Papers by Angel Cebollada
Abstract Title:
Challenges of rural roads: land use change and heritage value lost. The Monks'
Pa... more Abstract Title:
Challenges of rural roads: land use change and heritage value lost. The Monks'
Path in Vallès County, Barcelona
is part of the Paper Session:
Land Use and Development Interaction
scheduled on Wednesday, 4/22/2015 at 17:20 PM.
Anna Badia* - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Montserrat Pallares-Barbera - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Àngel Cebollada - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Enric Mendizàbal - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Roads have always been a structural keystone in the making of territory which allowed
people's connection and goods' exchange. Historically, activities related to agriculture,
livestock and forestry constituted its primary function. Nowadays, roles have diversified
and multiplied. Leisure and new mobility ways as an alternative to the use of car or
public transport constitute new functions of historic roads. Rural roads' traditional
functionality is lost and their form modified or disappeared, and road's landscape or
monumental heritage vanished, specifically, in metropolitan areas. Moreover, land use
change in urban and suburban areas and permissive planning policies adjusted
historical rural roads to private property needs; physically cutting the road or modifying
its path. This liberal interpretation of public land uses and mobility rights favoring private
property uses lead to the disappearance of the historical roads. This paper wants to
analyze how metropolitan growth changed land uses and modified historic roads; which
resulted in high negative externalities affecting the cultural memory of the place and
destroying important elements of the collective identity traced in the territory by previous
societies. In order to highlight the importance of the historic roads in the postindustrial
society, this paper is analyzing the land use changes and the functions lost in the
Monks' Path of Vallès County, in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
Land use change, value of roads, heritage, GIS, mobility.
(60) 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
AAG - 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Land Use Policy, 43, p. 119-128, Feb 2015
The environmental implications of mobility and its relationship with land uses have been at the c... more The environmental implications of mobility and its relationship with land uses have been at the centre of recent scientific debate. The aim of this article is to establish whether different types of urban development are related to different mobility to work atterns and influence the environmental impact of the relevant ourneys. The analysis is performed at local level, considering the urban sprawl which took place in Biscay (Spain) between 1991 and 2001. When one works with cross-section georeferenced data, space usuallly plays an important role as a source of xternalities or spillover effects. Consequently, spatial econometrics methods have been applied. This has hardly ever been done in previous research. The results indicate that ncreases in the environmental impact of mobility are associated with low population densities and concentrations, residential pecialisation, high socioeconomic levels and recent urbanisation rocesses. Moreover, such increases are greater in locations surrounded by others which generate a higher environmental impact.
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 60/ 2. p, 419-433, Jun 2014
This article aims to suggest a critical approach to the concept of road safety. The lack of road ... more This article aims to suggest a critical approach to the concept of road safety. The lack of road safety is a serious public health problem in the world. It is also a cause of inequality between countries and between social groups. Despite the efforts of local, national and international authorities to eradicate traffic accidents, the problem persists and the gaps are growing. The lack of solutions is not only due to the scarcity of resources. Moreover, theoretical and analytical approaches are wrong; thus, solutions are not going to the roots of the problem, and are only pointing to the symptoms. The article justifies the need for a conceptual shift in the analysis and treatment of road safety, by including a social sciences perspective, where systemic analysis is essential.
Keywords: road safety; daily mobility; equality; social sciences.
Journal of Transport Geography, 37, 1-9, May 1, 2014
This paper presents an empirical analysis of the links between different land use patterns and th... more This paper presents an empirical analysis of the links between different land use patterns and the modal split in commuting. The analysis is conducted at municipal level, based on data on land use and mobility characteristics of the de-urbanisation process in Biscay, a small European province, from 1991 to 2001. The links are assessed by means of multiple regression analysis, in which specific techniques of spatial econometrics are applied in order to avoid biased results and unreliable inferences due to spatial dependence. The findings reveal, at municipal level, the importance of gross population density, geographic concentration of the population and, to a lesser extent, the ratio of jobs to residents in explaining the modal split in commuting, and the influence of access to public transport. It is also shown that public transport services have spillover effects that extend beyond the limits of the municipality and encourage use in adjacent areas.
Keywords: Mobility, Land use, Urban transport, Urban sustainability, Spatial econometrics
Resumen -Desde los años 60 del siglo XX se observa una tendencia creciente a trasladar las activi... more Resumen -Desde los años 60 del siglo XX se observa una tendencia creciente a trasladar las actividades industriales a polígonos creados para tal fin en las periferias urbanas. La conexión entre estos nuevos espacios productivos y el resto de espacios urbanos se ha fundamentado en el uso masivo del vehículo privado; esta opción de conectividad conlleva unos altos costes de movilidad los cuáles se dividen en operativos, ambientales, sociales y temporales. Este artículo se centra en el estudio de los costes sociales y temporales derivados de la movilidad a los polígonos industriales de dos municipios periféricos de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona. Los resultados obtenidos, permiten realzar la importancia de la organización territorial y de la planificación de los transportes en la disminución de dichos costes y, por lo tanto, como instrumentos útiles para llevar a cabo políticas sociales. Palabras clave: Polígonos industriales, movilidad, accesibilidad, costes sociales, costes temporales, Región Metropolitana de Barcelona. Resumo -CUSTOS SOCIAIS E TEMPORAIS DA MOBILIDADE NOS POLÍGONOS INDUS-TRIAIS. O CASO DA REGIÃO METROPOLITANA DE BARCELONA.
Journal of Transport Geography, 17, p. 226 - 233, 2009, Jan 1, 2009
"This article analyses the relationship between daily mobility and labour market exclusion. In ma... more "This article analyses the relationship between daily mobility and labour market exclusion. In many areas of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, the predominant car-based mobility model and the secondary role of public transport discriminate against non-car users when it comes to job opportunities. This territory’s capacity to generate labour market inclusion is analysed based on multi-functionality and the level of public transport services which, in turn, serve as a basis for three territorial classifications: non-excluding, semi-excluding and excluding.
Daily mobility; Labour market exclusion; Urban territory; Barcelona Metropolitan Region"
Biblio 3W REVISTA BIBLIOGRÁFICA DE GEOGRAFÍA Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES. Vol. XVIII, nº 1011, 30 de enero de 2013 , Jan 30, 2013
The call for sustainability is an emerging trend in recent years which has brought in its wake de... more The call for sustainability is an emerging trend in recent years which has brought in its wake demands for a change in daily mobility patterns from different spheres. The environmental and social impact of mobility has led Western governments to include policies in their working agendas which make this change possible: adopting an attitude towards a mobility which is more respectful of the environmental and social spaces. It has commonly been the case that research carried out in this area has approached this issue from the perspective of the infrastructures that have been set up, completely overlooking the contributions of social groups that actively participate in generating daily mobility. This article analyses the active role of Catalonia’s largest trade union, Comissions Obreres, in shaping a new context for mobility which undermines the hegemonic discourse: calling for specific measures to be adopted by the public administrations and employer’s associations and actively informing their own union members about new and sustainable mobility options.
Urbani Izziv, vol. 23, supplement 2. DOI: 10.5379
Transport accounting and accountability, in addition to traditional infrastructure costs (i.e. ve... more Transport accounting and accountability, in addition to traditional infrastructure costs (i.e. vehicle and service operation), now include sustainability considerations: costs in terms of the environment, society and time spent in transit. This new perspective has highlighted the elevated expense of current daily mobility models in Western society, which are based on massive use of the car. We can see a willingness in present political agendas to change this mobility model for one which would reduce these high costs. These are primarily based on positive discrimination policies towards non-motorised and collective transport models which are reinforced by territorial management policies that promote proximity to the work place and services, as well as the use of high-capacity public transport means. Mobility model studies have generally tended to approach this topic from the perspective of actions taken by public administrations (i.e. providing more public transport vehicles or alternative criteria for managing parking spaces), overlooking the many and varied contributions by representatives of non-public administration organisations that play an active role in generating daily mobility. Therefore, in this paper we look at the contributions of these organisations to this changing model. The particular focus of our analysis is the largest trade union in Catalonia, Comissions Obreres, and its role in shaping a new scenario for work-related mobility, seen as an organisation that not only makes claims and negotiates with public administrations and employers’ associations, but also propagates new mobility models among its own members.
Keywords: work-related mobility, public transport, mobility costs, non-public administration organisations, trade unions"
Movilidad y transporte: opciones políticas para la ciudad. Fundación Alternativas. Documento de trabajo 256/2003, Jan 1, 2003
Boletín de la Asocación de Geógrafos Españoles
Daily mobility is a growing and complex phenomenon comprising different facets that have recently... more Daily mobility is a growing and complex phenomenon comprising different facets that have recently been subject to reconsideration in terms of methodological approaches and conceptualisation –and Human Geography is no exception. This article takes an in-depth look into this transformation from three complementary perspectives: changes in the economic- territorial model, incorporating a sustainability paradigm and including the social structure of the mobile population. These three perspectives have posed new interpretive challenges and generated new information needs.
Key words: daily mobility, sustainability, human geography, mobility surveys.
Multicultures and cities/ …, Jan 1, 2006
Mobility and Urban Transport in Metropolitan Barcelona Accessibility versus Exclusion Angel Cebol... more Mobility and Urban Transport in Metropolitan Barcelona Accessibility versus Exclusion Angel Cebollada-Frontera Carme Miralles-Guasch Daily mobility and social exclusion are two areas that have become increasingly important in the social sciences, but which are often dealt ...
Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica …, Jan 1, 2008
De la misma forma que en Europa las políticas de transporte y movilidad, basadas en la priorizaci... more De la misma forma que en Europa las políticas de transporte y movilidad, basadas en la priorización del automóvil y en las que se ha relegado al transporte público a un papel secundario, han supuesto la exclusión de los colectivos más débiles, las políticas de transporte en América Latina, basadas también en la potenciación del transporte privado pero, y especialmente, en la formalización, jerarquización, eficiencia económica, etc. del transporte público, pueden agravar las ya graves situaciones de pobreza y exclusión que se dan en este continente. El análisis de los casos de Barcelona (España) y de Lima (Perú) nos permite realizar una prospectiva de los posibles impactos sociales que se pueden producir en las ciudades latinoamericanas de implementarse las políticas de transporte europeas.
Finisterra. Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, XLV, p. 33- 47, 2010, Jan 1, 2010
""Mobility in Barcelona’s Metropolitan Area: Between new challenges and old practices. The urban ... more ""Mobility in Barcelona’s Metropolitan Area: Between new challenges and old practices. The urban sprawl of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR) in recent decades has been linked to its pattern of functional specialisation and its low density. This urban model has been closely associated with the use of the private automobile, which contradicts public policy’s stated aim of ensuring sustainable mobility patterns by focusing on modes of transport that are more socially- and environmentally-friendly. This article analyses the impact of the traditional mobility patterns, which are largely based on the use of private cars, upon the increasingly suburban areas of the BMR, and highlights the various instruments that can be used to meet the new challenges posed by the need for sustainable mobility.
Key-words: Commuting, Barcelona Metropolitan Region, social exclusion, sustainability.""
Anales de Geografía, Vol 28, No 2 (2008) , Jan 1, 2008
The public policies of mobility have been developed without taking into account the social struct... more The public policies of mobility have been developed without taking into account the social structure of mobility. Therefore, the planning of transport to the industrial estates prioritizing only the car has led the discrimination of those collectives non-motorized. In these early years of XXIth Century and following the Law of Mobility of Catalonia, are carried out numerous mobility plans to industrial estates. But these plans have the same constraints as the public policies: do not contemplate that each social group has a pattern of mobility itself. The study of different industrial estates in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, made with
qualitative methods, made it possible to identify the agents and collective and analyze the perceptions and assessments of the existing mobility strategies. This information is revealed as essential to implement transport policies socially integratives in the industrial estates.
Key words: Mobility, social structure, industrial estates, social exclusion, Barcelona Metropolitan Region.
Ciudad y territorio: Estudios territoriales, ISSN 1133-4762, Nº 157, 2008, págs. 499-510, Jan 1, 2008
Papers, Núm.45 Polígons d'activitat econòmica: tendències de localització i accessibilitat / Industrial Estates: Location, Trends and Accessibility (2007)
Documents d'Anàlisi …, Jan 1, 2009
This article analyses the existing relationship between daily mobility and social exclusion. The ... more This article analyses the existing relationship between daily mobility and social exclusion. The hegemonic mobility model based on the use of the car proves to be discriminatory since its use varies according to the social group an individual belongs to; women, young adults and immigrants are the three social groups with the lowest car ownership rates. The relatively low rate of car ownership among these social groups means that their possibilities for making use of what the city offers are limited. In this context, urban territory characteristics prove to be determining factors to extend equality of opportunity for making use of the city. Three territorial categories are established according to their social integration capacity: inclusive, semi-inclusive and exclusive. Finally, labour market exclusion, the direct result of the lack of accessibility, illustrates the inequality of opportunity experienced by these groups with lower car ownership rates and the importance of urban characteristics in the search for higher levels of social integration.
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 41, p. 24-38, 2000, Jan 1, 2001
Papers by Angel Cebollada
Challenges of rural roads: land use change and heritage value lost. The Monks'
Path in Vallès County, Barcelona
is part of the Paper Session:
Land Use and Development Interaction
scheduled on Wednesday, 4/22/2015 at 17:20 PM.
Anna Badia* - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Montserrat Pallares-Barbera - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Àngel Cebollada - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Enric Mendizàbal - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Roads have always been a structural keystone in the making of territory which allowed
people's connection and goods' exchange. Historically, activities related to agriculture,
livestock and forestry constituted its primary function. Nowadays, roles have diversified
and multiplied. Leisure and new mobility ways as an alternative to the use of car or
public transport constitute new functions of historic roads. Rural roads' traditional
functionality is lost and their form modified or disappeared, and road's landscape or
monumental heritage vanished, specifically, in metropolitan areas. Moreover, land use
change in urban and suburban areas and permissive planning policies adjusted
historical rural roads to private property needs; physically cutting the road or modifying
its path. This liberal interpretation of public land uses and mobility rights favoring private
property uses lead to the disappearance of the historical roads. This paper wants to
analyze how metropolitan growth changed land uses and modified historic roads; which
resulted in high negative externalities affecting the cultural memory of the place and
destroying important elements of the collective identity traced in the territory by previous
societies. In order to highlight the importance of the historic roads in the postindustrial
society, this paper is analyzing the land use changes and the functions lost in the
Monks' Path of Vallès County, in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
Land use change, value of roads, heritage, GIS, mobility.
(60) 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
AAG - 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Keywords: road safety; daily mobility; equality; social sciences.
Keywords: Mobility, Land use, Urban transport, Urban sustainability, Spatial econometrics
Daily mobility; Labour market exclusion; Urban territory; Barcelona Metropolitan Region"
Keywords: work-related mobility, public transport, mobility costs, non-public administration organisations, trade unions"
Key words: daily mobility, sustainability, human geography, mobility surveys.
Key-words: Commuting, Barcelona Metropolitan Region, social exclusion, sustainability.""
qualitative methods, made it possible to identify the agents and collective and analyze the perceptions and assessments of the existing mobility strategies. This information is revealed as essential to implement transport policies socially integratives in the industrial estates.
Key words: Mobility, social structure, industrial estates, social exclusion, Barcelona Metropolitan Region.
Challenges of rural roads: land use change and heritage value lost. The Monks'
Path in Vallès County, Barcelona
is part of the Paper Session:
Land Use and Development Interaction
scheduled on Wednesday, 4/22/2015 at 17:20 PM.
Anna Badia* - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Montserrat Pallares-Barbera - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Àngel Cebollada - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Enric Mendizàbal - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Roads have always been a structural keystone in the making of territory which allowed
people's connection and goods' exchange. Historically, activities related to agriculture,
livestock and forestry constituted its primary function. Nowadays, roles have diversified
and multiplied. Leisure and new mobility ways as an alternative to the use of car or
public transport constitute new functions of historic roads. Rural roads' traditional
functionality is lost and their form modified or disappeared, and road's landscape or
monumental heritage vanished, specifically, in metropolitan areas. Moreover, land use
change in urban and suburban areas and permissive planning policies adjusted
historical rural roads to private property needs; physically cutting the road or modifying
its path. This liberal interpretation of public land uses and mobility rights favoring private
property uses lead to the disappearance of the historical roads. This paper wants to
analyze how metropolitan growth changed land uses and modified historic roads; which
resulted in high negative externalities affecting the cultural memory of the place and
destroying important elements of the collective identity traced in the territory by previous
societies. In order to highlight the importance of the historic roads in the postindustrial
society, this paper is analyzing the land use changes and the functions lost in the
Monks' Path of Vallès County, in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
Land use change, value of roads, heritage, GIS, mobility.
(60) 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
AAG - 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Keywords: road safety; daily mobility; equality; social sciences.
Keywords: Mobility, Land use, Urban transport, Urban sustainability, Spatial econometrics
Daily mobility; Labour market exclusion; Urban territory; Barcelona Metropolitan Region"
Keywords: work-related mobility, public transport, mobility costs, non-public administration organisations, trade unions"
Key words: daily mobility, sustainability, human geography, mobility surveys.
Key-words: Commuting, Barcelona Metropolitan Region, social exclusion, sustainability.""
qualitative methods, made it possible to identify the agents and collective and analyze the perceptions and assessments of the existing mobility strategies. This information is revealed as essential to implement transport policies socially integratives in the industrial estates.
Key words: Mobility, social structure, industrial estates, social exclusion, Barcelona Metropolitan Region.