 pacientes, con la finalidad de identificar los factores de riesgo más predominantes, así como predicciones de riesgo a 10 y 30 años. Los resultados muestran una aproximación del riesgo de ECV en los 50 pacientes. El 44% de las personas presentaron hipertensión los que aumentó el significativamente el riesgo de sufrir una ECV en los próximos 10 y 30 años. Palabras Claves –– Enfermedad cardiovascular, Escala de Framingham, Infarto agudo al miocardio, Mexicali.
––The electrocardiographic tracing represents one of the most versatile pre-diagnostic tools and ... more ––The electrocardiographic tracing represents one of the most versatile pre-diagnostic tools and of greater clinical use at the present time. However, there are indicators that are difficult to observe by a health specialist, such as the so-called J-point and ST-segment elevation, useful in the assessment of ischemia. The present work proposes an improvement of the algorithm "Rising Falling Transition Method" for the detection of the J point in standard electrocardiographic registers in order to assist in the automatic detection of level changes in the ST segment. A sensitivity of 97.03% was obtained and its implementation evaluated with different signal conditioning. It opens the possibility of an optimization for accuracy based on the results obtained. Keywords –– Ischemia, ECG, J point, ST segment. Resumen ––El trazo electrocardiográfico representa una de las herramientas de pre-diagnóstico más versátiles y de mayor uso clínico en la actualidad. Sin embargo existen indicadores difíciles de observar por un especialista de la salud, como el llamado punto J y la elevación del segmento ST, útil en la valoración de isquemias. El presente trabajo propone una mejoría del algoritmo " Método de Detector de Transiciones " para la detección del punto J en registros electrocardiográficos estándar con la finalidad de asistir en la detección automática de cambios de nivel en el segmento ST. Se obtuvo una sensibilidad 97.03% y se evaluó su implementación con diferentes acondicionamientos de señal. Se abre la posibilidad de una optimización para la exactitud en base a los resultados obtenidos. Palabras clave –– Isquemia, ECG, punto J, segmento ST.
This paper makes an analysis of the ECG leads obtained with the triads of electrodes proposed in ... more This paper makes an analysis of the ECG leads obtained with the triads of electrodes proposed in [I]. Also makes an analysis and gives recommendations about the sampling frequency of the XBee used. En este articulo se hace un analisis de las derivaciones ECG que se obtienen con las triad as de electrodos propuestos en [I]. Tambien se analiza y se hacen recomendaciones sobre la frecuencia de muestreo de los XBee que se utilizan. To obtain bipolar ECG leads (i.e. I, ll, Ill) traditionally, surface electrodes are placed at three specific points on the skin, defmed by the triangle of Einthoven: RA, LA Y LL. Each electrode picks up a biopotential which is carried by conductive wires to an electrocardiograph where the ECG leads are built. In a previous published work [1], we proposed to remove wires between the electrodes and electrocardiograph, by using triads of electrodes at each point of the Einthoven triangle (Fig. 1), which are attached to instrumentation amplifiers inputs. Now in this article: (A) we make an analysis of the ECG leads obtained with the triads of electrodes, and (B) we make recommendations about how to improve the sampling frequency about the XBee that was also previously proposed in [1]. A. ECG Leads Analysis. We hypothesized that the biopotentials collected by the electrode triads could represent the potential at each point of the triangle of Einthoven; therefore, standard bipolar leads could be constructed using the potentials recorded by the triads. It is well known that the difference between LA-RA = DI, LL-RA = Dll and LL-LA = DIll. Therefore, standard leads can be written in terms of biopotentials taken by the triad as: DI = (b'-a')-(b-a), Dll = (b"-a")-(b-a) y Dll = (b"-a")-(b'-a'). So, the three leads computed with the sets of electrode triads and other leads taken with a standard commercial electrocardiograph (the CARDIAX PC-ECG) were compared visa -vis, obtaining correlation coefficients of 0.75, 0.80 and 0.70, respectively. B. XBee Sample Frequency Analysis. The biopotentials at the output of each instrumentation amplifier are inputted to three XBee SI trasmitters, respectively [1]. Each XBee SI transmits the biopotentials toward XBee SI receivers [1]. The XBee SI receivers input the biopotentials to a computer where the three bipolar ECG leads are built [1]. Unfortunately XBee SI is restricted in sampling frequency (i.e. maximum = 333 s/s). When the sampling frequency is a critical factor as in the case in the ECG recording, errors that alter the diagnoses may occur [2]; for example: in the detection of the J-point, or in the shape detection of the P-wave, or in the detection of micropotentials within the QRS complex. There for, a sample frequency at least of 500 s/s is recommended. To achieve an adequate sampling frequency we have replaced the XBee SI by XBee PRO S3B. The PRO S3B reaches maximum stable sampling frequencies up to 1000 s/s. Conclusions. Although correlation coefficients between conventional and electrode triads leads have been good, more and other types of tests should be done to see if the correlation improves. For example improving the placement orientation of the electrode triads or probing other configurations in the triads like the Wilson's central terminal. Frequency analysis of the signals sampled by the XBee PRO S3B should be performed to ensure that important frequencies are contained and have not been distorted in the built leads.
Resumen— El procesamiento de señales electrocardiográficas (ECG) ha permitido que se pueda descri... more Resumen— El procesamiento de señales electrocardiográficas (ECG) ha permitido que se pueda describir el comportamiento eléctrico del músculo cardiaco tanto en condiciones normales como anormales (arritmias). Distintos autores han podido predecir un infarto agudo al miocardio a partir del comportamiento anormal de la señal ECG y utilizando bases de datos estándar, pero ninguno de los anteriores se han puesto a prueba para la región de Baja California. En el presente trabajo se propone utilizar modelos no lineales que describan el comportamiento del ECG, partiendo de una base de datos estándar que contiene señales normales y con predictores de infarto llamados PVC y PAC. A partir de lo anterior se propone utilizar los mismos modelos para señales propias tomadas en la región de Baja California. Los resultados preliminares que se muestran permiten tener una descripción de la normalidad tanto en tiempo como en amplitud de los parámetros de un ECG en una base de datos de ECG estándar. Palabras clave—Infarto agudo al miocardio, ritmo sinusal normal, riesgo de infarto en Baja California.
El Electrocardiograma (ECG) convencional y el ECG de alta resolución representan unas de las técn... more El Electrocardiograma (ECG) convencional y el ECG de alta resolución representan unas de las técnicas de pre-diagnóstico no invasivo de mayor recurrencia en estudios de prevención de Infarto al Miocardio (IAM). La información obtenida en un ECG es posteriormente procesada y guardada ya sea en una base de datos o mostrada al especialista para su análisis. Una de las técnicas de análisis de ECG mediante métodos computacionales consiste en el modelado y la reconstrucción de las ondas características. El problema es que los modelos de ECG empleados en la actualidad son complejos y tienen un tiempo de procesamiento computacional muy alto, además de que la cantidad de espacio real de los archivos que se generan en la reconstrucción del mismo es grande. Tal es el caso de la transmisión de datos de ECG de manera inalámbrica, en la cual el modelo de reconstrucción de ECG pierde información relevante como la aparición de la onda Q. En el siguiente trabajo se presenta una evaluación del algoritmo de reconstrucción de ECGs utilizando Modelos- Gaussianos y una base de datos de ECG real del estado de Baja California (B.C.). Los resultados muestran que al utilizar modelos Gaussianos se puede obtener un Coeficiente de Determinación (R2) de entre 0.70 y 0.90, lo cual muestra una aproximación inicial de los trazos ECG reales.
A biomechanical system is proposed for the emulation of the movement of human arm, leg, and spine... more A biomechanical system is proposed for the emulation of the movement of human arm, leg, and spine movements, as an industry alternative to manage heavy operations in a manufacturing process. The Matlab5 programming environment is used as a simulation tool for the analysis and validation of this proposed biomechanism. This machine would reduce the accidents due to human exposure to risky industry environments like the particular one at the host company that we are using as a model for our research. They claim that the accidents in this area alone arise to around thirty percent of the total, causing a decrease in the productivity of the company and other economic losses derived from the worker injuries and insurances.
Currently, having a database that represents physiologically a region or state of the republic in... more Currently, having a database that represents physiologically a region or state of the republic involves a joint effort
among research and clinical institutions. Due to their non-existence, researchers normally use foreign international
databases organized for research purposes. One example is the development of mathematical algorithms for detecting
pathologies in individuals with a population who have a different way of living than ours. PhysioBC®, aims to
freely disseminate physiological data acquired in the population of Baja California, in order to develop precise models
of pathology detection according to the genetics and way of living of our community. Because the data reported
by INEGI in 2012, out of the 14,756 deaths, 19% had cardiovascular origin problems, in this paper, we present the
steps of creating PhysioBC® first section, called electrocardiographic data. Currently we have 50 records taken in
the manufacturing industry of Mexicali and 64 taken in volunteers. The records are divided into standard 12-lead
and high-resolution 3-lead. All of them are free for download in different formats at PhysioBC® website.
En la actualidad, el contar con una base de datos que represente fisiológicamente a una región o estado de la república
conlleva un esfuerzo en conjunto entre diversas instituciones. Debido a su inexistencia, los investigadores
recurren a bases de datos extranjeras organizadas para el desarrollo de estudios. Un ejemplo es el desarrollo de
algoritmos matemáticos de detección de patologías en relación a individuos con una población y una forma de vida
diferente a la nuestra. PhysioBC®, tiene como objetivo difundir libremente datos fisiológicos adquiridos en la población
de Baja California, a fin de que se desarrollen modelos precisos de detección de patologías acorde a la genética
y forma de vida de nuestra comunidad. En este trabajo presentamos los pasos de creación de su primera sección de
datos electrocardiográficos, debido a que los datos reportados por el INEGI en 2012, de las 14,756 muertes, el 19%
tenían origen cardiovascular. Actualmente se cuenta con 50 registros tomados en la industria maquiladora de Mexicali
y 64 tomados en voluntarios. Estos se dividen en estándar de 12 derivaciones y de alta resolución de 3 derivaciones.
Todos ellos se encuentran libres para su descarga en diversos formatos en la misma plataforma PhysioBC®
–– The analysis of motor skills and technical gestures in sports guide to the understanding of th... more –– The analysis of motor skills and technical gestures in sports guide to the understanding of the biomechanics of the human body. There are many complex interaction mechanisms between body and environment, due to the intrinsic dynamic characteristics that come along with these activities. To understand the above mentioned, we need to have different measurement tools that allow us to know in detail the human body movements. In this work we describe an implementation of a wireless platform for biomechanical data analysis. This allowed us to measure characteristics of natural movements of daily life, as well as a specific activity as " karate techniques ". We used four different sensor for the analogic measure: pressure sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer and electromyography electrodes. We distributed each sensor in significant measurement points that are characterized and synchronized with a computer. Also, we designed a graphical interface based on virtual instrumentation in order to have relevant data analysis. Results show the operation and graphics generated during some trials with sensors and the graphic interface developed.
–– This paper provides a wireless alternative to transmit surface ECG potentials taken from three... more –– This paper provides a wireless alternative to transmit surface ECG potentials taken from three different points of the Einthoven's triangle. Potentials, after being amplified and filtered they are transmitted and received using XBee technology. This avoids the use of cables for connecting electrodes to instrumentation amplifiers, which could improve the measurement of the heart's activity, and increase patient comfort.
–– According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause o... more –– According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death worldwide. An estimated 17.5 million people died from CVD in 2012, representing 31% of all global deaths. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a central tool for the pre-diagnosis of heart diseases. Many advances on ECG arrhythmia classification have been developed in the last century; however, there is still research to identify malignant waveforms on ECG beats. The premature ventricular complexes (PVC) are known to be associated with malignant ventricular arrhythmias and in sudden cardiac death (SCD) cases. Detecting this kind of arrhythmia has been crucial in clinical applications. In this work, we extracted 80 different features from 108,653 ECG classified beats of the MIT-BIH database in order to classify the Normal, PVC and other kind of ECG beats. We evaluated three classifier algorithms based on Machine Learning with different parameters and we got a total of 14 models. We used the F1 score and we compared predictive values as a measured of classifier evaluations. Results show that we could have a F1 scores near to the unit, showing the models are higher than 93% of performance.
Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC) and Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) are two types of E... more Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC) and Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) are two types of ECG arrhythmias that are identified for presenting anomalies in the normal cardiac rhythm, generating alterations in the heart rate that disrupts his mechanic and electric heart activity due to these delayed contractions (premature). Also when a delayed contraction occurs (i.e. PVC or PAC), it generates alterations in heart rate that can produce ventricular tachycardia and eventually sudden cardiac arrest. Piece Wise Linear Algorithm (PLA) is a widely used segmentation process that represents each signal as linear segments with different scopes. In this work we are presenting an evaluation of PLA and the optimal number of segments when this type of segmentation is applied on normal ECG traces and when these ECG traces present PAC or PVC. We established that optimal number of segments is related with the coefficient of determination (R2), before and after the reconstruction of an ECG trace. Results show that number of segments taken on normal ECG traces differs radically compared when this method was applied on traces with PVC and PAC events.
2011 Pan American Health Care Exchanges, 2011
Page 1. Ventricular Late Potentials (VLPs) are important indicators of sudden cardiac death (SCD)... more Page 1. Ventricular Late Potentials (VLPs) are important indicators of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in people with a history of heart attack. Many algorithms for VLPs detection are based on quantifying increases in the QRS complex ...
2012 Pan American Health Care Exchanges, 2012
Ventricular Late Potentials make QRS complexes larger, that is why many algorithms are based on q... more Ventricular Late Potentials make QRS complexes larger, that is why many algorithms are based on quantifying increases in the QRS complex duration. These elongations generate misalignments in the QRS, resulting in practice; the averaged algorithm considers the ECG components, including those VLPs, as well as random variables. We recorded High Resolution ECGs (HRECGs) from 50 subjects in resting position with
Papers by Roberto L. Avitia, Ph.D.
respectively. The results showed that the neural network can capture the dynamics of the analyzed system. The generated model presented flexibility in data handling, allowing to represent and predict the behavior of the harmonic phenomenon. The obtained algorithm can be transferred to physical or virtual systems for the control or reduction of harmonic distortion.
the bone quality. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of
the mentioned factors in order to establish a favorable scenario to avoid the fracture fixation failure. The finite element method in association with a two-level 24 full-factorial design model and its statistical products were used to develop this research. Results suggest that the implant material is the factor with the most relevant effect to provide stiffness on the fracture fixation, following by the support configuration. The use of a medial support with calcar screws on different qualities of bone tissue offers an optimal level of rigidity than those who do not use them. A beneficial scenario is obtained by medial support with calcar screws for the implant fixation on a 2-part surgical neck fracture of the proximal part of the humerus model.
among research and clinical institutions. Due to their non-existence, researchers normally use foreign international
databases organized for research purposes. One example is the development of mathematical algorithms for detecting
pathologies in individuals with a population who have a different way of living than ours. PhysioBC®, aims to
freely disseminate physiological data acquired in the population of Baja California, in order to develop precise models
of pathology detection according to the genetics and way of living of our community. Because the data reported
by INEGI in 2012, out of the 14,756 deaths, 19% had cardiovascular origin problems, in this paper, we present the
steps of creating PhysioBC® first section, called electrocardiographic data. Currently we have 50 records taken in
the manufacturing industry of Mexicali and 64 taken in volunteers. The records are divided into standard 12-lead
and high-resolution 3-lead. All of them are free for download in different formats at PhysioBC® website.
En la actualidad, el contar con una base de datos que represente fisiológicamente a una región o estado de la república
conlleva un esfuerzo en conjunto entre diversas instituciones. Debido a su inexistencia, los investigadores
recurren a bases de datos extranjeras organizadas para el desarrollo de estudios. Un ejemplo es el desarrollo de
algoritmos matemáticos de detección de patologías en relación a individuos con una población y una forma de vida
diferente a la nuestra. PhysioBC®, tiene como objetivo difundir libremente datos fisiológicos adquiridos en la población
de Baja California, a fin de que se desarrollen modelos precisos de detección de patologías acorde a la genética
y forma de vida de nuestra comunidad. En este trabajo presentamos los pasos de creación de su primera sección de
datos electrocardiográficos, debido a que los datos reportados por el INEGI en 2012, de las 14,756 muertes, el 19%
tenían origen cardiovascular. Actualmente se cuenta con 50 registros tomados en la industria maquiladora de Mexicali
y 64 tomados en voluntarios. Estos se dividen en estándar de 12 derivaciones y de alta resolución de 3 derivaciones.
Todos ellos se encuentran libres para su descarga en diversos formatos en la misma plataforma PhysioBC®
respectively. The results showed that the neural network can capture the dynamics of the analyzed system. The generated model presented flexibility in data handling, allowing to represent and predict the behavior of the harmonic phenomenon. The obtained algorithm can be transferred to physical or virtual systems for the control or reduction of harmonic distortion.
the bone quality. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of
the mentioned factors in order to establish a favorable scenario to avoid the fracture fixation failure. The finite element method in association with a two-level 24 full-factorial design model and its statistical products were used to develop this research. Results suggest that the implant material is the factor with the most relevant effect to provide stiffness on the fracture fixation, following by the support configuration. The use of a medial support with calcar screws on different qualities of bone tissue offers an optimal level of rigidity than those who do not use them. A beneficial scenario is obtained by medial support with calcar screws for the implant fixation on a 2-part surgical neck fracture of the proximal part of the humerus model.
among research and clinical institutions. Due to their non-existence, researchers normally use foreign international
databases organized for research purposes. One example is the development of mathematical algorithms for detecting
pathologies in individuals with a population who have a different way of living than ours. PhysioBC®, aims to
freely disseminate physiological data acquired in the population of Baja California, in order to develop precise models
of pathology detection according to the genetics and way of living of our community. Because the data reported
by INEGI in 2012, out of the 14,756 deaths, 19% had cardiovascular origin problems, in this paper, we present the
steps of creating PhysioBC® first section, called electrocardiographic data. Currently we have 50 records taken in
the manufacturing industry of Mexicali and 64 taken in volunteers. The records are divided into standard 12-lead
and high-resolution 3-lead. All of them are free for download in different formats at PhysioBC® website.
En la actualidad, el contar con una base de datos que represente fisiológicamente a una región o estado de la república
conlleva un esfuerzo en conjunto entre diversas instituciones. Debido a su inexistencia, los investigadores
recurren a bases de datos extranjeras organizadas para el desarrollo de estudios. Un ejemplo es el desarrollo de
algoritmos matemáticos de detección de patologías en relación a individuos con una población y una forma de vida
diferente a la nuestra. PhysioBC®, tiene como objetivo difundir libremente datos fisiológicos adquiridos en la población
de Baja California, a fin de que se desarrollen modelos precisos de detección de patologías acorde a la genética
y forma de vida de nuestra comunidad. En este trabajo presentamos los pasos de creación de su primera sección de
datos electrocardiográficos, debido a que los datos reportados por el INEGI en 2012, de las 14,756 muertes, el 19%
tenían origen cardiovascular. Actualmente se cuenta con 50 registros tomados en la industria maquiladora de Mexicali
y 64 tomados en voluntarios. Estos se dividen en estándar de 12 derivaciones y de alta resolución de 3 derivaciones.
Todos ellos se encuentran libres para su descarga en diversos formatos en la misma plataforma PhysioBC®