Showing posts with label Galveston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galveston. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2012

This and That

Things have been busy around Casa Dragon on Twisty Lane.
Some work has been done around the house -- inside and out.
Hanging some ceiling fans, painting a bathroom, paving the side yard.
The kitties were busy supervising until they got tired of the noise and they decided to 
huddle under a quilt in the back bedroom and sleep. 
I'm happy with the work that was done and smiling because it is all finished and quiet again!

Mosaic: Curiosities

Some other things that made me smile:
- I made my favorite soup - split pea.  I love how it tastes and smells!
(Soup photo from Google photos)

- On the way to the gym one morning I saw a opossum with her baby on her back crossing the street.
Right here in the middle of town. I know some people don't like the opossum, but I'm not one of them. 
(Opossum photo from Google photos)

- My photo of teacups was selected as one of the winners for My Favorite Things at 
Focusing On Life. I was like Sally Field -- they like me, they like me! 
Many of the ladies there are pros when it comes to photography.
Big smile!

- Musashi's Garden always brings smiles to my face every day. I never know what is going to be
blooming -- in this case the last of the gardenias. Or what bird will be entertaining me in the bird bath.


Friday means it's Postcard Friendship Friday and here are two more Galveston postcards.
As always, thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting.

The first postcard is a modern reproduction of a vintage card featuring the seawall 
and the Hotel Galvez.
I love the fashions and the cars!

Galvez Hotel: Reproduction of Vintage Postcard.

The second card is a vintage linen look card of the Galveston Causeway.
It is blank on the back side except for the description:
"Galveston's great causeway, Galveston, Texas.
Galveston's Causeway is one of the world's greatest engineering feats. This causeway is a three mile structure accomodating two railroad tracks, and electric car line, a driveway and a footway, it's proportion and designs are scientifically accurate, making it a thing of classic beauty as well as"
and that's where the description ends!

The old causeway is still there and it is still used by trains.

Galveston Causeway: Vintage Linen Look Postcard

Wishing all of YOU well, much joy and a fun filled holiday weekend!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bridesmaids Brunch

Last weekend my Beautiful God Daughter married her
Knight in Shining Armor.

Festivities started off with a brunch for the bridesmaids
on 11-11 at 11AM.

Here's the bride with her maids ... all close friends.

Brunch was held on the pool deck of the Hotel Galvez
(which was celebrating its 100th anniversary).
Wonderful centerpieces.
The food was delicious.
I ate every bite.

It's All About the Shoes!

Can't forget the shoes!!!!!

Thank you to Mary for being our hostess for
Mosaic Monday.

Wishing YOU well and a JOY filled week.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

His and Hers

This was the beautiful view for the 
His and Hers shower the bridesmaids
had for THE kids.


I could look at this view everyday and not get tired of it.
In fact, I did have a similar view for 13 years before we moved to the big city.

The Gang

Here they are:
THE kids
and the four smart, lovely ladies who are the bridesmaids.
All of them friends.

The food was delicious and there was lots of it.
The only picture I took was of the cupcakes! 
The strawberry  ....  delightful!

The big day will soon be here!
Lots of excitement and busy, busy!

Wishing YOU well and a JOY filled day!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Summer memories
Tall Ship Elissa Sailing
Wind blowing my hair


Back of the postcard reads:
Galveston, Texas was the leading port of the 
Southwest and a major trade center during the
Golden Age of Sail. Now that era has returned with
the restoration of the sailing ship ELISSA, whose
masts tower over the historic city's famous port.
Rescued from a Greek scrapyard after nearly 100
years at sea, ELISSA was restored by the Galveston
Historical Foundation and is now open for public
tours seven days a week. 
Photo by David Cannght

A big thank you to our hostesses:


The humidity is back and the feels like temperatures are 105 or greater.
Time to hibernate!

Have a lovely, cool, weekend! 

Help me celebrate my blogoversary here.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Morning

Gulf of Mexico at Sunrise

 "Our ancestors viewed the earth as rich and bountiful, which it is. Many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustibly sustainable, which we know is the case only if we care for it. It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past that resulted from ignorance. Today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations."

~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Friday, April 16, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by the lovely Beth over at The Best Hearts Are Crunchy.

Be sure you visit.

Murdock's Bath House Galveston

This is a postcard we received in the mail asking us to SAVE THE DATE.

I really liked how they combined the old with the new.

The old - the photo of the old Murdock's Bath House as it once stood on the beach on Galveston Island.
The image is one of those in the Rosenberg Library on the Island.
Murdock's was destroyed during hurricane Ike and is being rebuilt.
The grand-reopening scheduled at the same time as the fund raiser for the Ronald McDonald House.
Should be a lot of fun.

Murdock's Bath House Galveston

Friday, August 21, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday

Before I tell you about my postcard, I'd like to send out a few special dragon vibes to our hostess, Marie. We miss you and hope to see you back with us soon!

A new Sea Wall protected Galveston's homes after the hurricane of 1900.

This post card is dated 1909.
These lovely homes were located somewhere between the present Galvez Hotel
and the Stewart beach. Unfortunately, they no longer exist. I don't have dates for
their destruction. This is mostly restaurants and hotels now -- tourist trade.

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by Marie.