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There is an ongoing debate about whether the Internet is like a public sphere or an echo chamber. Among many forms of social media, Twitter is one of the most crucial online places for political debate. Most of the previous studies focus... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsPolitical communicationSocial Media
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      Computer ScienceMedicineMultidisciplinaryPLoS one
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of... more
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      EconomicsEgalitarianismMedicineTheoretical biology
There is a growing body of research that focuses on the supposedly close association between an individual's moral-emotional behavior and his/her political ideology. A prominent example is Haidt's "moral psychology," which claims that... more
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    • Economics
The Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. We describe longitudinal trends of Sociological Theory and Methods in thirty years by analyzing all the articles from total volume 1 (1986) to... more
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    • Sociology
There has been a growing body of study on the relationship between public/political discourse and its moral-emotional foundations. Most of the studies, however, have been confined to a single country's context, lacking cross-cultural... more
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      Computer SciencePolitical SciencePoliticsarXiv
Political polarization in public space can seriously hamper the function and the integrity of contemporary democratic societies. In this paper, we propose a novel measure of such polarization, which, by way of simple topic modelling,... more
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      Computer SciencePolitical SciencePoliticsIdeology
Most human societies conduct a high degree of division of labor based on occupation. However, determining the occupational field that should be allocated a scarce resource such as vaccine is a topic of debate, especially considering the... more
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      Computer ScienceVaccination
Background The availability of large-scale and fine-grained aggregated mobility data has allowed researchers to observe the dynamics of social distancing behaviors at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Despite the increasing attention... more
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      MedicinePopulationSocial distanceMobile phone
Crowdfunding is a new funding method through which founders request small amounts of funding from a large number of people through an online platform. Crowdfunding facilitates a new type of social capital and exhibits a unique form of... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceReciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Social Capital
This paper proposes normative theory of "reciprocity-based" equality. It is constructed to be an alternative of "rightbased" equality theory. The theory is subsumed under three points below: 1 interactive/local, 2 other-regarded, 3... more
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Despite considerable scholarly attention on the institutional and normative aspects of development cooperation, its longitudinal dynamics unfolding at the global level have rarely been investigated. Focusing on aid, we examine the... more
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      PhysicsMultidisciplinaryPLoS one
第1章 基盤機関アーカイブズの構築瀧川 裕貴 [葉山高等研究センター]*肩書き等は当時のものを使用しています
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Trust has been considered the "cement" of a society and is much studied in sociology and other social sciences. Most studies, however, have neglected one important aspect of trust: it involves an act of forgiving and showing tolerance... more
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      Marine BiologyCancerMedicineMultidisciplinary
Background: The availability of large-scale and fine-grained aggregated mobility data has allowed researchers to observe the dynamics of social distancing behaviors at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Despite the increasing... more
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      PopulationSocial distanceMobile phone
Political polarization in public space can seriously hamper the function and the integrity of contemporary democratic societies. In this paper, we propose a novel measure of such polarization, which, by way of simple topic modelling,... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical SciencePoliticsIdeology