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Abstract. Transition priorities can be a useful mechanism when modeling using Petri nets. For example, high-priority transitions can be used to model exception handling and low-priority transitions can be used to model background tasks... more
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Abstract. Semiconductor technology miniaturization allows designers to pack more and more transistors onto a single chip. The resulting System on Chip (SoC) designs are predominant for embedded systems such as mobile devices. Such complex... more
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This progress report outlines the work conducted on part A of my PhD study at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus. During Part A of my PhD study, I have conducted work in three areas related to modeling of computer... more
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Abstract. Grading dozens of Petri net models manually is a tedious and error-prone task. In this paper, we present Grade/CPN, a tool supporting the grading of Colored Petri nets modeled in CPN Tools. The tool is extensible, configurable,... more
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Automatic code generation based on Coloured Petri Net (CPN) models is challenging because CPNs allow for the construction of abstract models that intermix control flow and data processing, making translation into conventional programming... more
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Abstract. Coloured Petri nets (CP-nets or CPNs) is a useful modeling formalism for formally describing concurrent systems, and CPN Tools provides a mature environment for constructing, simulating, and performing simple analysis of CPN... more
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Abstract. Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) extend the classical Petri net formalism with data, time, and hierarchy. These extensions make it possible to model complex processes as CPNs without being forced to abstract from relevant aspects.... more
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Model checking is applied for verification of concurrent systems by users having different skills and background. This ranges from researchers with detailed knowledge of the inner workings of the tools to engineers that are mostly... more
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Abstract. Declare adheres to the declarative workflow modeling paradigm, where, instead of modeling allowed behavior and explicit choices, users model disallowed behavior. This makes it easier to model loosely structured processes.... more
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Biotechnological improvements over the last decade has made it economically and technologically feasible to collect large DNA sequence data from many closely related species. This enables us to study the detailed evolutionary history of... more
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This paper introduces Access/CPN 2.0, which extends Access/CPN with high-level primitives for interacting with coloured Petri net (CPN) models in Java programs. The primitives allow Java programs to monitor and interact with places and... more
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Both simulation and process mining can be used to analyze operational business processes. Simulation is model-driven and very useful because different scenarios can be explored by changing the model's parameters. Process mining is driven... more
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To bridge the gap between domain experts and formal methods experts, visualisations of the behaviour of formal models are used to let the domain expert understand and experiment with the formal model. In this paper we provide a definition... more
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State space analysis is one of the main approaches to model-based verification of concurrent systems and is one of the most successfully applied analysis methods for Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPNs)[13, 16, 17]. The basic idea of... more
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Abstract. This paper introduces the notion of game coloured Petri nets. This allows the modeler to explicitly model what parts of the model comprise the modeled system and what parts are the environment of the modeled system.
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Abstract. The contribution of this paper is a tutorial in the use of BRITNeY animation tool together with CPN Tools to make different views on Coloured Petri Nets. Examples of such views are messagesequence charts, gantt-charts, or... more
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Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) on finite traces has proven to be a good basis for the analysis and enactment of flexible constraint-based business processes. The Declare language and system benefit from this basis. Moreover, LTL-based... more
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In this paper, we describe the modeling and analysis of a protocol for operational support during workflow enactment. Operational support provides online replies to questions such as “is my execution valid?” and “how do I end the... more
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We present an industrial project conducted at Ericsson Danmark A/S, Telebit where formal methods in the form of Coloured Petri Nets (CP-nets or CPNs) have been used for the specification of an interoperability protocol for routing packets... more
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Declarative workflow languages are easy for humans to understand and use for specifications, but difficult for computers to check for consistency and use for enactment. Therefore, declarative languages need to be translated to something a... more
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