Papers by Paloma Zarzuela
A través de algunos de los principales recorridos femeninos como hilo conductor, se elabora un su... more A través de algunos de los principales recorridos femeninos como hilo conductor, se elabora un sucinto capítulo de la historia de los inicios de la arqueología subacuática en España, centrándonos en las primeras mujeres en este campo. Se observa cómo, debido a la influencia directa de la formación recibida del arqueólogo italiano Nino Lamboglia en los cursos Internacionales de Estudios Ligures de Bordighera (Italia), una serie de pioneras en la arqueología terrestre pudieron añadir a su currículum
–de modo temporal o ya de forma permanente– la práctica de la arqueología
subacuática. Se explica cómo este paso lo dieron unas pocas pioneras en su mayor parte, y en los momentos más iniciales, por su interés en tener un fácil acceso a las tipologías y cronologías cerámicas cerradas que proporcionaba esta modalidad de la investigación arqueológica. Por otra parte, sin embargo, unas pocas de las primeras mujeres en la arqueología subacuática se implicaron en ella por el interés específico que empezaba a despertar la arqueología naval.
Petracos también pretende ser una herramienta para favorecer la transparencia y eficacia de la in... more Petracos también pretende ser una herramienta para favorecer la transparencia y eficacia de la investigación arqueológica desarrollada, transfiriendo a la sociedad el conocimiento generado con la mayor rigurosidad posible. Esta serie asegura la calidad de los estudios publicados mediante un riguroso proceso de revisión de los manuscritos remitidos y el aval de informes externos de especialistas relacionados con la materia, aunque no se identifica necesariamente con el contenido de los trabajos publicados.
La promulgación de la ley 16/1985 del Patrimonio Histórico Español trajo consigo la liberalizació... more La promulgación de la ley 16/1985 del Patrimonio Histórico Español trajo consigo la liberalización de la disciplina arqueológica y la creación de lo que hoy se conoce como arqueología comercial. Esta nueva manera de hacer arqueología abrió un abanico de oportunidades laborales para aquellas y aquellos pertenecientes a la generación del baby boom nacidos entre 1960 y 1975. En un contexto en el que las mujeres ya no eran una rareza dentro de los estudios universitarios de humanidades y ciencias sociales, un importante número de arqueólogas se licenciaron en las décadas de los ochenta y noventa del siglo pasado comenzando a trabajar para las recién creadas empresas de arqueología o como autónomas. Esta investigación analiza mediante una revisión bibliográfica y entrevistas los inicios de la arqueología comercial en Madrid desde una perspectiva de género. Se reflexiona acerca de la incorporación de las arqueólogas en este sector, así como su desarrollo profesional dentro del mismo.
Desde hace décadas un creciente número de arqueólogas han venido denunciando las situaciones sexi... more Desde hace décadas un creciente número de arqueólogas han venido denunciando las situaciones sexistas y discriminatorias que han sufrido-y sufren-en el ejercicio de su profesión. A pesar del importante desarrollo de las teorías de género, feministas y queer dentro de la arqueología española, han sido escasos los estudios realizados sobre las conductas sexistas y la situación que ocupan las mujeres en una disciplina dominada por hombres. Se presenta un estudio realizado sobre las direcciones de intervenciones arqueológicas en Madrid y Granada de los años 2007, 2008, 2015 y 2016, con el fin de arrojar algo de luz sobre la configuración del sector, prestando especial interés al papel que juegan las arqueólogas en el mismo. Palabras Clave: Arqueología profesional, feminismo, sector, desigualdad, Madrid, Granada.
For decades a growing number of archaeologists have reported sexist behaviour and discriminatory practices while carrying out their work. Despite the development of gender, feminist and queer theories within Spanish Archaeology, few studies have focused on sexist behaviour and the situation of women in a male-dominated field. This paper examines the management of archaeological projects in Madrid and Granada during 2007, 2008, 2015 and 2016, in order to shed some light on the configuration of the sector. Specific attention is paid to the role women play in it.
Presentations by Paloma Zarzuela
Books by Paloma Zarzuela
Díaz-Andreu, M., Torres Gomariz, O., Zarzuela Gutiérrez, P. (2022) (coords.): Voces in crescendo.... more Díaz-Andreu, M., Torres Gomariz, O., Zarzuela Gutiérrez, P. (2022) (coords.): Voces in crescendo. Del mutismo a la afonía en la historia de las mujeres en la arqueología española. Colección Petracos 8. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante. ISBN: 978-84-1302-183-6
Mass Media by Paloma Zarzuela
Call For Papers & Conference Announcements by Paloma Zarzuela
In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of concepts within feminism such as intersectionality... more In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of concepts within feminism such as intersectionality, work-life balance and sorority, contributing to the way we perceive present society. Archaeology has not been oblivious to this "socialization" of feminism, followed by new reflections about the meanings and purposes of gender and feminist archaeology in a future-oriented discipline. The significance of carrying out and experiencing feminist and intersectional archaeology on a day-to-day basis, can be related to several factors, for instance, a shared way of visualizing common issues experienced by women in the archaeological field.
Many feminist archaeologists conduct a type of research, knowledge transfer and activism that pursues equality at all levels: methodological and theoretical, by way of denouncing existing inequalities as raising awareness about labour and sexual harassment and work-life balance. This branch of the discipline, which is leading caregiving, aims to generate a fairer and more equitable present. However, the very agency of the term "feminist" or "feminism" and the fact that it is compulsory to apply the "gender perspective" in projects permits spaces of commodification and labelling. This may undermine the meaning of the concept and its global scope, by giving an individualistic agency to a collective movement.
This session will address key questions including, but not limited to:
What contributions is contemporary feminism making to current trends in archaeological theory and practice?
• How does an intersectional perspective impact the current challenges of archaeology?
• How to keep within feminist archaeologies its sense of community?
• Is parenthood or motherhood and work/family balance influenced by gender and tenure status?
What is the role of academic staff, working groups and commissions in dealing with sexual harassment and mobbing? Are protocols working?
• Are we reaching people, both archaeologists and a broader public, outside usual feminist circles?
Feminism, Intersectionality, Archaeological theory and practice, Tenure track, Work/family balance, Sexual harassment
Papers by Paloma Zarzuela
–de modo temporal o ya de forma permanente– la práctica de la arqueología
subacuática. Se explica cómo este paso lo dieron unas pocas pioneras en su mayor parte, y en los momentos más iniciales, por su interés en tener un fácil acceso a las tipologías y cronologías cerámicas cerradas que proporcionaba esta modalidad de la investigación arqueológica. Por otra parte, sin embargo, unas pocas de las primeras mujeres en la arqueología subacuática se implicaron en ella por el interés específico que empezaba a despertar la arqueología naval.
For decades a growing number of archaeologists have reported sexist behaviour and discriminatory practices while carrying out their work. Despite the development of gender, feminist and queer theories within Spanish Archaeology, few studies have focused on sexist behaviour and the situation of women in a male-dominated field. This paper examines the management of archaeological projects in Madrid and Granada during 2007, 2008, 2015 and 2016, in order to shed some light on the configuration of the sector. Specific attention is paid to the role women play in it.
Presentations by Paloma Zarzuela
Books by Paloma Zarzuela
Mass Media by Paloma Zarzuela
Les arqueòlogues Jordina Sales-Carbonell i Paloma Zarzuela s'han trobat al Teatre de l'Ateneu, en una nova entrega de Diàlegs Capitals, per conversar sobre com l'Arqueologia pot ajudar a explicar el paper real de les dones que ha quedat invisibilitzat per la Història.
Call For Papers & Conference Announcements by Paloma Zarzuela
Many feminist archaeologists conduct a type of research, knowledge transfer and activism that pursues equality at all levels: methodological and theoretical, by way of denouncing existing inequalities as raising awareness about labour and sexual harassment and work-life balance. This branch of the discipline, which is leading caregiving, aims to generate a fairer and more equitable present. However, the very agency of the term "feminist" or "feminism" and the fact that it is compulsory to apply the "gender perspective" in projects permits spaces of commodification and labelling. This may undermine the meaning of the concept and its global scope, by giving an individualistic agency to a collective movement.
This session will address key questions including, but not limited to:
What contributions is contemporary feminism making to current trends in archaeological theory and practice?
• How does an intersectional perspective impact the current challenges of archaeology?
• How to keep within feminist archaeologies its sense of community?
• Is parenthood or motherhood and work/family balance influenced by gender and tenure status?
What is the role of academic staff, working groups and commissions in dealing with sexual harassment and mobbing? Are protocols working?
• Are we reaching people, both archaeologists and a broader public, outside usual feminist circles?
Feminism, Intersectionality, Archaeological theory and practice, Tenure track, Work/family balance, Sexual harassment
–de modo temporal o ya de forma permanente– la práctica de la arqueología
subacuática. Se explica cómo este paso lo dieron unas pocas pioneras en su mayor parte, y en los momentos más iniciales, por su interés en tener un fácil acceso a las tipologías y cronologías cerámicas cerradas que proporcionaba esta modalidad de la investigación arqueológica. Por otra parte, sin embargo, unas pocas de las primeras mujeres en la arqueología subacuática se implicaron en ella por el interés específico que empezaba a despertar la arqueología naval.
For decades a growing number of archaeologists have reported sexist behaviour and discriminatory practices while carrying out their work. Despite the development of gender, feminist and queer theories within Spanish Archaeology, few studies have focused on sexist behaviour and the situation of women in a male-dominated field. This paper examines the management of archaeological projects in Madrid and Granada during 2007, 2008, 2015 and 2016, in order to shed some light on the configuration of the sector. Specific attention is paid to the role women play in it.
Les arqueòlogues Jordina Sales-Carbonell i Paloma Zarzuela s'han trobat al Teatre de l'Ateneu, en una nova entrega de Diàlegs Capitals, per conversar sobre com l'Arqueologia pot ajudar a explicar el paper real de les dones que ha quedat invisibilitzat per la Història.
Many feminist archaeologists conduct a type of research, knowledge transfer and activism that pursues equality at all levels: methodological and theoretical, by way of denouncing existing inequalities as raising awareness about labour and sexual harassment and work-life balance. This branch of the discipline, which is leading caregiving, aims to generate a fairer and more equitable present. However, the very agency of the term "feminist" or "feminism" and the fact that it is compulsory to apply the "gender perspective" in projects permits spaces of commodification and labelling. This may undermine the meaning of the concept and its global scope, by giving an individualistic agency to a collective movement.
This session will address key questions including, but not limited to:
What contributions is contemporary feminism making to current trends in archaeological theory and practice?
• How does an intersectional perspective impact the current challenges of archaeology?
• How to keep within feminist archaeologies its sense of community?
• Is parenthood or motherhood and work/family balance influenced by gender and tenure status?
What is the role of academic staff, working groups and commissions in dealing with sexual harassment and mobbing? Are protocols working?
• Are we reaching people, both archaeologists and a broader public, outside usual feminist circles?
Feminism, Intersectionality, Archaeological theory and practice, Tenure track, Work/family balance, Sexual harassment