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Thank you so much for this article. As a parent of 3 and VERY VERY concerned about what's going on here. And even more concerned about all the kids whom have already received this shot from parents whom haven't done their research.. this is so scary and I can't believe people are still in line for this.

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People need a better understanding of biology, and a better understanding of Big Pharma, and the fact that our CDC, NIH, and FDA are currently run by it. My daughter almost died from her 2nd set of "well baby" shots. She was never well again until I took her completely away from Western Medicine for years. There is so much information at Children's Health Defense, or ICAN, Del Bigtree's organization, or Sherri Tenpenny 's website. Many moms, legislators, attorneys and doctors have been fighting this fight for a very long time. These latest products are far and away the worst of all. Everyone needs to wake up to save our future generations!

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My wake-up was my daughter's H1N1 shot - she was violently ill. I also find the idea of mRNA hijacking my immune system repugnant, but that is off-topic.

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And the AAP! They are key players in the 5-11 age bracket...

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Same here, three kids ages 5-11. It is terrifying. My nine year old came home from school telling me one of her classmates got his covid shot today. I have already gotten two emails from the pediatrician about scheduling covid shots in office. I will protect my kids from the shot at all costs and am looking into switching pediatricians. I am becoming more and more uncomfortable supporting the practice. They have slowly but surely lost my trust in their ability to make accurate and careful medical recommendations based on facts not fear. To my knowledge there have been a total of 14 pediatric deaths *with* covid in almost two years in my state. It is so disheartening what they are doing and allowing. I hope that more parents are questioning, awakening, and refusing for the sake of their children.

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You are totally correct in questioning your pediatric practice. Doctors are the most brainwashed and robotic participants in the ongoing crimes against children, and now adults. Find a doctor who is conscious of vaccine injuries and is supportive of your rights to decline them if you so choose.

Especially these Covid Shots which are new, untested, (we are the test) unnecessary for most, but particularly for children, and they do not stop infection or transmission!

Also, data is showing them to be very, very dangerous.

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Try looking for a family doctor instead of a pediatrician. They tend to be less focused on vaccines. But the reality is, most doctors are bullied by their local/state medical board into toeing the party line and kicking out patients who don't comply. But courageous doctors are out there - it just takes little more work to find them.

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Thank you! I'm going to keep looking. While stationed at Ft. Rucker my children saw a family medicine doctor as he worked out better for us. It was great. Haven't gone that route since we have relocated but definitely worth considering at this point. My youngest is medically complex so it does add another element to finding the right fit. Glad to hear there are still some courageous doctors out there.

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Tried liking your comment and it wouldn't register. Know that people agree with you. Trust yourself. Buy and bring books to your pediatrician's office. Give books that matter as gifts. Get the word out. Everyone needs to shut off their TV and READ!!!!!!

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