Papers by Zuzana Bánovčanová
Journal of Pedagogy, 2014
The paper deals with corporeality in the school environment from a historical perspective. The bo... more The paper deals with corporeality in the school environment from a historical perspective. The body has tended to appear and disappear in the discourse and scientific disciplines and has permeated education. This permeation can be viewed traditionally within Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological theory of the “lived body” but also in school discipline. Discipline is typically used to organise the school and is unquestionably associated with the body and corporeality. In this article, we therefore rely on Foucault’s theories. Docile bodies are typically found in schools and classrooms and are shaped by the institution so that they are easy to manage and control. In part, we demonstrate this using handwriting in schools as an example.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
This article focuses on children who cannot speak the language of the majority when they enter th... more This article focuses on children who cannot speak the language of the majority when they enter the school system. It recommends that the term child speakers of other languages should be adopted in Slovakia. Various approaches and types of support used in other European countries (Germany, Denmark, Czechia) are presented. These could be adopted nationally to integrate these children in school. The legal situation and current situation in preschools and primary school is also explored. The article outlines potential forms of support for preschool children and their families that require little in the way of additional funding and human resources.
Pedagogická orientace, 2013
Cieľom príspevku je teoreticky priblížiť teóriu vtelenej kognície, zasadiť ju do širšieho filozof... more Cieľom príspevku je teoreticky priblížiť teóriu vtelenej kognície, zasadiť ju do širšieho filozofického rámca a uviesť jej potenciálny prínos pre pedagogiku. Príspevok postupuje od ozrejmenia samotného pojmu vtelenie, jeho pôvod vo fenomenológii (M. Merleau-Ponty) i využitie v kultúrnej antropológii (T. J. Csordas). V ďalšej časti sa venujeme filozofickému rámcu, ktorý mal vplyv na teóriu vtelenej kognície a potlačenie dualistického pohľadu na telo a myseľ, ozrejmujeme aspekty vtelenia dotvárajúce obraz vtelenia. V rámci prínosu vtelenej kognície pre súčasnú pedagogiku sa zameriavame na dve oblasti skúmania vtelenej kognície, a to na jazyk a matematiku, ktoré sú považované za prevažne kognitívne a abstraktné koncepty oddelené od tela. Ukázalo sa, že teória vtelenej kognície nedostatočne vysvetľuje to, čo vlastne telo je, a o akom tele sa tu pojednáva. Z uvedeného vyplýva, že v oboch uvádzaných oblastiach (jazyk a matematika) je významnou časťou najmä skúmanie a význam gest a telesne...
Human males provide facultative paternal investment to their offspring; that is, the male care is... more Human males provide facultative paternal investment to their offspring; that is, the male care is not necessary for the survival of his offspring. It is expected that the degree of male investment (1) increases with growing paternity certainty, (2) increases when investment increases the survival and later reproductive prospect of offspring and (3) declines when there are opportunities to mate with multiple females. Using a large sample of adult offspring and their fathers (n= 245), we first investigated the role of two factors possibly involved in the assessment of paternity and subsequently regulating the level of paternal investment: (a) father-child facial resemblance and (b) assortative mating for eye colour. Second, because mating opportunities are inversely related to paternal investment, we also investigated how male facial attractiveness (a cue of mate opportunities) correlates with paternal investment. In line with paternal investment theory, male investment positively correlated with offspring facial resemblance. However, paternal investment were neither higher among blue-eyed couples, nor there were preferences of blue-eyed men to marry with blue-eyed women. Moreover, father facial attractiveness was unrelated to paternal investment. These results indicate that resemblance between offspring and their fathers still plays an important role in paternal investment decision later in offspring's life.
Papers by Zuzana Bánovčanová