Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
Anglais LLCE
The present article analyzes the copular realization of GET in relation to its lexical transitive, intransitive motion and passive realizations. The change-of-state construction was previously defined by the author as X CHANGES TO Ystate.... more
This paper pioneers a new field of research as its aim is to apply the cognitive linguistic tools to the analysis of green rhetoric. The corpus data is composed of President G. W. Bush’s eight State of the Union Addresses (SOTUA). Through... more
Based on a cognitive-rhetorical approach, the author pursues her line of research as defined in past publications, i.e. applying the tools of cognitive linguistics to analyze the main rhetorical devices at work in American environmental... more
D ans la Rome antique, la damnatio memoriae (la condamnation de la mémoire) effaçait tout souvenir et toute trace de personnes considérées comme ayant porté atteinte à l'honneur de la cité et condamnées à mort : comme si elles n'avaient... more