Va amintiti de Julia Roberts si Hugh Grant in filmul Notting Hill? Probabil ca cei doi au contribuit in mare masura la popularizarea zonei. De obicei in acest perimetru, popular printre amatorii de antichitati, se organizeaza sambata o mare piata. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Marea Britanie/United Kingdom
During my last visit to British Museum I saw part of the European collections. There are beautiful objects from different countries and historical periods, mainly from Middle Age but also some more modern. The Greek collection is huge and you … Continue reading
Today I show you pieces from the Asian collections. Be it China, Koreea, Japan or India, they are priceless. All beautiful but different, as they belong to different cultures. I am not an art expert. I only choose what I … Continue reading
During my last two trips to London, on September 2008 and May 2009, I visited parts of British Museum. This is the oldest public museum in the world. The first construction, owed to Sir Robert Smirke, goes back to 1823. … Continue reading
Canary Wharf is a modern financial district in East-End London. Over 90,000 people work there and the place is overcrowded during late afternoon, when they are going home. The tallest building in UK and the 5th in Europe can be … Continue reading
In a gloomy day we visited Southwark, in South-East London, to see the Millenium Bridge. It was a very good spot for taking photographs because there were there Tate Modern, Globe Theatre, St. Paul’s Cathedral and many of London Bridges. … Continue reading
Astazi mergem la Harrods, vestitul magazin din Londra, pentru a vedea de ce poate fi el și un obiectiv turistic. Ajungem acolo folosind linia de metrou Picadilly, pana la statia Knightsbridge. Iesim pe aglomerata si eleganta Brompton Road si mai … Continue reading
Daca vreti sa petreceti cateva ore linistite in Londra, o dupa amiaza de reverie, departe de agitatia bulevardelor centrale, Little Venice ar putea fi o optiune. Plimbarea noastra incepe la Gara Paddington, importanta placa turnanta pentru metrou si trenurile care … Continue reading
Mai putin batut de turistii care viziteaza Londra in 3-4 zile si prefera sa vada locurile de referinta, Camden Town Market este un loc plin de culoare si fantezie, in care poti petrece o zi intreaga daca stai in Londra … Continue reading
Am vizitat, în sfârşit, această prestigioasă expoziţie anuală de peisagistică, anul trecut. În fiecare an, în luna mai, are loc la Londra un apreciat eveniment horticol, mediatic dar şi monden: Chelsea Flower Show. Organizatorul acestui eveniment, urmărit cu mare interes … Continue reading