Papers by Jean-François Baillon
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Diderot, 2012
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 2021
This article considers the legacy and influence of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971) in... more This article considers the legacy and influence of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971) in contemporary cinema. Kubrick’s film received criticism on its release for the director’s supposed excessive attention to form at the expense of content (what some termed the ‘aestheticization of violence’). Two recent directors that have frequently been compared to Kubrick, Thomas Clay and Nicholas Winding Refn, have similarly been criticised for their aestheticization of violence in their films. Drawing upon news clippings of film reviews, the article compares Clay’s The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael (2005) and Refn’s Bronson (2009) to Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange to consider how the media discourse surrounding Kubrick’s film continues to inform contemporary criticism of violence in film. The article addresses the reception of these films through the prism of the form vs content dichotomy initiated by Kubrick himself. Archival material in the Stanley Kubrick Archive relating to the reception of Kubrick’s film is used to support a comparative approach and show that the accusations aimed at the imitators of Kubrick continue a debate that actually started with A Clockwork Orange itself.
A partir de l'etude des sources manuscrites (manuscrits theologiques d'Isaac Newton, corr... more A partir de l'etude des sources manuscrites (manuscrits theologiques d'Isaac Newton, correspondance de Samuel Clarke et de William Wjiston), ainsi que de sources imprimees rarement etudiees, on montre les failles de l'exploitation qui est faite de la science newtonienne a des fins ideologiques (politiques et religieuses pour l'essentiel). Afin de legitimer l'image que le nouvel ordre religieux et politique issu de 1688 cherche a donner de lui-meme, la physique newtonienne est debarrassee par ses commentateurs des elements qui permettraient une utilisation ideologique par les neo-republicains et les materialistes. En outre, cette etude revele les divergences proprement theologiques qui opposent les newtoniens les plus fideles a l'Eglise d’Angleterre. Toute la deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude du contenu des manuscrits theologiques de Newton, de maniere a mettre en evidence ses concepts fondamentaux (idolâtrie, enthousiasme, fantaisie, metaphysique), ...
Questions de communication, 2019
Voyages et exils au cinema. Rencontres de l’alterite, est un ouvrage collectif regroupant dix-neu... more Voyages et exils au cinema. Rencontres de l’alterite, est un ouvrage collectif regroupant dix-neuf contributions d’enseignants et de chercheurs bases en France. Son sujet n’est pas inedit comme en temoigne en fin d’ouvrage la bibliographie selective bien fournie. Il se decline ici en six chapitres refletant chacun plusieurs « rencontres » avec l’Occident, les Ameriques, l’Afrique, l’Inde, le Moyen-Orient et l’Asie, d’ou la pluralite du titre. Ce decoupage en aires culturelles peut sembler ass...
This article on comics purports to examine genre dynamics in Shaun of the Dead (Wright 2005). In ... more This article on comics purports to examine genre dynamics in Shaun of the Dead (Wright 2005). In particular, it seeks to detail the interactions between the romantic-comedy elements present in the film and its ostensible alignment with the zombie genre in the Romero mold. The article argues that a close analysis of the film’s narrative structure belies the apparent balance between the two genres, which the filmmakers sought to keep “separate and intact”. Through an analysis of the role of repetitions, references and influences, the article details the inscription of the zombie plot in the pliable structure of the romantic-comedy, along with the effect of this inscription on the subtext of the zombie genre.
Études britanniques contemporaines
Papers by Jean-François Baillon
Jean-François Baillon, "Mireille Berton. Le Corps nerveux des spectateurs. Cinéma et sciences du psychisme autour de 1900", Mise au point, n°9, 2017. URL :