Books by Antoine Van den Beemt

Deze Meso focus is met name gericht op schoolleiders en -bestuurders die met vragen zitten rond s... more Deze Meso focus is met name gericht op schoolleiders en -bestuurders die met vragen zitten rond social media in het onderwijs, een groep die enerzijds wel de impact van social media ziet, maar anderzijds terughoudend is om de nieuwste digitale mogelijkheden te benutten in de eigen school. Wat zij vooral nodig hebben, is een slimme strategie: hoe kun je als school op een verantwoorde wijze gebruik maken van de mogelijkheden die social media bieden?
Met deze Meso focus beogen we schoolleiders en -bestuurders die over die vraag nadenken, te ondersteunen. We doen dat primair door basiskennis over social media aan te reiken, vanuit het idee dat je als (eind)verantwoordelijke over een zeker kennisniveau moet beschikken om leiding te kunnen geven aan ontwikkelingen in de school op dit gebied, of nog beter gezegd, aan mensen die in de school invulling geven aan ontwikkelingen op dit gebied.
Naast het aanreiken van basiskennis hopen we lezers ook te inspireren door middel van tal van intermezzo’s en praktijkvoorbeelden.
Papers by Antoine Van den Beemt
Teachers and Teaching, 2015
Induced by a literature review, this paper presents a framework of dimensions and indicators high... more Induced by a literature review, this paper presents a framework of dimensions and indicators highlighting the underpinning aspects and values of social learning within teacher groups. Notions of social networks, communities of practice and learning teams were taken as the main perspectives to influence this social learning framework. The review exercise resulted in four dimensions: (1) practice, (2) domain and value creation,
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 2015
Van den Beemt, A., Vrieling, E., & De Laat, M. (2015). Toepassing en validering van het 'Dime... more Van den Beemt, A., Vrieling, E., & De Laat, M. (2015). Toepassing en validering van het 'Dimensies van Sociaal Leren'-raamwerk. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the ORD, June 17-19, in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Learning and Individual Differences, 2014
This study investigated to what extent secondary school teachers are motivated to work on their p... more This study investigated to what extent secondary school teachers are motivated to work on their professional learning. To this end, profiles of motivational dimensions from self-determination theory were explored in a sample of 2360 teachers by means of latent profile analysis. The motivational dimensions included external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation. Additionally, the study investigated to what extent teachers' profile membership was related to their autonomy, competence, and relatedness satisfaction, and engagement in professional development. Four profiles were distinguished in the sample and were labelled 'extremely autonomous', 'moderately motivated', 'highly autonomous', and 'externally regulated'. Profile membership could be predicted by autonomy satisfaction and relatedness satisfaction, but not by competence satisfaction. Moreover, teachers having profiles that had higher manifestations of identified regulation and intrinsic motivation engaged more in professional development activities. Results show the application of selfdetermination theory in the field of teacher learning and provide insight into what may be done to motivate teachers for professional learning.
By investigating how educational practitioners participate in activities around open educational ... more By investigating how educational practitioners participate in activities around open educational practices (OEP), this paper aims at contributing to an understanding of open practices and how these practitioners learn to use OEP. Our research is guided by the following hypothesis: Different social configurations support a variety of social learning activities. The social configuration of OEPs is investigated by an operationalization into the dimensions (1) practice, (2) domain, (3) collective identity, and (4) organization. The results show how practitioners of six different OEPs learn, while acting and collaborating through a combination of offline and online networks. The findings of our study lead to practical implications on how to support participation in OEP, and thereby stimulate learning in (online) networks of OEP.

The increasing complexity of the workplace environment requires teachers and professionals in gen... more The increasing complexity of the workplace environment requires teachers and professionals in general to tap into their social networks, inside and outside circles of direct colleagues and collaborators, for finding appropriate knowledge and expertise. This collective process of sharing and constructing knowledge can be considered 'networked learning'. The processes involved are informal and largely invisible to the official framework of the organisation. Consequently, a large amount of learning that takes place is unrecognised and the dynamics, impacts and benefits of such networked learning are often overlooked by organisations. This situation brings about tensions between formal and informal processes, which in turn raises issues concerning management and adequate professional development. It also leads to questions about facilitating the creation and exchange of knowledge and expertise within the existing social networks. We examine the mechanisms for an optimal alignment and usage of teachers’ networked learning in the context of schools and professional development. Key questions this paper addresses are: What are the implications of learning through networks for professional development, autonomy, management and leadership? How can networked learning be promoted in the best way possible? Currently, a clear academic understanding in this area is lacking. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, we examine research in the areas of educational and organisational studies. Examining the underpinning values, we identify mechanisms related to learning networks. Our goal is to work towards a description of mechanisms that contribute to an alignment of informal and formal learning of teachers within their workplace: schools.

The intensive use of interactive media has led to assertions about the effect of these media on y... more The intensive use of interactive media has led to assertions about the effect of these media on youth. Rather than following the assumption of a distinct Net generation, this study investigates diversity in interactive media use among youth. Results from a pilot study show that contemporary youth can be divided into clusters based on the use of interactive media. These results call for a better understanding of these clusters and the characteristics of their members. The research question for this paper was: Can patterns be found in the interactive media activities and opinions of young people? We answer this question by a survey among 2138 Dutch students aged 9 to 23 in education levels ranging from primary to higher professional education. Four categories of interactive media activities were discerned using confirmatory factor analysis: interacting, performing, interchanging, and authoring. Four clusters of interactive media users, namely Traditionalists, Gamers, Networkers, and Producers were identified using cluster analysis. Behind these straightforward categories, complex patterns of user activities and opinions can be found. The implication is that education should be cautious in applying these media as learning tools, because contemporary students show diversity in the kinds of interactive media they prefer using.

This paper aims at improving teacher professionalization on ICT use by exploring ways to investig... more This paper aims at improving teacher professionalization on ICT use by exploring ways to investigate teachers' use of this technology as part of their identity. We conceive this identity as ‘a learning biography’. Starting point in this approach is a central notion in lifelong learning research: learning only has meaning within the biographical perspective of a learner. With this approach, we also follow recent changes in learning theory, which reflect a shift to learning as a horizontal process between multiple social systems. Learning as a horizontal process implies crossing boundaries between life domains where different meanings and social practices are at work. For this paper, we use a grounded theory approach switching from literature to empirical explorations by means of the biographical interview. The results of this explorative study show how the use of ICT by teachers can be perceived as part of their identity or learning biography, how this implies boundary crossing between life worlds and negotiation between agency and structure. The theoretical aim and significance is to contribute to educational research by borrowing from the sociological discourse on biography concepts such as learning biography, agency, structure and life domains. The general educational aim and significance is to find clues for teacher professionalization that are more effective, i.e. have biographical meaning. The specific educational aim and significance is to find these clues for professionalization on the use of ICT

This paper aims to find more effective ways for teacher professionalization on ICT use, by explor... more This paper aims to find more effective ways for teacher professionalization on ICT use, by exploring ways to investigate teachers' use of these media as part of their identity. We conceive this identity as ‘a learning biography’. Starting point in this approach is a central notion in lifelong learning research: learning only has meaning within the biographical perspective of a learner. With this approach we also follow recent changes in learning theory, which reflect a shift to learning as a horizontal process between multiple social systems. Learning as a horizontal process implies crossing boundaries between life domains where different meanings and social practices are at work. For this paper we use a grounded theory approach switching from literature to empirical explorations by means of the biographical interview. The results of this explorative study show how the use of ICT by teachers can be perceived as part of their identity or learning biography, how this implies boundary crossing between life worlds and negotiation between agency and structure. The theoretical aim and significance is to contribute to educational research by borrowing from the sociological discourse on biography concepts such as learning biography, agency, structure and life domains. The general educational aim and significance is to find clues for teacher professionalization that are more effective, i.e. have biographical meaning. The specific educational aim and significance is to find these clues for professionalization on the use of ICT.
Books by Antoine Van den Beemt
Met deze Meso focus beogen we schoolleiders en -bestuurders die over die vraag nadenken, te ondersteunen. We doen dat primair door basiskennis over social media aan te reiken, vanuit het idee dat je als (eind)verantwoordelijke over een zeker kennisniveau moet beschikken om leiding te kunnen geven aan ontwikkelingen in de school op dit gebied, of nog beter gezegd, aan mensen die in de school invulling geven aan ontwikkelingen op dit gebied.
Naast het aanreiken van basiskennis hopen we lezers ook te inspireren door middel van tal van intermezzo’s en praktijkvoorbeelden.
Papers by Antoine Van den Beemt
Met deze Meso focus beogen we schoolleiders en -bestuurders die over die vraag nadenken, te ondersteunen. We doen dat primair door basiskennis over social media aan te reiken, vanuit het idee dat je als (eind)verantwoordelijke over een zeker kennisniveau moet beschikken om leiding te kunnen geven aan ontwikkelingen in de school op dit gebied, of nog beter gezegd, aan mensen die in de school invulling geven aan ontwikkelingen op dit gebied.
Naast het aanreiken van basiskennis hopen we lezers ook te inspireren door middel van tal van intermezzo’s en praktijkvoorbeelden.
The measurements were done, respectively, in 2008 among 167 and in 2010 among 255 Dutch first-year students in higher education, aged 17 to 23. The respondents of the 2008 measurement were part of a larger dataset consisting of 2138 Dutch students. The results of this larger dataset serve as jumping off point for the analyses presented here.
The data analysis consisted of factor analysis and cluster analysis. Comparing the results of both measurements showed a shift in both membership of user-groups as well as in specific activities.
The results of this study indicate the importance for educators to acknowledge diversity in interactive media skills and preferences among students. In the consideration of consequences for education of this diversity, it is important to acknowledge the development in this diversity and to address students' interactive media experiences and preferences with tailor made assignments, regardless of the application of interaction media. In this manner, this study aims at contributing to educational insights in how to organise learning so that it is in line with daily practice and interests of students.
De metingen vonden plaats in respectievelijk 2008, onder 167, en in 2010 onder 255 eerstejaars hbo studenten. De respondenten van de 2008 meting waren deel van een grotere dataset bestaande uit 2138 studenten en leerlingen. De analyse resultaten van deze grotere dataset vormden het startpunt voor de hier gepresenteerde rapportage.
Data analyse bestond uit factor analyse en cluster analyse. Een vergelijking van beide metingen toonde een lichte verschuiving zowel in lidmaatschap van gebruikersgroepen als ook in deelname aan specifieke activiteiten.
De resultaten van deze studie tonen het belang voor docenten om diversiteit in interactieve media vaardigheden en voorkeuren onder jongeren te onderkennen. Bij de overweging van gevolgen voor het onderwijs van deze diversiteit, is het verder belangrijk de ontwikkeling in deze diversiteit te onderkennen. Tenslotte is het van belang om de aan interactieve media gerelateerde ervaringen en voorkeuren van studenten aan te spreken met op-maat opdrachten, ongeacht de toepassing van interactieve media hierbij. Op deze manier beoogt deze studie een bijdrage te leveren aan inzichten rond de organisatie van leren, zodat dit past bij de dagelijkse praktijken en belangstelling van jongeren.