Paper by Hande Topaloglu
This presentation claims that the way of subversive aesthetics is possible with a political horiz... more This presentation claims that the way of subversive aesthetics is possible with a political horizon departs from the inseparable understanding of conceptual couple of body and image, where body appears to be one of the most important concerns in contemporary dance and performance field not only for being the instrument of expressions but also being the expression of instrumentalizations. And the image appears at the knot of the relationship between body and aesthetics which captures the inevitable relationship between the body-politics of subjectification processes and the construction of meaning during audience-performer connection. Differing the term body-image from “the image of the body” is a conscious decision in order to abstain the handicap of reducing the meaning of a performance to the producers’ individual experience or to the decoding of signifiers which traps the effect and the affect in the constructed “objective” frames of perception. It is aimed to discuss the subversive potential of dancing body-image at aesthetical-political level and at the same time to underline the possibility of its articulation on rational instrumentalizing mechanisms which forces the dancer to select between imitating and presence on the other hand leaves the audiences to the hands of regimes of identification or alienation.
Modern ideolojilerin -Aydınlanma düşüncesinden ulus-devlet ideolojisine ve hatta klasik Marksist ... more Modern ideolojilerin -Aydınlanma düşüncesinden ulus-devlet ideolojisine ve hatta klasik Marksist ideolojiye- özne ve insan merkezli düşüncelerin eleştirilmesi ve kullanılan bu kavramların altlarının teker teker oyulmasıyla istikrarsızlaşmasının sonucu olarak beden işlevsel bir araç olmanın ötesine geçmiştir. Üzerinde tarihler boyunca maruz kaldığı inşaların izini taşıyan beden, özellikle modern öznelerin yaratımı sürecinin birincil tanığı olarak karşımızda şimdi. Bu metin de benzer şekilde bedenin tanıklığına başvurarak ve hikâyelerini değerlendirerek Geç Osmanlı ve cumhuriyetin erken döneminde modern toplumun oluşturulma süresince etkili olan beden politikalarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Beden politikalarının tüm insan edimlerinin içine sızmış, oldukça geniş bir alanı kapladığı göz önünde bulundurularak, spor, beden eğitimi ve folklor gibi doğrudan bedene yönelen inşalardan bahsedilecektir. 19.yüzyıl sonlarında başlayıp 20.yüzyıl boyunca etkisini kaybetmeden devam eden bu politikalar, sporu, folklorü ve dansı ulus-devlet ideolojisi içinde araçsallaştırmış ve dilini bu yönde inşa etmiştir. Terbiye-i bedeniye politikalarından, ‘Türk Halk Oyunları’ repertuarının hazırlanmasına kadar günümüzde normalleşmiş olan birçok yapının temelleri bu dönemde atılmıştır.
Bu makale, 1980 sonrasında özelikle Kürt halkı için bir “bellek mekânı” haline gelmiş olan Diyarb... more Bu makale, 1980 sonrasında özelikle Kürt halkı için bir “bellek mekânı” haline gelmiş olan Diyarbakır Askeri Cezaevini, Michel Foucault’nun “disipliner kurum” kavramı, Giorgio Agamben’in “kamp” kavramsallaştırması ve Erving Goffman’ın “total kurum” tanımlarından hareketle tartışmayı deneyecektir. Bu tartışma kavramsal bir sınıflandırmanın ötesinde, şimdiye kadar gerek tarih yazımında gerekse toplumsal süreçlerde dışarıda bırakılan kişisel tanıklıklara başvurarak, 12 Eylül 1980 darbesinin, bu travmatik tarihsel olayın ardından gerçek bir toplumsal hesaplaşmanın nasıl, hangi biçimlerde ve hangi koşullarda gerçekleştirilebileceğini sorgulamaya yönelik analizlere katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Üzerinden geçen otuz küsur yıla rağmen hapishaneler 12 Eylül döneminin hafıza mekanlarından biri ... more Üzerinden geçen otuz küsur yıla rağmen hapishaneler 12 Eylül döneminin hafıza mekanlarından biri olma özelliğini hala koruyor. Bunun tek nedeni yaşanan acı deneyimlerin silinmeyen izler bırakmış olması değil, hapishane gerçekliğinin bir yanıyla hala güncelliğini koruyor olması. Hapishanelerde tutsaklar hala hakları için direniyorlar, yönetici erkanı ise hala ‘modern hapishane’ adı altında denetim, gözetim ve baskının totaliterleştiği cezaevleri inşa etmeye devam ediyor. Bu makalede 12 Eylül rejimi hapishanelerindeki gündelik hayat tutsakların kapatılma ve direniş deneyimlerine dair anlatılarından yola çıkarak Erwing Goffman, Michel Foucault ve Giorgio Agamben'ın kavramlarıyla açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Papers by Hande Topaloglu
Even though “the body” became an academic research subject only recently, it has always been shap... more Even though “the body” became an academic research subject only recently, it has always been shaped by the body politics of social processes, and micro and macro power mechanisms. Accordingly, the increase in the number of gender studies, which head towards individualities and the problematization of gender itself rather than demanding social rights by combining contemporary ideas with feminist theory, has expanded the scope of the research on “the body”. While the studies on subjects and individualities construct a language in terms of “the body”, the effects of the social on individuals have also been reshaped within the context of this very language. This study aims to explore the effects of social politics specifically body politics on the formation process of the individual identities/subjects. How is the body shaped/formed by the societies? How is the sense/image of the body formed? What is the effect of power mechanisms to these processes? What funtions are the bodies, which are formed socially via education or tradition, given?
In this study, social bodies are examined under three topics: dancing bodies, sportive bodies and ideal bodies. In the first two , body is predominantly an instrument of expression of the subject or the society while the third topic leads us to a much exclusive area. The questions that come into predominance in these topics are: does “the ‘dancing body’” express the individual or the social? How does body politics effect “the ‘dancing body’”? What are the functions of “the ‘sportive bodies’” in social processes? What are the roles of the body and gender politics in the formation process of the body sense/image? What is an ‘ideal body’, how is it formed, what functions does it have? This study intends to problematize not only the body politics but also gender politics and gendered bodies in terms of the body.
Books by Hande Topaloglu
Performans, ifade ettiği gerçeklikler, imlediği anlamlar çoğaldıkça bir yandan sınırlarını genişl... more Performans, ifade ettiği gerçeklikler, imlediği anlamlar çoğaldıkça bir yandan sınırlarını genişleten ve dönüştüren, bir yandan da bu muğlaklıkla önceye oranla güvenilirliğini ve gücünü kaybetmeye meyilli bir sözcük haline gelmiştir. Bugün “performans” kelimesinin gündelik hayat performanslarından, şov dünyasının performanslarına, performatif kimliklerden, performans sanatına, iş dünyasının başarılı olmanın önemli bir kriteri olan nicel verilerle değerlendirilebilen performans ölçüm testlerine kadar birçok kelime öbeğinde yer etmiş olduğunu görüyoruz. Tüm bu anlam kargaşasını bir yandan da performansın öznellik ve nesnellik kavramlarıyla diyalektik düşüncenin uçlarında saldığı kökler, her iki karşıt kutupta edindiği anlam ve sabit yer ile açıklamak da mümkün. Bu makale bir sanat dalı olarak performansı ve performans sanatının kavramsal ve politik mücadele araçlarını, özellikle mekanla kurduğu ilişki temelinde, incelemek amacındadır. Bu minvalde, Sello Pesa ve Mihran Tomasyan’ın gerçekleştirdikleri sokak performansları, performans ve mekan düşüncesinin bize sağladığı toplumsal mekânın üretimi, gerçeklik kurgusu, eşzamanlılık ve dikeylik/yataylık kavramları çerçevesinde tartışılacaktır.
Thesis Chapters by Hande Topaloglu
Dance and the dancing body have been analyzed by different disciplines such as sociology, anthrop... more Dance and the dancing body have been analyzed by different disciplines such as sociology, anthropology or ethno-choreology with specific terminologies of each discipline. Considering the potantial risk of dancing body image –like all other images- to articulate with dominant discursive politics which forms the general frame of perception through representational means, common approaches on identification of dance and image should be problematized. Forasmuch as many examples like national dances, high culture dances or feminine dances show clearly
the political usage of dance and its discursive frame.
Throughout the history, dance have been used as a political weapon
ideologically, aestheticly and culturally. This knowledge also opened the door for counter-movements which accreted with critical theories on aesthetics and politics especially with two avanguard waves on 1920s and 1960s. Weakening of the political potential of the image in general started to spread around with the new free market economy –neoliberal globalization- which enclosed the meaning and affect of the image to relativity and condemned all the attempts to politicize the image as
ideology. In order to get free of that classifying and condemning approach of state and capitalism, to construct another language to rebuilt the political potantial of dancing body image is becoming more and more necessary. In this context, dance analysis goes beyond the border of disciplines and requires a new terminology which corresponds to both aesthetic and sociological aspects of the dance/performance
Paper by Hande Topaloglu
Papers by Hande Topaloglu
In this study, social bodies are examined under three topics: dancing bodies, sportive bodies and ideal bodies. In the first two , body is predominantly an instrument of expression of the subject or the society while the third topic leads us to a much exclusive area. The questions that come into predominance in these topics are: does “the ‘dancing body’” express the individual or the social? How does body politics effect “the ‘dancing body’”? What are the functions of “the ‘sportive bodies’” in social processes? What are the roles of the body and gender politics in the formation process of the body sense/image? What is an ‘ideal body’, how is it formed, what functions does it have? This study intends to problematize not only the body politics but also gender politics and gendered bodies in terms of the body.
Books by Hande Topaloglu
Thesis Chapters by Hande Topaloglu
the political usage of dance and its discursive frame.
Throughout the history, dance have been used as a political weapon
ideologically, aestheticly and culturally. This knowledge also opened the door for counter-movements which accreted with critical theories on aesthetics and politics especially with two avanguard waves on 1920s and 1960s. Weakening of the political potential of the image in general started to spread around with the new free market economy –neoliberal globalization- which enclosed the meaning and affect of the image to relativity and condemned all the attempts to politicize the image as
ideology. In order to get free of that classifying and condemning approach of state and capitalism, to construct another language to rebuilt the political potantial of dancing body image is becoming more and more necessary. In this context, dance analysis goes beyond the border of disciplines and requires a new terminology which corresponds to both aesthetic and sociological aspects of the dance/performance
In this study, social bodies are examined under three topics: dancing bodies, sportive bodies and ideal bodies. In the first two , body is predominantly an instrument of expression of the subject or the society while the third topic leads us to a much exclusive area. The questions that come into predominance in these topics are: does “the ‘dancing body’” express the individual or the social? How does body politics effect “the ‘dancing body’”? What are the functions of “the ‘sportive bodies’” in social processes? What are the roles of the body and gender politics in the formation process of the body sense/image? What is an ‘ideal body’, how is it formed, what functions does it have? This study intends to problematize not only the body politics but also gender politics and gendered bodies in terms of the body.
the political usage of dance and its discursive frame.
Throughout the history, dance have been used as a political weapon
ideologically, aestheticly and culturally. This knowledge also opened the door for counter-movements which accreted with critical theories on aesthetics and politics especially with two avanguard waves on 1920s and 1960s. Weakening of the political potential of the image in general started to spread around with the new free market economy –neoliberal globalization- which enclosed the meaning and affect of the image to relativity and condemned all the attempts to politicize the image as
ideology. In order to get free of that classifying and condemning approach of state and capitalism, to construct another language to rebuilt the political potantial of dancing body image is becoming more and more necessary. In this context, dance analysis goes beyond the border of disciplines and requires a new terminology which corresponds to both aesthetic and sociological aspects of the dance/performance