Papers by Andrea Asztalos
Educatio, Sep 1, 2018
A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában énekzene tantárgyat ... more A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában énekzene tantárgyat oktató pedagógusok nézeteit a tanítással kapcsolatosan. A vizsgálatban 176 alsó tagozatos tanító és 272 ének-zene szakos tanár vett részt. Az adatfelvétel online kérdőíves módszerrel történt. Az adatok kvantitatív módszerekkel való feldolgozásához az SPSS24 programot használtuk. A pedagóguscsoportok tanulásszervezési eljárásokkal, alkalmazott információforrásokkal és módszerekkel kapcsolatos nézeteik között több különbséget is feltártunk. Összefüggést találtunk a pedagógusok életkora, képzettsége, a pályán eltöltött gyakorlata és a tanításról alkotott nézeteik között. Kulcsszavak: ének-zene tanári nézetek, tanítás, tanulásszervezési eljárások, tanítási módszerek Th e purpose of this paper is to reveal and present primary teachers' and classroom music teachers' beliefs about teaching. In the study, 176 primary teachers and 272 classroom music teachers participated. Th e research method employed was an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis protocols with SPSS24 program. We revealed diff erences between the teachers' groups' beliefs about learning organization process, applied information sources and teaching methods. We found correlations between the age, qualifi cations and practice of teachers and their beliefs about teaching.
Research Studies in Music Education, Dec 26, 2022
One of the most important issues in music education is the development of children’s musical abil... more One of the most important issues in music education is the development of children’s musical abilities, which are in turn impacted by teachers’ beliefs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the beliefs of general classroom and music specialist teachers in Hungary about the development of the musical abilities of children. A total of 176 general classroom teachers and 272 music specialist teachers participated in the research process. Data were collected using an online questionnaire method. SPSS was used to process data using quantitative methods. The researcher used descriptive statistical methods (frequencies, means, standard deviations) for data analysis, and inferential statistics—independent samples t test, Pearson’s correlation, and factor analysis (Maximum Likelihood method, Oblimin rotation)—to examine differences and correlations between variables. The results indicated that teachers cognitively organize musical abilities differently from the Hungarian National Core Curriculum content. Moreover, the study observed several differences among the beliefs of general classroom and music specialist teachers regarding the level of development of musical abilities of primary school children. A significant correlation was noted between the teachers’ qualifications, practice, and length of instrumental learning, and their beliefs about developing musical abilities in children. One main educational implication emerged from the results was the importance of modification of beliefs for educating teachers in university courses, which poses a major problem because changing teachers’ beliefs is a complex process.
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Jun 30, 2021
"The purpose of this paper is to present which are the most common children’ singing voice p... more "The purpose of this paper is to present which are the most common children’ singing voice production problems and to demonstrate what role it is the posture, articulation, breathing, movements, imaginations and vocal warm-ups in correction of children’s vocal production problems. The research methods used included observations and self-studies. 100 school children participated in this study. This research identified five key vocal production problems: 1. singing exclusively in the chest register; 2. “compressed” singing voice; 3. “too airy” or “veiled” voice; 4. “skinny” voice; 5. out-of-tune singing. The reasons for and the characteristics of several different kinds of vocal production issues and several remedial exercises for them are described in this paper. Keywords: children, development, singing ability, singing voice, vocal problems "
International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 2017
This paper outlines a novel approach to studying children's singing that enables a more accurate ... more This paper outlines a novel approach to studying children's singing that enables a more accurate and global picture to be drawn of children's actual level of singing achievement across a range of tasks. The purpose of this paper was to observe and examine the problems of singing voice production of children aged 10 to 12 years and describe how we can develop children's singing voice quality. It draws on a two-year longitudinal field study of children aged 10 to 12 years. In the pre-research we have selected thirty 5th grader children with singing problems from seventy 5th grader children. In the experimental group and in the controll group participated 15-15 children (10-10 girls and 5-5 boys) aged 10 to 12 years. All the children attended the same Music Primary School in Budapest. The first phase tested children singing individually short fragments, examined the singing voice quality and singing problems. We observed four different kinds of children's singing voice building problems and devised experimental exercises for all problems. The second phase, conducted two years later, repeated these patterns with some minor procedural improvements. Research methods were observations, experiment, rating scales. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. Conclusion: In two years, all singing problems were breaked off. A well-planned and efficiently executed exercises are essential for developing a good singing habit. Bescause the vocal cord is an extremely sensitive organ, it needs special care and trainig in order to have good voice production.
A tanulmány röviden bemutatja a gamifikáció (jákosítás) módszerét, majd annak egy alkalmazási leh... more A tanulmány röviden bemutatja a gamifikáció (jákosítás) módszerét, majd annak egy alkalmazási lehetőségét az ének-zene tanításban. A módszert olyan 7. osztályokban próbáltuk ki, ahol a tanulók nem tanulták emelt óraszámban az éneket, és nem is tartozott az ének-zene a kedvenc tantárgyaik közé. Az újfajta tanítási módszert a zenei romantika témakörén belül valósítottuk meg három tanórán keresztül. Pedagógiai kísérletünkben kontrollcsoportos vizsgálati elrendezést alkalmaztunk. A gamifikáció tanórai felhasználásával sikerült jelentősen növelni a tanulók motiváltságát. A gamifikáció új módszertani elem lehet az ének-zene tanításában, mellyel a tanárképzésben is érdemes foglalkozni. A tanulmányban bemutatott módszer ötleleteket adhat más tantárgyak tanításához is.
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Musica
"The purpose of this study is to summarize the essence of Zoltán Kodály’s music education ph... more "The purpose of this study is to summarize the essence of Zoltán Kodály’s music education philosophy and concept and to shed light on the presence of this music education concept in domestic and foreign music education in the 21st century. In the study, I present how music education based on Kodály’s principles has been adapted in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Greece, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and China and how it flourishes even in the 21st century. Keywords: Kodály Concept, music education, singing, music literature, adaptation of Kodály Concept"
Research Studies in Music Education
One of the most important issues in music education is the development of children’s musical abil... more One of the most important issues in music education is the development of children’s musical abilities, which are in turn impacted by teachers’ beliefs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the beliefs of general classroom and music specialist teachers in Hungary about the development of the musical abilities of children. A total of 176 general classroom teachers and 272 music specialist teachers participated in the research process. Data were collected using an online questionnaire method. SPSS was used to process data using quantitative methods. The researcher used descriptive statistical methods (frequencies, means, standard deviations) for data analysis, and inferential statistics—independent samples t test, Pearson’s correlation, and factor analysis (Maximum Likelihood method, Oblimin rotation)—to examine differences and correlations between variables. The results indicated that teachers cognitively organize musical abilities differently from the Hungarian National Core...
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Musica, Jun 30, 2021
<jats:p>"The purpose of this paper is to present which are the most common children... more <jats:p>"The purpose of this paper is to present which are the most common children' singing voice production problems and to demonstrate what role it is the posture, articulation, breathing, movements, imaginations and vocal warm-ups in correction of children's vocal production problems. The research methods used included observations and self-studies. 100 school children participated in this study. This research identified five key vocal production problems: 1. singing exclusively in the chest register; 2. "compressed" singing voice; 3. "too airy" or "veiled" voice; 4. "skinny" voice; 5. out-of-tune singing. The reasons for and the characteristics of several different kinds of vocal production issues and several remedial exercises for them are described in this paper. Keywords: children, development, singing ability, singing voice, vocal problems "</jats:p>
The purpose of this paper was to examine and descr ib hildren's choir directors belief about ... more The purpose of this paper was to examine and descr ib hildren's choir directors belief about warm-ups and their pra ctices in conducting warmups, and to state rationale and necessity of the vo cal warm-up before children's choir rehearsal. Subjects were 32 children's choir directors, who conduct children's choir in Music Primary School in Hungary. Re search methods were observations, semi-structured interviews, questionnai res. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. Results: A well-planned an efficiently executed warmup is essential for developing a good singing habit nd creating an attentive atmosphese in children's choir rehearsal. Choral singi ng is just like any other warm-up exercise before vigorous physical activity: to tune up the body and stretch the muscles so as to prepare for the high t ension in the activiy. Bescause the vocal cord is an extremely sensitive organ, it eeds special care and trainig in order to have good voice production.
International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, Jun 1, 2017
This paper outlines a novel approach to studying children's singing that enables a more accurate ... more This paper outlines a novel approach to studying children's singing that enables a more accurate and global picture to be drawn of children's actual level of singing achievement across a range of tasks. The purpose of this paper was to observe and examine the problems of singing voice production of children aged 10 to 12 years and describe how we can develop children's singing voice quality. It draws on a two-year longitudinal field study of children aged 10 to 12 years. In the pre-research we have selected thirty 5th grader children with singing problems from seventy 5th grader children. In the experimental group and in the controll group participated 15-15 children (10-10 girls and 5-5 boys) aged 10 to 12 years. All the children attended the same Music Primary School in Budapest. The first phase tested children singing individually short fragments, examined the singing voice quality and singing problems. We observed four different kinds of children's singing voice building problems and devised experimental exercises for all problems. The second phase, conducted two years later, repeated these patterns with some minor procedural improvements. Research methods were observations, experiment, rating scales. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. Conclusion: In two years, all singing problems were breaked off. A well-planned and efficiently executed exercises are essential for developing a good singing habit. Bescause the vocal cord is an extremely sensitive organ, it needs special care and trainig in order to have good voice production.
A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában énekzene tantárgyat ... more A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában énekzene tantárgyat oktató pedagógusok nézeteit a tanítással kapcsolatosan. A vizsgálatban 176 alsó tagozatos tanító és 272 ének-zene szakos tanár vett részt. Az adatfelvétel online kérdőíves módszerrel történt. Az adatok kvantitatív módszerekkel való feldolgozásához az SPSS24 programot használtuk. A pedagóguscsoportok tanulásszervezési eljárásokkal, alkalmazott információforrásokkal és módszerekkel kapcsolatos nézeteik között több különbséget is feltártunk. Összefüggést találtunk a pedagógusok életkora, képzettsége, a pályán eltöltött gyakorlata és a tanításról alkotott nézeteik között. Kulcsszavak: ének-zene tanári nézetek, tanítás, tanulásszervezési eljárások, tanítási módszerek Th e purpose of this paper is to reveal and present primary teachers' and classroom music teachers' beliefs about teaching. In the study, 176 primary teachers and 272 classroom music teachers participated. Th e research method employed was an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis protocols with SPSS24 program. We revealed diff erences between the teachers' groups' beliefs about learning organization process, applied information sources and teaching methods. We found correlations between the age, qualifi cations and practice of teachers and their beliefs about teaching.
A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában énekzene tantárgyat ... more A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában énekzene tantárgyat oktató pedagógusok nézeteit a tanítással kapcsolatosan. A vizsgálatban 176 alsó tagozatos tanító és 272 ének-zene szakos tanár vett részt. Az adatfelvétel online kérdőíves módszerrel történt. Az adatok kvantitatív módszerekkel való feldolgozásához az SPSS24 programot használtuk. A pedagóguscsoportok tanulásszervezési eljárásokkal, alkalmazott információforrásokkal és módszerekkel kapcsolatos nézeteik között több különbséget is feltártunk. Összefüggést találtunk a pedagógusok életkora, képzettsége, a pályán eltöltött gyakorlata és a tanításról alkotott nézeteik között. Kulcsszavak: ének-zene tanári nézetek, tanítás, tanulásszervezési eljárások, tanítási módszerek Th e purpose of this paper is to reveal and present primary teachers' and classroom music teachers' beliefs about teaching. In the study, 176 primary teachers and 272 classroom music teachers participated. Th e research method employed was an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis protocols with SPSS24 program. We revealed diff erences between the teachers' groups' beliefs about learning organization process, applied information sources and teaching methods. We found correlations between the age, qualifi cations and practice of teachers and their beliefs about teaching.
A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában ének-zene tantárgyat... more A tanulmány célja feltárni és bemutatni a nyolcosztályos általános iskolában ének-zene tantárgyat oktató pedagógusok nézeteit a tanítással kapcsolatosan. A vizsgálat-ban 176 alsó tagozatos tanító és 272 ének-zene szakos tanár vett részt. Az adatfelvétel online kérdőíves módszerrel történt. Az adatok kvantitatív módszerekkel való feldolgozásához az SPSS24 programot használtuk. A pedagóguscsoportok tanulásszervezési eljárásokkal, alkalmazott információforrásokkal és módszerekkel kapcsolatos nézeteik között több különbséget is feltártunk. Összefüggést találtunk a pedagógusok életkora, képzettsége, a pályán eltöltött gyakorlata és a tanításról alkotott nézeteik között. Kulcsszavak: ének-zene tanári nézetek, tanítás, tanulásszervezési eljárások, tanítási módszerek
The purpose of this paper is to reveal and present primary teachers' and classroom music teachers' beliefs about teaching. In the study, 176 primary teachers and 272 classroom music teachers participated. Th e research method employed was an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis protocols with SPSS24 program. We revealed diff erences between the teachers' groups' beliefs about learning organization process, applied information sources and teaching methods. We found correlations between the age, qualifi cations and practice of teachers and their beliefs about teaching.
Kutatásom során az általános iskolában ének-zene tantárgyat tanító pedagógusok nézeteit és gyakor... more Kutatásom során az általános iskolában ének-zene tantárgyat tanító pedagógusok nézeteit és gyakorlati tapasztalatait vizsgáltam az ének-zene órai és a gyermekkari beénekléssel kapcsolatban. A kutatás célja az általános iskolai ének-zene órákon és a gyermekkórus próbákon alkalmazott különböző beéneklő gyakorlatok összegyűjtése, rendszerezése, valamint a beéneklés alkalmazásának gyakorisága és a gyermekkori énekhangképzési problémák közötti összefüggések feltárása volt. A vizsgálatban 80 alsó tagozaton tanító pedagógus és 180 énekzene szakos tanár vett részt. Közülük 135-en vezetnek gyermekkart is. Az adatok összegyűjtése megfigyeléssel és online kérdőíves módszerrel történt. Az adatok feldolgozásához kvantitatív és kvalitatív módszereket egyaránt alkalmaztam. A kutatás eredményeképpen a beéneklő gyakorlatokat nyolc csoportba soroltam, melyek a következők: 1) testmozgásos gyakorlatok; 2) légzőgyakorlatok; 3) rezonanciafejlesztő gyakorlatok; 4) hangzóformálást javító, artikulációs gyakorlatok; 5) hangterjedelem-bővítő gyakorlatok; 6) intonációs gyakorlatok; 7) helyes szövegmondást, kifejező előadásmódot elősegítő gyakorlatok; 8) homogén hangzás kialakítását segítő gyakorlatok. Ahol ritkán vagy soha nem alkalmaznak a pedagógusok beéneklő gyakorlatokat, ott nagyobb a különböző énekhangképzési problémákkal rendelkező gyermekek aránya egy osztályon belül. Következésképpen megállapítható, hogy a szakszerűen, jól megtervezett beéneklés feltétlenül szükséges a gyerekek helyes énekhangképzésének kialakításához.
Papers by Andrea Asztalos
The purpose of this paper is to reveal and present primary teachers' and classroom music teachers' beliefs about teaching. In the study, 176 primary teachers and 272 classroom music teachers participated. Th e research method employed was an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis protocols with SPSS24 program. We revealed diff erences between the teachers' groups' beliefs about learning organization process, applied information sources and teaching methods. We found correlations between the age, qualifi cations and practice of teachers and their beliefs about teaching.
The purpose of this paper is to reveal and present primary teachers' and classroom music teachers' beliefs about teaching. In the study, 176 primary teachers and 272 classroom music teachers participated. Th e research method employed was an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis protocols with SPSS24 program. We revealed diff erences between the teachers' groups' beliefs about learning organization process, applied information sources and teaching methods. We found correlations between the age, qualifi cations and practice of teachers and their beliefs about teaching.
The purpose of this paper was to observe and examine the problems of singing voice production of children aged 10 to 12 years and describe how we can develop children's singing voice quality. This paper outlines a novel approach to studying children’s singing that enables a more accurate and global picture to be drawn of children’s actual level of singing achievement across a range of tasks. It enables predictions to be made about their potential singing development in a formal school setting. It draws on a two-year longitudinal field study of children aged 10 to 12 years. The sample reported here comprises 15 children (5 boys and 10 girls) aged 10 to 12 years at the start and the end of the study. All the children attended the same Music Primary School in Budapest. The research comprised a field study in order to explore features of children’s singing in the real-life setting of school. The first phase tested children singing individually short fragments, examined the singing voice quality and singing problems. We observed four different kinds of children's singing voice building problems: 1. isolated chest-voice in singing; 2. „pressed” singing voice; 3. „too airy”, „veiled voice”; 4. „skinny” voice. We devised experimental exercises for all problems. A single exercise can be used to address multiple vocal and musical considerations. The exercises provided address matters of breath, vocal production, vowel formation, and vocal development. Each exercise is labeled with its fundamental purpose, although many function in several capacities. I teached all of children and after a three-month teaching phase tested their singing individually. The second phase, conducted two years later, repeated these patterns with some minor procedural improvements. This provided a longitudinal dimension to the project. Research methods were observations, experiment. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results highlight considerable diversity in actual singing achievement in different tasks and different test contexts. In two years, all singing problems were breaked off. Children’s singing development is both varied and multifaceted, and this has considerable implications for teaching and assessing singing as well as other forms of music-making that depend on singing and singing quality in the years of school. A well-planned and efficiently executed exercises are essential for developing a good singing habit. Bescause the vocal cord is an extremely sensitive organ, it needs special care and trainig in order to have good voice production.