Lucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudDouble PortraitLucian FreudFigurative KunstIstoria ArteiJan Van EyckFranz MarcLucian Freud Portraitsdiffer | tv on Instagram: “Double Portrait (1985) by Lucien Freud”42
Freud ArtistLucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudGeorge GroszLucian Freud8 DecemberCollaborative ArtSigmund FreudFreud Artist500
Lucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudLucian FreudFrancis BaconA LevelSigmund FreudFigurative PaintingPortrait PaintingsArte Inspo13 of Lucian Freud’s Larger-Than-Life Nudes Are on ViewApril 14, 2019If you were the sitter, you were the most important person in the world for Lucian,” says David Dawson, director of the Lucian Freud Archive and former studio assistant to the prominent British painter, known for his visceral, acutely observed portraits. “That’s a very strong feeling, when someone pays that much attention to […]1k
Lucian Freud PaintingsEric BowmanLucien FreudValentin SerovJohn LaveryArt ReflectionLucian FreudFigurative ArtistsSelf PortraitsLucian Freud Paintings33
Lucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudAntoine BourdelleLucian Freud8 DecemberBella FreudRobert RauschenbergArtists And ModelsSome Thoughts on Painting (1954) by Lucian FreudMy object in painting pictures is to try to move the senses by giving an intensification of reality. Whether this can be achieved depends on how intensely the painter understands and feels for the …376
Freud ArtistLucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudLucian Freud8 DecemberArtists StudioArtist StudiosRobert RauschenbergLucian Freud exhibition to feature unfinished last workThe most comprehensive exhibition of portraits by Lucian Freud is to be staged in London, including a final work left unfinished at the time of his death.70
Lucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudLucian Freud8 DecemberGil ElvgrenPainting CoursesWarm And Cool ColorsFrancis BaconALONGTIMEALONEFreud, Woman in Profile (swiped from maureen nathan)323
Lucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsStanley SpencerLucien FreudJenny SavilleLucian FreudFat ArtWillem De KooningFrancis BaconLucian Freud Portraits314
Lucian Freud PortraitsLucian Freud PaintingsLucien FreudGeorge GroszLucian FreudBella FreudRobert RauschenbergArtists And ModelsJohn Singer SargentEpisode 1: Lucian Freud's ‘Woman in a White Shirt’When the 11th Duke of Devonshire commissioned Lucian Freud to paint a portrait of his wife, 38-year-old Deborah, Duchess of Devonshire, it was an unorthodox choice. The young artist was just beginning to build a reputation with his raw, utterly human realism. When it was revealed, the picture"u2026286
Distorted PortraitsDistortion ArtAlevel ArtArt A LevelArt AlevelA Level Art SketchbookPortraiture ArtPersonal InvestigationTakashi MurakamiA Letter to My Favorite Contemporary Composer, John Adams - Mathieu LacaPainting American composer John Adams was an intensely personal experience for me. Here's the letter I sent Adams to express my love for his work.1